Mountain View News Saturday, September 11, 2021
From left to right: Diana Trujillo, Christina Hernandez, and Clara O’Farrell
are engineers with NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover team. Credit: Hispanic
Heritage Foundation
Pasadena Public Library JPL Engineers Recognized at Chu Statement on the
Hispanic Heritage Awards
Free Take & Make Crafts Supreme Court Decision
Sign-ups begin on Sept. 20. For not to Block Abortion Law
Enjoy fun, free take-and-make ages 6+. Kits can be picked up
crafts that are simple and easy at Hastings Branch Library. be functionally non-existent.
to make. Kits are limited to Monday, Sept. 20 • While Last week U.S. Make no mistake about it—
one per participant and may supplies last Representatives Judy this extreme law and the
be picked up at your favorite Take & Make: Calaveras Chu, Lois Frankel (D-FL), Supreme Court’s decision is
Pasadena library branch. You Scratch Art Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), a cruel, calculated attack on
will be notified by email where Celebrate Día de los Muertos and Veronica Escobar (D-health care and reproductive
and when your kit is available by creating your very own
TX) and U.S. Senators rights.”
for pickup. Kits contain the Calaveras scratch art pieces.
Richard Blumenthal (D-“We must stop these
necessary craft materials and Pick up your kit at Allendale
CT) and Tammy Baldwin egregious attacks and clarify
instructions to help guide Branch Library beginning Oct.
(D-WI), issued a statement that our rights do not depend
you in creating the craft. 1 while supplies last. No
Additional household items sign-up needed. in reaction to the Supreme on zip code. Last night’s
such as scissors, a stapler, glue Friday, Oct. 1 • While supplies Court’s decision to allow decision underscores the
or tape may be needed. The last a restrictive Texas anti-urgency of our legislation
kits are extremely popular and Take & Make: Papel Picado abortion law to take effect. to guarantee a person’s right
available while supplies last. Learn how to create the The members are the lead to access an abortion—and
Kits not picked up by a certain traditional Mexican craft of Diana has held several roles sponsors of the Women’s the right of an abortiondate will be released to those Papel Picado using tissue paper Three Latina engineers for NASA and JPL, including Health Protection Act provider to deliver these on the waiting list. For all ages and string. Pick up your kit at
at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Mars Curiosity Mission (WHPA), bicameral federal abortion services—free
unless specified. Hill Branch Library beginning
Laboratory in Southern Lead, Deputy Project System legislation to guarantee from medically unnecessary
Take & Make: Sugar Skull Oct. 1 while supplies last.
California are the 2021 Engineer, and Deputy equal access to abortion, restrictions that interfere
Create your own “sugar” skull Questions? Call (626) 744
to use for Dia de Los Muertos 7264. recipients of STEM Awards Team Chief of Engineering everywhere. with a patient’s individual
that will last you all year long. Friday, Oct. 1 • While supplies from the Hispanic Heritage Operations on Curiosity. “Inthemiddleofthe night,in choice or the provider-
Pick up your kit at Hill Branch last Foundation. They will be Trujillo has also been active an unsigned, one-paragraph patient relationship.”
Library beginning Sept. 15 Take & Make: Autumn Leaf honored for their significant in sharing the excitement order, a conservative “Congress must act now
while supplies last. Questions? Lanterns roles in the agency’s Mars and opportunities of majority on the Supreme and pass the Women’s Health
Call (626) 744-7264. Make your own wax paper 2020 Perseverance rover STEM with the public. Court effectively overruled Protection Act before other
Wednesday, Sept. 15 • While lantern with pressed autumn mission during the 34th She created and hosted Roe v. Wade by refusing states follow the lead of Texas supplies last. leaves. Additional supplies
Hispanic Heritage Awards #JuntosPerseveramos, to block Texas’ extreme, and institute restrictions
Take & Make: Loteria Bingo needed: Dish cloth, iron and
broadcast on PBS Oct. 8, NASA’s first-ever Spanish-restrictive anti-abortion law. that eviscerate reproductive
Game ironing board. Sign-up for your
joined by Carlos Santana, language live broadcast of This dangerous decision health care and choice. We
In honor of Hispanic Heritage kit at: cityofpasadena.libwizard.
