Mountain Views News Saturday, March 4, 2023
Mountain Views News Saturday, March 4, 2023
San Marino UpcomingEvents & Programming
Chinese Club
Thursday, March 9 at 10:30 AM, Barth Community RoomIn the spirit of cultural exchange and appreciation ofdiversity, educational development, and community service,
the Chinese Club of San Marino holds monthly lectures andworkshops. Join us this month for a fun and informativelesson on Chinese knotting! To sign up, click here.
East Meets West Parent Education Club
Saturday, March 11 from 2 – 4 PM, Barth Community RoomThis multicultural parent club presents professionals who
share their knowledge and pass on skills to the local parents
on how to raise their children in an international and
competitive world. Although the program is presented inEnglish, Mandarin speakers will be on hand to translate.
Health and Wellness Talk: Strokes
Tuesday, March 14 at 1 PM, Barth Community RoomBhavesh Trikamji, MD specializes in neurology,
neuromuscular medicine, and electromyography at the UCRHealth Multispecialty Center. He is also an Assistant Professorof neuroscience at the University of California, RiversideSchool of Medicine. Trikamji will share the fundamentalsof strokes and key elements in detecting strokes early. Hewill also discuss critical stroke interventions and various
prevention strategies. Registration is not required.
Happy Hour Shamrock Bingo
Wednesday, March 15 at 12 PM, Lacy ParkJoin your friends and neighbors at Lacy Park for ShamrockBingo! Enjoy a few games of bingo along with music, lunch,
drinks, and opportunity drawings. Bring your lucky charmsand join us for a fun filled afternoon. This event is free andopen to San Marino residents ages 55+. Registration isrequired.
Join us next week for Arbor Week
Join us for Arbor Week events, as we celebrate the
importance of trees in our community! To kick off the week,
there will be a ‘Trees 101’ Town Hall on Monday, March 6.
On Wednesday, March 8, City Council will issue an ArborMonth Proclamation. And on Friday, March 10, there will bea tree tour, followed by a tree planting with the Chinese Clubin Lacy Park. For more information, go to cityofsanmarino.
Severe Rainstorm Response
The Parks and Public Works Department undertooknumerous activities both in preparation for and in responseto the severe rainstorms that occurred over the past week.
Prior to the storms, the Department replenished the sandbagself-fill station at Stoneman to ensure residents were able to
sufficiently prepare for the adverse weather. Once the stormshad begun, Public Works staff proactively drove through theCity streets looking for issues, and also responded to issuesreported through the GoGov app and Police DepartmentDispatch. Staff also checked each of the City’s three sewagelift stations to ensure they were functioning properly duringthe storm. Issues responded to included; fallen streetlightglobes, clogged drains, power outages (immediately reportedto Southern California Edison), and fallen tree branchesand palm fronds. Public Works standby staff also worked
in conjunction with Mariposa Landscaping, the City’s tree
contractor, to respond to five separate incidents of fallen
trees resulting from the storm. Each of these incidents wereresponded to in a timely manner to ensure resident safetyand minimize disruption to the neighborhood. Residentswho wish to report non-emergency issues in the public rightof-
way or City streets may do so via the San Marino ServiceRequest Center:
MeetingsCity Council Meeting
Wednesday, March 8 at 6:00 PM; City Hall Council Chambersand Zoom (Public Access)
Recreation Commission Meeting
Monday, March 13 at 6:00 PM; Barth Room and Zoom
(Public Access)
Design Review Committee
Wednesday, March 15 at 6:00 PM; Barth Room and Zoom
(Public Access)
Wiggle Waggle Walk & RunRegistration is now Open
There are just a few weeks leftto register for the 2023 WiggleWaggle Walk & Run! Walk orrun around the iconic Rose Bowl
Stadium to support animalsin need. Then, enjoy a family-
friendly festival at BrooksidePark with vendor booths, foodtrucks, demonstrations, an
agility course, a dog costumecontest, and more.
