Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, October 7, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 12


Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 7, 2023 




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HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …October Birthdays*

Janda Ferris, Darlene Traxler, Margit Johnson, Sole Krieg, Dick Anderson, 
Eva Poet, Mary Jane Baker, Dixie Coutant, Jill Franks, Cathleen Cremins, 
Adie Marshall, Darlene Crook, Susan Gallagher, Maggie Ellis, Gloria 
Giersbach, Ellen O’Leary, Jenny Piangenti, Anita Thompson, Linda Boehm 
and Angela Stella * To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the 
paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not required

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Dear Savvy Senior:

What is the best way to ensure my pets are taken 
care of after I’m gone? I have two dogs and a cat that 
are my four-legged family, and I want to make sure 
they’ll be well taken care of after I die. Solo Senior

Dear Solo:

It’s a great question. Every year, approximately 
500,000 cats and dogs enter shelters when their 
pet parents experience an emergency or pass away. 
Without a proper plan in place for the future care 
of your pets, they are at risk of ending up in a shelter 
where they could be euthanized.

To avoid this terrifying scenario and ensure your 
furry family is cared for both physically and financially 
after you’re gone, you should consider 
including them in your estate plan. Talk to your 
attorney about how to insert them in your will or 
trust in accordance with your state’s laws. Here’s 
what you’ll need to do.


If you already have a will or are planning to make 
one, you could simply add in a trusted caretaker 
clause for your pets, along with an alternative if 
your first choice falls through. You should also set 
aside money in your will for your pet’s care with an 
explanation of how the funds should be spent.

To determine how much to leave, multiply your 
pet’s annual food, care and medical costs by their 
life expectancies. You may want to add a separate 
document, called a letter of instruction, describing 
your pet’s routine, food and medication.

But be aware that even with this provision in your 
will the caretaker is not legally obligated to follow 
your instructions, spend the money as you intended 
or send the pet to another caretaker that you’ve 
named. Once the money is distributed to the caretaker, 
it’s an honor system.


Another option is to create a pet trust, which 
provides more legal protections. Depending on 
your state’s laws (see
pet-trust-laws), you could set up either a revocable 
pet trust, which can be changed or canceled 
during your lifetime, or an irrevocable pet trust 
that can’t be reversed. A pet trust can be completely 
separate or part of an existing trust that encompasses 
your other assets.

Along with appointing a trustee to manage your 
trust’s finances, you name your pet’s caretaker 
(who could also serve as the trustee), and any alternative 
caretakers, as well as an optional trust 
protector for added oversight of the trustee given 
that the beneficiary (your pets) can’t defend their 
own rights. Unlike a will, the caretaker has a fiduciary 
duty to follow your letter of instruction if you 
include one.

The cost for a living trust ranges anywhere between 
$1,000 to $3,000, while a will typically costs 
between $200 and $1,000. There are also cheaper 
do-it-yourself resources for making a simple will 
or trust, like Nolo’s Quicken WillMaker & Trust 
(, $99) and Trust & Will (TrustandWill.
com, $159). Or, if that’s more than you’re willing 
to pay, you can make your will for free at FreeWill.
com or

Other Arrangements

If you don’t have anyone who would be willing to 
take care of your pets after you’re gone, you should 
make arrangements to leave them to an animal retirement 
home, a rescue, humane society, pet care 
program or other animal welfare group. Many of 
these organizations find new homes for pets or offer 
lifetime care but may require a fee or donation. 
Talk to your veterinarian about the options available 
in your area.

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. 
Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.
org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today 
show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

by Michele Silence

Michele Silence, M.A. is a 37-year certified fitness 
professional who offers semi-private/virtual fitness 
classes and a weight management support group. 
If you have questions or ideas for this column 

contact Michele at 

Visit her Facebook page at: michelesfitness.

So you’re taking a trip. Whether for business or 
pleasure, it's common to be concerned with maintaining 
your exercise routine. The excitement of 
exploring new places, savoring different cuisines, 
and experiencing diverse cultures often tempts us 
to choose leisure over fitness. However, for those 
dedicated to their health and well-being, the idea 
of abandoning their daily exercise regimen can be 
unsettling. With a bit of planning, adaptability, and 
a commitment to balance, it is entirely possible to 
stay on track with your fitness goals while traversing 
the globe. 

