Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, June 29, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 14



Mountain Views-News Saturday June 29, 2024


In a nation where food is abundant and varied, 
it may come as a surprise that millions of 
Americans are living with a silent yet significant 
health issue: Vitamin B12 deficiency. This 
essential nutrient, found primarily in animal 
products, plays a crucial role in maintaining 
nerve health, red blood cell production, and 
DNA synthesis. Unfortunately, a large segment 
of the population doesn’t get enough Vitamin 
B12. This deficiency can lead to severe and 
sometimes irreversible health problems if not 
addressed promptly.

What is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a 
water-soluble vitamin vital for various bodily 
functions. It helps produce DNA and red blood 
cells plus is essential for proper functioning of 
the nervous system. Unlike other vitamins, 
B12 is naturally found only in animal products 
such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy. 

Who is at Risk?

• Older Adults: As people age, their ability 
to absorb Vitamin B12 decreases. This is often due to reduced stomach acid production, 
which is necessary for B12 absorption from food.

• Vegetarians and Vegans: Since B12 is predominantly found in animal products, 
those who avoid these foods may not get enough from their diet alone. While fortified 
foods and supplements can help, vegans in particular may still fall short of their required 

• Individuals with Absorption Issues: Conditions such as pernicious anemia, Crohn’s 
disease, celiac disease, and other gastrointestinal disorders can hinder the body’s ability to 
absorb Vitamin B12. Also, those who have had weight loss surgery or other gastrointestinal 
surgeries may struggle with absorption.

• Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women: These women need higher amounts of 
Vitamin B12, and a deficiency can affect both the mother and the developing baby. The 
mother may become anemic and be more prone to immune system malfunctions. The 
baby may suffer developmental delays, not gain weight or grow as well as expected.

What are Symptoms?

Vitamin B12 deficiency shows up in various ways, often starting subtly before progressing 
to more serious symptoms. Common signs include:

1. Fatigue and Weakness: A lack of B12 affects red blood cell production, leading to 
anemia and a general sense of fatigue.

2. Neurological Symptoms: These can range from numbness and tingling in the 
hands and feet to balance problems, memory issues, and cognitive disturbances.

3. Mouth Ulcers and Glossitis: Inflammation of the tongue and mouth ulcers can 

4. Pale or Jaundiced Skin: Anemia caused by B12 deficiency can make the skin appear 
pale or slightly yellow.

If left untreated, B12 deficiency can lead to irreversible neurological damage and severe 
anemia. Early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent long-term health issues. 

Am I Deficient?

Blood tests are the best way to diagnose Vitamin B12 deficiency. These tests measure levels 
of Vitamin B12, as well as other markers such as mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and 
methylmalonic acid (MMA), which shows deficiency even when B12 levels appear normal.

If you are deficient in B12, the fix is taking oral supplements, or receiving B12 injections. 
The method of treatment depends on the severity of the deficiency and the underlying 
cause. For those with absorption issues, you may need injections or high-dose oral 
supplements. Vegetarians and vegans should aim for 25-100 mcg/day. Vitamin B12, is 
generally considered safe even at high doses because it is a water-soluble vitamin, and 
excess amounts are typically excreted in urine.

Preventing Vitamin B12 deficiency is largely about ensuring adequate intake through diet 
or supplements. If you find yourself at a higher risk consider the following strategies to 
make sure you are getting enough:

1. Fortified Foods: Many plant-based milks, breakfast cereals, and nutritional yeasts 
are fortified with Vitamin B12.

2. Supplements: B12 supplements are widely available and can be an effective way 
to ensure adequate intake, particularly for those who do not consume animal products. 
Quick dissolve fruit flavors are readily available. 

3. Regular Screening: Older adults and individuals with conditions affecting B12 
absorption should have their B12 levels monitored regularly.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a significant yet often overlooked health issue in the United 
States. Given its vital role in 
maintaining overall health and the 
severe consequences of deficiency, 
you can help raise awareness by 
passing this information along to 
those in your life who could be at 
risk. Through a combination of 
dietary strategies, supplementation, 
and regular screening, it’s easy 
to prevent and treat Vitamin B12 
deficiency, improving the well-being 
of millions of Americans.


Michele Silence, M.A. is a 37-year certified fitness 

professional who offers semi-private/virtual fitness 
classes. Contact Michele at 
Visit her Facebook page at: michelesfitness Visit 
her Facebook page at: michelesfitness.


TEAM COLORS: Red, White and Blue. 

MASCOT: Eagle. 

