Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, October 10, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 7


Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 10, 2020 

10/09/2020 3:30pm 

(Compared to 10/02/2020)


 Total Cases 278,665 272,653

Deaths 6,726 6626 

STATS BY CITY Population Cases Deaths 

 (last week's stats in parenthesis)


Pasadena 14,1371 2636 (2599) 128 (124)

Uninc- East Pasadena 6,403 84 (83) 2 (2)


City of Arcadia 57,754 544 (514) 35 (34)

Uninc. - Arcadia 7.981 95 (94) 3 (3)

City of Bradbury 1,069 14 (14) 0 (0)

City of Duarte 22,016 593 (578) 30 (30)

Uninc.- Duarte 4,428 157 (154) 4 (4)

City of Monrovia 38,800 785 (766) 41 (41)

Uninc - Monrovia 3,881 83 (82) 0 (0)


City of Sierra Madre 10,989 80 (78) 3 (3)

City of So.Pasadena 26,053 296 (289) 26 (26)

Uninc.- Altadena 43,260 750 (730) 16 (15)

La County Testing as of 10/09/20: (2,769,673)

Positivity Rate (No. of persons positive out of total persons tested)

as 10/09/20: 9.9%

Nationally recommended Positivity Level: 5%

One Additional Case of MIS-C in a Child Confirmed; Public Health Reports 13 New 
Deaths and 1,256 New Cases of Confirmed COVID-19 in Los Angeles County

Public Health Reminds Residents to Avoid Crowded Places

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) has confirmed 
13 new deaths and 1,256 new cases of COVID-19. To date, Public Health identified 
279,909 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County and a total of 6,741 

Public Health has confirmed one additional case of multisystem inflammatory syndrome 
in children (MIS-C). This brings the total cases of MIS-C in L.A. County to 41 
children. All 41 children with MIS-C in L.A. County were hospitalized and 46% of the 
children were treated in the ICU. Of the children with MIS-C, 27% were under the age 
of 5 years old, 39% were between the ages of 5 and 11 years old, and 34% were between 
the ages of 12 and 20 years old. Latino/Latinx children account for 70% of the reported 
cases. There are no reported MIS-C deaths in L.A. County children.

There are 724 confirmed cases of COVID-19 currently hospitalized and 26% of these 
people are confirmed cases in the ICU. While slightly increasing from the low of 673 this 
week, the number of daily hospitalizations has remained under 800 daily hospitalizations 
since mid-September.

Public Health urges residents to adhere to public health protocols and directives to prevent 
increases of COVID-19 infections. As a reminder, gathering with people outside 
your household puts you and those around you at greater risk. If you are celebrating 
this weekend, please remember to avoid crowded places and close contact with others 
not in your household. Everyone should always wear a face covering securely over 
their nose and mouth and maintain six feet distance between yourself and people not 
in your household. Gatherings, events or parties with non-household members are not 
permitted even if they are conducted outdoors except those expressly allowed in the L.A. 
County Order. This includes in-person sport viewing and dinner parties as these events 
can become places where COVID-19 can spread easily. It is important for everyone to 
follow the directives and to do their part every day to keep everyone as safe as possible.

We continue to see COVID-19 outbreaks in businesses and workplaces. In the last two 
weeks, 118 outbreak investigations were opened. Because of the possibility of asymptomatic 
and presymptomatic infection, it only takes one person to contract and become 
infectious with COVID-19 and unknowingly bring the virus home and expose their 
household and or go to work and expose their coworkers and start an outbreak.

Because there continues to be significant potential for transmission of COVID-19 at 
worksites, it remains important that businesses adhere to workplace protocols that require 
infection control, distancing, masking, and appropriate PPE that protect employees, 
customers and residents from COVID-19 as much as possible. 

Public Health's compliance team continues to visit businesses across the County every 
day. Initial efforts are focused on educating business owners and workers about Health 
Officer Order requirements and how to stay safe but can result in citations for non-
compliance where businesses are in violation of the Health Officer Order and protocols. 
As a result of inspections conducted since October 4, a total of 125 citations have been 
issued. In some cases, establishments were also closed because there were significant 
health and safety concerns or violations of the Health Officer Orders, including operating 
indoors in violation of the State and County Health Officer Orders. 

To assist businesses follow the required protocols and maintain their operations with as 
much safety as possible for their staff, customers, and visitors, Public Health encourages 
L.A. County businesses to take advantage of the COVID-19 Safety Compliance Certification 
Program. The program is a no-cost online course that trains businessowners and 
employees on what they need to do to ensure that their business practices are aligned 
and in compliance with infection control and physical distancing requirements. Once 
completed, business owners receive a certificate and window seal to display on their 
storefront. For more information on the program and to take the training course, visit:

“To the many people across L.A. County who have lost a loved one or friend to COVID-
19, we extend our deepest condolences,” said Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, 
Director of Public Health. “As we head into the holiday weekend, I encourage everyone 
to enjoy the time off as safe as possible. We ask that everyone adhere to the safety guidance 
and utilize the tools that prevent COVID-19 spread. Please remember to avoid 
crowds and the other activities that increase the likelihood of getting COVID-19 as we 
cheer for our teams."


