Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, August 29, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 5


Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 29, 2020 

Right to Vote

Rose Parade Theme, Floats 
and Bands Rollover to 2022

On Women’s Equality 
Day—the day that 
celebrates the passage of 
the 19th amendment—the 
City of Pasadena launched 
the #VoteCauseWeCan 
campaign to mobilize all 
voting-eligible women in 
Pasadena and across the 
state to exercise their right 
to vote.

 The City is calling on 
community members 
and everyone else on 
social media to visit their 
campaign website and 
help increase voter turnout 
this year, especially 
among women and first-
time voters. The website 

 Direct links to voter 
registration and 
information on how to 

Downloadable graphics 
and sample messages 
to share on social 
media with the official 
campaign hashtag 

A branded Zoom 
background to use during 
your next virtual meeting;

A list of upcoming voter 
registration and other 
events; and

More ways to participate.

 “We spent much of the 
past year thinking about 
ways to celebrate the 
landmark passage of 
women’s right to vote 
and increase voter turnout 
with in-person events. But, 
the pandemic forced us to 
shift our focus to things 
we could do virtually that 
would generate the same 
energy and excitement. 
In a way, it’s worked in 
our favor because we’re 
going to be able to reach 
a lot more people,” says 
District 2 Councilmember 
Margaret McAustin.

 On the evening 
of August 26, to 
commemorate the launch 
of the #VoteCauseWeCan 
campaign, Pasadena City 
Hall was uplit in purple 
and gold—symbolic colors 
of the women’s suffrage 
movement. Rose Bowl 
Stadium’s lighted logo was 
also switch to purple and 
gold, and the Pasadena 
Convention Center will be 
uplit with the campaign 
logo. Community 
members are encouraged 
to come by and take 
photos to share on social 
media with the hashtag 
#VoteCauseWeCan. While 
visiting, please observe all 
COVID safety protocols, 
including face coverings 
and physical distancing.

 The campaign will run 
through Election Day, 
and the City encourages 
you to keep checking 
the campaign website,
VoteCauseWeCan, for 
updated information and 
event listings.

 In light of last month’s 
decision by the Pasadena 
Tournament of Roses 
Association that it would be 
unsafe to host the 2021 Rose 
Parade, the organization 
recently announced that 
many of the parade’s 
components and entrees will 
role over to 2022. 

 According to a press 
statement, in celebration 
of the next Rose Parade, 
scheduled for Saturday, 
January 1, 2022, the event 
will feature elements that 
were planned for 2021, 
including the theme “Dream. 
Believe. Achieve.” Bands 
that were selected to march 
in 2021 have been invited 
to participate in the 2022 
Rose Parade and Bandfest. 
Floats that intended to roll 
down Colorado Blvd. this 
upcoming January 1 have 
been invited to participate 
in 2022. Equestrian units 
that were in the application 
process and other interested 
groups can apply next year. 

 Also, the Board of Directors 
of the Pasadena Tournament 
of Roses Association 
approved amendments to 
the bylaws that will allow for 
the rollover of the Executive 
Committee, which includes 
President Bob Miller, who 
will remain the association’s 
President for another year 
and will preside over the 
2022 Rose Parade. All other 
members of the Executive 
Committee, including 
officers and at-large 
members, will maintain 
their current positions for 
the upcoming year and then 
resume their usual rotations 
in 2022 -2023 parade year, 
they said. 

 Plans are underway for 
a re-imagined America’s 
New Year Celebration in 
2021. Officials are working 
in conjunction with there 
broadcast partners and 
sponsors and will announce 
a celebration with safe ways 
for those across the country 
and around the world to 

 “After thoughtful 
consideration and with state 
restrictions and guidelines 
in place as a result of 
COVID-19, we are unable to 
host the 2021 Rose Parade,” 
organizers said last month.

 Decisions regarding the 
Royal Court and Rose 
Queen are to be determined.

 The Tournament of Roses 
is a volunteer organization 
that hosts America’s New 
Year Celebration with the 
Rose Parade and the Rose 
Bowl Game and a variety of 
accompanying events. 935 
volunteer members of the 
association drive the success 
of these annual events. For 
more information, visit:

 Current Pasadena 
Tournament of Roses 
President Bob Miller 
continues to serve for 

Save the Post Office Day of Action

By Dean Lee 

 Retired postal workers, 
supporters, and community 
members joined together 
Tuesday at the Lincoln Avenue 
United States Post Office to 
demand elected officials and 
U.S. Postmaster General Louis 
DeJoy immediately fund at least 
$25 billion for the postal service 
and stop all mail slowdown 
policies introduced recently by 

 Communities across the 
country took part in Tuesday’s 
“Save the Post Office Day of 

 “We are demanding that the 
government stop misinforming 
the public about mail-in 
ballots and the post offices 
ability to safely and effectively 
deliver mail-in ballots,” said 
Lacie Harmon, a Benefits and 
Retirement Counselor working 
with the American Postal 
Workers Union.

 The demonstration drew about 
25 activists, most were retired 
postal workers, holding signs 
that read Save American’s Postal 

 “Postal workers aren’t allowed 
to have political opinions 
because of the Hatch Act, if 
they’re currently employed,” 
Harmon said. 

 Leroy Collier, a retired 
Pasadena mail carrier said the 
post office does more than just 
deliver letters and packages. 

 “In some cases we deliver 
food to people, we certainly 
deliver medications, the highest 
number of veterans get their 
medications though the mail,” 
Collier said. “But we’re in the 
neighborhood everyday... we 
watch ever house, we have 
helped save lives, we have 
helped put out fires, stop dog 
bites, identified crime and other 
things like a food drive every 
year, the first week in May.”

 Collier also said that he feared 
a loss in new post office workers.

 “The people that are being 
hired now, they work for a little 
while, then they see how they 
are being treated in the system 
and they leave, because they 
start at a low grade of pay, you 
can’t support your family on $17 
an hour and not be guaranteed 
40 hours a week, he said.”

 In a statement the American 
Postal Workers Union said, 
“The COVID-19 pandemic is 
threatening the United States 
Postal Service. A sharp decline 
in revenue means the Post 
Office could run out of money, 
Threatening the essential 
service postal workers proudly 
provide the country.”

 For more information visit:


 Join the Pasadena 
Symphony Association for an 
unforgettable evening of music 
and entertainment on Saturday, 
September 12 at 6 p.m. as 
they transform the annual 
Moonlight Sonata Gala into 
a unique online experience. 
The party will come to you 
via a live-streamed special 
event featuring exclusive 
performances from Pasadena 
Symphony and POPS artists, 
an exciting live auction, Fund 
the Future paddle raise for 
music education, and a digital 
dance floor. Festivities for the 
Moonlight Sonata Virtual 
Event will open at noon on 
Thursday, September 10 with a 
dedicated gala website offering 
one-of-a-kind, interactive 
content to get you ready to 
join in on the fun, including a 
special menu from Restaurant 
Partner Parkway Grill, 
messages from surprise guests 
and more.

 An exciting line-up of 
special guests are on the 
docket for Saturday evening’s 
live-streamed event. On the 
Classical side, the orchestra’s 
own Assistant Concertmaster 
Elizabeth Hedman will 
perform a duet with Principal 
Second Violin Sara Parkins of 
the Eroica Trio. Attendees will 
also be treated to exclusive 
performances by Principal Pops 
Conductor Michael Feinstein, 
and favorite guest stars of 
POPS past including star of 
stage and screen Cheyenne 
Jackson, and Grammy Award-
winning Jazz songstress 
Catherine Russell. To top off 
the evening, “The New Voice 
of the American Rock ‘n 
Roll Songbook” (Billboard), 
Michael Cavanaugh will host 
a live digital dancefloor, where 
he will perform hits from Elton 
John, Billy Joel and more from 
his home studio. This not-to-
be-missed event will be hosted 
by Music Director David 
Lockington with appearances 
by Resident Pops Conductor 
Larry Blank.

 The Virtual Gala is free 
but attendees must register. 
For more information 
or to register visit:

Chu Vows to Defend 
USPS From Sabotage

 Judy Chu held a press 
conference last week outside 
the Pasadena Post Office to 
condemn the White House’s 
attempts to hobble post 
office services before the 
election, including cutting 
worker hours, shutting 
down sorting machines, 
and removing post boxes. 
At the press conference, 
Rep. Chu also stated 
that the Administration’s 
announcement that they 
would suspend further 
changes to the post office 
was insufficient, announcing 
that last Saturday, the House 
passed H.R. 8015, the 
Delivering For America Act, 
legislation that will restore 
post office services to where 
they were at the start of the 
year and prevent future cuts. 
Chu issued the following 

 “The President has made 
clear in multiple interviews, 
tweets, and statements that 
he intentionally set out to 
sabotage the Post Office 
in order to undermine the 
ability of Americans to vote 
from home. This is not only 
a threat to our democracy, 
but also to people’s health 
as voting from home is 
necessary to help contain 
the spread of the coronavirus 
this year. It’s not only the 
election that’s at risk. People 
depend on the mail for 
checks and medicines. And 
small businesses – which are 
relying on mail more than 
ever thanks to this pandemic 
–would be devastated by
this arbitrary slowdown in 

 “Fortunately, we raised the 
alarm and the American 
people spoke out loudly 
in opposition to this clear 
assault on our election, 
forcing the Administration 
to suspend their plans. But 
suspending is not enough. So 
much harm has already been 
caused to the Post Office 
that we must also restore the 
USPS back to full functioning 
and prevent these harmful 
changes from going into 
place even after the election... 
I’m proud to be a cosponsor 
of this legislation [H.R. 8015] 
to protect our Post Offices 
from this assault and ensure 
they can continue to reliably 
deliver the mail to everyone, 
no matter where they live.”

Twist on Parks After Dark

 While COVID-19 changed many of LA County’s summer 
activities, LA County Parks is offering a new twist on the 
summer tradition of Parks After Dark.

 LA County Parks is creating scenic routes at 10 parks 
in LA County for families to safely walk and ride on, 
while maintaining physical distancing needed during 
the COVID-19 pandemic. This “open streets” concept is 
happening at various locations including Loma Alta Park 
in Altadena.

Thursday evenings (5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.) and

Saturday mornings (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)

Join us at one of these LA County Parks locations for a dose 
of exercise, fun, and time outdoors. Bikes, scooters, and 
skateboards are welcome! And, don’t forget your protective 
equipment or face coverings, so we can all stay safe. For 
locations and schedules, visit LA County Parks at parks. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: