Mountain Views News Saturday August 18, 2012
Dear Savvy Senior:
What resources can you recommend to help seniors with incurable vision impairment? My wife has
macular degeneration and has become very discouraged. Looking for Help
Dear Looking:
Unfortunately, there are nearly 2 million Americans,
like your wife, living with macular degeneration
today, making everyday tasks like cooking
dinner, reading the newspaper or watching
television extremely challenging. Here are some
resources that can help.
Vision Rehabilitation
The best place to get help living and coping with macular degeneration is at a vision rehabilitation
agency. Typically run by state or nonprofit organizations, there are around 1,500 of these agencies
scattered across the country that provide free or low-cost services to help seniors and their families
who are living with all types of incurable vision impairments.
While vision rehabilitation does not restore lost sight, it does help people maximize their existing
sight, or, if they have no vision, it can equip them with techniques and tools to help them maintain
an independent lifestyle.
Services include counseling, along with training on how to perform daily living tasks with low vision,
and how to use visual and adaptive devices and assistive technologies that can help improve quality
of life.
They also offer guidance for adapting your home that will make it safer and easier for your wife to
maneuver, and can help her locate low-vision support groups in your area which is very helpful. Some
agencies will even send their specialist out to work with her in the comfort of your own home.
To find a vision rehabilitation agency in your area, call the American Foundation for the Blind referral
line at 800-232-5463.
If, however, you don’t live near a vision rehabilitation agency, you can also get help from an occupational
therapist, or OT, who can provide low vision training in your home. Ask your ophthalmologist
or doctor for a referral to an OT in your area. Your Area Agency on Aging (call 800-677-1116
for contact information) can also help you find nearby therapists. Many health insurance providers,
including Medicare, will pay for low vision training by an OT if prescribed by your eye doctor or
healthcare provider.
Online Help
Another convenient place to find help for your wife is online at a terrific new website called VisionAware
( Created by the American Foundation for the Blind and the Reader’s
Digest Partners for Sight Foundation, this site provides free information on eye conditions, along
with dozens of practical tips and instructional videos on living with vision loss, including concepts
for adapting your home to make it easier to navigate, techniques for traveling safely outside the home,
and various tips on how to manage things like finances, medications, and other tasks like cooking,
cleaning, grooming, reading, writing and more.
It also offers a comprehensive list of low vision products and technologies that can help your wife stay
active and independent, including product reviews that are published in their online magazine called
Other Resources
Two other good resources that can help you and your wife are the Ears for Eyes program and the MD
Support website.
Ears for Eyes (, 800-843-6816) is a nonprofit public charity that provides free audio
lessons on cassette tapes, CDs and Internet downloads that teach adaptive daily living skills to the
vision impaired and their caregivers.
And, which is a public service website for seniors living with macular degeneration
that provides information and links to support groups across the country, and links to low-vision
products, services and other resources that can help with many different needs.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.
org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
August Birthdays
Harry Enmark, Marcia Bent, Phyllis Chapman,
Beverly Clifton, Karlene Englert, Joan Spears,
Barbara Godley and Jane Zamanzadeh, Phyllis
Bugh, Mary Kay Gifford, Marjorie Peterson, Susan
Poulsen, Genevieve Stubbs, Joseph Kiss, Patricia
Senior Programs have returned to the Hart
Park House enior Center, 222 W. Sierra
Madre Blvd. in Memorial Park - Come by and
see the changes!!
Mondays: City Hall & Lunch Café
12 noon: Intervale Lunch Café: Come enjoy
a hot meal with others. Donation for
seniors (60+) of $2.00; visitors $3.75. Call
355-0256 to make your daily reservation.
FREE blood pressure checks by Methodist
Hospital Nurse; 11 am to 12 noon.
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
BINGO; NEW TIME 1-3PM cards are
only 25 cents each so stop by & play
5:15 pm to 6:45 pm: Yoga; $6.00 - 50
& over. Please call 355-5278 for more
11 –11:45 am: Balance Class with Teryl.
FREE class designed to improve balance
& refresh the joints
12 noon: Intervale Lunch Café; daily reservations
needed 355-0256
2nd Wednesday of the month: FREE Legal
Consultations: 10-11:30 am. Appointments
call 355-7394
Wii Wednesday - 1:00 pm or call the senior
desk at 355-7394 to arrange another
time & day to learn how to play. No previous
experience or skills required and it is
great exercise.
1:00 to 3:30 pm: Game Day. Join us for
Poker and more. Wii - 1:00 pm or call the
senior desk at 355-7394 to arrange another
time & day to learn how to play. No
previous experience or skills required and
it is great exercise. Please call for more
Fridays: Intervale Lunch Café; daily reservations
needed 355-0256
1:00 pm to 1:45 pm: Strength Training
with Lisa Brandley. FREE class of stretching
with light hand weights while you sit.
Saturdays: 11:30 am: Senior Club brown
bag lunch and BINGO at 12:30 pm.
