Mountain View News Saturday, June 26, 2021
For the period of Sunday, June 13th
through Saturday, June 19th, the Police
Department responded to 1,038 calls for
service, of which 99 required formal investigations.
The following is a summary
report of some of the major incidents
handled by the Department during this
Sunday, June 13:
1. At 4:06 a.m., officers and Arcadia
Fire responded to Arcadia Congregational
Church, located at 2607 South Santa Anita
Avenue, regarding a vacant building on
fire. An investigation revealed an accelerant
was located at the scene and the fire is
being investigation as an arson.
Monday, June 14:
2. At 2:55 a.m., officers and Arcadia
Fire responded to Richter Construction,
located at 2 La Porte Street, regarding a fire.
The investigation revealed miscellaneous
construction materials in the parking lot
were on fire. The investigation is pending
a review of the surveillance footage.
3. At 8:01 a.m., an officer responded
to Master Systems, located at 117 East Duarte
Road, regarding a commercial burglary
report. The officer discovered an unknown
suspect forced open a rear window
and ransacked the business. No loss was
Tuesday, June 15:
4. At 6:46 a.m., an officer responded
to Springhill Suites, located at 99 North
Second Avenue, regarding a robbery report.
The officer determined the suspect, ahotel patron, used a butane torch to simulate
a gun and robbed another hotel patron.
The victim fled but dropped his keys,
and the suspect then stole the victim’s car.
The suspect was located and the 39-yearold
male from Pasadena was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for
5. At 8:53 a.m., an officer responded
to a residence in the 1000 block of Hampton
Road regarding a residential burglary.
An investigation revealed unknown
suspect(s) entered the home by unknown
means and were unlawfully living in the
residence, which was for sale
Wednesday, June 16:
6. At 11:38 p.m., officers and Arcadia
Fire responded to a fire in the 200 block of
Foothill Boulevard. They located an 8’ x 8’
vegetation fire located near an abandoned
transient camp. The fire consisted of burning
wooden pallets, tree branches, and a
small amount of brush.
Thursday, June 17:
7. At 1:49 a.m., an officer responded
to the area of 1400 South Sixth Avenue regarding
the activation of a tracking device.
An investigation revealed the suspect, a37-year-old male from San Gabriel, was in
possession of the stolen tracker, methamphetamine,
and stolen mail belonging to
32 different victims. He was also charged
with false identification and false personation
for providing the officer with another
person’s information. The suspect was
arrested and transported to the Arcadia
City Jail for booking.
Library Moves to Third PASADENA POPS KICK-OFF Celebrate National Pollinator
Phase of Reintroduction of Week Watch The Pollinators
National Pollinator Week is a time to celebrate pollinators
MOTOWN’S GREATEST HITS and spread the word about what you can do to protectthem.
Principal Pops Thirteen years ago the U.S. Senate’s unanimous approvalConductor Michael and designation of a week in June as “National PollinatorFeinstein kicks off Week” marked a necessary step toward addressing thethe Pasadena POPS urgent issue of declining pollinator populations. Pollinator2021 Sierra Summer Week has now grown into an international celebration ofConcert series on the valuable ecosystem services provided by bees, birds,
Saturday, July 10 with butterflies, bats and beetles.
The Road to Motown. Pollinators positively affect all our lives, supporting
wildlife, healthy watershed and more -let’s SAVE and
The POPS season
opener will take a
ride through the WATCH: THE POLLINATORS!
evolution of jazz and
The South Pasadena on Tuesday, July 6. Also
Public Library is pleased on July 6, Library Takeout, boogie-woogie from Learn more by streaming the documentary The Pollinators
to expand in-person the no-contact borrowing Duke Ellington and on Kanopy, a film streaming service provided for FREE
services to include seating service that has been in Louis Armstrong to with your South Pasadena Public Library card!
beginning Monday, June place for over a year, will the soulful sound Simply visit: and create
28. Masks will continue be discontinued. Held of the Temptations a free account with your library card number, an email
and Supremes. Hear address, and name.
to be required regardless items will be available for
of vaccination status, pick up inside the library. Motown favorites Don’t have a library card? No problem! Visit www.
