Mountain View News Saturday, December 14, 2024
Weather Wise
The Social Side by Deanne Davis
6-Day Forecast Sierra Madre, Ca.
Sun Sunny Hi 60s Lows 50s
Mon: Sunny Hi 60s Lows 50s
Tues: Sunny Hi 60s Lows 50s
Wed: Sunny Hi 60s Lows 50s
Thur: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 50s
Fri: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 50s
Forecasts courtesy of the National Weather Service
“That First Noel’s come ‘round again,
Just like it does each year,
To tell us it’s Christmas, finally it’s Christmas,
Joyfully it’s Christmas,
The best time of the year, the best time of the year...”
This particular song goes on to tell us that the tree is in the
window, the wreath is on the door, and about a million ornaments
are scattered on the floor! Most probably you’re way
past that stage, the tree is up and gorgeous. You finally untangled
the lights and put the angel up on top.
But here’s the question you’ll be facing in a few days when the
presents are all unwrapped and everything you got everybody was exactly what they wanted: Why is it that putting up
Christmas decorations is so much more fun than taking them down? Also, why is it that the Christmas decorations that
seem so few and so light as you take them out of the plastic crates have doubled (like wire hangers) in size and tripled in
weight and you can’t remember when on earth you carried all those to the living room.
Winter Village Fest was awesome. The snow slide, all the Sierra Madre stores and artisans out to make Christmas shopping
easier, and the tree…the tree is beyond fabulous. Best one ever! Our Rose Float princesses were beautiful, friendly,
charming and Santa and Mrs. Claus added the final perfect element. The weather was fabulous and Kersting Court this
year is just lovely, with all the lights. It’s the ideal place to spend a few reflective moments. You could put down those
packages, sit down and take a few deep breaths. We are all so rushed this time of year, a rest break can’t hurt. You might
even consider an ice cream cone from Mother Moo’s. Give yourself a treat. Christmas calories can’t possibly count, can
they? That’s pretty much what the serpent told Eve back there in the Garden of Eden.
Everywhere I’ve been the last few days some smiling person has asked me, “Are you ready for Christmas?” They mean
have I spent my very last dime on presents, are they wrapped and under the tree and are my cards in the mail? The answer
to most of that is “No!” Once again this year I’m considering not doing any cards at all. I, shamelessly, report that I’ve
done very little actual “shopping.” I’ve discovered that all the small children and, actually, all the big ones, too, who inhabit
my world like a gift card more than anything else. I love gift cards. You click on Amazon and order as many as you like
in any amount. Not exhausting at all, unlike tramping up and down the mall. For years and years, I baked hundreds of
cookies and little loaves of bread, which were adorably wrapped with lots of love and then given to the children’s teachers.
Much to my delight, I now know that they don’t want that, no matter how much love and dried cranberries you’ve
packed into it. So, they, too, are now getting Amazon gift cards, which won’t stick to their hips. You know, “a moment on
the lips, forever on the hips!”
Every Christmas my mind and heart are filled with memories of Santa’s Band, which was my wonderful husband, John’s,
favorite Christmas decoration. I tell this story every year because it gives me such joy to think how happy he was to see
it put out each Christmas.
Many years ago he went to Costco and came home with his eyes alight and excitement spilling out of his every word as he
described this wonderful band of little musicians attached to bells and electrically driven so every time you turned it on,
it played a Christmas carol. They had quite a repertoire and the band was led, of course, by Santa. John went to Costco numerous
times and came home each time with more stories of the glories of Santa’s Band. I finally sat him down, took his
hand, looked deep into his eyes and said, “You know, honey, you can buy Santa’s Band yourself, with your own money!”
He had never thought of that. Back he went and Santa’s Band decorated the top of one of our bookcases every year from
then on. Yes, it got up there after I spent an hour untangling all the wires, bells and little musicians. But he loved it. Apparently,
all the children loved it, too, and there was lively discussion when it came time to let our house on Alegria go,
as to who should have Santa’s Band. It is my understanding that our daughter, Patti, and son, John, alternate years of who
will put up Santa’s Band. I was only too happy to hand it over to them and let them untangle all those wires, bells and
musicians. John is listening to God’s Band now in heaven where the carols probably sound better than Santa’s Band. Deck
the halls! The picture, of course, is Santa’s Band. I understand even that is available on Amazon!!
The song up at the beginning goes on to say:
“But that’s not the reason we celebrate the season...
Oh, it’s that baby in the manger,
Christ child in the manger,
Mary kneeling by his side,
Joseph beaming down with pride.
Peace on earth, good will to men,
We celebrate that night again.” *
I’m hoping all your Christmas memories are merry and bright! To quote Tiny Tim from
Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, “God Bless us every one!”
My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
Christmas is just days away and my book:
“Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope”
Would be a really nice gift for everyone you know.
You can find it on Amazon.com…you know, like gift cards!
“Star of Wonder” a delightful Christmas Kindle story is there, too.
If you’d like a little preview, take a look at: https://youtu.be/Ka1KYrONrd0
*(That First Noel, Lyrics by Deanne Davis, Music by David Wheatley)
January 14, 2025 5:30pm
As part of the City of Sierra Madre’s
COVID-19 transparency efforts and The
Brown Act provides the public with an opportunity
to make public comments at any
public meeting. Public comment may also be
made by e-mail to PublicComment@CityofSierraMadre.
com by 3:00 p.m. on the day of
the meeting.
Emails will be acknowledged at the Council
meeting and filed into public record. The
public may also comment in person at the
The meetings will be streamed live on Foothills
Media website at foothillsmedia.org/sierramadre
and broadcast on Government
Access Channel 3 (Spectrum)..
Free on-air publicity for local events
Sierra Madre’s EMERGENCY radio station is now accepting scripts for
Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about community events. PSAs
will be broadcast on the air at no charge. The station operates 24/7 and can
be heard at 1630 on the AM dial.
Any local non-profit or non-commercial organization can have their
event information broadcast to the public on Sierra Madre Community
Information Radio. The station covers the city of Sierra Madre, plus
surrounding areas of Pasadena, Arcadia, and Monrovia.
Your event must:
• Benefit a non-commercial or non-profit entity
• Be open to the public
• Be of general interest to local citizens
write a Public Service Announcement that describes your event and
e-mail it to radio@cityofsierramadre.com.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com