The Wiggle Waggle Walk & Runproceeds helping to save thelives of thousands of animals in
our community with programssuch as foster care, kitten Please note: Recognition badges
nursery, animal ICU, wildlife must be purchased in your
Registration Information name, not your pet
Regular Registration Show everyone who you are
All runners and walkers will walking for!
receive a t-shirt, bandana, bib, Add on a Recognition Badge
and medal available for pick up and promote who you are
at the event. walking/running with or
Ages 10 and under do not need for. You will write your pet’s
to register. name(s) on this big, 4” wide
Regular registration price will be sticker to celebrate them! It is a
available until Noon on March great way to memorialize a pet
31, 2023. (Day-of registration that you walk in memory of or
will cost $65.) to honor the dog you have with
Virtual Registration you. You can even honor a pet
All virtual runners and walkers that you have at home who isn’t
will receive a t-shirt, bandana, with you at the event.
bib, and medal in the mail. Online registration closes on
Virtual registration will be March 31.
available until Noon on March In-person registration will be
31, 2023. available for an increased cost
Recognition Badge on the day of the event.
Recognition badges must be For more information
purchased in addition to a or registration visit:
South Pasadena 2023 Summer
Reading Program Volunteers
The South Pasadena per day, since there are
Library opened up volunteer 40-50 volunteers assisting
applications for their Summer throughout the summer.
Reading. New volunteer Volunteers are expected to
applicant interviews will complete at least 20 hours of
begin on Tuesday, April 11. service during the summer.
Volunteers will be notified Tasks include assisting
if they have been selected with programs, helping our
for the Summer Reading librarians prepare for crafts
Program by Wednesday, for our storytimes, assist
April 27. Summer Reading patrons in signing up for the
Volunteering will begin on Summer Reading Program
Monday, May 22 and will end as well as distributing prizes
on Sunday, August 13. for those who participate in
Interested volunteers must the program, and cleaning
have completed 6th grade books. Questions? Email
to apply. Our summer childrenlibrarian@
volunteers are scheduled or call
for 2 to 4 hour shifts and Children’s Services at 626are
limited to one shift 403-7358.
Senior Center to ExploreChristopher Isherwood
Author and playwright Pasadena Senior Center via
Christopher Isherwood, Zoom on Thursday, March 16
whose semi-autobiographical at 2 p.m.
novel “Goodbye to Berlin” Sara S. Hodson,
inspired the musical curator emeritus for the
“Cabaret,” will be the topic of Huntington Library, will
a special Cultural Thursdays lead the presentation titled
event presented by the “Christopher Isherwood and
the California Dream.”
Born in England in 1904,
Isherwood emigrated to the
U.S. in 1939 and lived in
Southern California until his
death in 1986. He spent sometime in Berlin beginningin 1929, which promptedthe two novels – including“Goodbye to Berlin” – thatcomprised his “Berlin
Stories.” After his move to
California, he recognized thestate as a land of opportunity
– a place where, as a gay man,
he could escape the stricturesof his native Britain and
find personal and spiritualfulfillment.
This event is free for
members of the Pasadena
Senior Center and only $5for nonmembers. To register
or for more information,
visit: pasadenaseniorcenter.
org and click on Lectures andClasses, then Informational
Lectures or call (626) 7954331.
Everyone who registerswill receive an email link to
join the Zoom discussion.
In addition to online classes,
onsite events and other
activities, members and
nonmembers of the Pasadena
Senior Center are encouragedto visit the website regularlyfor a quarterly online
magazine, free food deliveryfor older adults in need,
COVID updates specificallyfor older adults and more.
The center is an independent,
donor-supported nonprofit
organization that has served
older adults for more than
60 years. Beginning Monday,
Mar. 6, extended springand summer hours will be
Monday through Fridayfrom 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. andSaturday from 8 a.m. to noon.
Rooms are sanitized after
each use. Masks are optional.
Civic Story & OngoingLegacy of Owen Brownwith Historian Michele Zack
Did you know that the
family of abolitionist JohnBrown came to Altadena in
the late 1800s?
Michele Zack, Altadena
historian and chair of the
Owen Brown Gravesite
Committee, will share the
details of Owen Brown’s life,
his legacy in our community,
and the challenges faced inestablishing access to andrestoration of his gravesitefrom 2 to 3:30 p.m. onSaturday, March 25, in theMain Library CommunityRoom. This event is made
possible by Pasadena Village.
Register for this talk through
Quantum Detector Achieves
World-Leading Milestone
human hair.