“Ain’t Too Proud to Beg,” “Can’t Help Myself,” “My Girl” and or call (626) 403-7340 to find
in accordance with the The South Pasadena Public
many more, all in symphonic sound by Pasadena’s premiere out how to apply for a library card online or in-person.
June 15, 2021 County of Library is located at 1100
Los Angeles Department Oxley Street. The library’s orchestra. Please note that older library cards with a “PSPA” prefix
of Public Health Order current hours are Monday will not work with Kanopy. Visit the Library to get a new
which requires masks through Thursday 1:00 The Road to Motown program will also honor the Supremes’ card for free, or email forMary Wilson, who was originally slated to perform before her
in all youth settings p.m.–7:00 p.m., Friday and library card assistance.
recent passing. Feinstein will be using some of Wilson’s own
and Cooling Centers. Saturday 1:00 p.m.–5:00
charts for songs including “Someday We’ll Be Together” and
Physical distancing will p.m., and closed Sunday.
Forth of July Fireworks
“Reflections,” sung by Wilson’s close friend and “Mississippi
no longer be required, Free parking is available
Sister” Thelma Houston. The Fifth Dimension’s Grammy
with the exception of after 12:00 p.m. in the
Returns To Lacy Park
Award-winning duo Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr., and
the Children’s Room Mission-Meridian Parking
where our unvaccinated Garage at 805 Meridian the premiere Motown singing sensation, Spectrum will also be The ever-changing 21st and will be availableperforming the greatest hits of the Motown era.
youth are concentrated. Avenue, adjacent to the restrictions and capacity at Stoneman, Crowell
To protect the health of Gold Line Station. Library limitsled thecity tooriginally Public Library, and CityIn order to provide the safest possible experience for all cancel San Marino’s beloved Hall. Presale tickets for
these members of our information can be found
community who are still on the Library’s website, concertgoers, entry to all Pasadena POPS concerts will require 4th of July celebration at residents are $5 per person
vulnerable to COVID-19, on social media (Facebook proof of receiving a fully completed Covid-19 vaccine at least Lacy Park. However, with and $15 for non-residents.
occupancy limits will and Instagram), or by two weeks prior to the concert date. All concerts are held at the the reopening of the State Day-of tickets are $20
remain in place in the phone (626-403-7350) Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Gardens. Grounds and strong support from for everyone. For more
Children’s Room but will and email (library@ open for picnicking and dining at 5:30pm and performances City Council, staff has been information about the day’sbegin at 7:30pm. Don’t miss the best outdoor dinner party working tirelessly to bring activities, keep checking
increase to 20 customers
in town with spacious circular table seating with fine linens, San Marino a much-needed
or lawn seating for those who want to bring a blanket – each community event, and to fireworks.ALL FIREWORKS ARE option carries on the tradition of picnic-dining with your family announce that the 4th of The previously announcedand friends with Michael Feinstein and the San Gabriel Valley’s July celebration at Lacy Park pop-up events and giveawaysILLEGAL premier orchestra! is officially back on. City in the days leading up to the
The Pasadena Fire Department reminds residents
staff will have more details 4th will still be happening, as
that all fireworks are illegal in Pasadena. They’re a fire
The Arboretum is located at 301 North Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, on the day’s events next will our second annual home
hazard and can result in life-threatening injuries fire
CA. Subscribers may purchase pre-paid onsite parking at the week, but can guarantee an decorating contest. You can
officials said. The City of Pasadena municipal code holds
Arboretum, and all concertgoers can purchase guaranteed and amazing fireworks show, find out more information
property owners and tenants responsible for permitting
convenient parking at Santa Anita Park, with complimentary great music, delicious food, about the pop-up events
the possession, sale, usage or discharge of fireworks on
non-stop shuttle service to the Arboretum’s main entrance. and most importantly, a at:
their property.
Single tickets start at $25. Season subscriptions and single time to celebrate and gather popups and learn how to
The City maintains a zero tolerance enforcement
tickets are now on sale, and are available by calling the box office with friends and neighbors. enter the home decorating
policy for fireworks, Report illegal fireworks in your
at (626)-793-7172, online at or at Tickets will go on sale contest at: cityofsanmarino.
neighborhood to the Pasadena police at (626) 744-4241.
the Arboretum on concert days. starting on Monday, June org/fourth.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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