Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, September 10, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 7

Mountain View News Saturday, September 10, 2022 7ALTADENA - SOUTH PASADENA SAN MARINO 
Mountain View News Saturday, September 10, 2022 7ALTADENA - SOUTH PASADENA SAN MARINO 
TofR Announces Día de los 
Muertos Art Competition 

The Tournament of Roses should consider the following 
announced Friday the third art categories: 
annual Día de los Muertos Paintings & Drawings 
art competition, a celebration -Create an art piece 
of art, in partnership with the featuring marigolds, 
Consulate General of Mexico monarch butterflies or other 
in Los Angeles, Pasadena representations of the holiday 
Unified School District, Calavera – Make and 
the Greater LA Education decorate a sugar skull 
Foundation, La Plaza de Ofrendas – Build or construct 
Cultura y Artes, Los Angeles an altar 
Unified School District, Catrina – Paint a face 
Mercadito Monarca, 360 with traditional Día de los 
Agency and Yankuititl. Muertos makeup 

Winners of this year’s Digital Art/Graphic Design – 
regional competition will be Use technology and graphic 
awarded scholarships and gift design to bring your art to 
cards in three age categories: life 
4-8, 9-13 and 14-18. Other visual arts – Get

 Submissions are due by creative in some other form, 
noon on Friday, October 7 including sculptures, making

 Winners will be announced a traditional Día de Muertos 
at annual Día de los Muertos costume 
celebration on Saturday, A tradition in Mexico and 
Qctober 29 Central America that goes

 To enter, students must be back more than 3,000 years, 
between the ages of 4 and Día de los Muertos is an 

18. Masterpieces can take annual holiday that is now 
any shape or form, as long celebrated around the world. 
as it celebrates, reflects and For submission details visit: 
honors the traditions of Día 
de los Muertos. Students diadelosmuertos. 
LA County Supervisors to Reopen 
Board Hearing Room 

The Los Angeles CountyBoard of Supervisorsannounced Friday that theBoard Hearing Room at 
the Kenneth Hahn Hall of 
Administration will reopen 
to the public on Tuesday, 
September 27.

“After over two years of no 
constituents being allowedin the board room due to 
the COVID-19 pandemic, 
we are pleased to have 
reached a point where wecan safely resume in-persondialogue with the public we 
serve and who have a rightto be here. The health of 
our communities and staff 
remains a priority, whichis why we will continue touphold safety measures sothat we can keep the boardroom open” said Board Chair,
Second District Supervisor 
Holly J. Mitchell.

 Los Angeles County movedfrom a “medium” to “low” 
COVID-19 community level 
on September 1, per the 
Centers for Disease Control 
and Prevention community 

rating system.

 As in-person meetingsresume, telephonic commentwill continue to be available 
to members of the public.

 To ensure the health and 
safety of those who plan onattending in person, specialguidelines will be in placeincluding:
Masking for all in attendancewill be required.
Enhanced air filtration 
equipment has been installedin the Board Hearing Room.
Occupancy will be limited to100 members of the public.

 Members of the media will 
have a designated seating 
area and will be able to film 
interviews in the media room 
upon request.

 Remote or online access to 
specific government serviceswill continue to be available. 
Residents can check bos. website for allupcoming scheduled Boardmeetings. The Board willcontinue to meet every otherweek with the opposite weekbeing designated to closedsession. 

Business with JPL Workshop 

Matthew Hawkesworth, forms, solicitation documents, 
Pasadena Director of Finance, and City requirements in 
announced Thursday that on the competitive bidding and 
September 28 at 9:00 a.m., competitive selection processes, 
the Purchasing Division will respectively. The workshop 
facilitate a Doing Business will also include registration 
with the City Workshop, instructions for solicitation 
in collaboration with Jet and instructions for submitting 
Propulsion Laboratory (“JPL”) electronic bids to the City. 
at the Robinson Recreation Furthermore, the workshop is 
Center. This workshop is also designed to help ongoing 
designed to brief small outreach efforts intended to 
businesses and Pasadena increase interest in the City’s 
businesses on the general formal solicitation process. 
requirements for doing business Following the workshop, staff 
with the City of Pasadena and will follow up with Pasadena 
JPL. Participants will gain businesses directly to answer 
valuable information on how questions specific to recurring 
to compete when submitting procurements related to 
formal solicitations. their industry. For additional 
According to new city Manager, information or for questions, 
Miguel Marquez, generally, the contact the Purchasing Division 
workshop will cover various City at 626-744-6755. 