ARCADIA-- Los Angeles County is home to more than 
70,000 teachers, and Arcadia Unified’s Barry Lisbin was 
identified as one of the top 48 among them to be celebrated 
and recognized through the Los Angeles County Office 
of Education’s (LACOE) 2020-2021 Teachers of the Year 

“Barry is that person where it’s not about having a good day 
or a good year or even a good couple of years but [has] truly 
[had] a career with us in Arcadia, with our students, where 
he has earned that reputation for going above and beyond 
in being a teamplayer, bringing his best to work every single 
day both for his students and colleagues,” said Arcadia Unified 
Superintendent Dr. David Vannasdall in celebration of Lisbin as Arcadia Unified’s 2020-2021 
Teacher of the Year during a recent virtual Arcadia Unified Board of Education meeting. 

Lisbin, an Arcadia Unified alumnus who is currently in his 29th year of serving the students of 
Arcadia High School as a math teacher, was selected as Arcadia Unified’s 2020-2021 Teacher of the 
Year, which earned him entry into the county-wide competition. 

“I know there are lots of other teachers that are just deserving as I am,” said a humble Lisbin during 
his virtual Board Meeting recognition. “I appreciate the recognition [...and] think every teacher that 
works hard every day deserves this also.” 

Part of Lisbin’s “why” for choosing teaching as a profession is his dedication to showing each of his 
students that anyone is capable of successfully learning math. 

“I understand that math is not always easy for some students to understand, but I do believe that 
all students can learn it,” shared Lisbin. “I try to make the concepts fun to learn and, at the same 
time, have fun myself [... and] am willing to explain concepts as many times and in as many ways 
as needed to help my students understand. 

Not only has Lisbin served the students, families, and team of Arcadia Unified for nearly 30 years, 
but his mother, Lyla Lisbin, devoted nearly 20 years of her teaching career to serving Arcadia Unified’s 
Camino Grove Elementary School community. 

In its 39th year of hosting its L.A. County Teachers of the Year event, which was created to celebrate 
great teaching and great teachers throughout the county, LACOE had to reimagine the delivery of 
its recognition due to current health-related restrictions. Typically, the event takes place at a special, 
in-person luncheon that brings together L.A. County school districts and their respective Teachers 
of the Year to celebrate one another with one another. This year, LACOE put together a video to 
honor its 2020-2021 L.A. County Teachers of the Year . 

“It’s amazing how you have achieved great things despite the difficulties,” shared Los Angeles County 
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Debra Duardo in a video message to this year's LACOE Teachers 
of the Year program honorees. 

The LACOE program is the county-level stop for a larger state and national Teachers of the Year 
program. School districts name a Teacher of the Year to represent their district in the county competition. 
Counties then choose finalists to represent them at the State competition. 

Entrants into the LACOE program are required to complete an extensive, rigorous application, 
which includes letters of support, responses to numerous essay prompts, and other related teaching 
information. Lisbin made it through as a semifinalist in this competition. This year, 10 finalists were 
selected to represent L.A. County in the State-level competition. 

Distinguished teachers like Lisbin demonstrate why Arcadia Unified has been named in the top 1% 
of school districts with the best teachers in America, California, and Los Angeles by 
Correspondingly, Arcadia Unified has also been recognized by Niche as being in the top 1% of the 
best school districts in America, California, and Los Angeles. For more about the LACOE Teachers 
of the Year program, visit and for more news and information for the Arcadia Unified 
School District, visit .


COVID-19 UPDATE 10/09/2020

TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills


The first thing I order from a menu are crab cakes. 
You see I’ve tasted crab cakes all over the state and 
I always think hey I can do this at home and now 
you can too. Because it so easy, and that they just 
taste great—they’re the best. If you don’t have time 
to pick your own crab meat during the Dungeness 
season, your local Ralphs Fresh Faire or Restaurant 
Depot usually carries the canned product. The cans 
are full of jumbo lump crab meat.

My original recipe has just the right amount of spices and seasonings. No need to bread the cakes 
before frying. They hold together well without seeming too bready. Fry the crab cakes in a mixture 
of butter and olive oil which gives them an amazing golden-brown crust.

I made these a couple of weeks ago as a crab cake benedict topped with a quick and easy blender 
hollandaise sauce (recipe below). They’re also perfect for a crab cake sandwich. Of course, you can 
serve them on their own as an appetizer or a dinner entrée, with a tartar or red cocktail sauce and 
lemon wedge.

Prep time: 10 minutes.

Cook time: 10 minutes

Yield: 10 to 12 crab cakes



16 ounces lump crab meat, drained

12 saltine crackers, finely crushed

2 large eggs, separated

1 tablespoon onion, chopped

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon seafood seasoning

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard



1. Place the crab meat in a bowl and add the crushed saltines.

2. Beat the egg yolks, then pour them on top.

3. Add the remaining ingredients (except the egg whites) and gently fold everything together, being 
careful to not break up the crab pieces too much.

4. Use an electric mixer to beat the egg whites to soft peaks, then gently fold this into the crab 

5. Shape the mixture into 3-1/2-inch rounded cakes.

6. Fry in a heavy bottomed saucepan in a mixture of butter and olive oil over medium-high heat 
until lightly browned on both sides. Be careful not to overcook.

That’s it, I told you they were easy. Now listen to my radio show this Sunday morning at 8 AM on 
105 FM

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