Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, December 26, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 7


Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 26, 2020 

12/25/2020 3:30pm 

LOS ANGELE COUNTY* 12/25/2020 12/17/2020 

Total Cases 677,299 596,721 

Deaths 9,299 8,757 


STATS BY CITY Population Cases Deaths 

 (12/17/2020 stats in parenthesis)


Pasadena 14,1371 5,892 (5271) 150 (142)

Uninc- East Pasadena 6,403131 (126) 2 (2)

City of Arcadia 57,7542360 (1165) 46 (44)

Uninc. - Arcadia7.981283 (238) 3 (3)

City of Bradbury 1,06932 (30) 0 (0)

City of Duarte 22,0161234 (1093) 42 (41)

Uninc.- Duarte4,428508 (457) 5 (5)

City of Monrovia 38,800 1745 (1513) 41 (41)

Uninc - Monrovia 3,881199 (174) 1 (0)

City of Sierra Madre 10,989 266 (223) 5 (5)

City of So.Pasadena 26,053 708 (614) 28 (28)

Uninc.- Altadena 43,260 1779 (1459) 26 (23)

La County Testing as of 12/25/20: 4,501,831 (4,265,009 )

Positivity Rate (No. of persons positive out of total persons tested)

as 12/25/20: 14.2% (12.8) Nationally recommended Positivity Level: 5%



COVID-19 UPDATE 12/25/2020

Funding Bill Includes Investment in Housing Affordability, Public Health 
Initiatives, and Space Exploration

Congressman Adam Schiff released a 
statement Tuesday following House passage of 
an omnibus appropriations bill with funding 
for 2021 local priorities, including affordable 
housing, public health, and space exploration:

 “As we come to the end of an unprecedented 
year of challenges, changes and rancor, last 
night the Congress passed our annual major 
spending bill, which includes many local and 
national priorities of mine, including funding 
for housing, homelessness, healthcare, and 
more,” said Rep. Schiff. “I am grateful that 
the House prioritized addressing the housing 
and homelessness crisis, which has only been 
exacerbated by COVID-19, by allocating 
more than $40 million for a new program of 
targeted vouchers to reduce homelessness.”

 “American leadership in space exploration 
has been a key driver of our economic growth 
in the past century, including the development 
of many of our high-tech and emerging 
industries,” Schiff continued. “Answering the 
big questions about our planet and exploring 
the cosmos means investing today in the 
missions that will provide us with better 
understanding of the earth, and take robotic 
probes to Mars, the moons of Jupiter, and 
beyond, and I’m so proud to represent the 
talented team at Jet Propulsion Labs who lead 
the way in so much of that work. I’m pleased 
that the Appropriations legislation passed 
this week will prioritize these important 
investments, which will benefit the Southern 
California economy as well as the nation and 

 “Although we are still in the midst of a deadly 
pandemic, it is also critical that we invest now 
in the study of emerging infectious disease 
threats, so our nation is better prepared 
for future public health crises. This bill also 
creates a Chronic Disease Education and 
Awareness Program at the CDC, which will 
fund important research into the diseases that 
affect millions of Americans every day.”

 Highlights of the appropriations bill include 
funding for the following Schiff priorities:

$43.4 million for a new program of targeted 
incremental vouchers to reduce homelessness.

$11 million for National Emerging Special 
Pathogens Training and Education Centers 
to maintain a sustainable infrastructure and 
culture of readiness for managing suspected 
and confirmed emerging special pathogen 
incidents across U.S. public health and health 
care delivery systems.

$1.5 million to establish a new Chronic 
Disease Education and Awareness Program 
at Center for Disease Control, which utilizes 
a competitive grant process to strengthen 
the science base for prevention, education, 
and public health awareness for a variety of 
chronic diseases, such as lymphatic diseases 
and sleep disorders, that don’t currently have 
dedicated resources.

Providing $570 million for the Mars 
Exploration Program to further development 
of a mission to return samples from Mars’ 
surface to Earth, targeted for 2026.

