Mountain Views News, Combined edition

Combined Edition

Inside this Week:

Wistaria 2023:

Places to Go Things to Do:

Sierra Madre:
Walking SM … The Social Side

Measure M

SM Community Calendar:
SM Calendar of Events

Pasadena – Altadena:

Altadena · So. Pasadena · San Marino:
San Marino Events & Programming

Shop Sierra Madre:

Around The San Gabriel Valley:
Chef Peter Dills
Table for Two

Best Friends / Education:
All Things
Katnip News!
Pet of the Week

The Good Life:
Family Matters
Out to Pastor
Senior Happenings

Rich Johnson
Tom Purcell
Stuart Tolchin On …
The Funnies

Legal Notices (1):

Legal Notices (2):

Legal Notices (3):

Support Your Local Businesses:

Support Your Local Businesses:

Jeff Brown
Deanne Davis
Peter Dills
Marc Garlett
Rich Johnson
Rev. James L. Snyder
Stuart Tolchin

Recent Issues:
Issue 11
Issue 10
Issue 9
Issue 8
Issue 7
Issue 6
Issue 5
Issue 4
Issue 3
Issue 2
Issue 1

MVNews Archive:  Page 1

MVNews this week:  Page 1



VOLUME 17 NO. 12VOLUME 17 NO. 12

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The spreading basins are full as show above, and 
yet despite more than 31.9” of rain since late February, 
Sierra Madre’s conservation measures are still 
needed. Photo courtesy City of Sierra Madre

Water, water everywhere but…….it isn’t enough to lift the Mandatory 
Water Conservation measures taken by the city of Sierra Madre to protect 
our natural water resources. 

Sierra Madre’s groundwater historically comes primarily from wells in 
the East Raymond Basin and from surface water that is transported via 
tunnels reaching into the San Gabriel Mountains. However, in 2013, 
drought conditions limited the city’s ability to draw groundwater, and 
Sierra Madre was forced to switch to imported water to serve its residents. 
Currently, the City’s water supply consists of a mix of both imported 
and local groundwater.

 In 2019 the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District and the City 
of Sierra Madre worked together to identify a long-term solution to the 
challenges facing the City and the District. That led to a water wheeling 
agreement between Sierra Madre and Arcadia that also called for 
construction of a joint well to be located within the City of Arcadia. The 
water would then be transmitted through Arcadia’s existing pipelines to 
Sierra Madre’s water distribution system. It also lead to the extension 
of the city’s Mandatory Water Conservation Measures that remains in 
place today.

According to City Manager Jose Reynoso Sierra Madre has still not 
reached sufficient levels of groundwater to meet residents' demands and 
allow for reserves. As of this writing, the city is well below acceptable 
water levels to raise its ground water production to meet demands.

Despite the rain, the following uses of water are prohibited for all Sierra 
Madre Water Department customers, whether or not a conservation 
phase has been declared:

 A.There shall be no washing of sidewalks, walkways,
patios, driveways, or parking areas by a water hose;

 B.No water shall be used to clean, fill or maintain levels 
in decorative fountains unless such water is part of a recycling 

 C.No restaurant, café, deli, or other public place where
food is sold, served or offered for sale, shall serve drinking water 
to any customer unless expressly requested by the customer;

 D.All customers of the water department shall repair
leaks in a timely manner

 E.No lawn, landscaping, or other turf area shall be watered 
or irrigated between the hours of six a.m. and six p.m. 
When a conservation phase has not been declared, the city 
will maintain two outdoor irrigation schedules. During Pacific 
Daylight Time (PDT) following the first Sunday of March 
through the first Sunday in November no lawn, landscaping, 
or other turf area shall be watered or irrigated between the 
hours of six a.m. and six p.m. During Pacific Standard Time 
following the first Sunday of November through the first Sunday 
in March no lawn, landscaping, or other turf area shall be 
watered or irrigated between the hours of eight a.m. and four 

 F.No lawn, landscape or turf area shall be watered in a
wasteful manner. Nor shall any water be wasted if the existing 
conditions may be corrected or reasonably modified;

 G.The use of a hose to wash an automobile, except
where the hose is fitted with a shut-off nozzle or device attached 
to it that causes it to cease dispensing water immediately 
when not in use;

 H.Watering lawns in a manner that causes runoff, or
within forty-eight hours after measurable precipitation; and

 I.Irrigating ornamental turf on public street medians.

Additional information is available on the City’s website, or 
by calling the City of Sierra Madre at (626) 355-7135. Please 
look for water conservation information in your future water 
bills, in the Mountain Views News, on the City’s website, and 
through the City Newsletter, The Village View.



Current Wistaria Vine owners Kevin and Wendy Kwan with Bob 
and Nell Solt who previously owned and hosted the festival for more 
than 40 years, pose under the historic vine. The Kwan's were married 
the day before the festival under the vine. It was also learned 
that the Solt's also married under the Vine more than 40 years ago. 
Not shown in this photo are the owners of the Upper Vine House, Jeff 
and Jenny Mao. who also graciously opened their home to the public 
for this traditional event sponsored by the Sierra Madre Chamber of 


Literally thousands of residents 
and visitors came out 
in the cold (by Southern 
California standards), cloudy, 
and sometimes rainy Sunday 
to the first Wistaria Festival 
since 2019. 

More than 2,000 visitors were 
greeted by docents from the 
Sierra Madre Civic Club and 
the Chamber as they entered 
the upper property and followed 
the Vine to its point of 
origin, the home on the corner 
of Carter and Hermosa.

The docents also shared the 
history of the Guiness Book of 
World Record Holding Vine 
(The Largest Blooming Vine 
In The World). 

There were live musical performances 
by students from 
the Pasadena High School 
Jazz Band at the Vine. They 
also performed along with 
several other groups in Kersting 
Court and Memorial Park.

Local retailers and restaurants 
as well as more than 50 
vendors greeted visitors from 
near and far. 

The Festival is also home of 
the Wistaria Classic Car Show.

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Useful Reference Links

Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com