Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, September 28, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 14



 Mountain Views NewsSaturday, September 28, 2024


 Sierra Madre is a part of the Pasadena Unified School District 6. As such, registered voters are asked to vote on ALL PUSD matters on the ballot, 
whether or not you have children who attend school in the district, or have children at all. Therefore, selection of who represents Sierra Madre on the 
PUSD Board is critically important as they not only represent other parts of the district (see map), but they are the voice of the community and are 
expected to convey the concerns of all Sierra Madre residents.

 There are two PUSD schools in Sierra Madre - the historic Sierra Madre Elementary School and the recently renovated Sierra Madre Middle School. 
{They are in my opinion, the finest in the district. I should know, I have 3 granddaughters who attended from Kindergarten until graduation from SMMS.)

 Those schools are situated on land that DOES NOT BELONG to the City of Sierra Madre but rather the school district and ultimately the State of 
California. Therefore, it behooves every citizen of Sierra Madre to let decide who will best represent the best interests of the students who attend and the 

 This election cycle there are two candidates running for the seat representing District 6. The incumbent, Tina Fredericks and challenger, Lisa Kroese. 
Below you will find a brief statement from each in an effort to help you make an informed decision about who should represent you.

 In addition, there is a PUSD Parcel Tax Measure EE and Bond Measure R on the ballot. The outcome of these measures will have an impact, one way or another on your community. Your opinion and 
concerns are important! Again, I urge you to learn the details of each and cast your vote accordingly. Susan Henderson, Editor/Publisher - Mountain Views News



As a dedicated public servant, PUSD 
parent and PUSD PTA executive board 
member, I hope to earn your vote and 
your trust as PUSD District 6’s new 
Board Trustee. My experience working 
for high profile elected officials at both 
the federal and state levels has equipped 
me with the skills necessary to navigate 
complex challenges and to champion the 
needs of our students and families.

As a parent of three children who ALL 
attend PUSD schools (at Don Benito 
Elementary, Sierra Madre Middle 
School, and Marshall Fundamental 
High School) I different perspective 
than my opponent about dedication and 
focus needed to ensure that our district 
provides a safe, inclusive, equitable, 
and enriching environment for ALL 
students. Leveraging our resources and 
assets to develop a secure fiscal plan that 
prioritizes the long-term stability of our remaining schools is urgent. Strong, safe schools build 
strong communities. PUSD is deficit spending, we need to allocate resources effectively to support 
updated campuses and foster academic excellence.

Every student deserves access to high-quality education and opportunities to thrive. I will work 
diligently to uphold our community values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, ensuring that all 
voices are heard and represented in decision-making processes.

We must create learning environments where the best educators are supported, and can work 
without fears of layoffs and disruptions.

I have a collaborative approach to problem-solving. I believe in working closely with educators, 
parents, and community partners to build a sustainable path forward.

Together, we can cultivate an educational landscape that not only meets the needs of our students 
today but also prepares them for success in the future. I would be honored to earn your support and 
serve as your trustee on the Pasadena Unified School Board. Thank you!


Elected in 2020, Trustee Tina Wu 
Fredericks is the only credentialed 
teacher on the school board. She 
taught high school math before 
becoming a mother. Tina is a 
former employee of PUSD, serving 
as a teaching assistant and summer 
program teacher. As a proud product 
of California public schools, Tina 
has been an active PUSD parent for 
12 years for 4 PUSD schools, serving 
multiple terms on the PTA Board.

Trustee Fredericks has used her 
leadership roles as a Board member 
to take meaningful action to 
improve the district. As Chair of the 
Legislative Advocacy Committee, she led the effort to put Measure EE on the November ballot, 
which has been estimated to bring in $5M annually towards increasing pay for teachers and staff 
and increasing mental health support staff. And as Chair of the Facilities Committee, Fredericks 
helped the district secure a grant for transforming asphalt-covered school grounds into learning 
green spaces, aimed at improving well-being, hands-on learning, and play, while protecting 
students from extreme heat. 

Her priorities are to close the opportunity gap by focusing on achieving student outcomes in math 
and reading; paying our teachers and staff competitive salaries;and fully funding public education 
at the state and federal level, especially in special education. 

Trustee Fredericks is endorsed by United Teachers of Pasadena, California School Employees 
Association Chapter 434, National Women's Political Caucus - Greater Pasadena Area, National 
Union of Healthcare Workers, former PUSD Trustees Mikala Rahn, Ed Honowitz, Susan Kane, 
former mayors of Sierra Madre John Capoccia and John Buchanan, Congresswoman Judy 
Chu, Senator Anthony Portantino, Assembly members Chris Holden and Mike Fong, and CA 
Superintendent Tony Thurmond among many notable others.

Trustee Fredericks works full-time as a software engineer and has been living in East Pasadena with 
her husband and two daughters since 2010.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: