Mountain Views News Saturday July 28, 2012
STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE
HAIL Hamilton My Turn
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
Patricia Colonello
Richard Garcia
Lina Johnson
John Aveny
Jeff Brown
Pat Birdsall
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Stuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Chris Bertrand
Ron Carter
Rev. James Snyder
Bobby Eldridge
Mary Carney
La Quetta Shamblee
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Meaghan Allen
Sean Kayden
Recently I had the privilege of visiting my deceased
friend’s grandchild. My forty year old son and I happened to be in
the neighborhood and called and went for a quick visit. The baby’s
father had been among my closest friends for over sixty years and
had lived with my son, daughter and I for a couple of months.
Right before his brain tumor was diagnosed he was staying with
my wife and me. In fact it was my wife who first suggested that he
see a doctor to try and understand his loss of balance and forgetfulness. Anyway,
now he,s gone and I’m not really close with the baby’s mother and it’s sort of strange
to go over and visit a ten month old. I wouldn’t have gone alone but my son wanted
to go and so we did.
The mother is a business woman, filled with responsibilities and worries.
The child we knew had been ill a few times. She asked us to take off our shoes, wash
our hands, nd not breathe into the baby’s face. She even added that the baby was not
really comfortable with men and that it was probably best that we not expect to hold
him. That was fine with me as I probably had gone over thirty years without holding
a baby and felt no real need to end that streak. Maybe it would be better if we hadn’t
come at all.
We sat down and the three of us beganto chat as she held the baby. She tells
ua that she still thinks of her dad every day and shows us a picture of him at the baby’s
age and they look identical. I began to feel a bit more comfortable and I noticed how
much the mother looks like she did when she did when she was ten years ago and all
at once I noticed that my son was holding the baby
The baby and my son looked very happy together and the baby sees me
looking and begins to stare right into my eyes. He has eyes just like his father’s and
he reaches out to me and now I’m holding him. He’s jumping up and down in my
lap. What powerful legs he has. He’s laughing and I’m laughing. There’s a wonderful
connection and before we leave the mom asks my son and I to act sort of like
surrogate grandparents. We say we will and are intending to be at the baby’s birthday
next month.
I’m telling you this story as I think of another baby. Another perfect baby named
James Holmes. This baby grew to be a privileged, gifted, successful honor student
working toward a PhD in a very difficult scientific field. We all now know the
unimaginable horror story of this young man senselessly killing or wounding almost
seventy people. Among the most frightening parts of the story is when his mother, a
mental-health nurse herself, was contacted and told that her son had committed this
horrific act she was told
“We’re not sure we got theright man.”
“You’ve got the right man,” she said.
To me that response by the mother meant that she had feared some sort of
catastrophe for a long time. I believe she suffered and tried to close her eyes to what
was happening. She probably felt isolated and powerless. After all, her brilliant son
was a thousand miles away living in some honor doem. What could she do?
For that matter what could her son do as he felt his life coming apart. We are
told that he was dropping out of the program without getting the degree that he had
worked toward all his life. I imagine him, like many highly gifted people, to be fairly
isolated and without confidants. Alone he fantasized about doing some extreme act
that would leave his mark upon the world.
In writing about this monstrous act it seems appropriate to speak about gun control
legislation and increased mental health outreach. Perhaps periodic psychological
evaluations should become an integral part of graduate programs. I am not opposed
to such potentially helpful changes but I think they will be of only limited assistance.
The real problem is that modern societies have failed in their major responsibility to
raise and nuture the perfect babies born to them. Instead of reaching out supportively
raising children in tribes we have allowed, and even encouraged these vulnerable
young people to go out on their own. As the kids face inevitable, but still unexpected,
disappointments, they have no one to lean on. Adults , fearing being inappropriate,
are removed and distant. In this increasingly over-populated world we all seem to be
more and more alone.
I hope by reaching out to my old friend’s grandson, my son and I might just
be doing a little something to hold this world together; meanwhile other kinds of
needed reorganization can take place. Anyway it will be really nice to go to the party.
I am disappointed
by the LA City
Council’s decision
Tuesday to outlaw all sales by
previously legally licensed and closely
monitored marijuana dispensaries.
The decision is clearly a step backward
in the fight to decriminalize pot and
a step forward in the increased drug-
related carnage that is sweeping the
nation and the world (Mexico has had
58,000 narcotic-related murders since
It is one more victory for the
drug lords, DEA, prisons, and local
narcotics enforcement officials who are
making billions of dollars year on the
brutal misery of others, and the spin
being perpetrated by the mainstream
media that Council’s decision is in
some perverse way a affirmation that
the City of Los Angeles supports of the
failed War on Drugs
The truth be told, the War on Drugs
is a sickening cesspool of hypocrisy,
incompetence, and corruption that
has left a wake of human destruction
almost beyond comprehension in its
magnitude. Originally declared by
President Nixon in 1971, the War on
Drugs became institutionalized two
years later with the creation of the
Drug Enforcement Administration
U.S. involvement in the
international narcotics trade began
during the Vietnam War when the
CIA began shipping home heroin
from the Golden Triangle in the body
cavities of dead American soldiers.
Our involvement has continued
unchecked from transporting cocaine
from Columbia to pay for the Contras
in Nicaragua to the reintroduction of
heroin production in Afghanistan.
That’s right, the CIA is importing
the same illegal drugs the DEA and
local law enforcement are arresting
street drug dealers for, and it is
this involvement that has added an
extra 1.25 million non-violent drug
offenders to our already overcrowded
prison system. More insidious has
been the laundering of CIA profits
by some of America’s largest, most
respected banks, and offshore by CIA-
run financial operations like BCCI,
aided and abetted by U.S.-supported
dictators like Panama’s Manuel
Since January 1, 2011, the War on
Drugs has cost the American taxpayer
approximately $1 trillion -- or more
than $700 million a day! This is a total
waste of tax dollars; and we just began
the new year!
The human cost is much worse.
Drug prohibition has decimated
generations and criminalized millions
for behavior which is entwined in
human existence, and for no other
purpose than to uphold the defunct
and corrupt thinking of a minority of
misguided, self-righteous, degenerate,
racist demagogues who wish nothing
but the unadulterated destruction of
blacks and Hispanics.
Based on the unalterable proviso that
drug use is essentially an unstoppable
and an ongoing human behavior
which has been with us since the dawn
of time, any serious reading on the
subject of past attempts at any form
of drug prohibition (including alcohol
prohibition) would point most normal
thinking people in the direction of
sensible regulation.
By its very nature, drug prohibition
cannot fail to do anything but create
a vast increase in criminal activity
and, rather than preventing society
from descending into anarchy, it
actually fosters an anarchic business
model -- the international illegal
drug trade. Any decisions concerning
quality, quantity, distribution and
availability are then left in the hands of
unregulated, anonymous and ruthless
drug dealers, who are interested only
in the huge profits involved.
Thus, the allure of this reliably
lucrative industry, with its enormous
income potential that consistently
outweighs the risks associated with
the illegal operations that such a trade
entails, will remain with us until we
are collectively forced to admit the
obvious -- our failed drug prohibition
There is therefore an irrefutable
connection between drug prohibition
and the crime, corruption, disease and
death it causes. Anybody who’s not
mentally challenged should be capable
of understanding that it is not simply
the demand for drugs that creates
mayhem, it is our refusal -- despite all
evidence to the contrary -- to allow
legitimate businesses to meet the
Because drug cartels -- the largest
being the CIA -- will always have an
endless supply of ready cash for wages,
bribery and equipment, no amount of
tax dollars, police powers, weaponry,
wishful thinking or pseudo-science
will make our streets safe again. Only
an end to prohibition can do that!
Remember the positive effects of
ending national alcohol prohibition
in 1933? How much longer are we
willing to foolishly risk our survival
by continuing to ignore the obvious,
historically confirmed solution?
If you support the mass suicide cult
of prohibition, and erroneously believe
that you can win a war without logic
and practical solutions, then prepare
yourself for even more death, tortured
corpses, corruption, terrorism,
sickness, imprisonment, economic
tribulation, unemployment and the
complete loss of the rule of law. The
only thing prohibition successfully
does is prohibit the regulation while
turning our schools and streets in
black markets for drugs. Regulation
would mean the opposite.
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A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
I just celebrated
another birthday,
which got me to
thinking about the "good old days." You
can usually tell how old a person is by
how many times they refer to the "good
old days," or the phrase, "when I was a
I have come to the conclusion that getting
old is not something to be ashamed of in
the least. A person reaches a certain age
simply because they have not died yet,
which is nothing to make a person feel
Although I do not think too much of
birthdays, I intend to have as many as
possible. Don't get me wrong. I am ready
to go when my time is up, but, in the
meantime, I am going to enjoy life.
My recent birthday got me thinking about
the "good old days" of my youth. Memory
is a funny thing. For the most part, we remember
the good of our youth and rarely
the bad. I often hear some old geezer say,
"I wish I were 16 again." If their memory
was serving them correctly, 16 was not a
very good year for any of us. I am glad I
have gotten beyond my 16th birthday. As
I remember it, it was a terrible year.
I can honestly say that the best years of
my life are the ones I am living now.
Sure, I have some regrets. I have done
things I probably should not have done,
and I did not do some things I probably
should have. If I had to live my life over
again not only will I make the same mistakes
but also I probably would add to
the list quite significantly. I do not want
to live my life over again. Once is enough
for me, thank you.
But as I was thinking of those "good old
days," I could not help but think what I
was thinking about back then. It went
something like this.
When I was in school sitting in Ms. Ammon's
class, I was daydreaming about going
fishing. All I could think about was
what kind of fish were biting out by the
lake this afternoon. Ms. Ammon would
call upon me and I would have no idea
what she was talking about. In my mind,
I was fishing. In my body, I was suffering
under classititis. It is what students,
especially boys, get when they are bored
with the class they are in at the time. It
involves a lot of jittering.
"Where was your mind?" Ms. Ammon
would ask. "I hope you weren't fishing,
now, were you?"
One thing about good ole Ms. Ammon,
she could read a boy's mind like a book.
Maybe because there are so many blank
pages in a young boy's mind.
I would suffer through counting down
the hours and minutes and seconds until
the school day would end.
You did not hear it from me, and this is
not a confession, but on those rare occasions
when I would skip school and
go fishing, I had another problem. I was
where I wanted to be, doing what I wanted
to do, but then as I threw out the line
waiting for a bite all I could think of was
what was happening back in school I was
missing. I often wondered if Ms. Ammon
was missing me.
I would smile and then the fish would
bite and my attention would be on the
task at hand.
It was not long before my mind would
wander back to the classroom. What were
they doing? What was I missing? For the
life of me, I cannot understand why, but I
could never enjoy fishing and when I was
playing hooky from school for thinking
about what I was missing back in school.
One of the advantages of getting older
is developing a sense of maturity. Don't
ask me to define maturity, because I am
not quite sure what it really means. As a
person matures, he begins to learn how to
enjoy the moment. This, I say, comes with
age. A lot of age in some instances. By the
time you learn to enjoy the moment, it is
I have come a long way from good ole
Ms. Ammon's classroom. I will not tell
you how many years it has been, let's just
say a lot. I still find myself doing the same
I am in the middle of doing one thing
and I begin thinking of what I could be
doing. I could be home reading a book.
Then when I go home and begin reading,
I think about what I could be doing in the
I have tried to take a day off for many
years. I just cannot seem to manage it. I
take a day off and think of what I really
could be doing if I was working. When I
am working, I think of how much fun I
could have if I was taking the day off.
I hope to live long enough to be able to
bring these two opposites together in
some magnificent activity. I have not got
there yet. I am aspiring, to be sure.
David was right. "This is the day which
the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and
be glad in it" (Psalms 118:24 KJV).
The only thing I need to do today is to
rejoice in the goodness of the Lord.
RICH Johnson
When it comes to funny anecdotes regarding ones’ own
children, I am a rich man. Particularly when it comes
to my daughter. She will remain nameless in this article
because if she gets a whiff I am writing about her, my
life will truly be in jeopardy. That being said, there
were a couple occasions in her early years where her
comments were priceless and memorable.
When she was four (and her brother six) the two of
them decided to experiment with a pair of scissors. Unfortunately for my
daughter, the experiment involved the scissors and her hair. She sacrificed
her beautiful bangs to the pursuit of knowledge, not realizing they wouldn’t
suddenly reappear at the end of the experiment. Apprised of the tragedy
on the way home from work, I prepared to somehow “fix” the situation.
And there she was, waiting for me at the garage with a look of true grief. I
shouted out to her how much I liked her new hair do (you know, now with
a good chunk of it gone). She instantly perked up, smiled and said, “Yes, I
wanted my hair to look just like Daddy’s”. Grrrrrr.
When my daughter (who shall continue to remain nameless) was 3, her
favorite stuffed animal was an orangutan. She referred to this fuzzy, cuddly
orange primate as her husband, possibly because he slept right next to her
every night. One early morning my daughter was storming around the
house with a particularly sour expression on her face. I asked her,”What
was the matter.”: She replied, “I can’t find my stupid husband.”
As cultural icon Art Linkletter once said on television, and in a book or
two, “Kids Say the Darndest Things.” Here are some more you might enjoy:
When you breath you inspire. When you do not breath you expire.
H2O is hot water, and CO2 is cold water.
When you smell an odorless gas, it is probably carbon monoxide.
Mushrooms always grow in damp places and so they look like umbrellas.
Vacuum: A large, empty space where the pope lives.
To keep milk from turning sour, keep it in the cow.
The president has the power to appoint and disappoint the cabinet.
Parallel lines never meet unless you bend one or both of them.
When two straight lines come together, they form an angel.
To find the number of square feet in a room, multiply the room by the
number of feet.
A triangle is a circle with three corners to it.
Horse power is the distance one horse can carry a pound of water in an
By the way, I haven’t mentioned Fresco’s Coffee shop in a while, so let me
give them a shameless plug: Great food and great parking. They are open
every day until 2:30, so plan on a great breakfast and/or lunch there. They
are in the Albertson’s shopping center just on the other side of the border
at Michillinda and Sierra Madre Blvd.
Also, keep August 12th on your calendar. Sunday night from 6:00 to 8:00
the band I have the privilege to perform with JJJukebox. JJJukebox will be
headlining the Concert in the Park at Sierra Madre Memorial Park. It is
sponsored by the Kiwanis and the Friends of the Library. So come out and
enjoy the celebration.
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