Month enjoy Loteria, a bingo com/f/leaf_lantern while Ivy Queen, and others. a major mission milestone outlaws a woman’s right to applaud Speaker Pelosi for
game that’s over one hundred supplies last. Sign-ups begin NASA JPL recipients are: (Perseverance landing on choose after six weeks with her announcement that the
years old! Call San Rafael Monday, Oct. 4. Kits can be • Christina Hernandez Mars), attracting millions of no exceptions for rape or Women’s Health Protection
Branch Library at (626) 744-picked up at Hastings Branch began her work at JPL in the viewers worldwide. incest—denying millions Act will be brought to the
7270 beginning Sept. 15 to Library Natural Space Environments “Congratulations to access to constitutionally floor for a vote when the
reserve your game board while Monday, Oct. 4 • While group and as mission Christina, Clara, and Diana protected health care before House returns, and President
supplies last. Game boards can supplies last assurance manager on on receiving this prestigious many of them even know Biden for his intent to use
be picked up at any branch Take & Make: Haunted Beads
STABLE (Sub arcsecond STEM award,” said Dr. they are pregnant, and a whole-of-government
library. Create your own spooktacular
Telescope and Balloon Jim Green, NASA’s chief disproportionately harming effort to respond to the
Wednesday, Sept. 15 • While melty bead designs!
Experiment). Her Mars-scientist. “Each of them was low-income Texans and Supreme Court’s assault on
supplies last. Sign-up for your kit at:
Take & Make: Alpaca Activity cityofpasadena.libwizard. related work began with integral to the planning, people of color.” reproductive rights.”
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage com/f/pplhauntedbeads while impact assessment to keep development, and successful “This decision defies Introduced with historic
Month with a weaving activity supplies last. Sign-ups begin Mars spacecraft safe during landing of our Mars precedent, turns the clock support by Blumenthal and
inspired by the alpacas Thursday, Oct. 14. Kits can be the Comet Siding Spring Perseverance rover. Our back by decades, and offers Chu, WHPA has 48 total co-
indigenous to the Peruvian picked up from Santa Catalina event. As a payload systems Mars Perseverance mission cash bounties to anyone sponsors in the Senate and
Andes. Sign-up for your kit Branch Library. engineer for Perseverance, will advance NASA’s quest who wants to police the 196 total co-sponsors in the
at: cityofpasadena.libwizard. Thursday, Oct. 14 • While she has worked on three to explore past habitability bodies and choices of their House of Representatives. com/f/AlpacaActivity while supplies last
of its seven science of the Red Planet. Because of neighbors. Without action, The text of the Senate bill is
supplies last. Sign-ups begin on Take & Make: Mini Pumpkin instruments. Her work on abortion access in Texas will
the hard work and dedication available at:
Sept. 15. Kits can be picked up Decorating
the rover’s PIXL (short for of our team, we can now
from the Santa Catalina Branch You don’t have to remove the
Library. pulp for these pretty pumpkins. Planetary Instrument for look for past microbial life Portantino’s Statement on
Wednesday, Sept. 15 • While Just come and design your X-Ray Lithochemistry) will through the collection of
supplies last own mini pumpkin monster. help scientists hunt for signs core rock and soil samples Sister State RelationshipTake & Make: Loom Weaving Sign-up for your kit at: of ancient microbial life by and test technologies that
Craft cityofpasadena.libwizard. taking super-close images will pave the way for future with Syunik ArmenianLearn to make your own com/f/MiniPumpkin, while of rock and soil textures and human exploration of Mars.
Guatemalan-inspired woven while supplies last. Sign-ups using its X-ray spectrometer Thank you to the Hispanic Senator Anthony Portantino Armenia. Governor
wall-hanging on a DIY begin on Monday, Oct. 18. Kits to identify chemical Heritage Foundation for released the following Newsom signed an
loom for Hispanic Heritage can be picked up at San Rafael
elements within them. their consideration and for statement on Assembly agreement to establish the
Month. Sign-up for your kit Branch Library.
