Mountain Views News Saturday, May 30, 2020
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Stuart Tolchin
Audrey Swanson
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
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Before I go any further, there are some things that you may or may not know about me but I want you to consider.
1. I am a PROUD African American woman with two sons, ages 53 and 49.75 years old; one 31 year old grandson and a 2 . month old Great Grandson.
2. I have the utmost respect for law enforcement, and have raised my sons to do the same. I have been almost completely around the world and have experienced
countries that are devoid of honest law enforcement agencies.
3. I have lived through the 50s, 60s,70s,80s,90,s, 2000s and 2010s, and I am looking forward to living through a few more decades. I still have, “the Audacity of Hope”
and believe every day that things will get better.
4. I have friends of probably every race and culture there is. I don’t always agree with them, but I respect their opinions and who they are. Their pain is my pain. Where
I can help, I always do. I have no use for hatred. Hell, I don’t even hate my ex-husbands that I had to pay to get rid of.
5. I have no use for judgmental people and those who think they are better than any other human being. I have no tolerance for injustice, regardless of who is the victim.
6. I have good eyesight, actually perfect with my corrective lenses. I know what I know, what I see and what I hear.
7. And I am tired of those of us (Americans) who continue to shun our responsibilities as citizens; who embrace the politics of hate, who refuse to see the direction that
our country is going; and who hide behind meaningless labels.
Therefore, if anything I said above annoys you, makes you feel uncomfortable or gives you the desire to turn the page, don’t do it. You are the very people I want to reach.
As a country, have been infected with apathy that runs so deep that it is more deadly than COVID-19. It has made us numb to evil and wrongdoing especially when it isn’t
done to us.
This infection reminds me of a figurine that used to be on the mantlepiece when I was growing up. It was three monkeys with their eyes, ears and mouth covered. For a
long time the translation was, “Hear No Evil, See No Evil and Speak No Evil. They were virtues to be embraced. Now, because of the infection the modern day translation
has changed. Now it appears to mean, ‘even though I see evil, I won’t see it; Even though I hear evil, I will ignore it and even though I speak with evil intent, I will act like it
is “perfect” regardless of who it will hurt. That’s what this infection has done to many of us..
People, as a nation we are sick. If we can watch the 3 videos that depict the murder, regardless of degree, of a man who was not guilty of anything dying at the hands of
people who took an oath to Protect and serve, - if we can find excuses to justify it or justify your indifference, we are sick.
Yes I said it. Yes I mean it. An accusation of an unsubstantiated passing of a phony $20 bill does not warrant death. Even if what the transcript of the 911 call was true, what
happened next was intolerable. Do you know whether the $20 bill that you just received in change from the grocery store is counterfeit?
In this quiet village of Sierra Madre in 2011, I covered the story of someone who passed counterfeit bills at a couple of downtown businesses. The Sierra Madre PD were
called. It was clear that the intent to pass the counterfeit money to several businesses in order to get change was deliberate. Guess what did NOT HAPPEN? The SMPD did
NOT FACILITATE THE DEATH OF THE SUSPECTS, but did their job in a professional manner (BTW, the ‘perps’ were not African American, but I know for a fact that
race would not have made a difference to SMPD.
Why then should Floyd, or any handcuffed, an unarmed person die
in the hands of the police because of an unproven allegation?
No wonder people are so angry. You should be too.
Let’s face it. What happened to George Floyd is symptomatic of how
sick our society has become. When police officers decide to hold a
spontaneous Kangaroo Court (kangaroo court: an unofficial court
held by a group of people in order to try someone regarded, especially
without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor), that is
And it is equally sick to allow the conversation to focus on the actions
of the frustrated and not on the life that was taken.
Our society has been infected with the empowerment of cowardice,
hatred and apathy. We have the virus of ‘all about me’, as long as it
doesn’t happen to me. It’s somebody else’s problem. We have been
infected with what I will call,’ The Ostrich Disease’ because too many
of us will just stick your head in the ground and act like nothing at
all is wrong.
We have to fix this people. We are all “in this together” because the
more this infection spreads, the more terminal it becomes to our
We need a cure. God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, nor any other Deity cannot
fix this unless we reach out and seek change in how we view each
other. The cure is in each of us. Without it, there will be more George
Floyds, more division among us and more tolerance of the intolerable.
Just think, what will it be like when that virus, that culture of evil knocks on your door? We need a vaccine and we better find it fast. Susan Henderson/Editor MVNews
I am
article on
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
at about noon PST. I believe
the much anticipated Space
X/NASA launch of a manned
rocket into space will take
place within a few hours.
