Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, January 11, 2014

MVNews this week:  Page 11

Mountain Views News Saturday, January 11, 2014 
Susan Henderson 
Dean Lee 
Joan Schmidt 
LaQuetta Shamblee 
Pat Birdsall 
Patricia Colonello 
John Aveny 
Chris Leclerc 
Bob Eklund 
Howard HaysPaul CarpenterStuart Tolchin 
Kim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills 
Hail Hamilton 
Rich Johnson 
Merri Jill Finstrom 
Lori KoopRev. James SnyderTina Paul 
Mary CarneyKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis 
Despina ArouzmanGreg WelbornRenee Quenell 
Ben Show 
Sean KaydenJasmine Kelsey Williams 
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STUART Tolchin........On LIFE 

Thumbing through the on intelligence is complex, involving 

AARP magazine as I thousands of genes interacting in such 

watched endless hours intricate ways that researchers have not 

of football games yet managed to draw genetic patterns. It’s 

this weekend I noted possible that they never will but it’s also 

that the 63 year old possible, and probably more likely, that 
actor William Hurt was back in School. sometime in the near future there will 
He has devoted this past fall to classes become available medical procedures that 
in Computer Science and Buddhism will make individuals “smarter’. 
at Columbia University’s School of It’s even scarier than that! The article 
Continuing Education. When I think quotes a Stanford Law Professor as saying 
of William Hurt I think of someone “In twenty to forty years, at least in the 
who always seemed to want to be the developed world, most babies could be 
smartest person in the room. Perhaps conceived through in vitro-fertilization, 
you remember the movie Broadcast so that their parents could choose among 
News in which Hurt plays an annoyingly embryos. That way, the parents or 
successful TV news-reader who isn’t someone else can select the combination 
quite as intelligent as the people around of genes that they want to see in their 
him but is promoted because of other offspring.” The Professor reminds us that, 
traits like looking good in a spots coat and “In the United States, parents will make 
having a certain knack for emphasizing these choices, but in China there is more 
the right words.acceptance of government intervention 

As I think of that Broadcast News in personal and family decisions.” 
Movie I recall poor Holly Hunter who in Do you understand the 
the movie is criticized by a disapproving implications of this little bit of news? 
network executive as always needing to Today we are concerned about the 
be the “smartest person in the room”. “I influence of performance enhancing 
know it’s horrible” she says and as she says drugs in professional sports.g drugs. 
it viewers get a sense of the loneliness and Today the Public is concerned about 
the desperate need of some who needs governmental spying upon private 
to be “the smartest person in the room” communications such that it becomes 
This theme always resonates with me as privy to what was formerly thought to 
I have always wanted to be the smartest be confidential. This is nothing. Soon 
person in the room. Unfortunately, I there may be a complete disappearance 
never quite had the native ability to quite of what we have always thought of as 
be that person. Whatever it meant to an individual. Individual deficits will 
actually be the “smartest”, it wasn’t me. not be our personal problem but will 

It isn’t that I didn’t try. Being be seen only as design defects perhaps 
smarter seems to be my most important correctable through pharmaceutical or 
goal as I keep talking (and writing) medical intervention It may become 
probably displaying my ignorance possible to buy intelligence or good looks, 
to those who know better; but this or strength, or creativity, or whatever else 
continuing attempt is what gives is out there. Maybe whatever is out once 
meaning to the rest of my life. The purchased will remain inside of us during 
past few days this theme of wanting to the remainder of our own lifetime? 
be smarter has taken on new meaning. Speaking of “us”, what will it 
Last night as I watched the Vizio BCS mean to be an individual? Will we 
College Football Championship the very all soon see ourselves as some sort of 
first commercial on screen asked. “What genetic soufflé designed by scientists 
makes something smart?” I assume for the benefit of the State? Will we all 
the answer had something to do with become machines or weapons to be used 
buying a television made by Vizio but I by warring nations as they compete for 
never heard the answer. As I heard the dominance? Will anyone care; or will 
question I looked down at this week’s that kind of concern be scientifically 
recent arriving New Yorker Magazine eliminated as disadvantageous for the 
which I had been reading at just that State’s rest? 
moment. Frighteningly the article I know that these kinds of concerns have 
discussed a Chinese Company which was been repeatedly discussed in Science-
attempting to explore, “in more complex Fiction Books and Movies; but I never 
ways than ever before, the genetic basis read such books or go to such movies. 
for human intelligence.” The Company’s Maybe it’s better, or certainly less scary, 
President, Jian Wang,is quoted as saying to just focus on who’s going to win next 
“Some words are too sensitive to say, week’s NFL play-off games. I like the 
but there has to be at least some genetic 49ers. (Maybe it was the search for gold 
component behind the differences that brought us here in the first place?) 
people show.” Certainly, it is now taken 
for granted that the influence of heredity 

HOWARD Hays As I See It

 “There’s nothing surer; the half the nation’s income, according to the 
rich get rich and the poor study’s authors, “the increasing isolation of 
get poorer.” the affluent from low- and moderate-income 

- lyricists Gus Kahn and families means that a significant proportion 
Ray Egan, “Ain’t We Got of society’s resources are concentrated 
Fun”in a smaller and smaller proportion of 
Greg Welborn began neighborhoods.”

his column last week with Greg also mentioned the median family 

bad news / good news. income having dropped since the Recession. 
The bad news is that President Obama is all It dropped the first couple years, and then 
gloom and doom, warning of “diminished stayed pretty steady. It was $51,000 in 2012, 
levels of upward mobility”. The good news an 8.3% drop from 2007.
is a “Stanford study” extolling the “American For the top 5%, though, they recovered 
dream” – with an advisory that this “dream” right away and kept going – with incomes 
must be “properly understood”: It’s a dream now 5.2% higher than in 2007. Incomes for 
not of the acquisition of material wealth, but 99% of us grew an average 0.4% between 2009 
of the “freedom to follow one’s conscience”. and 2012. For the top 1%, it grew by 31.4%. 

 I looked into it. That 1% is said to have captured 95% of the 

 Turns out the “study” is from the Hoover income gains from the first three years of the 
Institute (at Stanford University), funded by recovery.
those who’ve managed to acquire significant According to the National Employment 
material wealth for themselves, but have Law Project, nearly 4 million middle-income 
dubious conscience regarding the well-being jobs were lost during the Recession, with 
of their fellow Americans. The findings only 700,000 of those jobs coming back 
aren’t due for another six months, but its with the recovery. The number of low-wage 
author, Prof. William Damon, offers a sneak-jobs, however, increased by about 600,000. 
peek, and (guess what?) those interviewed Thousands of formerly middle-income 
for the study confirm the professor’s own workers ended up taking the positions of 
view: students here from abroad think our displaced low-wage workers – while those 
“freedom” is pretty cool. So – shouldn’t that with the highest incomes just kept doing 
fervor for the “America dream” put to shame better than ever.
all those whining about being unable to find Greg blames taxes. He’s right. Economist 
a job?Thomas Hungerford of the Congressional 

 While looking into it, I came across another Research Service cites lowering of the capital 
study out of Stanford, this one by Prof. Sean gains tax rate as “by far the largest contributor” 
Reardon from 2012, which found the gap in to growing income inequality in the U.S. 
test scores between the highest- and lowest- President Reagan found it unfair that 
income students growing by 40% since the income derived from playing with other 
1960s. It’s now twice as large as the black/people’s money would be taxed at a lower 
white achievement gap. This comes as the rate than income earned by actually working 
college completion rate for rich kids has for it, and in 1986 capital gains were taxed 
grown in recent years, while that for kids at the same rate as ordinary income. This 
from low-income families has stayed about changed when the rate was lowered in 1996 
the same. Fifty years ago, poor kids lagged 2 under Clinton, and twice more under Bush. 
1/2 years in academic level behind those from Inequality took off as the richest were able to 
affluent families. Today, it’s four years.keep a much larger portion of their income 

 The problem, according to the study, isn’t than the rest of us could.
the schools; it’s that parents struggling to As for the lowered corporate and upper 
make ends meet, to find access to healthcare, marginal tax rates, there used to be incentives 
don’t have the time and resources to spend on for putting profits back into a business, 
their kids in the crucial early years.investing in expansion and the workforce, 

 This may not have been as big a deal rather than in stock buy-backs, dividends 
decades ago, when opportunities in trades and and CEO compensation packages. Those 
manufacturing could provide a middle-class incentives aren’t as powerful anymore.
income without a degree. Today, however, Greg also blames regulations. It was the 
it means a cycle of low wages and limited loosening of regulations governing financial 
opportunities for advancement passing from markets and the banking industry that 
one generation to the next – and a nation brought about the Recession in the first place. 
where the potential for upward mobility is Loosening of campaign finance regulations 
one of the lowest in the developed world.has helped ensure this stifling of the American 

 Another study by Prof. Reardon of dream, for all but the oligarchy, becomes 
Stanford, partnered with Prof. Kendra permanent – unless those regulations can be 
Bischoff of Cornell, came out last fall on restored, stiffened and enforced. 
“income segregation”. Forty years ago, 65% Perhaps, because of the Affordable Care 
of American families lived in middle-class Act, it will be easier for more to pursue their 
neighborhoods; only about 40% do now. American dreams - since they won’t be tied to 
More than a third of families live in either dead-end jobs merely through fear of losing 
affluent or poor neighborhoods – double the health benefits. 
percentage in 1970. Now, the question is whether to provide 

 As income inequality has increased, 1.3 million desperate Americans the lifeline 
especially over the past ten years, Americans of extended unemployment benefits. Senate 
have become more “spatially divided” – with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 
those in the top 10% having become more suggests he might go along if, in return, there’s 
segregated than families in the bottom 10%. agreement to deny millions of Americans 

 With this income segregation, there’s less access to affordable healthcare.
of a “shared stake” in schools, parks and other “There’s nothing surer . . .”
public resources. As that top 10% takes in 


A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder 


I was sitting on the in the winter.
back porch sipping 

Up north, they complain when the

an ice-cold tea with 

temperature falls below 30.

a splash of lemon
when I received a text from a relative up Here in Florida, I complain when the 
north. I was enjoying a pleasant afternoon temperature falls below 70.
basking in the winter sun of Florida.

 Whenever the temperature dips below

I am not sure what God was thinking that magical 70, I have to break out one ofof when He created the north with all my sweaters. What an inconvenience for 
that bad weather and snow and such, but me to have to put on a sweater because it isI know what He was thinking of when He just a little bit cool on the outside.
created the South - especially Florida. He 

Then my relative sent me a picture of

was thinking in particular of me and my 

her standing in the snow looking like the

insatiable love of the sun. Basking in the 

abominable snowman. She had more

Florida sun is the great reward of being 

clothes on than I actually own or have in

smart and moving to Florida.

my closet. I wonder how she walks around

I have some friends who were born in wearing all those clothes? How in the worldFlorida and think they are a little bit better does she ever sit down wearing all thosethan me. I remind them that they had no clothes?
choice of being born in Florida but I, on the 

And what about that thing wrapped

other hand, moved to Florida on my own 

around her head? We have hats here in 

volition. I think I have the upper hand on 

Florida but not quite like the one she was

that one.

wearing. It looked like she was wearingI may be old but I certainly do delight some igloo.
in the modern technology. It used to be 

At this point in my life, I could not

that when you got a call from a relative 

afford, for a variety of reasons, to move 

you had to answer the telephone and talk 

back north.

to the person on the other end for as long

as they hung on. Today, thanks to modern I do not think my relatives up northgadgetry; when a relative wants to contact could put up with me at this point. Theyme, they usually do it by text. I love it.offer me a friendly invitation to come andspend some time with them during the

Getting a text is a strange thing, or it 

winter season. I really could not handle it.

can be. If I do not respond right away, I 

As soon as the temperature dropped below 

can always claim that there is “something 

70, I would be complaining, grouching and

wrong with my cell phone and my texting 

working on everybody’s nerves.

isn’t working right today.” Then I can getback to that relative whenever it suits me. I would be such a nuisance that they 
Or, as the case with some relatives, and you would have to get together and buy me aknow who I mean, I can ignore it.plane ticket back to sunny Florida. My

relatives should thank me for not moving

If you are a relative of mine and have 

up north to “enjoy the snow” with them.

not heard from me or had any of your 

See how much I am saving my relatives? Do

texts answered, the simple answer is, I am 

they appreciate it?

not really ignoring you (ha ha ha) my cellphone is not working correctly. No relationship is quite like thatrelationship that spans several hundred

This relative that texted me was 

miles. You know the old saying, “Absence

complaining about how cold it was up 

makes the heart grow fonder.” So, if you

north and even had the courtesy to send me 

add distance to that absence you have the

a picture of their backyard just chock-full 

epitome of a wonderfully fond heart.

of some white substance known as snow. 
Many things separate us from one

The text read, “I bet you wish you were 

another. Sometimes that separation is

here to enjoy this?”

voluntary and sometimes it isn’t.
I think that relative would have lost that 

The apostle Paul understood that nothing

bet for sure. I love those snow scenes on 

could separate him from God. “For I am

postcards or in text messages like this one, 

persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor

but as to be personally involved with all of 

angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor

the frigid snow, do not bet on me!

things present, nor things to come, Nor 

Years ago, Cold and I experienced a deep height, nor depth, nor any other creature,
disagreement and we have been separated shall be able to separate us from the loveever since. As far as I am concerned, the of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” 
separation is final! I really do not want (Romans 8:38-39).
anything more to do with Cold. We are not 

It does not matter how cold it is outside as

even on speaking terms. 

