Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, January 18, 2025

MVNews this week:  Page 4


Mountain Views News Saturday, January 18, 2025

Public Health 
Local Health 

Pasadena Issues Advisory for 
Homes Impacted by Eaton Fire

Pasadena Public Health 
Department (PPHD) 
Acting Health Officer, Dr. 
Parveen Kaur, declared 
Wednesday a local public 
health emergency due to 
the widespread impacts 
of Eaton Fire, including 
the presence of ash and 
particulate matter in the air 
throughout the community.

 Ash and debris pose a 
significant potential current 
and future risk to health, 
safety, and the environment. 
PPHD is declaring a 
local health emergency 
to ensure residents take 
appropriate measures to 
protect themselves from 
toxic ash and debris, as well 
as proactively positioning 
the city to access County, 
State, and Federal resources 
and programs that will be 
critical to the rebuilding 

 PPHD is distributing 
free personal protective 
equipment (PPE) to 
those impacted by the 
Eaton Fire at 450 N. Lake 
Ave., in conjunction with 
Pasadena Water and Power 
Department’s bottled 
water distribution site, that 
started Wednesday and will 
be available from 10 a.m. to 
3 p.m.

 The use of power air 
blowers, including leaf 
blowers, is prohibited 
until further notice to 
help protect the health 
and wellbeing of residents. 
These devices stir up ash 
and particulate matter into 
the air, further worsening 
air quality and increasing 
health risks for everyone 
and their pets, particularly 
for those with respiratory 
conditions, older adults, 
children, and other 
vulnerable populations. 

Pasadena Elks Lodge Sets Up Donation 
Center after Members Lost Thier Homes

 The City of Pasadena advised 
residents Friday to be aware of 
possible health hazards when 
returning to their properties, 
especially if they live in or near 
areas impacted by the Eaton 

 According to officials, even if 
your home or property was not 
damaged by Eaton Fire, ash and 
debris may have blown indoors. 
Ash can irritate your skin, 
eyes, nose, and throat; make 
it difficult to breathe; and can 
exasperate asthma. Everyone 
should wear an N95 or P100 
mask when cleaning their 
home, even if they have not 
been directly impacted by Eaton 
Fire. For those with respiratory 
conditions and other pre-
existing conditions, consider 
masking up and speaking to 
your healthcare provider for 
further advice. Monitor Los 
Angeles County’s air quality at 
the South Coast Air Quality 
Management District website:

 Residents whose properties 
have been impacted by Eaton 
Fire are encouraged by the 
City of Pasadena to use their 
discretion and consider 
receiving professional assistance 
to help ensure that their 
property is suitable for their 
return. If you have any doubts 
on the safety of your property, 
contact licensed professionals 
for support and guidance listed 
at the California Contactors 
State Licensing Board: cslb.

 The following guidance is 
ONLY for properties that have 
suffered smoke damage AND 
do not have fire damaged 
structures, including yellow 
and red tagged structures. 
Pasadena Building Inspectors 
continue to conduct Structure 
Safety Assessments for all 
structures within the wind and 
fire impacted areas, and colored 
placards have been posted to 
each assessed property. The 
placards correspond to the 
structure’s safety status. 

property if your property has 
been damaged directly by fire 
and/or has been yellow or red 

 Before re-entry, sniff for gas. If 
you detect natural or propane 
gas, or hear a hissing noise, leave 
the property immediately and 
call the fire department after 
you reach safety. If you have a 
propane tank system, turn off 
all valves and contact a propane 
supplier to check the system 
before use.

 Be careful when moving 
throughout your home and 
property. Damaged objects or 
areas of your property, such 
as furniture or stairs, may be 
unstable. Be very cautious 
when moving. Avoid holding, 
pushing, or leaning against 
damaged building parts. If 
power is out, use a flashlight. 
Do not use any open flame, 
including candles, to inspect 
for damage or serve as alternate 
lighting. Disconnect and check 
all appliances for water damage 
before using them.

 If you return home and your 
house smells like smoke, but 
does not appear to be fire 
damaged, follow tips provided 

 With nowhere to go after 
being evacuated during last 
week’s devastating fire in 
Altadena, and Pasadena, 
some Elks Members ended 
up finding refuge at their 
Lodge No. 672 where other 
members and the public were 
quick to help.

 According to Lodge No. 672 
Exalted Ruler Matt Stadtler 
the Board of Directors, soon 
after, held an emergency 
meeting, and voted to 
establish an objective that 
the Pasadena Lodge was an 
official Donation Center. 
“Voting was Phase 1,” he 
said. “Phase 2 was opening 
donations to the public.” 

 Stadtler said they will enter 
Phase 3, as other Elks Lodges 
across the Country send them 
donations that were expected 
to start arriving yesterday. 

 He said baby diapers, 
socks, underwear, bras and 
towels were among the most 
requested items. He said after 
they organize and catagorize 
all of the donations, Lodge 672 
is set to host a Merchandise 
Distribution Event Monday.

 The Distribution Event 
will be held from 10:00 a.m. 
to 4:00 p.m. The Pasadena 
Elks Lodge located at 400 
W. Colorado Boulevard, 
with vehicle access on Green 

 During this event, Pasadena 
Elks members will distribute 
new clothing, personal care 
items, bedding, diapers, 
bottled water, and other 
essential goods to first 
responders and community 
members impacted by the 
Eaton Fire. 

 Identification that indicates 
residency in an affected fire 
area is required to participate 
in the merchandise 
distribution event. 

 In addition, the Pasadena 
Elks Lodge will offer 
complimentary meals daily 
from noon to 8:00 p.m. on 
days that do not include a 
merchandise distribution 
event. The meals will be 
offered to first responders 
and community members 
impacted by the Eaton Fire. 
This service will continue 
based on food supplies and 
community demand, and 
meal hours may change. 
Identification indicating 
residency in an affected 
fire area is also required 
to participate in the meal 

 Established in 1901, 
Pasadena Elks, Lodge 672, 
is a 501(c)(8) charitable 
organization with more than 
1,200 members. 




 The City of Pasadena’s Rent 
Stabilization Department 
reminds tenants and landlords 
that important protections 
are still in effect during the 
ongoing natural disaster and 
proclaimed state of emergency. 
These protections, created by 
the Pasadena Fair and Equitable 
Housing Charter Amendment, 
aim to provide stability for 
renters and property owners 
during challenging times.

 These protections apply to 
certain rental units in Pasadena. 
To find out if your unit is 
included or to get help, visit 
our website, call a Housing 
Counselor at (626) 744-7999, 
or email rentstabilization@

Key Provisions:

Rent Increase Protections:

• Annual Limits: Rent can only 
be increased once every 12 
months, and landlords must give 
a 30-day written notice. From 
October 1, 2024, to September 
30, 2025, the maximum rent 
increase allowed is 3.0%.

• Contesting Rent Increases: 
Tenants can petition against rent 
increases that exceed the limit 
unless the increase has been 
approved through a petition. 
Rent increases are not allowed if 
landlords fail to follow city rules, 
keep units habitable, or make 
required repairs.

Eviction Protections:

• Just Cause Requirement: 
Landlords must provide tenants 
with a written notice that clearly 
states a valid, legal reason (“Just 
Cause”) for eviction. This applies 
even if a rental unit has been 
damaged by the wildfires, severe 
winds, or related conditions.

Landlords should consult with 
their attorneys to determine 
their obligations. Examples of 
“Just Cause” reasons:

Failure to pay rent

The landlord or a family member 
moving into the unit

Withdrawal of the rental unit 
from the market

Major repairs requiring tenants 
to vacate

Following a Governmental 
Order to vacate

• Relocation Assistance: If 
tenants are evicted for reasons 
beyond their control (e.g., owner 
move-in, necessary repairs, and 
governmental order), they are 
entitled to relocation assistance. 
For more information about 
relocation assistance, please refer 
to Chapter 4, Article III of the 
Pasadena Rental Housing Board 