Here are some tips to help you stay on track:

Plan Ahead. Before you depart for your journey, 
research your accommodation options. Check if 
your hotel or lodging offers a gym, pool or if there's 
a nearby fitness center. Note their operating hours 
and available equipment. Packing your workout 
clothing is crucial too; having the right type that 
are readily accessible can motivate you to maintain 
your fitness routine.

Explore Local Fitness Classes. Many destinations 
offer unique fitness classes that can add variety to 
your workout routine. Consider trying a local yoga 
class, dance class, or even a martial arts lesson. It's 
a fun way to stay active while immersing yourself in 
the culture of your destination. It’s the perfect time 
to try something new that you wouldn’t necessarily 
do at home.

Duplicate Your Home Workout. Several big chains 
offer memberships that allow their users to workout 
at many or all of their facilities. If you are already 
a member of Anytime Fitness, Equinox, Planet Fitness, 
24-Hour Fitness or the YMCA find locations 
close to where you will be staying to be able to do 
your normal workout under your current paid 

Stick To A Schedule. Disrupting your daily schedule 
can significantly impact your overall well-being. 
Try to adhere to your usual routine as closely as possible, 
even while on the road. For example, if you 
typically work out first thing in the morning, make 
an effort to do the same during your trip. Consistency 
is key to staying on track with your fitness goals, 
and maintaining your usual schedule can help combat 
the disorientation that comes with travel.

Take Advantage Of Outdoor Activities. Exploring 
new destinations provides ample opportunities for 
outdoor activities. Take advantage of the local scenery 
by engaging in activities like walking, climbing 
stairs, biking, or hiking. These activities not only 
keep you active but also allow you to immerse yourself 
in the local culture and scenery. It's a fantastic 
way to combine sightseeing with exercise.

Pack Healthy Snacks. Bring along healthy snacks 
like nuts, fruit, or protein bars to curb your appetite 
between meals. This can help you avoid overindulging 
in less healthy options while on the road. Take 
a trip to the closest grocery store upon arrival and 
pick up a few familiar items that you eat regularly. 
This alone can make you feel more at home and on 

Be Realistic. Acknowledge that a packed itinerary 
may limit your dedicated workout time. Prepare for 
this by having shorter, effective exercise routines 
in your arsenal. Focus on strength and flexibility 
exercises that can be done in your hotel room with 
minimal equipment. This way, you can keep your 
muscles engaged even when your schedule is tight.

Choose Wisely. You may need to pick exercises 
that require minimal or no equipment, such as 
bodyweight exercises (e.g., push-ups, dips, crunches, 
lunges, squats, and planks). Consider bringing 
along portable fitness equipment like elastic tubing, 
bands, or stretch-out straps as visual reminders to 
incorporate exercise into your day. These versatile 
tools can help you stay active no matter where you 

Use Fitness Apps. Take advantage of fitness apps 
like Nike Training, FitOn, and Gymshark Training. 
These apps can offer free live classes and structured 
programs that accommodate solo workouts. They 
also provide motivation and variety to keep your 
fitness routine engaging while on the go.

More Than Just Moving. While exploring new culinary 
delights and indulging in local beverages is 
part of the travel experience, remember to balance 
it with healthy habits. Stay hydrated by drinking 
enough water, and practice moderation when 
enjoying new foods and drinks. You don't have to 
completely abstain from treats, but being mindful of 
your choices will help you feel your best throughout 
your journey.

Maintaining your fitness routine while traveling 
doesn't have to be a daunting task. With proper 
planning and a commitment to staying active, you 
can strike a balance between your fitness goals and 
the joys of exploring new destinations. Remember 
to adapt, stay consistent, and make the most of your 
travel experiences while prioritizing your health 
and well-being. Happy and healthy travels!


