Mountain View News Saturday, October 2, 2021
Flu Shot Clinics at the Library Finalists Selected for the Governor Signs SB 381 Allows
-Monday, Oct. 18 • 2-4:30 Tournament Royal Court Purchase of 710 Properties
Pasadena Public Library p.m. • San Rafael Branch
Council dialogues that resulted
is set to offer free flu shot Library Bill Gets Caltrans Out in SB 381.
and COVID-19 clinics in - Thursday, Oct. 21 • 2-4:30 of Housing in South SB 381 gives current tenants of
partnership with Pasadena p.m. • Santa Catalina Branch Pasadena single-family and multi-familyPublic Health Department. Library residences new opportunities
Vaccine supplies are limited - Monday, Oct. 25 • 2-4:30 As a follow up to his successful to purchase properties. The
and available on a first-come, p.m. • Hill Avenue Branch negotiation to end the threat City of South Pasadena will be
of the 710 Freeway and enact able to sell historical homes at
first-served basis. Masks are Library
protections for non-profits fair market value and use the
required. Please wear short - Wednesday, Oct. 27 •
operating in the 710 corridor, funds generated to reinvest
sleeves. 2-4:30 p.m. • Allendale
Senator Anthony Portantino in affordable housing. The
Free flu shots are available to Branch Library
worked closely with the City of measure requires that for everythose six months and older. Pasadena Public Library South Pasadena to accelerate historical home that is sold, the
COVID-19 vaccines are offers a free flu shot the transition of Caltrans City must create three affordable
available to anyone 12 years clinic in partnership with owned homes out of the state’s housing units. In addition, the
and older. Children under 18 Huntington Hospital hands. The collaboration led to bill provides that Caltrans must
years must be accompanied Community Outreach. the drafting of Senate Bill 381. start to sell unoccupied units
by a parent/guardian. Vaccine supplies are limited Portantino joined Governor by June 30, 2022 and allows
Newsom in Oakland Friday the City of South Pasadena to
Monday, Oct. 4 • 2-4:30 to only 100 flu shots and are
as he signed 27 housing bills buy properties at acquisition
p.m. • La Pintoresca Branch available on a first-come,
into law. SB 381 provides price, which must be used for
Library first-served basis. Masks are School; (#192) Parisa Haq,
protections for existing affordable rentals for 55 years
-Thursday, Oct. 7 • 2-4:30 required. Please wear short Before the final round of Arcadia High School. tenants, includes a strategy to and affordable home ownership
p.m. • Lamanda Park Branch sleeves. interviews, the 29 finalists Second row, from left: (#7) protect historic homes, and for 45 years. Construction or
Library For more information visit: for the 2022 Royal Court Seojin Yun, La Cañada gives flexibility to the City of acquisition must begin by Dec
-Thursday, Oct. 14 • 2-4:30 by Citizens High School; (#118) South Pasadena to create more 31, 2025 as outlined in the SB
p.m. • Linda Vista Branch health or call (626) 744-Business Bank took a group Abigail Griffith, Pasadena affordable housing. 381. All tenants who do not buyLibrary 6000. photo Monday on the front High School; (#62) Jenna “I want to thank the Governor will get first right of occupancy.
steps of Tournament House. Milbrodt, La Cañada High for signing SB 381 and “At long last, the enactmentCelebrate Latino Heritage Applicants from 24 Pasadena School; (#233) Brooke Miller, providing South Pasadena an of SB 381 represents the final
opportunity to protect our chapter in the State’s long-
area schools participated in Flintridge Sacred Heart
Join the City of Pasadena and the Latino Heritage Committee the interview process and Academy; (#89) Charlotte historic homes and expand standing efforts to build
affordable housing options,” another freeway through the
for Pasadena’s 23rd annual Latino Heritage Celebration. Due
seven of the finalists will be Bradley-McKinnon, John Portantino said. “Since the small town of South Pasadena,”
to COVID-19, this year’s celebration does not include a parade
named to the 2022 Royal Marshall Fundamental High SR 710 freeway gap can no stated South Pasadena Mayor
or festival but instead features an entire month of free, family-
Court on October 4. School; (#117) Sarah Davey, longer be built, South Pasadena Diana Mahmud. “Among
friendly virtual and outdoor events. All events comply with
Members of the 2022 Pasadena High School; (#63) expressed a need for legislative other things, SB 381 assures all
Pasadena Public Health Department COVID-19 protocols:
Royal Court will each Amadi Weser, Flintridge changes to the current sales current tenants of properties
Paint and Aguas Frescas
Preparatory School. process and existing tenants purchased in anticipation of
Saturday, Oct. 9, 3 p.m., Villa Parke, 363 E. Villa St. receive a $7,500 educational
needed protections. With SB the freeway’s construction
Join us for paint and aguas frescas! Participants will have the scholarship and serve Third row, from left:(#112)
381, we were able to achieve all will have the opportunity
opportunity to create their very own painting while enjoying a as ambassadors of the Ava Feldman, South
these goals while offering the to acquire their residences
tasty cantarito of agua fresca! Art kits and aguas will be provided. Tournament of Roses, the Pasadena High School; (39)
City the opportunity to control before it is offered to a third
Participants will paint under the instruction of an experienced Pasadena community and Nadia Chung, La Cañada
the process going forward.” party, and permits the City to
artist. Register now at
the greater Los Angeles area. High School; (#227) Anya Early in 2017, Caltrans purchase unoccupied Caltrans
Latino Heritage Concert in the Park
Royal Court members Yang, Arcadia High School; began dispensing properties homes at acquisition cost
Saturday, Oct. 16, 5 p.m., Memorial Park, 85 E. Holly St.
experience countless (#166) Celine Tsai, Temple as required by SB 416 and the for vitally needed affordable
¡Bailemos! Let’s dance! Latino Heritage would not be complete
benefits; becoming part of City High School; (#15) Roberti Act. SB 416 and the housing. In addition, this new
without a celebration of Latin music! Join us for a live music
an organization dedicated Swetha Somasundaram, Roberti Act govern the sale of law allows South Pasadena to
celebration at the Memorial Park Bandshell. Dance to traditional
Arcadia High School; (#34) sell at market rate unoccupied
hits with strong salsa beats. This is a great event for the whole to hands-on volunteerism, surplus property and outline
the priority order of who historic homes previously
family. Bring your blanket, lawn chairs, and dancing shoes! discovering opportunities to Jaeda Walden, La Cañada
can purchase. In 2019, the acquired by Caltrans, with the
Register now at connect with and give back High School; (#79) Anita
Governor signed Portantino’s proceeds of that sale used for
Virtual Event: Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Sugar to the local community, Abledu, John Marshall
SB 7, which ended the SR 710 affordable housing. Senator
Skull Craft developing public speaking Fundamental High School.
extension project. To date, Portantino long opposed the
Saturday, Oct. 30, 10 a.m.
skills, and growing self-Top row, from left: (#200) Caltrans has sold less than 15 proposed freeway, and now
Participants will follow step-by-step instructions to create a
confidence. Grace Nakane, Westridge properties and will be looking has acted strategically to assist
fun and unique calavera. Art kits will be available for pick-up
Volunteer members of the School; (#122) Claire Stiles, to move forward with the the City in addressing the
for registered participants at Villa Parke Community Center.
Tournament of Roses’ Queen Maranatha High School; disposition of the remaining consequences of that failed
Registration opens Oct. 1:
and Court Committee made (#103) Laila Ward, High 445 properties this year. effort. We are deeply grateful
Pre-registration for events is recommended but not required.
Current statue allows cities to the Senator for his continued
For more information on these and other upcoming events, visit its selections based on a School: Polytechnic School
to purchase only occupied and support and advocacy for our, follow @PasadenaParksandRec on number of criteria including (graduated 2021) Current:
unoccupied multi-family units, city, and count ourselves very
Facebook and Instagram, or call (626) 744-6530. academic achievement University of Southern
but cities must still compete fortunate to be represented by
Pasadena Public Library is also celebrating Latino Heritage community and school California (USC); (#96)
with other Housing Related him,” she added.
month with a wide variety of free programs and activities. For involvement, public Isabelle Hopf, Mayfield
Entities (HREs) to win the bid. The imbalance between
details on these events, visit:
speaking ability and youth Senior School; (#179) Ella Additionally, current statute supply and demand has driven
leadership. Bogen, La Cañada High sets the sales price for cities at a California housing costs to
The 2022 Royal Court will School; (#36) Malia Wilson, “reasonable price” determined be the highest in the nation,
ride down Colorado Blvd. La Salle High School; by various factors. However, with an average median home
on the Royal Court float (#5) Renée Deramerian, a substantial number of these price now 2.5 times the U.S.
