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October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2020 VOLUME 14 NO. 41VOLUME 14 NO. 41 broker lic. #01514230 | source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, BankrateTHEWEBB-MARTIN GROUPJan Greteman 626.975.4033jan@jangreteman.com jangreteman.com #01943630 Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273jwmartin@dppre.com #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418korth@dppre.com #00942500We are active and doing business safely and successfully. Call us today if you are looking to buy or sell! Your Story. Your Home. Your Team. Together Stronger. 89 West Bonita AvenueSierra Madre 91024Listed at $929,80089Bonita.com 3 Beds | 1.5 Baths | 1,296 sfWe are with the families affected by the fires and we thank our firemen for their bravery and protection. SOLD QUICKLY WITH MULTIPLE OFFERS. $50,000 OVER ASKING! 707 Woodland DriveSierra Madre 91024Call for Pricing707WoodlandDrive.com JUST LISTED2 Beds + Den | 1.5 Baths | 1,344 sfRecently Sold1530 Loma Alta – represented the buyer430 North Alta Vista – represented the buyer230 West Montecito – represented the seller381 Montecito #B – represented the seller901 Cabrillo Drive #32A – represented the seller180 South Michillinda Avenue – represented the seller162 East Sierra Madre Boulevard – represented the seller1115 Cordova – represented the buyer451 Camillo Drive – represented the seller690 Oak Crest Drive - represented the buyer381 Mariposa Avenue #B – represented the seller118 East Laurel Avenue #C – represented the seller60 Rancho Road – represented the buyerWe're still here for you! We can show you homes and meet with you over video. CELEBRATING 98 YEARS IN STYLE! CITY COUNCIL TO HOLD IN- PERSON OUTDOOR MEETING -Sierra Madre Housing Element To Be Discussed On Tuesday, October 13, 2020, the Sierra Madre City Council will continue discussions of the process to update the Sierra Madre Housing Element of the General Plan for 2021-2029 as required by State law. The Housing Element establishes policies and programs to address existing and projected housing needs, including the City’s fair share of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation. Every eight years the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) re-evaluates the status of the housing market throughout the State, and develops a new set of housing production goals for the State and its subregions. These allocated housing production targets are called the “Regional Housing Needs Assessment”, or RHNA. Each regional government, which in Sierra Madre's case is the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), then allocates these regional housing targets to all its member cities and counties. As reported in the Mountain Views News in June, (http://mtnviewsnews.com/v14/htm/n25/index.htm ) the city is expected to identify 204 new housing units. The Income Category of those units is: Very Low Income 78 Low Income 38 Moderate Income 34 Above Moderate 53. Staff has identified a number of potential sites as well as several housing types that could help Sierra Madre reach the stated RHNA numbers. That information will be discussed at Tuesday's meeting which will be held outdoors. As part of the City of Sierra Madre’s COVID-19 transmission mitigation efforts, the October 13, 2020 City Council meeting will take place at the City of Sierra Madre Memorial Park Bandshell located at 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd, Sierra Madre CA 91024. The City recommends that all attendees bring their own chair. Social distancing is also required. The Brown Act provides the public with an opportunity to make public comments at any public meeting. Public comment may also be made by e-mail to PublicComment@ CityofSierraMadre.com by 6:00PM on the day of the meeting. The meeting will be streamed live on the City’s website at www.cityofsierramadre.com. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office via email at Laguilar@cityofsierramadre. com or Jpeterson@cityofsierramadre.com or by telephone at (626)355-7135 for more information. S. Henderson/MVNews Former Sierra Madre Mayor and Hero, George Maurer, celebrated his 98th birthday with family and friends on Sunday complete with a Birthday Serenade from Santa Anita Bugler Jay Cohen. It was a 'drive by and honk' event that brought well wishes from near and far. George was truly surprised, especially when he heard Jay playing the 'Call To Post' from down the street. Maurer is an institution in Sierra Madre and annually the City awards the "George Maurer Lifetime Achievement Award" to a deserving resident who follows in the footsteps of Maurer......years of community service to the city. SIERRA MADRE HALLOWEEN HAPPENINGS OCTOBER 26TH - 31ST It’s FALL, the temperatures are warmer this year and holidays are quickly approaching, we fear! Halloween Happenings will be different in the City of Sierra Madre. The typical “trick or treating” and city street closures on Alegria are not being permitted this Halloween given the pandemic. COVID makes it unsafe for families but NEVER FEAR, the Community Services Team is here! October 31st falls on Saturday and instead of one day, search all week long for treats hidden away! We can’t tell you when or exactly where, but there will be 200-300 eggs hidden daily in the City with fun tricks or treats, so beware. Amongst those eggs will be 5 tickets per day of varying Halloween colors, seek what you may. Hunt, search, run and climb, but dress in your costume and have a great time. Make sure to social distance, wear your masks, and steer 6-feet clear of others; but bring along your pod of fathers, mothers, sisters or brothers! If you find a ticket, make sure to read the instructions carefully, as this is not the same treat we would give out normally. There is the name of an organization or business in town, it will be provided on your ticket so check all around. Most importantly, take lots of photos, we would like to see your costume, AND if you are an adult join us for the contest on Zoom. Tag us on Facebook and Instagram, let us know if you have had fun; and by the way, the adult costume must be a pun. The pun can be funny, happy, or spooky just make sure it is family-friendly and kooky! Your submissions are all due online you will see, so look for the flyer, this is all free for our Community. The details will be shared on Facebook at Sierra Madre Community Services, as well as Instagram at @sm_community_services; or visit the Community Services Department webpage by going to http://www.cityofsierramadre.com/ cityhall/departments/community_services_department. For any questions, The Community Services Department contact is 626-355-5278. INSIDE MOUNTAIN VIEWS NEWS THIS WEEK ELECTION 2020.........................................PAGE 15 COVID 19 UPDATES .........................PAGE 7 SIERRA MADRE NEWS.................................Pgs 3, 4 PASADENA NEWS...............................,.......Page 5 ARCADIA/MONROVIA & MORE..... .Page 6 AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY.................Page 7 EDUCATION & YOUTH.................................Page 9 BEST FRIENDS.............................................Page 10 THE GOOD LIFE..........................................Page 11 OPINION..........................................,,,.......Page 12 CONVERSATIONS......................................Page 13 LEGAL NOTICES...............................,,,.......Page 14 Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |