Mountain View News Saturday, March 25, 2023
Peter Dills Knows
Sacramento, CA – As part of an annual recognition of Women’s History Month in
the State Capitol, Assemblymember Chris Holden announces the University of La
Verne President, and first woman president, Dr. Devorah Lieberman as the 41st Assembly
District’s Woman of the Year.
“I am thrilled to have Dr. Devorah Lieberman as Woman of the Year for the 41st
Assembly District,” said Assemblymember Holden. “She has contributed to the
well-being of the university’s students, the scholarly activity of the faculty, and the
vitality of the surrounding community while also advocating for engagement, inclusivity,
and respect among all.”
Dr. Devorah Lieberman, the University of La Verne’s 18th and first female president,
brings more than three decades of higher education experience, scholarship, and
leadership to the institution. Among Ms. Lieberman’s accomplishments are raising
$128 million in the largest comprehensive campaign in the university’s history;
significantly increasing funding for student scholarships; expanding the international
student population; increasing the number of named colleges, endowed
deans, and endowed faculty positions; and, significantly increasing the institutional
endowment from $36 million to $151 million. Under Lieberman’s leadership, the
university launched the La Verne Experience, a curriculum where students connect
deeply with each other, with faculty, with staff, and with the greater community.
Through the La Verne Experience, students “major in a mission”. Currently, she
is leading the university’s establishment of a College Health and Community Well
Being to help address the region’s critical need for healthcare professionals.
Women of Distinction from throughout the district include Veronica Jones, Town
Council Member (Altadena), Terry Grill, Director of Sustainability for Sealed Air
Corpo-ration (Claremont), Caroline Anderson, LCF School Board Member (La
Cañada Flintridge), Cynthia Cannady, Attorney and Community Advocate (Pasadena),
Lois Gaston, Community Advocate (Monrovia), Jennifer Oglesby, Founder
Community Ser-vices of America, (Rancho Cucamonga), Kris Boneman, Director
of Educational Tech for Bonita Unified School District (San Dimas), Julie Bencosme,
Small Business Own-er & Community Volunteer (Sierra Madre), and Linda
Clinton, Community Volunteer (Upland), and Desirea Haggard, Director of Environmental
Affairs at CalPortland (Pi-non Hills). Over 100 nominations were sent
to Assemblymember Holden for the honor.
“The 2023 Women of Distinction are dedicated leaders who improve the lives for
thou-sands of individuals and families in the 41st Assembly District and beyond,”
said Hold-en. “Their commitment to excellence and service has left an indelible
mark on the San Gabriel Valley and the people who call it home.”
Remember when Facebook was full of puppy dogs and pictures of
our kids graduating school? I actually reconnected with dozens
of past friends, how great is that !! Now the left and the right are
pulling and if we disagree, we are threatened with an end of a
friendship, be it a facebook friendship. I read a posting just this
week from a General Manager of a very popular and expensive
eatery, simply stated “If you can’t afford a good tip, stay at home”.
At first reading we all raised our fists and said YES !!! I have to
disagree with this though, you see the dollars spent when you
go out to eat and support your favorite restaurant have a trickle-
down effect.
This term originated as a joke from/by humorist Will Rogers, by
going out to eat and spending $100 you are providing work for the
cooks, hostess, dishwasher, purveyors, vendors and yes the owner
of the restaurant. So, with all that being said, I can’t support the boycott but I do agree please
tip your servers. I also leave a tip for the barista and a few dollars when I pick up a to-go order.
Here is my breakdown for tipping
• 18% to 22 % For great service
• $2 to $4 for a to go order
• $1 a drink at bar (when they’re open) $2 for a mixed drink
• 10% to 12 % for a bottle of wine as long as they come by and pour
Thoughts? Email me thechefknows@yahoo.com
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