• Additional Homeowner 
Protections: Homeowners living 
in their primary residence can 
create temporary tenancies (up 
to 12 months) that are exempt 
from the Pasadena Fair And 
Equitable Housing Charter 
Amendment as long as the length 
of the tenancy is stated in writing 
at the inception of the tenancy, 
along with a statement that the 
tenancy may be terminated, and 
relocation assistance shall not be 

• Anti-Harassment Protections: 
Landlords cannot harass or 
retaliate against tenants for 
exercising their legal rights, 
including participation in 
tenant advocacy activities. 
Such retaliation is a defense to 

• Price Gouging. As further 
detailed in the City’s January 13, 
2025 press release, the anti-rent 
gouging provisions of California 
Penal Code Section 396 are 
in effect during the current 
proclaimed state and local State 
of Emergency. State law prohibits 
landlords from charging new 
tenants more than the maximum 
lawful rent that was charged to 
previous tenant.

Rent Protections 
Stay in Place 
During State of 

 Acting Director of Housing, 
James Wong, and the 
Pasadena Partnership to End 
Homelessness announced 
Thursday that the 2025 Point-
in-Time Homeless Count, 
originally scheduled for this 
month, has been postponed at 
least until the end of February. 
The decision to postpone the 
Homeless Count is a direct 
response to the devastating 
fires that have communities 
over the past week. 

The Homeless Count is a 
critical event that enables 
us to collect essential data, 
better understand the scope 
of homelessness in our 
community, and secure 
the resources needed to 
address this urgent issue. 
“Our community has faced 
extraordinary challenges this 
week, and our immediate 
focus must be on recovery and 
supporting those affected by 
the fires,” said Dan Davidson, 
Homeless Count Consultant 
and Coordinator. “We thank 
our dedicated volunteers and 
partners for their patience 
and understanding as we 
adjust our timeline.”

 The City of Pasadena and the 
Pasadena Partnership to End 
Homelessness call on our 
community and volunteers to 
remain on standby and join us 
for this important event at the 
end of February. "We deeply 
appreciate your continued 
support and dedication to 
making a difference in the 
lives of those experiencing 

 Further updates, including 
the confirmed date of the 
rescheduled Homeless 
Count, will be available. 
For more information visit: or 
contact Dan Davidson and 
Erika Fay Gottfredson at 

Altadena Town Council 
Statement on the Eaton Fire

Red Cross 


 “The Altadena Town Council 
is deeply saddened and 
heartbroken by the catastrophic 
damage caused by the Eaton 
Fire. Our town has been forever 
changed by the destruction, 
and many of us, including 
councilmembers, have lost 
our homes and businesses. 
We grieve alongside each and 
every one of you who has been 
affected by this disaster. Our 
schools, churches, restaurants, 
parks, water resevoirs, and 
many cherished historic 
buildings have been lost, some 
of which can never be replaced. 
We want you to know that 
you are not alone. We stand 
in solidarity with you during 
this incredibly difficult time. 
The spirit of Altadena lies in its 
residents, and we are committed 
to working tirelessly to bring 
you the most up-to-date 
information possible. While we 
are still in the early stages of 
recovery, we will soon begin to 
heal and rebuild together.”

 "Please take care and stay safe. 
Altadena will rise again from 
this devastation, and together, 
we will rebuild."

 For more information visit:

 The American Red Cross said 
it is committed to providing 
individuals affected by the 
devastating wildfires with safe 
shelter, access to food, basic 
health services, and emotional 
support. In addition to 
assisting those currently in our 
shelters, they will also begin 
providing financial assistance 
to residents who lived within 
the fire perimeters of Eaton, 
Palisades, Hurst, and Kenneth, 
as defined by Cal OES.

 These current active 
perimeters can be found (in 
orange) on Tab 4 the Red 
Cross 2025 California Wildfire 
Disaster Partner Brief.

 Curently they have actively 
begin outreach to specific 
individuals whose primary 
residences were located within 
these defined areas. These 
individuals are eligible for this 
initial Red Cross Financial 
Assistance program. For those 
they have contact information 
for, they will send an invitation 
to enroll via email, text 
message, or phone call directly 
from the American Red Cross.

Fro more information about 
the Red Cross visit: redcross.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: