Mountain View News Saturday, June 19, 2021 12 OPINION Mountain View News Saturday, June 19, 2021 12 OPINION
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Stuart Tolchin
Dinah Chong WatkinsAudrey SwansonMary Lou CaldwellKevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard HaysPaul CarpenterKim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James SnyderKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis
Despina ArouzmanJeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely TotenDan Golden
Rebecca WrightHail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
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As I drove home yesterday from the golf course, exhausted
from walking alone on the course in the midst of hundred
degree heat, I passed the field on Grandview, and observed
many tiny children. They were standing in the field seemingly
doing nothing but I realized that they were learning to play
baseball. I am very confused at this time in my life about
knowing what it is I am supposed to be doing to save the world,
which definitely seems to need my help. Now that it seems
almost safe to leave the house I find myself playing golf alone and still feeling that there
is something important that I should be doing but I haven’t a clue what it is.
As I passed the field watching the kids, seemingly doing nothing, it hit me.
What a wonderful game baseball is or was. Standing around is the major element of
the game. No special ability is needed and something called a “walk” when the batter
does nothing but watch poorly thrown balls go by is an honorable achievement. How
simple this was in complicated times when in school we had been instructed to hide
under our desk as a part of drop drills which would allow us to be safe in case atomic
bombs fell on us.
This all sounds pretty scary and I must have found some safety in just sitting in
front of the radio and playing with my baseball cards. These cards came in packs of five
along with a piece of bubble gum. Early on I learned to read the players’ names and
to look at their cards as I heard the names on the radio. I developed a great fascination
with numbers and kind of remembering the current averages of players and figuring
out for myself how their batting average would change depending on the outcome of
the game. This may sound pretty strange but I was a pretty isolated kid and speculating
about batting averages kind of reminds me of the way kids stay at home today and play
video games. In fact it’s probably similar to the way adults spend hours looking at stock
market quotes and speculate about the future. Too bad I never got interested in that.
The game of baseball was composed of elements that were accessible to anyone
with an imagination. I played a game by myself which I called three outs. It was
composed of me standing alone and throwing the ball against the tenement (what
ever happened to that word) steps and trying to catch the ball on the fly. If there was
someone around to play with we would play catch, just throwing the ball back and
forth. If there was a third person around we could play “pickle” or “running bases”.
Two people would stand some distance apart at their respective “bases” and just throw
a ball back and forth. The third person, the “runner” would stand on one base and
daringly take off toward the other base while the ball was in the air or even perhaps
return to his original base if the ball was dropped or thrown badly. This was the “pickle”
I still miss those games and probably enjoyed them even more than golf.
. Today, I find the game of baseball boring and filled with arcane
technological calculations like spin velocity and altitude angle and other stuff that does
not interest me. The way the game is played today with a high number of strikeouts
and little strategy in base running (where are the pickles) is extremely annoying and
non-involving. That is not the point. At one time baseball allowed me to feel included
in the world and pretty certain that I was doing the right thing and that, no matter
what, there would be another game tomorrow. Today I am not even certain that there
are many tomorrows left.
Please enjoy Father’s day while we still can.
“Die-naaaah!” I was 2 airport concourses away but I could
hear the primordial yell from my father as if he were right
On a podcast the other day, national political reporter
beside me. My knapsack smacked my hip as I ran from
Thomas Edsall analyzed the mounting threat of Republi-
Concourse B to D. As I jogged a couple of hundred yards
can authoritarianism and posed a great question:
closer, I could see a clearly annoyed gate agent with my
“Trump and the Republican party have created a real
dad who held up the final boarding for me. My dad isn’t a
dilemma for the me-dia… A party of sedition is trying to (enact) rules that
big talker, no - he’s a loud talker. And being a teenager, this was the first time I
even when it loses, it wins… We have a different animal in the ballgame now.
ran towards his loudness rather than away from it.
One side is domi-nated by a party that is willing to accept lies, that is delusional…
a party that is on the verge of becoming something unseen in Amer-
It turned out years later when I went to “the motherland”, that it wasn’t only
ica, beyond the point of no return…When you have a party that is moving in
my dad, half the people there were loud talkers. Whole villages of loud talkers
this ex-treme fashion, how do we in the media describe it?”
proliferated in my ancestral country, I guess that’s what happens when you
Easy answer: Describe reality.
have wide-open spaces but no phones.
The old days of both sides false-balance journalism, the old days of writ-ing
My father is a first-generation immigrant, taking the slow boat to Canada when
“on the one hand, on the other hand,” the old days when both parties honored
he was 16. He met and married my mother there and they assimilated into the
democracy by accepting the election results – those days are over. When one
life of politely frozen Canucks. He took us skiing, skating, sledding, and looking
party openly declares that it no longer believes in democ-racy, when indeed
back, had a surprising period of musical experimentation, buying vinyls of Led
it is working non-stop to destroy it, journalists can no longer take refuge in
Zeppelin, the Beatles, Joni Mitchell, and the Tribal Rock Love musical “Hair”
before returning comfortably to his first loves, Puccini and Verdi.
Richard Tofel, founder of the investigative journalism website ProPublica,
wrote recently that neutrality is an “attractive value” only “if you view pub-lic
Somehow during “the times are a-changing” period of paisley prints, psyche-
life as an endless series of fights between two sides distinguishable most im
delics, and home perms, my dad stuck to skinny ties, scotch, and untreated
portantly by the primary colors of their uniforms.” But all too often – and es-
hair. I couldn’t say the same for me, I twisted my hair in curling rods and let the
pecially now – neutrality is merely “an appropriate pose for the uninformed.”
ammonia-heavy chemicals fry it up. The result? A frightening cross between
Any journalist who’s remotely informed about what’s going on in 2021 should
Shirley Temple and the Bride of Frankenstein.
be compelled to point it out in plain language. If arsonists are torching a
house, and it’s burning in front of your eyes, you report it and identify the
My dad is a connoisseur of wine, cigars, and slapstick. He took us to see Charlie
arsonists. It’s not enough to say “Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell
Chaplin’s City Lights and Mel Brooks’s Blazing Saddles. We saw Bill Cosby live
hopes to win the chamber in 2022.” It’s factually accu-rate to simply say, “Sen-
and when my dad thought he was alone, listened to George Carlin’s “7 Words
ate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, after vot-ing to exonerate a presi-
You Can’t Say on TV” in stereo.
dent who inspired an anti-democratic coup at-tempt, hopes to win the chamber
in 2022 and strengthen Republican vote-suppression efforts in 2024.”
One of my clearest memories of my dad could have been a scene taken out of
In a national civic emergency, the mainstream media needs to be pro-democ
a Charlie Chaplin movie. It was the middle of a Canadian winter - in other
racy and pro-truth. That is not “bias.” That is patriotism.
words June - and my parents hosted a dinner party, my dad prepared a Chinese
The problem, however, is that too many journalists (especially the older,
fondue. The cooking pot was a bronze ring-shaped vessel with a vertical chim
more seasoned ones) are stuck in the old paradigm. Jay Rosen, a media critic
ney, fueled by white-hot charcoal briquettes in the base. My dad fired up the
at New York University, said it well last week: The press is still too in-vest
charcoal pot in our hobbit-height basement and as the flames licked towards
ed in “the game – ‘who are the winners and losers, who’s ahead, what’s the
the ceiling, he grabbed it and quickly walked upstairs. At that precise moment
strategy?’ You can keep doing that right up until the point when democracy
I opened the back door, mere steps away from where my dad stood, and a huge
gust of wind stoked the flames inches from his face. With his outstretched
I agree. So does Tom Edsall: “In times of big change, reporters have a harder
hands shielded from the blazing embers by a pair of smoldering oven mittens,
time finding ways to describe it and to deal with it. Reporters are usually fixed
he did a quick Chaplin-like waddle to the dining table and laid the boiling pot
in a language that they’ve (long) been using to describe po-litical competi
down, the majority of his eyebrows still intact. We applauded, I think more in
tion.” Nevertheless, “you have to look at the truth…The press has been reluc
anticipation of the feast than his fireside feat.
tant to look at the truth adequately… That is what the press is supposed to
do. I’m personally against mincing words,” whereas, at too many mainstream
outlets, “the pressure is to mince words.”
Being grandparents are indeed, the better gig. My parents, not really fans of
Granted, the word authoritarian upsets a lot of people. But what more em-
The Mouse, generously offered to take their grandson and me to DisneyWorld.
pirical evidence do we need that the GOP wants to turn America into Turkey,
My dad was retired, my son was 3, we were ok to go as long as we synchronized
Hungary, or worse? In plain sight, its state-level lawmakers are working to
their nap times. After a long, hot day waiting in line to ride Dumbo’s ears, we
sabotage future free elections – ensuring that Republican state legislatures
returned to our family suite at the Disney Fort Wilderness Resort. Exhausted,
have the power to invalidate Democratic wins, installing local election of-
we all fell into a deep sleep, no pixie dust required. Minutes later, my dad began
ficials who can refuse to certify Democratic wins, enacting a string of new
to snore. The flimsy drywall separating the bedrooms shook. It was as if the
voter suppression laws that are designed to protect their white minorities.
whole clan of the Country Bear Jamboree - bears and hill folk alike, guzzled
Meanwhile, the GOP’s national leaders remain in thrall to the loser who
down a dozen barrels of white lightning and together snored a staccato sym
thinks the 2020 election was stolen, and they continue to pretend that the
phony. The next morning I changed our rental stroller to a twin and bleary-
insurrectionist coup attempt was a mirage. As Edsall says, “stuffing things
eyed, let my parents push me too. So, thanks and love to you George -and
down the memory hole is precisely what authoritarianism does.” If we jour-
Josephine too - and to fathers everywhere - Happy Father’s Day!
nalists don’t point that out, we’re not doing our jobs.
James Madison, who championed the Bill of Rights, warned more than two
Email me at
centuries ago that a free country starved of accurate knowledge “is but a prologue
to a farce or a tragedy; or perhaps both.”
Both indeed. The clock is ticking.
Read more at:
Dick Polman, a veteran national political columnist based in Philadelphia and a
Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania, writes at
Email him at
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