A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder


Lately, I’ve been having some 
fascinating dreams at night. 
Usually, I don’t give much 
thought to dreams, but lately, 
I’ve been thinking more about 

Last night, for example, I had this exciting 
dream, and everything seemed to be coming 
in my direction, and then I woke up before the 
end. Once I woke up, I did not know how the 
dream ended.

I tried thinking about the dream, but I could 
not remember any elements of that dream. 
While dreaming, everything was very clear, 
and I even noticed people I knew. Then, I woke 
up and couldn’t remember anything.

I’ve been having these kinds of dreams lately. 
Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, and my 
brain has nothing else to do. I wish I would not 
wake up until the dream was finished.

I asked The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage 
at breakfast if she knew about a certain building. 
I then described that building in as much 
detail as I possibly could.

She finally nodded at me and said, “That 
doesn’t ring any bells with me.”

I’m the only ding-a-ling here; if she didn’t remember 
that building, it never existed.

It had to exist somewhere, and I needed help 
figuring out where in the world I saw that 

Then I said, “Do you remember…” And I described 
a person that was in my dream. Again, 
none of her bells were ringing on that one either. 
“Why are you asking me these questions?”

I explained to her that these things were in my 
dreams and I couldn’t remember where I saw 
them last.

Thinking about this throughout the day, I realized 
that my life, in general, is pretty much like 
these fading dreams I’ve been having. None of 
these dreams made sense after I woke up. While 
I was dreaming of them, they made sense, but 
when I woke up, all sense disappeared.

Maybe life should be more like that. If I didn’t 
wake up, I would know what was happening.

One time, at a conference, I drove through 
a little town and saw several familiar buildings. 
I had never been to this town before, so I 
couldn’t figure it out. But it came to me.

These buildings were in my dreams the other 

So, as I was driving, I began to think, am I 
dreaming, or am I driving?

I guess it doesn’t make any difference one way 
or the other.

If I could remember my dreams, my life would 
change a little bit for the better. But I have these 
wonderful dreams and wake up before they’re 
finished and then don’t remember anything 
about them, which is rather sad.

I tried an experiment the other night. I went to 
bed, had my prayer time, and then decided to 
invent a dream for the night. I’ve never done 
this before and was not sure how to do it. I tried 
to put together all kinds of little suggestions of 
my dream that would catch.

In a few minutes, I was sound asleep. The next 
thing I knew, it was morning, and I was awake. 
I lay there in my bed thinking, what happened 
to that dream? It was the first time in weeks 
that I did not have any kind of a dream. That 
made me a little frustrated.

For the next few nights, I tried the same experiment 
all to naught. Where in the world do 
these dreams come from?

That morning at the breakfast table, The Gracious 
Mistress of the Parsonage looked at me 
and smiled and said, “I had the most marvelous 
dream last night.” Then she told me about 
her dream and how it ended. She remembered 
everything about it.

What disturbed me was that was the dream I 
was trying to create for myself last night. How 
in the world did she get my dream?

I’m beginning to think she can get inside my 
head whenever she wants, which is much more 
than I can do.

All day long, she was smiling, and once in a 
while, she would remember something of that 
dream and share it with me.

That evening, I decided to ask her about her 
dream. “How did you get such a wonderful 
dream in your head last night?”

Then she talked for quite a few minutes, explaining 
how all of that came together in her 

“Why didn’t you wake up before the dream 
ended?” I asked with anticipation.

“I make it a habit not to scare my dreams away 
like some people I know,” she explained.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well,” she stuttered a little bit, looking at me, 
“I do not snore when I’m sleeping which is what 
scares dreams.”

I got the implication that I snored at night, 
which scared my dreams away, which was a 
little difficult for me to understand. I see and 
hear my dreams but have never heard me snore. 
How does all of that work?

Life is not built on dreams. I was reminded of 
a Bible verse. “Therefore we are always confident, 
knowing that, whilst we are at home in 
the body, we are absent from the Lord: (For we 
walk by faith, not by sight:) We are confident, 
I say, and willing rather to be absent from the 
body, and to be present with the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 

 My faith in God is what guides my daily life, 
not my dreams.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: