Mountain View News Saturday, September 5, 2020
Every now and then, a unique concept comes down
the pike, expressed by an individual who had an
original thought, and I just have to slap my forehead
and say, “Why didn’t I think of that?” For example,
I spend lots of time trying to come up with creative
ways to help resolve our clear-and-present pet over-
population problem. I’ve held adoption fairs, I’ve
been on board with animal advocacy groups, foster
& rescue organizations and animal welfare campaigns, and I donate to those I deem legitimate and worthy.
I’ve shared strong sentiments in this column, about the importance of spaying and neutering, and I soap-
box on topics such as adopting not shopping, fostering and volunteering. I encourage others to appreciate
and protect all creatures, wild and domestic. But there’s nothing new there. It’s what most folks do to make
a difference for the better. How cool would it be to come up with a fresh idea that could bring about change
on a larger scale?
That’s why, when
I saw a segment
on CBS News
Sunday Morning
a couple of weeks
ago, about a guy
who’s implementing
an innovative
means of helping
place otherwise
euthanized pets into
loving homes, I was
absolutely over-the-
moon! This creative
concept was made
manifest by way of
a non-profit called
Dog is My CoPilot,
a remarkable
rescue group out of
Jackson, Wyoming
who make it their
mission to collect
and relocate dogs-
at-risk, via air travel,
to various places in
the US where they
will be accepted
with open arms and
adopted into forever
loving homes.
Dr. Peter Rork (or
just plain Peter,
as he prefers to
be called), founder of Dog is My CoPilot, is a retired orthopedic surgeon with tons of talent and a warm,
welcoming willingness to share those talents for the greater good. Most importantly (to me), he’s an avid
animal lover. That being said, he also has a great sense of humor, he’s super friendly and in my opinion, a total
down-to-earther. Oh, by the way, did I say he’s an acclaimed pilot with a Cessna Caravan that COULD seat 14
humans, but he’d rather use it to transport 150 would-be forgotten death-row dogs to areas where they will
be loved and cared for forever?
Thanks to the assistance of Kara Pollard, feet-first philanthropist and 4-year Executive Director of Dog is My
CoPilot, I was able to catch up with Dr. Rork on the phone last week, and he was kind enough to afford me the
opportunity to get to know him, just a smidgen. He’d just landed in Loredo, TX where he was scheduled to
pick up 90 dogs from partnering shelters the next morning, and deliver the precious pups to their respective
drop-off-spots in Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Wyoming where they will be received by volunteers who’ll
ensure their care and welfare until they make their way to their final destinations - forever loving homes. I
get a lump in my throat every time I think about it.
I felt honored that Peter was willing to take time out of his very busy day to talk to this humble, local column-
contributor, but I know he did it because we both share a common concern; doing whatever we can, to
help give otherwise euthanatized animals a second chance at life. I’ll never cease to be amazed at how those
fabulous four-leggers bring us humans together! I was most interested in what prompted Peter to take on the
mission of flying state-to-state, saving at-risk animals. I mean, to me it’s a no-brainer that a guy would choose
to apply his outstanding flying skills to assist in one of the most noble causes we face in society today, but
that’s just me. I wanted to know what drove him to do it, and I hoped he’d allow me to share his story with my
readers because I believe we can all learn from another person’s inspiration to do the right thing.
In his open, kind way of conversing, Peter Rork told me that several years ago, his wife passed away
unexpectedly, and he was having a real tough time with the loss. One day a friend stopped by and encouraged
him to get out and get busy doing something he loves. Well, Peter’s true passion is flying. He recounted that
his first childhood book was “How to Fly A Plane”, and he chased that dream until he became an aviator with
a perfect 50-year record and even became a teacher of aspiring student pilots in his region! Whatever Peter’s
friend said that day, it inspired him to pursue a meaningful new mission - saving the lives of thousands of
animals. But if you ask Peter, he’ll tell you, it’s the animals that saved his life. During our conversation, Peter
repeatedly emphasized the theme that drives his mission; An urgent need to turn things around for the sake
of the millions of animals being euthanized in our country, annually. It’s hard to fathom, in an ‘advanced’
society such as ours, that so many innocent animals would be put to death each year, but it is so.
Here in Sierra Madre, we have all
our needs met and we are able to
take good care of our pets. Other
areas in our country don’t have it so
good. That’s why Peter, Kara, their
other 3 other pilots, their board
members, numerous partners and
volunteers offer their assistance to
facilitate this amazing, life-saving
mission. They go where the animals
need love the most, and they
relocate them to where they will be
loved the most!
We all have unique talents we can
offer to help make a difference
for the better. First and foremost,
please adopt and don’t shop! Be
sure to spay/neuter your pets, and
get involved. If you can’t take part
personally, make a donation to
help Dog is My CoPilot continue
taking meaningful action. Missions
such as theirs cost money. Visit
their website at dogcopilot.org to
learn more about this awesome
organization, and give to a cause
that is not only legitimate and
worthy, but uniquely innovative
in making a massive difference for
the better on behalf of our beloved
animals! Love and let live.
Friendly cutie, SIMBA, male orange
tabby, born 2018. Simba has
been in a loving home, but since
the family moved in with a relative,
that relative became very allergic.
They say that Simba is just
the sweetest boy! They’ve never
heard him hiss and he doesn’t bite
or scratch people or other pets. Please apply to adopt this little
cutie. He’ll make you a wonderful pet. See more pictures, adoption
information and application on our website at the More Cats
page at www.lifelineforpets.org.
Good news: Clay and his brother, Houdini, have been adopted!
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc
Pet of the Week
Toby is a handsome guy with a grin
that can lift anyone's spirits. Just look at
that sweet face! Toby is also an excellent
cuddle bug. If you've had one of those
days/weeks/years and need someone to
boost your mood, Toby is ready to help.
At eight years old, he's pretty cool and
calm, but he'd love to be your buddy for
walks around the neighborhood (and not
to brag, but he walks great on a leash).
He even looks great in a bandana, so
get ready to be that person who wears
coordinating outfits with their dog when
you go for your walks!
The adoption fee for dogs is $140. All
dog adoptions include spay or neuter,
microchip, and age-appropriate vaccines.
New adopters will receive a
complimentary health-and-wellness
exam from VCA Animal Hospitals, as
well as a goody bag filled with information
about how to care for your pet.
View photos of adoptable pets at
pasadenahumane.org and fill out an
online adoption application. Adoptions
are by appointment only.
Pets may not be available for adoption
and cannot be held for potential adopters
by phone calls or email.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com