Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 29, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 6



Mountain View News Saturday, July 29, 2023 

San Marino Upcoming 
Events & Programming

NASA Awards $14 
Million to Universities for 
Supportive STEM Efforts

Summer Sunset Concerts

Friday, August 4, 18, Lacy Park

 Grab your chairs and blankets to carve out your spot in the 
middle of Lacy Park and enjoy 3 free concerts this summer! 
Attendees are welcome to bring their own food and drink, or 
purchase concessions from a variety of food trucks. Join us 
on August 4 at 6 PM for Kelly Boyz Band and August 18 for 
a multicultural concert! Registration is not required.

Meet & Greet the City Manager at Swirlz

 Come and enjoy soft serve with City Manager, Philippe 
Eskandar, on Wednesday, August 9! Join us at Swirlz 
Soft Serve Parlor (2136 Huntington Drive) from 2 PM - 4 
PM. Come chat, ask questions, and meet members of the 
community. We hope to see you there! 

Photo Contest - Deadline extended to August 11

 Attention all photographers! Share what makes you love 
our City and submit your favorite photo of San Marino 
to the 2023 San Marino Photo Contest. The deadline for 
submissions has been extended to Friday, August 11. For 
categories and entry details, visit: www.CityofSanMarino.

Fall Community Services Guide

 Check out the latest Community Services Guide to see 
Fall offerings and get details on upcoming events, classes, 
and lectures. Hard copies will be delivered to San Marino 
households next week. Registration begins on August 8 for 
residents and August 15 for non-residents.

Recent Happenings

 The San Marino Fire Department participated in multiple 
training exercises during the week of July 17. On Monday, 
Wednesday, and Friday, Engine 91 participated in a multi-
company exercise with the Sierra Madre Fire Department. 
Engine 91 reviewed the City of Sierra Madre’s pre-planned 
deployment zones that are designated as high risk for wildfire 
and toured the City’s wildland-urban interface. The tour 
included the City’s canyon area as well as new development 
projects located in the City’s hillsides. Familiarization with 
these areas will enable San Marino Firefighters to effectively 
respond in the event of a wildfire requiring mutual aid 

 Engine 91 and RA 91 also participated in a multi-company 
Rapid Intervention Crew (RIC)/Fire Ground Survival drill 
hosted by the Pasadena Fire Department. The drill was also 
attended by resources from the South Pasadena, Arcadia, 
and Sierra Madre Fire Departments. The scenario was 
built off of Project Mayday statistics surrounding the fact 
that the majority of fireground fatalities occur in the first 
7-10 minutes of an incident, frequently involve collapse or 
rapid-fire progression, and frequently involve more than one 
firefighter requiring assistance.

 On Friday, July 21 the San Marino Fire Department 
conducted a night drill at the San Gabriel Valley Medical 
Center’s parking structure. Firefighters who participated 
in the drill learned multiple methods to get a hose line in 
operation in a multi-level structure.

Annual Sidewalk Replacement Program to Begin

 The City will begin the construction phase of the Annual 
Sidewalk Replacement Program next week. Each year, 
this program replaces approximately 1 mile of sidewalk at 
various locations throughout the City. The work includes 
replacement of sidewalk, driveway approaches, curb ramps, 
and curb and gutter. Residents on impacted streets will 
be receiving notices from the City’s hired contractor, CJ 
Concrete, with additional details about the project timeline, 
what residents can expect during the project, and what 
the project’s impact to the neighborhood will be. The City 
appreciates resident cooperation, as the sidewalk program 
helps improve the City’s infrastructure and resident safety. 
Street Sweeping Schedule

 In keeping with the City Council’s priority of well-
maintained infrastructure, the Parks and Public Works 
Department works with Athens Services to ensure that 
the City receives comprehensive street sweeping services. 
Frequent street sweeping not only improves the appearance 
of the streets, but also prevents unwanted materials from 
flowing into storm drains, keeps job sites clean, and helps 
minimize tire damage. Residents can visit the Street 
Sweeping page on the City’s website for more information.

Design Review Committee

Wednesday, August 2 at 6:00 PM; Barth Room and Zoom 
(Public Access)

 NASA is investing more than 
$14 million in 19 U.S. colleges 
and universities to grow their 
STEM capacity to participate 
in critical spaceflight research 
and prepare a new generation 
of diverse students for careers in 
the nation’s science, technology, 
engineering, and math 

 “These awards help NASA 
reach students and institutions 
that traditionally have had 
fewer opportunities in cutting-
edge spaceflight research,” said 
Shahra Lambert, NASA’s senior 
advisor for engagement. “We 
want the Artemis Generation 
to feel excited and prepared to 
join us in tackling the scientific 
and technological challenges of 
space exploration.”

 The new MUREP (Minority 
University Research and 
Education Project) Curriculum 
Award was established this 
year to help Minority-Serving 
Institutions strengthen their 
STEM academic offerings.

 “Current research shows that 
developing new curricular 
pathways or adding to an 
existing STEM curriculum 
can help these colleges and 
universities attract more 
diverse groups of students to 
the kinds of research that align 
with NASA’s needs,” said Torry 
Johnson, the project’s manager.

 NASA awarded five institutions 
a total of nearly $6 million to 
implement their curriculum-
boosting projects. The selected 
institutions and their proposed 
projects are:

Passaic County Community 
College, Paterson, New Jersey

PCCC Urban Climate Change 

Prince George’s Community 
College, Upper Marlboro, 

Establishing STEM Majors at 
Prince George’s Community 

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Enhancing IDEAS at a 
Minority- and Hispanic-Serving 
Institution through research 
and education for underserved 
students in partnership with 

The University of Texas Rio 
Grande Valley, Edinburg, Texas

Remote-sensing and Analytics 
for Integrating Science 
Education with NASA SMD to 
Strengthen Student Research 
Capacity at MSI (RAISE)

University of the District of 
Columbia, Washington

Developing NASA-infused 
Curriculum and Experiential 
Research for Student Success in 
Space Technology

 The MUREP Space Technology 
Artemis Research opportunity 
supports NASA’s Space 
Technology Mission Directorate 
(STMD) by fostering and 
increasing MSI participation 
in research and technology 
development concepts that 
align with the agency’s needs 
for upcoming Artemis missions 
to the Moon. The agency chose 
nine institutions, awarding a 
total of more than $8 million to 
carry out their projects.

 “When we return humans to 
the Moon, it will be thanks to 
the creativity and dedication 
of researchers across the 
nation,” said Walt Engelund, 
deputy associate administrator 
for programs in STMD. 
“We’re proud to partner with 
OSTEM to foster the future of 
technology development and 
create opportunities for these 
institutions to contribute to 
NASA’s Artemis missions.”

The selected institutions and 
their proposed projects are:

Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, 
Pomona, California

CubeSat Technology 
Exploration Program 

California State University, Los 

Additive Manufacturing on 
the Moon: Exploring the 
Potential of Laser Wire Directed 
Energy Deposition for Metallic 
Component Fabrication

Cankdeska Cikana Community 
College, Fort Totten, North 

The Research and Development 
of Extravehicular Activity Gait 
Assist Device

Delaware State University, 

Constraining Exospheric Water 
Using Mid-IR Sensing and LIBS 
for Lunar Rover Missions

College of the Desert, Palm 
Desert, California

A Penetrolyzer for Extracting 
Oxygen and Hydrogen from 
Mars Regolith

Morgan State University, 

Muscular Atrophy Effects 
of Long Duration Human 
Exploration Mission on Vocal 
Fold Adduction for Airway 

University of Maryland Eastern 
Shore, Princess Anne

DREAM: Developing Robotic 
Exploration with Agrobots and 

University of North Texas, 

Protective Thermal Electro-
Chromic Coatings (ProTECC) 
for Lunar Exploration

The University of Texas at 

Rotating Detonation Rocket 
Engines for In-Space 
Propulsion: Integrating 
Technology Development with 
STEM Engagement

 The International Space 
Station Flight Opportunity 
provides a ride to low Earth 
orbit for mature, flight-ready 
research projects that align with 
NASA’s science and technology 
priorities. This opportunity 
entails cooperation with NASA’s 
International Space Station 
Research Office, mission 
directorates, and field centers.

 “These awards offer researchers 
a valuable opportunity 
to leverage the unique 
microgravity environment 
of the International Space 
Station as a platform or 
testbed, allowing them to 
conduct authentic spaceflight 
demonstrations based on their 
preliminary ground-based 
research,” said Dr. Kathleen 
Loftin, EPSCoR (Established 
Program to Stimulate 
Competitive Research) project 
manager. “By utilizing the space 
station as a proving ground, 
we accelerate the readiness of 
these technologies, bringing 
them one step closer to practical 

 NASA selected five institutions 
to receive $100,000 each – 
$500,000, total – to complete 
their projects. These institutions 
and their proposed projects are:

 University of Delaware, Newark

Impact of Temperature Cycles 
and Outgassing on the Fiber-
packaged Silicon Photonic 

University of North Dakota, 
Grand Forks

Effect of Microgravity and 
Higher Radiation on Healing 
and Metastasis Potential 
of Omentum – ISS Flight 

Nevada System of Higher 

A Compact, Non-invasive, 
and Efficient Vision Screening 
System for Long-term 
Spaceflight Missions

University of Kentucky, 

KRUPS: ISS Flight for Telemetry 
and Recovery

Oklahoma State University, 

 Effect of Synergistic Space 
Effects on Properties of Novel 
Polymer Composite Materials

The awards are made possible 
through NASA’s Office of 
STEM Engagement and funded 
by MUREP, which provides 
resources and activities to 
support underserved students 
from K-12 through higher 
education, and EPSCoR, which 
partners with government, 
academia, and industry to 
improve research infrastructure 
in select U.S. jurisdictions.

 Both MUREP awards were 
made through the annual 
Engagement Opportunities 
in NASA STEM FY 2023 
solicitation. The EPSCoR ISS 
Flight Opportunity Award is 
also an annual solicitation. 
All the awards listed above 
have a three-year period of 

 For more information visit:

Part of that effort includes 
the MUREP Curriculum 
Awards, which are being 
managed by NASA’s Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory.


 MUSE/IQUE continues its 
yearlong concert series, MUSIC 
AT HEART: Learning is Living 
on Thursday, August 3 at 7:30 
pm at The Huntington Library 
in San Marino and Sunday, 
August 6 at 7:30 pm at The 
Skirball Cultural Center in West 
Los Angeles. The ensemble 
is joined by soprano Anna 
Schubert, tenor Ashley Faatoalia 
and, from the Colburn School, 
Australian youth violinist James 

 Leonard Bernstein’s legendary 
“Young People’s Concerts” 
helped define our modern 
imagination. Four months after 
the Broadway debut of West 
Side Story, Leonard Bernstein’s 
groundbreaking educational 
series with the New York 
Philharmonic was delivered 
to audiences worldwide via 
television. Inspired by Artistic 
and Music Director Rachael 
Worby’s idol, we learn how 
these famed telecasts became 
a blueprint for learning and 
a lesson in the power of 
knowledge that still resonates 

 Program includes West Side 
Story “Mambo,” Copland’s 
Appalachian Spring (“Simple 
Gifts”); James Taylor’s Fire and 
Rain (sung by Ashley Faatoalia); 
Ginestera’s Estancia - Malambo 
movement; John Lennon - 
In My Life (sung by Anna 
Schubert); Mozart - Concerto 
#4 - movement #1 (performed 
by Colburn violin soloist James 
Birch); Bach - Prelude in F 
minor; On the Town, “Times 
Square”; and West Side Story 
Concert Suite No. 1 (“Maria,” 
“One Hand, One Heart,” 
“Somewhere,” “Balcony Scene” - 
sung by Ashley and Anna).

 Broadcast to millions in 
America and abroad, the 
immensely popular series, 
“Young People’s Concerts,” was 
the winner of multiple Emmy, 
Peabody and Edison awards. 
Bernstein presented the unique 
blend of spoken words and 
music known as the “Young 
People’s Concerts” throughout 
his tenure as music director of 
the New York Philharmonic, 
and for several years after. His 
enjoyment, and his audience’s, 
can be seen vividly captured 
by the video cameras. He is an 
intensely interactive teacher, 
getting his audience to sing, 
springing a quiz full of trick 
questions, and singing a Beatles 
song to demonstrate a point.

 To learn more about 
membership and attendance 
please visit:

MUSE/IQUE membership 
begins at $225 and MUSE/
IQUE members receive 
complimentary admission to all 
MUSE/IQUE events. 

Admission for non-members 
starts with a trial membership 
of $100, which includes three 
consecutives performances.

For information, please visit

2023 MUSIC 


Tournament Announces 
Second Annual Golf Classic 

 The Pasadena Tournament of 
Roses Foundation announced 
Monday the Second Annual 
Golf Classic presented by 
J.P. Morgan Private Bank 
on Friday, September 8. The 
event will raise funds that 
will enable the Foundation to 
continue its valuable work, 
including supporting non-profit 
organizations in the San Gabriel 

 Last year’s inaugural 
Pasadena Tournament of 
Roses Foundation Golf Classic 
brought out 144 golfers and 
raised more than $140,000. 
Through generous sponsorships 
and community support, the 
Foundation will continue to 
award grants in the areas of 
sports and recreation activities, 
visual and performing arts and 

 The Foundation Golf Classic 
will be held at Brookside Golf 
Club in Pasadena, with the 19th 
Hole and Post-Golf Reception to 
follow at the historic Rose Bowl 
Stadium. The Golf Classic offers 
a unique opportunity, a chance 
to hit a golf ball onto the field 
where the Rose Bowl Game® 
has been played for the past 100 
years. Participants of all skill 
levels are welcome, from avid 
golfers to beginners looking for 
a fun-filled day of networking 
and friendly competition.

 The Tournament of Roses is 
actively seeking sponsors to 
partner with for the Foundation 
Golf Classic. Contributions will 
make a profound difference 
in the lives of individuals and 
families throughout the San 
Gabriel Valley.

 By becoming a sponsor of the 
Golf Classic, companies and 
individuals will have the chance 
to show their commitment 
to local organizations and 
those they serve through a 
diverse range of sponsorship 
opportunities. Benefits of 
sponsorship include brand 
exposure and recognition 
before, during and after the Golf 
Classic. Sponsors will be featured 
in all event-related materials, 
including press releases, social 
media promotions, signage 
and the Tournament of Roses 

 In addition to J.P. Morgan 
Private Bank, confirmed 
sponsors include Air-Tro 
Heating and Air Conditioning, 
Athens Services, BYD, 
Cerity Partners, Forest Lawn 
Memorial-Parks & Mortuaries, 
Four Roses Bourbon, Hahn and 
Hahn LLP, Lagerlof LLP, The 
Langham Huntington Pasadena, 
Los Angeles, Learfield, North 
Star Alliances, Certified Federal 
Credit Union, and Whittier 

 Interested companies or 
individuals looking to support 
the Foundation Golf Classic 
can find details on sponsorship 
opportunities contact the 
Foundation at foundation@ or call 

 Golfers interested in playing 

San Marino National Night Out August 1

 Come join the San Marino Police Department for our annual National Night Out event on 
Tuesday, August 1, from 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.! There will be games, tours, a corn toss tournament, 
demonstrations, and more!

 National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-
community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, 
more caring places to live. Millions of neighbors take part in National Night Out across 
thousands of communities from all fifty states, U.S. territories, and military bases worldwide 
on the first Tuesday in August.

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