TEAM ROSTER: Unlimited. 

CONFERENCE: All fifty United States

TEAM SONG: National Anthem. 

 (all team stands when played or sung)

WHAT A BIRTHDAY PARTY! Fireworks, barbeques, 
families at the park, parades, fly-overs and a national Holiday.

We all contribute to the booster club, which makes America the best team in the world. 
We have never lost a championship game, and don’t plan on it. We have been playing for 
247 years and still the world depends on us. I am so proud to have made the team and 
appreciate what this great country has done for us. 

My favorite bands are the Marine Marching band in the Tournament of Roses Parade, and 
almost all the bands from the BIG TEN schools. Their songs semper fidelis composed in 
1889. When I hear that “from the halls of Montezuma…..” I stand up. My favorite fly-
over is at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on New Year’s Day…. The F-16, the B2 spirit Stealth 
Bomber. That sound and sight sends chills to so many. What a thrill. 

This July 4th date is a celebration of the USA as the greatest team in sports or in world 

Whatever faults we have, this is a country that allows us to attempt to win on every play. 
I can talk on the air with the knowledge that I am free to do so. I can protest if necessary. 
But how lucky I was to be born in the USA. (Two more songs: “Born in the USA” and “We 
are the Champions.” Come to mind. 

We can dream of things and have the opportunity to accomplish them. But we are only as 
strong as our weakest link in the chain. We have to believe and realize how fortunate we 
are to celebrate the same July 4th birthday.

Changing the subject now.

As you may have figured, I am a Pasadena guy, born and raised. And a sports, football guy 
--a player and a coach and a fan. The Rose Bowl has always meant so much to me in all 
those ways. To me for so many years, it was really “The Best Day Ever!” So, last week when 
I wrote about the future of the Rose Bowl game with a college football playoff I was serious. 

The Rose Bowl itself will never host another championship game or Super Bowl. Why? It’s 
all commercial now. You buy the game. Also, the Rose Bowl itself does not have the suite 
numbers and upgraded facilities that other new stadiums have.--SOFI, Allegiant Stadium 
and other NFL stadiums. We can surrender to that. But the Rose Bowl still exists as the #1 
destination for a college football experience for players and fans. 

A trip to Pasadena for the January first game cannot be duplicated. Rose Bowl tours prove 
that a full week in Pasadena with all the festivities are unlike any other. I say again: “The 
city, the Tournament of Roses, and the Rose Bowl cannot let that get away.” Pasadena 
California is known as the “Home of the Rose Bowl.” Don’t kid yourself. Have you really 
heard of and wanted to visit Pasadena Texas? The Rose Bowl should be known as the 
“home of college football!” Memories and experiences for coaches, teams, players. Those 
memories and experiences mean something. Ask those who know how special it was going 
into the Rose Bowl Hall of Fame? 

Here we go again: Two games: Pre-season Football Classic Labor Day weekend, and then 
the Rose Bowl game January first -- 2:00pm kickoff after the parade. Easily done if you 
have the desire to make it happen, and you know how to get it done. City, TofR, Rose Bowl: 
you have two years to do that. Come on, I’ve given you the blue print. Let’s Go!

Follow me @coachharveyhyde, and 


June 26, 2024 – For over 50 years, Sierra 
Madre Girls Softball Association has provided 
opportunities for generations of girls from Sierra 
Madre and surrounding communities to grow 
and develop as athletes and people, leading to 
numerous successes on and off the field. Building 
on this legacy, we are proud to announce that for 
the first time in a single season in SMGSA history, 
not one but several All Stars teams qualified 
for the USA Softball States tournament after 
success at the Northern District tournaments. 
Our undefeated 14U Threats were the Northern 
District Champions and 12U Gold Legacy won 
the B District championship. Additionally, 8U 
Gold Fireballs placed third (C division), 10U 
Silver Aviators placed second (C division), 10U 
Gold Bombers placed third (B division) and 12U 
Silver Hustle placed third (C division). 

Over the past four years, our program has 
experienced remarkable growth, and we're 
witnessing its fruits as our girls compete and 
triumph in some of California's most prominent 
events, representing Sierra Madre with pride. 

Along with the excitement and thrill of travel 
tournaments comes financial pressure for our 
families. SMGSA has set up a Go Fund Me 
( to support our All 
Star program to ensure this upward trajectory 
continues, empowering these young athletes to 
reach new heights and make our community 

For more information, visit smgsa.
org and follow SMGSA on Instagram @
sierramadregirlssoftball and Facebook @

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