Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 7, 2020
Set to Salute
All Military
Craftsman Lovers, Modernists,
Community Preservationists
Gordo Declares Victory in Mayoral Race
As of Friday, Mayoral
Candidate Victor Gordo
(pictured) maintained a
sizable lead over incumbent
Mayor Terry Tornek. With
49,795 votes or 54.52 percent,
Gordo declared victory
In a statement Gordo
said that voters showed
they wanted change and to
take the city in a different
direction. Adding that he is
ready to work with Pasadena
residents and the city council
“to move our city forward
during this challenging
Gordo also said the election
was never about one person
but about all the people of
If Gordo wins, he will
be sworn in on Dec.
7., along with newly
elected Councilwoman
Felicia Williams and
Councilmembers Steve
Madison, Gene Masuda and
Tyron Hampton.
During debates, in
September and October,
while focusing on topics such
as, the Black Lives Matter
movement and the Covid-19
Pandemic, Gordo was asked
if he had reevaluated this
political positions?
“You can’t not be transformed
by the issues of late,” Gordo
said. “When Covid... struck,
many of you saw me jump
right in, I was here, I was
working, I went out and met
with small business owners,
restauranteurs.” He added
that “everyone needed to
‘take stock,’ in all social issues
and to be leaders.”
Gordo was born in
Zacatecas, Mexico, arrived in
the United States at the age of
five. Together with his family,
he has lived in Pasadena ever
since. Gordo has served on
the city council since 2001.
In a statement, on Tuesday,
Tornek said the outcome was
clear that voters preferred
someone other than him.
Tornek did not mention
Gordo by name. Tornek
also said he was grateful
for the opportunity but
disappointed he will not
longer be part of the city’s
In other News, Incumbent
Anthony Portantino
defeated Kathleen Hazelton
in the general election for
California State Senate
District 25, which includes
all of Pasadena, Altadena and
other foothill communities.
Portantino received 230,289
votes or 65.5 percent to
Hazelton’s 121,564 votes or
34.5 percent.
The Pasadena City
Services Protection Measure
(Measure P) passed with
83.73 percent of the vote.
If the Measure had failed
it would have resulted in
an annual loss of nearly
$18 million that support
emergency 911 response,
fire, paramedic, public
health programs for the
community, senior services,
homelessness and housing
programs, street repairs,
and other general services
and programs Measure P
supporters said.
The City of Pasadena will
again pause to remember
Veterans Day and salute
all our military veterans,
although this year because of
the pandemic the city’s event
will not be held publicly.
Pasadena’s Veterans Day
Committee, in collaboration
with Pasadena Media, has
produced a special one hour
tribute that will be broadcast
at 11 a.m. on Wednesday.
Event organizers said this
year the guest speaker will
be a female veteran, Staff
Sergeant (SSgt) Shamoneka
Collins, a Pasadena Marine
from the 2nd Battalion 23rd
Marine Regiment.
SSgt Collins was born in
Greensboro, Alabama, and
has been on active duty for
over 10 years.
SSgt Collins' awards include
the Navy and Marine Corps
Commendation Medal,
Navy and Marine Corps
Achievement Medal with 1
gold star in lieu of second
award, Marine Corps
Good Conduct medal with
bronze star lieu of third
award, Military Outstanding
Volunteer Service Medal,
and various other citations.
To view the broadcast or
more information visit:
pasadenamedia.org or
about Pasadena visit:
Greene & Greene
Meet Post-War
Modernism Tonight,
5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
After 28 years Pasadena
Heritage’s Craftsman
Weekend is reimagined
with a broader frame and a
new name —Preservation
Pasadena: Craftsman to
The city of Pasadena
is home to some of the
most notable examples
of architect-designed
properties from Craftsman
style to Mid-Century and
everything in between.
Explore architectural style
and design over five decades
and learn the connections
and differences that illustrate
how architecture changed
through time. The virtual
events start tonight.
Greene & Greene Meet
Post-War Modernism
Tonight, 5:00 – 6:30 pm
Here is the best of both
worlds! Gamble House
Director Ted Bosley will
talk about the rediscovery of
Craftsman homes and their
glories by an eclectic group
of history-minded people
at a time when Post-War
Modernism was all the rage.
Meet and Greet the Artists
and Experts
Tuesday, Nov. 10 and
Thursday, Nov. 12, 5:00 –
6:30 pm
The Craftsman tradition of
remarkable design and hand-
crafted excellence continues
with artisans working today.
The best antique specialists
know the history of every
piece they acquire and can
wax poetic on all the details.
Join the conversation with a
range of fine craftspeople and
antique dealers and share
stories and adventures.
A Century of Stickley at The
Gamble House
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 6:30-8:00
The American Arts &
Craftsman Movement really
started with entrepreneur
and furniture maker Gustav
Stickley and grew outward
from there. A significant
collection of Stickley
furnishings has always
graced the famed Gamble
House, designed by Greene
& Greene at the height of
their career. See how Stickley
pieces fit side by side with the
custom furnishings designed
just for this architectural
The Dr. Robert Winter
Memorial Lecture
Saturday, Nov. 14, 6:30 –
8:00 pm
Chronicling and contributing
to the Craftsman Revival for
a quarter century, American
Bungalow magazine has been
a resource and treasured read
for devotees. Founder and
publisher John Brinkmann
talks with us about his career
and the magazine and shares
stories about legendary Dr.
Robert Winter and their
many connections.
More Events on Tap during
our 10-day Line-up:
Virtual Walking Tour of
Prospect Park, Pasadena’s
First National Register
How Sunset Magazine
Shaped the West
The Asian Roots of Pasadena’s
Arts & Crafts Architecture
Greene & Greene Meet Post-
War Modernism
Hispanic Influence on
Pasadena and California
The Legacy of Architect John
200 Years of Black Pioneers
in Pasadena and Los Angeles
Meet and Greet the Artists
and Experts
A Century of Stickley at The
Gamble House
A Woodworker’s Journey:
Discovering Sam Maloof
Historic Playgrounds: Letting
the Future Play on the Past
Exclusive for Pasadena
Heritage Q&A with
Neutra: Survival Through
Design (click for trailer)
documentary director PJ
Letofsky and guests
Making Martinis with the
Raymond 1886
Dr. Robert Winter
Memorial Lecture with John
Neutra’s Experience in Japan:
Finding Common Ground
For more information or to
buy tickets visit:
City Veterans
Day Closures
Pasadena City Hall and many
city services and administrative
business offices will be closed
Wednesday in observance of
Veterans Day.
Pasadena’s Water and Power
Customer Service Call Center
will be closed for the holiday,
but customers can access their
accounts and make payments
by phone at (626) 744-4005 or
online at PWPweb.com.
Pasadena residents and
businesses with any power
emergencies should call PWP
at (626) 744-4673. For water-
related emergencies, call (626)
The City’s Citizen Service
Center (CSC) will be open
from 8 a.m. to noon on
Wednesday and will return to
normal hours, 7:30 a.m. to 5
p.m., on Thursday.
Both Pasadena Transit and
Pasadena Dial-a-Ride services
will operate on their normal
All parking meters will be
free, and parking time limits
will not be enforced; however,
violations for overnight
parking, red curb parking, “No
Parking” zones and blocking
fire hydrants will be enforced.
All regular enforcement
resumes Thursday.
All Pasadena Public Library
sites will be closed on
Wednesday. Regular operating
hours resume Thursday.
All parks will be open
for picnics, fun and play;
however, no site reservations
are accepted for the holiday.
Any outdoor gatherings must
be limited to three or fewer
households, with everyone
wearing a face covering and
maintaining at least six feet
of physical distance between
those who do not live in the
same household. Gatherings
should be kept under two
hours. As a reminder, indoor
gatherings of any size with
non-household members are
not permitted.