Depending on the results of
the launch this day will be
remembered for years to come
by those of us who are still
around. Those who are able
look back on this present day
we will be remembering the
past from a future time which
may have little to do with what
we are actually experiencing
in the present. There is a
warning however, if weather
conditions change and the
launch is aborted (such a
strange usage of the word)
then this day will probably
be completely forgotten by
almost everyone except those
closest to the event. Beware
it’s raining right now!
Speaking of the
weather, I remember the last
time there was a scheduled
launch from Cape Canaveral
my wife and I had somehow
wrangled an invitation. There
were weather problems and
the launch was rescheduled
for some later time in 2011
and my wife and I never made
it. That’s all I remember. I
don’t know who invited us or
how disappointed we were or
what our discussions were,
it’s all forgotten now and
pretty irrelevant. Things will
be different today, I believe if
there is a successful launch.
I’m pretty sure that this
day will be remembered in
vivid detail though what is
remembered will be different
from my present thoughts.
Right now, my major focus is
still on the coronavirus. This is
the day the U.S. deaths might
pass the 100,000 mark which
today seems very important.
If this is only the first wave of a
virus that will continue killing
for years or decades this date
recognizing the death of the
first hundred thousand may
well be recognized. If the
virus continues to spike in
the Southern hemisphere and
endangers the rest of the world
then the Chinese virus (as our
President currently prefers to
call it) may morph into the
Brazilian virus as the rest of
the world finds someone else
to scapegoat. You never know
how things change and will be
later remembered.
What am I talking
about? Let me try and
clarify. A time in the past
that I clearly remember is
the night of the Ambassador
Hotel assassination of Robert
F. Kennedy. This horror
occurred immediately after
he was declared the winner
of the California Democratic
Primary. The candidate and
his entourage had awaited
the results at the Ambassador
Hotel and the adjoining
Coconut Grove. It was
around midnight on June 6,
1968 almost exactly 52 years
ago and I was at my parents’
home attempting to study for
one of my last final Law School
examinations. Really all I was
looking for that night was a
place where I could study in
relative quiet and then get a
few hours sleep. That was my
main concern. At that time
I didn’t really have a place to
live and had spent a couple of
months couch surfing even
though I didn’t know the
term. I rotated from the floors
and couches of one friend
to another; but this night
everyone was watching the
election returns and I needed
to study for a final. I imagined
that my parents would go to
bed pretty early and that I
would have some quiet time
to study and then get a few
hours’ sleep. Better than being
somewhere with a bunch of
raucous people riveted to
the TV waiting for election
So as I said it was around
midnight and I had my Law
Outlines in front of me and
surprisingly my Dad was
still up watching (well, not
exactly watching because he
had been blind for about ten
years) the TV as the election
results were being awaited. I
remember telling him that I
had to study because I had
a final in the next couple of
days and recall him saying
something like “you go to
School all year and you have to
study” this one night (he kept
mispronouncing the word
“study” like it was some vile
thing that should be avoided).
The fact is that he had come to
the United States as a kid and
had barely one year of Junior
High School Education. He
had no idea what going to
College or Law School was
like. He thought it meant you
had to work hard all your life,
just like he did. I remember
being irritated at my parents’
lack of understanding. Of
course now, in retrospect,
I realize that it is hard to
understand by anyone that
hasn’t been there that going to
School, especially Law School,
just meant hanging around the
school and talking to friends
and barely going to class and
then in a rush borrowing
notes and kind of memorizing
stuff for a week or so and then
taking the tests. If you haven’t
been there I bet you think
I’m kidding. Really, the year
before some professor almost
stopped me from taking the
Final because I had barely
attended class. He and I were
both surprised when it turned
out that I had the highest
grade on the final.
There was always some
unspoken conflict between my
father and I about School. His
dreams for me were to become
some kind of merchant who
were the most important
people he knew. I know my
father thought that I had kept
going to School just to avoid
going to work when in reality
I was going to College and
Law School just to avoid being
drafted which understandably
was not a subject I liked to
discuss with my parents. At
the start of the Viet Nam War
there was a big generational
gap between college kids and
their fathers. The fathers
were all WWII vets and, at
least at the beginning of the
War, did not understand what
their newly educated sons
were thinking. Of course, I
barely ever understood what
my father ever thought about
me. As I was trying to say at
the beginning of this article,
what one remembers the past
later, from some very future
distance, it is remarkable
what you realize you never
thought of and what you never
knew. Later, as you try to fill
in the blanks which are there
because you were concerned
about something else at the
time. I think I fretted about
studying and did none of it
because, like everyone else,
I was deeply troubled and
trying to follow the news
about Bobby Kennedy who
I believe was pronounced
dead the following day. I had
expected a quiet night to study
and that couldn’t happen
and it is that frustration I
most recall. Strangely my
subconscious has kept that
assassination night clear for
me, while my conscious mind
worried mostly about School.