Provides continued funding for the Europa 
Clipper Mission, to launch a spacecraft into 
the orbit of Jupiter’s moon Europa by 2023, 
and maintains flexibility for NASA to choose 
the most appropriate launch vehicle for the 

Providing $2 billion in funding for Earth 
Science, to fuel the critical work of studying 
planet Earth and its inhabitants, including 
critical research and monitoring of the 
changing climate. 

Health Departments Send 
Urgent Holiday Message

 As a coalition of 10 neighboring California 
local health departments, we thank everyone 
for doing their part to reduce the spread of 
COVID-19. As the first doses of the vaccine are 
being administered across our communities, we 
can finally see a ray of light at the end of the 
tunnel. As that light gets closer, we are hopeful 
that we are one step closer to getting back to 
doing the things and seeing the people we all 
miss the most.

 In spite of this good news, we know that 
the next few weeks and months are critical. 
We are now experiencing the worst time of 
the pandemic. Our case counts, deaths, and 
hospitalizations are the highest we have seen 
so far. Our ICU capacity is the lowest. We are 
breaking records every day, and not in a good 
way. Our systems are being overwhelmed, and 
the virus is spreading everywhere.

 The impacts of this pandemic are starkest 
among our community members most 
vulnerable to this virus, including our older 
adult family and friends, our community 
members working essential jobs to ensure we 
all have the basic goods that we need, and those 
living in our communities who have the least 
opportunities for health. The pandemic has 
taken a large toll and exacerbated health impacts 
within these communities. We cannot continue 
on our current path without facing serious 
consequences for our families, friends, and the 
local businesses that make our communities 
such special places to live.

 This is a critical time when everyone needs to do 
their part to defeat COVID-19. We understand 
that people are tired, but public health measures 
are not the enemy — they are the roadmap for a 
faster and more sustainable recovery. We must 
all commit to taking precautions and heeding 
public health protocols, including the current 
Stay-at-Home Order, to reopen businesses and 
schools, to travel to see our families and friends 
in person, and to celebrate that next important 

 We can do all these things again, but only if 
we all follow effective, fact-based public health 
measures like wearing face masks, washing 
hands, practicing social distancing, and only 
traveling for essential trips. Many of us are 
spreading the virus without knowing it—over 
50% of exposures come from people who don’t 
have symptoms—so we all need to avoid social 
gatherings and activities with those outside our 
household. If we do these things, in a few weeks 
we could start to see the numbers slow and the 
curve bend. We will help our systems increase 
their capacity to manage and end this pandemic. 
If we fail, our finest medical researchers are 
clear: there will be even worse consequences for 
our families and our economy.

 We have all had to alter our lives this difficult 
year and we all want this difficult time to be 
behind us. But the virus is not done with us 
yet. If we can all just come together in this 
moment to eradicate the virus, and recommit 
to protecting ourselves and one another, we 
will get back to normal day-to-day activities 
more quickly. The roadmap to a faster, more 
equitable, and sustainable recovery for all of 
us means committing and coming together to 
follow recommended public health measures.

We are all neighbors in California, even if we 
live in different cities and counties. The virus 
knows no borders and continues to severely 
impact us all, especially at this moment. The 
end is in sight, and the light at the end of this 
dark tunnel will keep getting brighter but only 
if we all do our part right now. We all have a 
personal and collective responsibility to slow 
the spread of the pandemic and eliminate the 
virus as quickly as possible. Let’s come together 
now for a brighter and healthier 2021.

The Public Health Alliance of Southern 

Imperial County Public Health Department

City of Long Beach Department of Health and 
Human Services

Los Angeles County Department of Public 

Orange County Health Care Agency

City of Pasadena Public Health Department

Riverside University Health System-Public 

Santa Barbara County Public Health 


A special thanks to 
all of our Supporters 
and Subscribers! 
We could not 
have made it this 
far without you. 
This heart was created 
by my Granddaughter 
Thomas) who really 
knows how important 
the Mountain 
Views News is to 
our community. 
Please note that 
this is only a partial 

Susan Henderson, 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: