Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, December 10, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 2

Mountain View News Saturday, December 10, 2022 2 'TIS THE SEASON!Mountain View News Saturday, December 10, 2022 2 'TIS THE SEASON!
In celebration ofSeven Gables’inception to the San Gabriel Valley, Mike and RegionalManagerforthe San Gabriel Valleyarea, RandyAbrams, sat down to thoughtfullyshareideologies, and theirvisions for the San Gabriel Valley real estate market.
RandyAbrams is an SGVnative with over25 years ofexperience in real estate. With 20ofthose years spent in leadership roles with great firms, leaders & management that havedefined his tactics and strategies throughout the years. It was a natural fit forRandyanda quick & easy transition because he and Mike are like-minded, and relationship focused.
Specificallyin the San Gabriel Valley, Randysees a lot ofopportunity. There are not enoughfull-service brokerages in that area that focus on ethics and fostering agent growth. Toomanyagents are coming into this market and it’s the “wild, wild west.”With commissionintegrity, outgoing cooperation, and discount brokers abound, Randyand Mike want tobring back the lost art of real estate.
Randy Abrams 
626.222.3954RandyA@SevenGables.comDRE #01270584
SG DRE #00745605 | This is not intended to be a solicitation of another broker’s listing.

By Local Author Rob Tribken 

The book is for those who seek to engage problems and opportunities 
with a new sense of purpose. 

Work today can feel like a pressure cooker, with painful levels 
of stress, interpersonal conflict, and the risk of burnout. We 
can lose track of our goals and feel our work is pointless and 
going nowhere. 

Developing a deeper sense of purpose can help us overcome 
these problems and perhaps even flourish in our work lives.
In the book, Tribken offers practical insights from multiple 
sources, including the Bible, contemporary research, and experience 
in business. These extend into various important work-related topics, including: 
human flourishing; overcoming obstacles to flourishing such as sin, failure, stress, 
burnout, and interpersonal conflict; cultivating character strengths such as courage, 
integrity, compassion, hope, humility, prudence, and resilience; spiritual practices that 
can help us as we work; developing a calling; and the spiritual dimension of leadership. 

The Sacred Meaning of Everyday Work is written for people who take their work seriously 
and have at least some interest in religion or spirituality. The book asks readers to 
consider the various insights from the perspective of their own 
faith or spirituality. 

Below are some of the topics he can discuss in an interview: 

• Find your work’s deeper purpose and meaning by seeing 
its spiritual connection.
• Cultivating character strengths like courage, integrity, 
and compassion that you need to lead others in times of 
• Spiritual resources can help you deal with work-related 
problems like stress, burnout, and interpersonal conflict.
• Short spiritual practices that help you relax, turn your 
attention toward God, and focus on the work at hand with 
new energy.
• Understanding how your work contributes to the greater 
good and the well-being of other people.
• Seeing how the values you bring to your work can encourage the teamwork 
essential for success. 
• The need for spiritually grounded leaders in times like these. 
• The opportunity for religious institutions and religious leaders to help a 
broader range of people meet their spiritual needs (and what this might mean for 
the future of churches).
• Can your work be your calling? 
• The changing work environment and what this means for us on a personal 
and spiritual level. 
Look for it wherever books are sold - online and in stores in January, 2023 

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