Free Talk: 1930s Movie Star 
Ann Dvorak’s Encino Ranch 

who registers will receive an

 Although Hollywood actress email link to access the live 
Ann Dvorak, known for her Zoom presentation. 
memorable roles in 1930s films Dvorak’s scenic ranch served as 
such as “Scarface” and “Three a protective anchor during the 
on a Match,” rarely stayed in one most productive years of her 
place for long during her 68-life and career and serves as a 
year life, she called her 36-acre reminder of the role of the San 
walnut ranch in Encino home Fernando Valley in Hollywood 
from 1934 to 1945. history. 
Author, historian and Los Although the walnut groves 
Angeles Public Library photo eventually were consumed by 
archivist Christina Rice will massive post-World War II 
present a look back at Dvorak development in the valley, the 
and the ranch, complete with heart of the property remains, 
plenty of photos, Thursday, including the house, servant’s 
Sept. 29, at 2 p.m. via Zoom, quarters, pool and pool house, 
sponsored by the Pasadena cow stables and greenhouse, 
Senior Center. all built by Dvorak and her 
Members of the center and husband, actor/director Leslie 
nonmembers 50 and older are Fenton. 
welcome to register for the Rice is the author of “Ann 
free event by visiting www. Dvorak: Hollywood’s Forgotten and Rebel” (University Press of 
clicking on Lectures & Classes, Kentucky, 2013). 
then Informational Lectures or For more information visit: 
calling 626-795-4331. Everyone 

City of Pasadena AccessoryDwelling Unit Virtual Workshop 

Paige, Acting Director of 

(“SCAG”) to assess 
and improve the City’s 
accessory dwelling unit 
(“ADU”) process. Jennifer 
The City of Pasadenareceived funding from 
the Southern California 
Association of Governments 

Planning and CommunityDevelopment, announces 
that on Thursday, the city willhost the second of two publicworkshops “Draft ADU 
Planning Tools Review” 
that will share information 
about the project. This 
workshop will provide anopportunity for the publicto provide feedback on thedraft materials that have 
been developed including anADU Handbook, ConceptPlans Package, and Cost 
Estimator Tool. The first 
workshop, held in May 2022,
presented key findings fromthe project’s initial technicalwork and reviewed the main 
goals and objectives of the 

An Accessory DwellingUnit is a residential dwellingunit that provides completeindependent living facilities 
for one or more personsand is located on a lot with a 
proposed or existing primaryresidence. It shall include 
permanent provisions for 
living, sleeping, eating, 
cooking, and sanitation 
on the same parcel as thesingle-family or multi-familydwelling is or will be situated.

 The meeting is set to startat 6 p.m.

 For more information about 
ADUs, this workshop, andfuture ADU Project outreach 
events, visit: cityofpasadena.
net or contact Guille Nunez,
Senior Planner, at 626-7447634 
or email: gnunez@ 

Launch of South Pasadena 
City App: SouthPas Mobile 

The City of South Pasadenaannounced Wednesday 
the launch of SouthPas 
Mobile, the City’s official 
application or “app”. The 
launch of this app began asa part of budget discussionsaround technology 
and communication 
improvements. During thesediscussions, Mayor Pro Tem 
Primuth empowered staff tocreate an app to align with theCity’s Strategic Plan goal ofenhancing customer serviceand creating an automatedcustomer care application.
The City Manager’s Officebegan developing the appin late June, and workedclosely with DepartmentDirectors and staff to create 
topics related to frequentlyasked questions. In addition 
to accessing information 
and contact information, the overgrown weeds, City 

community will be able to tree issues, graffiti, road 
make service requests and repairs, permits, and water 
receive alerts from the City mainbreaks. 

on upcoming events, alerts, In consideration of residents 
closures, and other news. who may not have access to 
Some of the information that smartphones, the City has 

will be available in the app also made this information 
includes contact information available in the same format 
for elected officials and City on our website. 
staff, City events, news, jobs, The City will be tabling at 

environmental programs, the South Pasadena Farmers’ 
parks and facilities, senior Market on September 22 
resources, business resources, and October 6, 2022 at 

and information on the 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to 
upcoming 2022 elections. teach the community about 
In addition to accessing the app. Staff will also be 
information, the community working with the Senior 
will also have the ability Citizens’ Foundation of 

to submit service requests South Pasadena to teach our 

through the application and seniors about the app during 
track those service requests. their monthly “Tech Day,” on 
Some of the service requests September 28 from 3:00 p.m. 
that users are able to make to 4:30 p.m. at the Senior 
include building inspections, Center, located at 1102 Oxley 
code enforcement, Street. 

San Marino UpcomingEvents & Programming 

Family StorytimeTuesday, September 13 at 10:30 AM, Children’s Area

 Storytime features activities for children ages 5 and under that 
will promote early literacy and lifelong learning through songs,
movement, fingerplays, and books. Storytime is also an opportunityfor caregivers to learn ways they can incorporate learning activitiesinto everyday routines. Storytime occurs weekly on Tuesdaythrough October 4. Registration is not required. Please watch our 
social media for cancellations. 

Huntington Nurses Health Screening

Wednesday, September 14 from 10:00 – 11:30 AM, BarthCommunity Room

 The Huntington Nurses offer free blood pressure and glucosescreenings. Please plan to fast 2 hours prior to having glucosechecked. These blood pressure and glucose evaluations can leadto prevention and early detection of “silent killer” diseases such ashypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. Health screenings willbe held every second Wednesday of the month. Registration is notrequired.

Smarter Living Series: Hearing Loss

Wednesday, September 14 at 1 PM, Barth Community Room

 In this free workshop led by Doctor Norma Camacho, participantswill learn about the many risk factors that are associated with 
hearing loss. Participants will learn that health and wellness iscrucial because our ears are connected to our entire body system.
Registration is not required.

Puppy Love Dog PAW-ty

Saturday, September 17 at 9 AM, Lacy ParkGet ready to PAW-ty with our 4-legged friends! Join us at Lacy Parkto enjoy the morning with our furry pals. Two dog runs will beinstalled and there will be obstacle courses, doggy snacks, goodiebags (limited supplies), music, dog contests, and more!

San Marino Fire Recent Happenings

 San Marino Engine 91 was dispatched on September 7 as part ofStrike Team 1202A to the Fairview Incident in Riverside County,
in addition to two engines from both Burbank and Glendale. As ofSeptember 7, the Fairview Incident has grown to 7,091 acres, is 5%
contained, and has destroyed seven structures with two confirmedfatalities.

 On September 4, Engine 91 responded to major floodingconditions in a home on the 1100 block of Adair Street. Firefighterswere able to successfully evacuate the water from the home’sbasement. Keeping current water restrictions in mind, EngineerWhite redirected the runoff away from the street to water thevegetation in the property’s front yard.

 Fire Department training during the week of August 29 toSeptember 4 included hydrant hookups, transferring water fromone engine to another, receiving water, and pumping to firefightinghose lines. Water used for training was diverted onto the parkwaygrass with the help of a young resident.

 On September 4, Engine 91 responded to investigate a hazardon the 2200 block of Oak Knoll, where an oak tree in the rear of 
a property fell, causing damage to the roof and knocking downwires. Although the power lines were intact, there was no powerto the house and E91 was unable to shut down utilities due to their 
location under the fallen tree. Southern California Edison and the 
City of San Marino Community Development department werenotified, while E91 remained on scene until an electrician arrived. 

Protecting your homes from burglaries

 Attention residents! Burglaries are on the rise in the San GabrielValley. Here are some friendly reminders to help protect your 
Alarms and camera systems are a great deterrent to prevent crime.
Use your alarm at all times, even when you are at home.
Keep all windows and doors locked and secured. Do not havevaluables visible through windows and use interior locking devices.
Make your house appear occupied when away, including: leavinglights on, leaving a TV or music playing, leaving a vehicle parkedin the driveway, or even having your newspaper stopped until youare back home.

 For more information about any of these notices visit: 

Catch breaking news at:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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