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MVNews this week:  Page 13



 Mountain Views News Saturday, September 28, 2013 



by Lori Koop, Career Coach


Many of my clients want to make a career move, but are unsure of what they 
love to do. They have guessed wrong in the past, and they’re afraid of doing it 
again. But moving forward requires a decision. So, many are stuck, waiting for 
“the right answer.”

To help find it, they ask others. They look to the past. They reference culture. 
Their left brain clicks into high gear -- it is determined to find the answer. It 
looks and looks. (And makes us crazy in the process.) In the end, it doesn’t 
know… it just has to guess. It can’t know, it does not have access. The answer lies 
in the right brain, and it lives in the left. 

To get to the right brain and your answer, use your body. 
The spirit uses the body to communicate our tru* path. If 
you’re stuck, find a quiet, peaceful place and try this:

1. Make a list of the options you’re considering. 
2. Take the first one and imagine doing it. Close 
your eyes. Engage all the senses: sight, sound, touch, taste 
and smell. See yourself in action and really feel it. 
3. On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the most excited), 
score your excitement. 
4. Go to the next option. Do steps 2 and 3 again. 
Don’t worry about why, just stick to the body sensations. 
5. Experience each item on the list with your body 
and score it. 

The option that scores the highest is the “winner!” It most 
aligns with your true self and the work you’re here to do. 
Start there! I know, it’s not how you’re used to making decisions. 
It’s a NEW way. Try it, if you’re tired of waiting.

- - - - - - - - - -
Lori Koop, Reinvent your Career . . . Do work you love! 
Schedule a complimentary session, 626-921-6315 (Sierra 

What a thought provoking and action oriented question. Hmm. Well I think so, 
at least I hope so. Yes! I want the answer to be yes. But how?

People do not judge based on thoughts, but by our actions. We are basically how 
we behave. This is what others see, this is how they know us. So yes, it's possible to be a giver with bad 
motives, but does it really matter when we are still taking the right actions? 

It's like the teacher giving us a practice. We may do the practice to please the teacher at first, but after 
a while we are still building the dedication it takes to do the practice. If the power lies in the practice, 
any less than worthy motives will fall away. Our commitment to seeking and cultivating our divine 
relationship will preside.

In yoga, we could come to the practice wanting--and end up giving. Even changing our whole perspective 
from wanting mode to giving mode. In wanting mode, there is no end to the little bit of 
emptiness when what we have isn't enough. It is always on to the next thing. And then that familiar 
disappointment when we are not satisfied. But in giving mode, we are filled up, (giving from our reserves, 
of course), becoming energized and usefully whole. The question goes from what can I get to 
what can I do? 

It could be the little things, like not leaving a piece of trash behind or taking a job that no one esle 
wants. Or doing something nice for someone without telling anyone. Call it Karma Yoga. Life becomes 
rich and fruitful this way. 

Our impact on those around us may be less. Or more, but in a positive way. They are not depleted 
when we're around, but inspired and held. People feel better when we're in the room. 

A friend had posed this question recently and I was so inspired by it. I want people to feel better, 
loved, helped, and supported when I'm around. This is why I continue with this beautiful practice. 

Namaste, Keely, Teacher at Yoga Madre


Stress is everywhere, there seems to be no 
end to it. The issue becomes not how to 
avoid stress, but how to deal with stress. 
What do you do to stop the adverse 
effects on your body, your mind, your 
soul? What are the secrets to removing 
the physiological, psychological effects 
of stress?

Every emotion you feel sends different 
biochemicals (hormones) through your 
body. One can not only feel the effects, 
but see the effects. Pain, inflammation, 
dis-ease, headaches, tiredness, fatigue are just a few of the signs of stress in the body. 

So since stress is everywhere and there is simply no way to avoid it, what can be done? The answer 
is to assist the body in dealing with the effects of stress. Fueling your body with food (real foods), 
exercising, breathing, relaxing, taking supplements, and getting adjusted (chiropractic) will help your 
body remove the adverse effects of stress. 

If you are having any symptoms due to stress, this is an invitation to take a moment and make a plan. 
What are you going to do to help your body not degenerate, not be in pain, to not be tired? Make 
it simple and just do one thing a day for a week, then add another the next week. Stressing out over 
what to do is not a good plan either.

I would like to invite you to experience a different way of reducing stress. Get your stretch on at Hands 
2 Health Wellness Center’s Stick Stretching Studio. Stick Stretching is a new paradigm for wellness. 
Stick Stretching will give you balance, flexibility, strength, toning, reduction of stress and tension and 
increase your energy levels. For me, this has been the best form of stretching and exercise. It could 
be the one thing you decide to do differently this week!

For more information, go to or call (626)358-3800. 


 A recent study by the National Institute of Health finds that coffee 
drinkers have a lower risk of death. Coffee drinkers were less likely to 
die from, stroke, heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes, infections, 
and injuries. The results of the study were published in the May 17, 2012 
edition of the New England Journal of Medicine.

 Americans have a love affair with coffee. Coffee is by far one of the most 
consumed beverages in our country. This study did not establish a reason 
as to why coffee may lower the risk of death or did not look at the individual 
components of coffee. Coffee contains more than 1,000 compounds, many 
of which we do know are health-promoting antioxidants. Any of those 
1,000 plus components might potentially affect health. This study looked 
at a large group of people and their coffee drinking habits. It then looked 
at death rates of these individuals. 

 In the study, both regular and decaf coffees were associated with a lower 
risk of dying, which suggest that other substances in coffee might be more 
important than caffeine. However, even decaf contains trace amounts of 
caffeine. The findings stop short of saying that coffee drinking directly 
lowers the risk of chronic disease.

In other published research studies, one suggested that coffee drinkers 
have up to a 60 percent lower risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and may help reduce the risk of 
Parkinson’s. And a joint study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the AARP discovered 
that folks who drank four cups of coffee a day were 10 percent less likely to become depressed than 
people who didn’t drink coffee.

 Science aside, we can’t discount the pleasure benefit we derive from drinking a good cup of coffee. 
My advice would be that all things, even good things, in moderation.

Dr. Tina is a traditional 
naturopath and nutritionist 
at Vibrant Living 
Wellness Center


A presentation dealing with genetic testing for cancer will be given at the Cancer Support Community-
Pasadena on Tuesday October 22, 2013 from 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The presentation is free. 
Deborah MacDonald RN will discuss the part played by family history in connection with the development 
of new or recurrent breast cancer. She will also discuss how genes may increase the risk 
of other cancers.

Location is the Cancer Support Community-Pasadena, 200 East Del Mar Blvd., Suite 118, Pasadena 
Ca 91105. Reservations at 626-796-1083.

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What’s on YOUR Mind?

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