I wonder now if I ever
considered the possibility of a
Richard Nixon Presidency.
Wait a moment. What’s going
on! There’s a fire engine
next door and some kind of
emergency and I just learned
that the launch was aborted
or scrubbed or whatever they
now say. If I remember this
day at all it is something that
will be remembered as very
different from the first few
paragraphs of this article.
Things change from minute to
minute and that’s just the way
life is even though sometime
later it all might make some
sense. Right now in the
present I am very confused.
We have reached 100,000
U.S. deaths and yet it seems
like everyone is emerging
unmasked and unguarded
into the contagion. At least it
seems like that now, but right
now I’m worried about having
to take care of the neighbor’s
dog. Years from now, if I am
still around, I wonder how
my memory will recreate this
day of the aborted launch or
if it will be remembered at all.
The future reconstructs the
past and invariably obscures
the present. I can barely
remember what I was thinking
about this morning.
Please be safe. Kia Ora
gotten the wind knocked out of you? Or been unable to breathe
for even a few seconds?
There’s pain. There’s panic. There’s the desperation of trying
to restore the vital equilibrium that keeps your heart beating,
your brain functioning, and the rhythms of life intact and in
sync with each other.
Now imagine that you can’t breathe for eight minutes.
Try to wrap your head around what is surely nothing less than
the blind, uncomprehending terror and agony of being deprived
of oxygen for 480 seconds, even as your pleas for mercy
and those of bystanders are being ignored. And then imagine
that the person inflicting this torture on you isn’t some cartoon villain, but someone sworn
to protect and serve the community. And then imagine that his colleagues are just standing
there, watching a tragedy unfold before them.
Pile it on top of the little indignities. Being stopped while they’re walking for no reason at all.
Getting trailed through department stores simply because they’re wearing a hoodie. Having
a white woman call the cops on you when you reasonably ask her to leash her dog. These
aren’t urban myths. They’re stories and experiences of real people, told again and again, in
identical detail.
As a middle-aged, pretty solidly middle class, white man, it’s something utterly outside my
experience. I’ll never know what it’s like to go through any of that.
But I’ve come to know someone who does.
Rob Woodfork and his family moved in next door to mine about a decade ago. Like me, he’s
a journalist. And we bonded immediately over work. Our kids went to school together. We’d
debate sports, chew over the news, and talk about our shared love for comic books and the
Marvel movies. And there was a fierce competition to make sure that if one of us was mowing
our lawn, that the other was out there immediately to keep the pace.
The years went by, and our friendship grew. We’d lose hours standing out in the yard, or sitting
on one of our back porches, just talking.
He moved to Washington, D.C. a few years back to work in his home market. And while
we don’t see each other in person as much anymore, we keep in close touch. I don’t have
a brother, but Rob’s as close as it comes. We’ve both seen each other through tough times.
And I know he feels the same. In that rare instance of men showing actual emotion, we’ve
both said it out loud.
And right now, I’m going to get out of the way, cede the floor to my brother, Rob, and let
him tell you what it’s like to be Black in America in 2020, and what it’ll take to balance the
scales of justice:
“People of color are exhausted. Before we can finish mourning one tragedy, another comes
seemingly minutes later. Breonna Taylor’s murder happened before I could wipe the tears
shed for Ahmaud Arbery, leaving me numb and weak seeing George Floyd killed on video.
“There is legitimate trauma from constantly watching people like us senselessly killed and
then seeing lesser consequences – if any – for those responsible.
“Whether in deed or word, we’ve been told for over 300 years we don’t matter here, and
we need people within the establishment to shout down those still reinforcing that unjust
When I asked him for a way to reconciliation, he continued:
“It starts with listening. White folks who seek to be allies need to put aside personal biases
and preconceived notions and listen, with an empathetic ear, to what minorities are telling
them about racism. We’re not imagining it. Racism is not some card we play to excuse a lack
of achievement.
“Trust me when I say: We’d much rather have equality than hand outs or set-asides. What
we’re asking for is reasonable – life, love and the pursuit of happiness on the same level as
white people, and a better understanding from law enforcement that our skin color doesn’t
make us a threat.
“Frankly, we’re tired of asking – and in George Floyd’s case, begging – to live. We are American
citizens, same as white people. We shouldn’t have to ask for American privileges like
freedom and equality but we do – and usually pretty damn politely. Please listen.”
That’s what stays with me: George Floyd begging, “please sir,” to let him up, to let him
breathe. We all need to listen. Harder than we ever have before.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com