long as inside there is a warm relationshipCold, after all, is a relative thing with God bordering on fiery expectation.
especially when the relatives are up north 


It’s not much of a secret that New Jersey dereliction of duty, 
Governor Chris Christie has his eye on the the Governor has at 
2016 Republican presidential nomination, least moved to assign 
and it’s equally public knowledge that blame and hold that 
he prides himself on his direct, take-person accountable. 
no-prisoners, do-it-right-for-the voters That cannot be said 
approach to governing. Whether you’re a about either President 
Democrat or Republican, there’s a lot to Obama or Secretary 
like about Christie’s almost charismatic of State Clinton. 
New Jersey attitude. The unfolding story As of this writing, 
of the George Washington Bridge closure nobody has been held 
will test all of that – the image, the person accountable and punished for the Bengazi 
behind the image, and Christie’s suitability deaths, the IRS abuse or the Obamacare 
for the highest office in the land.disaster. As one political strategist joked, 

This week, Governor Christie took Christie can at least point to the fact that 
blame and apologized for the bridge when standards aren’t met, people are 
closure and for the actions of at least fired, whereas Obama promotes them. 
one of his top aides which apparently If firing people is the beginning of an 
led to the closure in the first place. The earnest effort to remedy the issue and 
Governor’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Bridget insure that future abuses of power don’t 
Kelly, has been fired, and there are others occur, Christie will burnish his reputation 
in the Governor’s cross hairs. But these and likely reclaim the trust of both blues 
actions are not enough. At this point, and reds who have voted for him. If, on 
we simply cannot determine whether the other hand, Christie is shown to have 
they are the beginning positive steps of a been intimately involved in this act of 
political leader who truly is in it for the retribution, then he deserves neither the 
voters, or the actions of a political schlock presidency or the governorship. 
who’s simply trying to cover his backside To some extent, the Governor is 
and distance himself from blame.portraying himself as a victim. In 

 The emails mentioned above relate to fairness to him, he didn’t use that word 
last September’s 4-day closure of several to specifically describe himself and he has 
lanes of the George Washington Bridge only used it in reference to those in N.J 
which connects Ft. Lee, N.J. with New and N.Y. who had to drive through or live 
York. It’s a major commuter channel, through the 4-day mess, but victimhood 
and the lane closures during rush hour has been alluded to, and that is troubling. 
backed up traffic for hours. Not only were Christie stated that he was “betrayed” 
commuters massively inconvenienced, by senior members of his staff and 
but school buses were delayed, and in at that he only learned the truth after the 
least one instance that has now come to newspapers had published the content 
light a paramedic ambulance was delayed of the emails. There is no doubt he was 
enough that a person in need of aid died betrayed. But how believable is it that he 
for lack of emergency treatment.wouldn’t have discovered the truth on his 

 The mayor of Ft. Lee had previously own?
refused to endorse Governor Christie in Even if we grant that his staff lied to him 
his re-election bid. Emails from Christie’s about their involvement, this was a major 
Deputy Chief of Staff to a friend at the news story when it happened. 4-days of 
Port Authority suggested that it was coverage in the N.J./N.Y. metro area put 
“time for some traffic problems in Fort it on every newspaper and radio station 
Lee”. Within a couple of weeks, the Port for hours on end. Are we to believe the 
Authority official apparently ordered Governor didn’t know about it? Of course 
that a “traffic study” which required the not. The crux here is whether we’re to 
lane closures. Those are the facts that we believe that after being told his staff wasn’t 
know. The rest of the story will determine involved the Governor didn’t pursue the 
the governor is suited to hold the power matter further. 
conveyed by public office.I personally find that very hard to believe, 

 Governor Christie has acted properly which puts the burden of proof right back 
in firing his Deputy Chief of Staff. where it belongs. Someone who seeks the 
There remain however questions about presidency should be engaged enough to 
his culpability and his judgment. For push for straight answers on major issues. 
Conservatives and Liberals, alike, the If told his staff wasn’t involved, wouldn’t a 
answers to these questions will be a fairly true leader have then demanded that his 
reliable guide as to whether he’s ready for staff find out who was at fault? Apparently, 
prime time – perhaps even whether he’s no such request and no such investigation 
able to continue in office.were launched. If he Governor wishes 

 On the plus side, the Governor’s actions to retain his current job and/or seek a 
in firing his Deputy Chief of Staff stand bigger one, his handling of the situation, 
in stark contrast to the actions of both if not his involvement, need to be further 
President Obama and putative 2016 reviewed. 
Democratic presidential candidate, 
Hilary Clinton. When faced with a clear