• Clara O’Farrell, who is this outstanding recognition Concurrent Resolution 105 first California Trade and
at: cityofpasadena.libwizard. 18 While
Monday, Oct. • originally from Argentina, of our extremely talented, (ACR 105), which recognizes Services Desk in Armenia.
com/f/loom while supplies last. supplies last
moved to the U.S. on her diverse, and inspirational the Armenian Province of The formal MOU between
19th birthday to start college. NASA workforce.” Syunik as California’s sister GO-Biz and Impact HubAmerican Rescue Plan Could She studied aerospace In the Hispanic Heritage state and was approved Yerevan was signed earlier Lower Costs and Expand engineering at Princeton and Foundation’s news release, today by the Assembly this year. The establishment
completed a doctoral degree the organization’s president Committee on Jobs, of a sister state relationship isHealth Care Coverage at Caltech with research on and CEO, Jose Antonio Economic Development a continuation of our efforts
fluid dynamics of jellyfish Tijerino, said, “As leaders and the Economy. ACR to strengthen ties with
The American Rescue Plan swimming. After joining in the STEM space, these 105 was introduced by Armenia and represents the
could lower health care costs for JPL in 2013, she began inspirational Latinas Assemblymembers Chris strong bond between people
tens of thousands of individuals her work on parachutes, demonstrate the great Holden and Adrin Nazarian. of California and Armenia.”
in California’s 28th District, aerodynamics, and trajectory vision and value proposition Senator Portantino is a The Armenian Province of
a report commissioned by simulation for Mars entry, our community presents principal co-author of the Syunik is the southernmost
Congressman Adam Schiff descent, and landing. America. These engineers measure. province of Armenia.
has found, including slashing Her accomplishments as also represent role models “Today’s resolution adopting It is bordered by the
health care costs by $2,400
a guidance and control for aspiring Latinx engineers the Province of Syunik as Nakhichevan Autonomous
for eligible individuals and
engineer include certifying a in expanding human California’s sister state is an Republic, the Islamic
The report, released today, supersonic parachute to land knowledge and scientific important declaration of Republic of Iran, and the
said that by reducing premium Perseverance via supersonic discovery.” friendship and I am proud Republic of Artsakh. It is also
contributions and expanding sounding rocket tests. The Hispanic Heritage to support this endeavor. one of the original provinces
access to premium tax credits, • Diana Trujillo, an Awards are produced by Many of my neighbors of the ancient Kingdom
the district’s uninsured rate aerospace engineer, is the Hispanic Heritage and constituents have of Armenia. On May 12,
could drop by 39% if the currently Technical Group Foundation and were family and friends living in 2021, the Azerbaijani
estimated 33,000 individuals in Supervisor for Sequence created by the White House Syunik. ACR 105 serves as military crossed into the
the district who are currently Planning and Execution in 1988 to commemorate the a connecting bridge to the Republic of Armenia and
uninsured enroll in the low-
and a Tactical Mission Lead establishment of Hispanic Province of Syunik and I am moved 3.5 kilometers into
cost plans provided for in the
While some households that for Perseverance. Born and Heritage Month in America. confident the relationship Syunik Province, seizing
American Rescue Plan.
“Access to affordable health already receive their health raised in Colombia, Trujillo The awards are among the will bring prosperity for the entirety of Sev Lake. The
insurance can be the difference insurance through California’s immigrated to the U.S. at the highest honors by Latinos for both regions and facilitate next day, the Azerbaijani
marketplace or ACA tax credits
between being able to thrive age of 17 to pursue her dream Latinos and are supported mutually beneficial military breached two other
or merely survive, provide will automatically have their of working for NASA. While by 40 national Hispanic-educational, economic, and sections of the border and
premiums lowered, uninsured
for your family or live in enrolled in English-as-a-serving institutions. The cultural exchanges. In 2019, occupied more areas of
households will not receive the
poverty — and the COVID-19 second-language courses, Foundation’s programs focus I introduced SB 302 to re-Armenia. The government
enhanced tax credits in 2021 if
pandemic has only exacerbated they do not act by the end of she also worked full time on education, workforce, establish the California-of Azerbaijan continues
these hardships and inequities. the year. to support her studies in and social impact through Armenia Trade Office in to attack and threaten theThanks to the American community college and later the lens of leadership. hopes of building a vibrant internationally recognized
Rescue Plan, tens of thousands
of families no longer have to Based on estimates from the the University of Florida More information at: business relationship borders of the independent
choose between staying healthy House Committee on Oversight and University of Maryland. between California and state of Armenia.