A new JPL- and Caltech-
Funded by NASA’s Space
developed detector could Communications and
transform how quantum Navigation (SCaN) program
computers, located within the agency’s Space
thousands of miles apart, Operations Mission
exchange huge quantities Directorate and built by JPL’s
of quantum data. Microdevices Laboratory,
the PEACOQ detector
Quantum computers hold must be kept at a cryogenic
the promise of operating temperature just one degree
millions of times faster than above absolute zero, or minus
conventional computers. 458 degrees Fahrenheit
But to communicate over (minus 272 degrees Celsius).
long distances, quantum This keeps the nanowires
computers will need in a superconducting state,
a dedicated quantum which is required for them
communications network. to be able to turn absorbed
To help form such a network, photons into electrical pulses
a device has been developed that deliver the quantum
by scientists at NASA’s Jet data.
Propulsion Laboratory and Although the detector
Caltech that can count huge needs to be sensitive enough
numbers of single photons for single photons, it is also
– quantum particles of light designed to withstand being
– with incredible precision. hit by many photons at once.
Like measuring individual When one nanowire in the
droplets of water while detector is hit by a photon,
being sprayed by a firehose, it is momentarily unable to
the Performance-Enhanced detect another photon – a
Array for Counting Optical period called “dead time” –
Quanta (PEACOQ) detector but each superconducting
is able to measure the precise nanowire is designed to have
time each photon hits it, as little dead time as possible.
within 100 trillionths of a Moreover, PEACOQ is
second, at a rate of 1.5 billion equipped with 32 nanowires
photons per second. No so that others can pick up the
other detector has achieved slack while one is “dead.”
that rate. “In the near term,
“Transmitting quantum PEACOQ will be used in lab
information over long experiments to demonstrate
distances has, so far, been quantum communications at
very limited,” said PEACOQ higher rates or over greater
project team member Ioana distances,” said Craiciu.
Craiciu, a postdoctoral “In the long term, it could
scholar at JPL and the lead provide an answer to the
author of a study describing question of how we transmit
these results. “A new detector quantum data around the
technology like the PEACOQ world.”
that can measure single Deep Space Test
photons with a precision of Part of a wider NASA
a fraction of a nanosecond effort to enable free-space
enables sending quantum optical communications
information at higher rates, between space and the
farther.” ground, PEACOQ is based
Dedicated Network Required on the detector developed for
For quantum computers NASA’s Deep Space Optical
to communicate beyond Communications (DSOC)
these limitations, a dedicated technology demonstration.
free-space optical quantum DSOC will launch with
network could include space NASA’s Psyche mission later
“nodes” aboard satellites this year to demonstrate,
orbiting Earth. Those for the first time, how
nodes would relay data by high-bandwidth optical
generating pairs of entangled communications between
photons that would be sent Earth and deep space could
to two quantum computer work in the future.
terminals hundreds or even While DSOC won’t
thousands of miles apart communicate quantum
from each other on the information, its ground
ground. terminal at Caltech’s Palomar
Pairs of entangled Observatory in Southern
photons are so intimately California requires the same
connected that measuring extreme sensitivity in order
one immediately affects the to count single photons
results of measuring the arriving via laser from the
other, even when they are DSOC transceiver as it
separated by a large distance. travels through deep space.
But for these entangled “It’s all kind of the same
photons to be received on technology with a new
the ground by a quantum category of detector,” said
computer’s terminal, a Matt Shaw, who leads JPL’s
highly sensitive detector superconducting detector
like PEACOQ is needed to work. “Whether that photon
precisely measure the time is encoded with quantum
it receives each photon and information or whether we
deliver the data it contains. want to detect single photons
Superconducting Plumage from a laser source in deep
The detector itself is tiny. space, we’re still counting
Measuring only 13 microns single photons.”
across, it is composed JPL, a division of Caltech
of 32 niobium nitride in Pasadena, California,
superconducting nanowires manages DSOC for the
on a silicon chip with Technology Demonstration
connectors that fan out like Missions program within
the plumage of the detector’s NASA’s Space Technology
namesake. Each nanowire is Mission Directorate and
10,000 times thinner than a SCaN.
the Altadena Library onlinecalendar or by calling theVillage Office at 626-765-
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