Meals are delivered to home-
bound seniors by volunteer drivers
through the YWCA Intervale
Lunch Program M-F (with frozen meals for the
Call the YWCA at (626) 214-9460 for more
Join the Senior Community Commission
for a FREE presentation. Lunch is available
for a $2 donation
Call (626) 355-0256 by
12 noon the day before.
Tickets can now be purchased at:
Sierra Madre City Hall
Sierra Madre Library
Senior Movie Program
The Hart Park House Senior Center is starting
a brand new monthly movie program beginning
Wednesday, August 15.
Each month a movie will be shown at no fee
in the City Council Chambers located in City
The movie for the month of August is,
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, filmed in our
very own Sierra Madre!
All patrons are encouraged to join us monthly
and it’s a great way to beat the summer heat.
Location: City Council Chambers, 232 W. Sierra
Madre Blvd.
Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm
Cost: Free, no charge.
*Food is not allowed in the Council Chambers
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Departure: Charter bus leaves at 9:15am
from the Hart Park House Senior Center
Boat Charter: 11:00am-12:30pm
Arrival: Charter bus will arrive back in Sierra
Madre at approximately 3:00pm
Cost: $20 includes transportation and tip
(Does not include lunch)
More Info: Call the Hart Park House Senior
Center at 626-355-7394. The 90 minute
tour views the entire harbor, including
the 7 Islands of Newport Bay. The tour is
narrated by the experienced Captain and
Crew. You will get a chance to see celebrity
homes, sea lions, and much
more! For more information on the cruise
please visit their website at www.funzoneboats.
com. Lunch will be on your own
from 12:30-2:00pm in Newport Beach.
Please be sure to register early as space is
limited. Registration is available at the Hart
Park House at 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.,
Community Recreation Center at 611 E. Sierra
MadreBlvd. or online at www.cityofiserramadre.
The other day at lunch, the restaurant was busy and the service was
slow. That was fine, because I love to people-watch. A couple sat down a
few tables away from us. The lady’s outfit was on the dressier side of casual.
The guy’s clothes were too nondescript to recall. Their posture and gestures
suggested that this was their first or second date. It was all very charming
until she began eating --buffalo wings.
You can’t really blame her. Who doesn’t like
buffalo wings? They’re a staple bar food along
with pretzel mix and peanuts. Buffalo wings
represent the perfect marriage of food vices. Most
other bar favorites are simply bastardizations of
otherwise healthy foods. Take onion rings and
French fries. Onions and potatoes are innocuous
enough until you coat one in batter and fry both.
But with buffalo wings, it’s delicious fat from
start to finish. You begin with the fatty dark
meat of mini chicken legs, then subject them to
the fattiness of frying. Finally, they are ready to
be dunked in calorie-dense blue cheese dipping
sauce! What’s not to love? The only health threat
lacking is high fructose corn syrup.
Although we all agree that buffalo wings are to
die for (and perhaps to die by), they are not the
sexiest food to be seen eating. I’m sure someone
could delicately nibble at a chicken leg, dabbing
their mouth periodically. But to enjoy buffalo
wings to their fullest, you must suck the bones
clean of every muscle, sinew, and tendon. As you
can imagine, this isn’t a pretty picture.
Once you’re in a stable relationship, it’s acceptable to suck a chicken bone in front of your
beloved. (If not, then you should dump that judgmental jerk right now!) But what’s a first-
time date to do? I’m so glad I’m not dating any more. Life is stressful enough without having
to worry about ordering etiquette-friendly food.
Of course, any food can be challenging depending on how much of a klutz (or how
nervous) you are. Hamburgers are always a challenge. The Carl’s Jr. ads make the models
look great eating them. But I’ve never been able to pull it off without stuffing my face into
the thing to take a bite, or having burger juice run down my arm. I think the Carl’s Jr. ads
must require many takes.
Some people think spaghetti and other stringy pastas are uncomely to eat in public, unless
you’re trained in dining etiquette. The fear is that you might slurp up a noodle. Or you might
misjudge the amount of pasta on your fork, forcing you to bite off the remainder onto your
plate. Of course, these strategies should be perfectly acceptable once you’ve known each
other for a month or so. At that point, you may even get away with further pasta violations,
such as cutting all the spaghetti on your plate into two-inch pieces before eating it.
Come to think of it, I’ve really been lucky when it comes to avoiding making a total fool of
myself while eating. I haven’t had crunchy tacos in years, but I’m sure I’m still just as clumsy
with the shells and crumbly beef as when last I ate one. If you limit your choices to salads,
the worst that can happen is puncturing a cherry tomato and squirting its juice into your
date’s eye. Luckily I’ve only experienced this among family, and the juice recipient was my
shirt, rather than a guest.
So, if this week finds you having a first or second date, I wish for you gracefulness and, for
your date, tolerance. And if you should be so blessed as to not have to worry about what you
look like while eating, enjoy a juicy burger or some buffalo wings!