Pasadena Police and Fire
Departments will be staffed for
all patrol, jail, fire, paramedic
and other emergency
services, but not business or
administrative offices. TO
report suspicious activity call
Pasadena Police at (626) 744-
4241. For life-threatening
emergencies, dial 9-1-1.
City Confirms
First MIS-C
Case Related
to Covid-19
The first confirmed case of
multisystem inflammatory
syndrome in children (MIS-C)
in a Pasadena resident was
reported to the Pasadena
Public Health Department
(PPHD) last week. The child
had been hospitalized. This
brings the total cases of MIS-C
in Los Angeles, Pasadena and
Long Beach Public Health
Jurisdictions to 43 children,
as of October 23, and the total
reported in the state is 126
children Monday.
“MIS-C is a rare but serious
complication associated with
COVID-19. It’s a condition
where different body parts,
such as the heart, lungs,
kidneys, brain, skin, eyes
or gastrointestinal organs,
become inflamed. We do not
yet know what causes MIS-C,
but it’s another unfortunate
reminder of the seriousness
of the COVID-19 pandemic,”
said Dr. Ying-Ying Goh,
Health Officer and Director
of the Pasadena Public Health
Department. “The best way to
protect your child is by taking
actions to prevent your child
and the entire household
from getting the virus that
causes COVID-19. Follow the
‘Three Ws’ and wear a face
covering, wash your hands,
and watch your distance by
staying at least six feet away
from people who do not live
in your immediate household
and avoid gatherings.”
Pasadena is experiencing an
increase in COVID-19 cases.
Confirmed cases of COVID-19
in both Pasadena and Los
Angeles County public health
jurisdictions have reached
peaks not experienced since
mid-August. Case rates are
increasing in all age groups,
but the highest rates of
increase are among those ages
For more information visit:
Dia De Los Muertos – A
Celebration of Art Winners
The Pasadena Tournament of
Roses announced Wednesday
winners of our first-ever
Dia de los Muertos art
competition, a celebration of
art. The competition was held
in partnership with; Mexican
Consulate in Los Angeles,
Pasadena City Councilmember
John Kennedy and the Roybal
“When it comes to traditions,
festivities and flowers – we get
the appeal!” said Tournament of
Roses President Bob Miller. “As
an organization that’s all about a
rose, the Pasadena Tournament
of Roses can appreciate that the
Dia de los Muertos marigold
holds such a prestigious place in
the 3,000 year old celebration,
that originated in Mexico.”
More than $6,000 in
scholarships and cash awards
will be presented in three age
categories. Cash awards will be
presented in the 4-8 and 9-13
age categories. Scholarships
will be presented in the 14 to 18
age category.
2020 Tournament of Roses Dia
de los Muertos art competition
Ambassador Marcela Celorio,
Consul General of Mexico in
Los Angeles
John J. Kennedy, Pasadena City
Ana Pescador, Art Curator
“It was an honor to have
been asked to serve as one of
the judges for the Dia de los
Muertos art competition,” said
John Kennedy. “It was obvious
to me that all of the students put
their heart in the activity. So, in
a real sense, all of the students
who participated by providing
original art are winners.
Additionally, I congratulate
the highest scoring students.
Bravo! “
Winners of the 2020
Tournament of Roses Dia de los
Muertos art competition:
Age Group: 4-8 years
First: Anaya Rossman
Velazquez, age 6 - ofrenda
Second: Annamarie Banuelos,
age 6 – ofrenda
Third: Itzel Castaneda, age 7 –
sugar skulls
Age Group: 9-13 years
First: Aurora Patlan, age 11 –
Second: Aiden Castro, age 11 –
Third: Malia Ujiki, age 13 – art
Age Group 14-18 years
First: Diego Huizar, age 16 –
Second: Isabel Pan – art
Third: Samantha Reynoso, age
16 – face paint
To view winning submissions,
please visit the Rose Parade
account on Instagram.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com