and Reform, individuals and
and staying financially afloat,”
families in CA-28 could see the
said Schiff. “There’s still time South Pasadena Scary Story September Movies at
following benefits:
for individuals and families
to access these life-changing An estimated 44,000 Contest for Kids and Teens Pasadena Senior Center
individuals and families
savings, and I encourage
who currently purchase In celebration of used in the story. All entries
anyone in my district who is Friday Movie Matinees are After the brilliant but antisocial
eligible to act immediately. At health insurance on the Halloween, the South must be the original work back onsite at the Pasadena mathematician John Forbes
the same time, Congress must individual market could save Pasadena Public Library will of the student. Parents may Senior Center, 85 E. Holly St., Nash Jr. accepts secret work in
continue to do everything approximately $2,400 in health hold a Scary Story Contest. transcribe a young child’s after having been canceled due cryptography, his life takes a
it can to expand affordable, insurance premiums annually. Children and teens in grades story. Entries will be judged to the COVID-19 pandemic. turn for the nightmarish. The
quality health care to everyone An estimated 33,000 individuals Kindergarten through for creativity and originality. Seating will be limited and film is based in part on the
in America, lower costs, and who are not currently insured 12th grade are invited to The winning compositions reservations will be required biography “A Beautiful Mind”
remove barriers to treatment are now eligible for subsidies on a first-come, first-served by Sylvia Nasar.
submit entries to the South will be featured on the
for generations to come.” under the American Rescue basis. Each member of the “The Good, The Bad and The
Pasadena Public Library library’s website and social
For 2021 and 2022, the Plan -- including approximately Pasadena Senior Center may Ugly (1966, R) Starring Clint
23,000 individuals who can from now through Saturday, media.
American Rescue Plan reserve one additional seat Eastwood and Eli Wallach –
now enroll in an ACA plan September 18. Submissions The entries will be judged
broadens eligibility for for a nonmember guest. Call Friday, Sept. 24, at 1 p.m. In
financial assistance to help for less than $10 a month. If should be delivered to the by the Children’s Services 626-795-4331 or stop by this classic western set in the
pay for health care coverage everyone with access to these South Pasadena Public librarians and by special the Welcome Desk to make Southwest during the Civil
through the federal and state-plans enrolled, it would cut the Library Children’s Services judge, Sam Wineman, a a reservation or for more War, two men form an uneasy
uninsured rate in the CA-28 by
based marketplaces and lowers desk. The winners will be Los Angeles based writer information. alliance against a third in a race
premiums for most people who up to 39%, reducing the rate to announced in mid-October. and director known for “A Beautiful Mind” (2001, to steal a fortune in gold buried
currently have an Affordable 6.3%. Submissions must include his horror film, The Quiet PG-13) Starring Russell in a remote cemetery.
Others who were not previously Crowe and Jennifer Connelly For more information, visit:
Care Act marketplace plan. an official entry form, Room. The Scary Story
Since it was signed into law by eligible to receive tax credits, – Friday, Sept. 17, at 1 p.m.
but now qualify under the which are available on the Contest is sponsored by
President Biden in March 2021,
American Rescue Plan could Children’s Services web page the Friends of the South
the American Rescue Plan has,
on average, lowered premiums also see substantial savings --at: Pasadena Public Library,
especially among older adults children and in the library. Inc.
for consumers with existing
federal marketplace plans by who historically pay the highest Submitted stories can be The library is located
40%. For new consumers, the premiums. up to 300 words, or one 1414 Mission Street, South
The full report can be found at:
median deductible has fallen by page typed. One entry per Pasadena. For more info call
90%. person. No weapons may be (626) 403-7200.
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news at:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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