in the 133rd Rose Parade Flintridge Sacred Heart homes need significant repairs median. These high prices
and at the same time must have prohibited occupations
presented by Honda and Academy; (#29) Gwynn
be rented or sold at amounts like teachers, nurses, public
attend the 108th Rose Bowl Schliesser, La Cañada High
based upon affordable income safety officers and younger
Game, both on Saturday, School.
criteria. professionals the ability to
January 1, 2022. The Tournament of Roses is
In order to bring more clarity afford owning a home. SB 381The 29 Royal Court Finalists a volunteer organization that and local flexibility, the South will make it economically viable
are: hosts America’s New Year Pasadena City Council asked for the City of South Pasadena
First row, from left: Celebration with the Rose Portantino to help. After the to purchase, substantially(#11) Sebina Rothschild, Parade presented by Honda, initial conversation, the city, rehabilitate, maintain, and
Arcadia High School; (#37) the Rose Bowl Game and community and historical administer an affordable
McKenzie Street, Flintridge a variety of accompanying society conducted a series of housing program to the benefit
community meetings and City of the community.
Sacred Heart Academy; events. The Association’s 935
(#221) Rylie Harada, volunteer members supplyArcadia High School; (#90) more than 80,000 hours of Religions of the World:
Shaina Clorfeine, La Cañada manpower, which will drive
High School; (#66) Jeannine the success of 133rd Rose Theme for Masters Series
Briggs, John Marshall Parade, themed “Dream.
at Pasadena Senior Center
Fundamental High School; Believe. Achieve.”
(#212) Samantha Molina, For more information, visit: The fall term of The Masters
South Pasadena High Series, with the theme
Religions of the World, willCity Hires New Building Official
be onsite at the Pasadena
Senior Center Tuesdays to
The City of Pasadena
Department of Planning and Oct. 19, from 2 to 4 p.m.
Community Development Religion has always played
(PCD) has announced the a role in human society,
hiring of new Building Official from nonverbal prehistoryRon Takiguchi, P.E., CBO. Mr. to the prominent place of
Takiguchi is a tenured building religion in contemporaryofficial with more than 30 years life. Living in a multicultural professor of religious studies of experience, most recently
society, it is important to at CSUN for many years and
with the City of Burbank as
understand what is sacred served a term as chair of the
assistant director/building
in religions and the central Department of Religious
official. He also served as the
myths, rituals, texts and Studies.
chief building official with the
City of Santa Monica and as scriptures that shape ancient Her areas of concentration
deputy building official with and modern expressions of include world religions,
the County of Los Angeles. these traditions. Islam in India, South Asian
Mr. Takiguchi will manage Dr. Phyllis Herman, religious traditions and
the Building & Safety Division the safe occupancy of buildings professor of religious women and religion. She of PCD and the plan check through proper application studies at California State has contributed chapters to
and building inspection of codes and standards while University, Northridge, will several notable books andfunctions. He asserts that considering innovation and
introduce participants in articles on nationalist and
Building & Safety should be creative design.
The Masters Series to archaic feminine theories, women
a facilitator of projects while “As building official, Mr.
assisting homeowners, business Takiguchi will oversee and tribal religious practices, and religion, and Hindu
operators, contractors and the building plan check Hinduism, Buddhism, ideas of kingship. She also
developers in the permitting review process for all new Judaism, Christianity and co-edited a book titled “The
process. He highly believes in development in the City as Islam. Constant and Changing
well as the building inspection Oct. 12 – Christianity: the life Face of the Goddess:
process. Ron’s extensive of Jesus and developments Goddess Traditions in Asia”
experience in administering into and within this religion. that features essays written
municipal building codes
Oct. 19 – Islam: from by established scholars.
will be a welcome asset to the
Muhammad to the world. The cost for the six-week
Department of Planning and
To register or for more series is only $75 for
Community Development as
information, visit: members of the Pasadena
we look to implement a 100% Senior Center and $90 for
online process,” says David
Reyes, director planning and and click on Masters Series nonmembers.
community development. Lifelong Learning, call 626-The center, at 85 E. Holly
Mr. Takiguchi is a registered 795-4331 or email AnnieL@ St., is an independent,
professional engineer and a nonprofit. Masks and social
certified building official. He Everyone who registers will distancing are required foris an adjunct faculty member
receive email instructions onsite activities. For more
at UCLA Extension in the
for joining each week’s information about onsite
Department of Engineering
Zoom class online. as well as online activities
and Technology.
Mr. Takiguchi will join the Herman, who earned and other programs visit
City of Pasadena on Oct. 25, her PhD in the history of the website or call 626-795
2021. religion at UCLA, has been a 4331.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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