Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 18, 2019
“Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to live.” Nora
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
“Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t
let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And
most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Stay
hungry. Stay foolish.” Steve Jobs
Yes, friends and
neighbors, it is indeed
graduation season and
Friday before last I
attended a really splendid
one. My grandson, Luke
Matthew Simon, was
graduating from the USC
School of Dramatic Arts.
Already an accomplished
Luke has appeared in
many productions.
This relatively small
graduation, compared
to the mass graduation
that took place earlier in
the day which featured
thousands of graduates
all wearing cap and gown,
accessorized with donuts,
coffee and gum, took
place in Bing Auditorium
and Luke’s mom, our
daughter, Patti, got herself
Uber-ed over there at 7
a.m. to save us all seats for
the graduation which started at 11:00 a.m. We were in the second row
and thrilled to be there, also thrilled that the rain which threatened all
morning didn’t materialize.
“Ranked as one of the top drama schools in the world and recognized as
a leader in performing arts education, the USC School of Dramatic Arts
nurtures artists who will lead, innovate and create the performance and
storytelling of the future. Under the leadership of Dean David Bridel, the
faculty and administration of the USC School of Dramatic Arts has begun
to re-imagine and redefine what it means to train dramatic artists in the 21st
Century without losing the rigorous foundational training that has been
a hallmark of the School for over 70 years.” (From the commencement
Dean Bridel welcomed the graduates and their families by saying, “Thank
you! Bon Voyage! Your future begins today. You will turn success into
triumph!” Needless to say, there was tremendous applause here. He
continued, “Thank you to the faculty who have guided you the last four
years, and to the families who have supported you through them.” Spirits
were high, to say the least!
Two student speakers started the program: Angelica Sarkisyan (BA),
told us that we need to be a good person. The most important lesson she
learned was you can be a good person and help other people. And that you
can give yourself permission to mess up! And to love yourself. That’s pretty
good advice. The other young woman who spoke, Caroline Haskins (BFA
– Bachelor of Fine Arts) shared that art brings light into darkness and to
be ready to fuel dreams with a warrior mentality! She ended with: Class
of 2019...Break a leg!! These two young women were confident, eloquent,
inspirational and brief.
The main graduation speaker was Kristen Bell, currently starring in the
NBC series, The Good Place, with Ted Danson. She also just finished
recording the sequel to Frozen, which is scheduled to hit theaters this fall.
She will also be reprising her role as the main character in Veronica Mars.
She is tiny, gorgeous, funny, and the first thing she told us was that she
dropped out of college. Kristen’s theme was to be nice, that she is nice, and
it is amazing what can happen when you’re nice. She told us to listen just
as fiercely as you want to be heard and that dividends of your kindness
will appear exactly when you need them and to build your tribe of friends
as they will keep you alive. Kristen’s remarks were just what these young
people...and some of us not so young people... needed to hear.
The graduates each received their diploma to thunderous applause and a
brief statement written by each one, read as they walked from their seat,
thanking parents, siblings, professors, friends and, in one case, “my cat,
Bobby!” Balloons were released, Pomp & Circumstance played and we
were so proud of Luke, pictured here with Dean Bridel.
Hoping that all the graduations that you attended were as terrific as this
one was, with a great speaker who was inspirational, funny, and, best of
all, brief.
My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
Star of Wonder the CD is now on TuneCore! Take a look!
Blog: www.authordeanne.com
Follow me on Twitter, too! https://twitter.com/@playwrightdd
“Sunrises & Sunflowers Speak Hope” is coming soon!
May 5 to May 12, 2019
During this period, the Sierra Madre Police Department
responded to 198 calls for service
Theft from a vehicle
Between 8:40AM and 9:00AM, on Monday, May
6, a vehicle burglary occurred in the 100 block of
E. Bonita Street. The suspect(s) entered the locked
camper shell of the victim's vehicle and removed
the victim's gardening equipment. The suspect(s)
then fled the scene.
Traffic Collision
On Wednesday, May 8, a traffic collision causing
minor injuries and involving 3 vehicles occurred in
the 00 block of S. Lima Street at about 1:29PM. The
driver's complaint of pain was evaluated by Sierra
Madre Paramedics at the scene. The driver was not
taken to a hospital and all involved parties left the
scene after exchanging information.
Warrant Arrest
Officers picked up a subject from the Claremont
Police Department at about 10:43PM on May 9,
who had an outstanding warrant from the Sierra
Madre Police Department. The subject was taken
to Pasadena PD Jail. The on duty jailer searched his
property and found that the subject was also in possession
of methamphetamine.
Case to DA’s office
Suspicious Persons
Officers responded to the 200 block of Foothill Ave.
at about 2:25PM on Friday,
May 10 regarding a suspicious vehicle occupied by
2 males and 1 female. Upon further investigation,
it was revealed that one of the male subjects was in
violation of a domestic violence restraining order.
The female subject was found to be in possession
of medication without a prescription and she had
an outstanding outside agency warrant. Both subjects
were arrested and taken to the Pasadena Jail
for booking. Case to DA’s office
KATIE Tse....This and That
EPISODE 5 “8-1/2”
I’m so proud of myself!
Despite having zero ideas for
an article I still churned out
another Brain Fizzle for your
weekly pleasure. After four
whole months my resolution of
not recycling old articles is still
live. (Patting my uninspired
self on the back.)
The idea for this week’s piece comes from one of
my favorite movies, Federico Fellini’s cult classic, “8-
1/2.” Maybe “cult classic” isn’t the right description,
but then “8-1/2” defies easy categorization. “Artsy,”
is probably more like it.
“8-1/2” is the kind of film moody teenagers
gravitate to because they feel it speaks to their inner
angst. At least that was my experience when I first
saw it back in high school. It’s individualistic, yet
universal. Primal, yet sophisticated. Unprincipled,
yet moral. Essentially the human condition in a
The cinematography is great. Hopefully I don’t
sound like a film snob. I really don’t know much
about film, except that I know what I like. Movies
should be like wine: we should enjoy what we enjoy
without passing judgment or worrying about what
others think.
Getting back to the cinematography, this is a
very visually appealing film. The attached photo
is my favorite shot of the main character played by
Marcello Mastroianni (rabbit ears added). Is it just
me, or do you sometimes feel like he looks? I read
somewhere that he had little sandbags stuck under
his eyes to make them look puffy and bloodshot.
Ha, I’m all over that look without any enhancement
necessary! But seriously, to me everything comes
together in that shot. The angle, the lighting, his
expression. The pathos of it all. Sheesh, I’m starting
sound like snob again.
While at PCC I incorporated this picture of
Mastroianni into a self portrait for an art class I was
taking. They put our work up in the admissions
building. Mine was right by where people lined
up to wait for their forms to be processed. I’d be
walking around campus and people would tell me
they recognized me from their time in the line at
admissions. My fifteen minutes of fame!
Another thing I love about this
movie is the dialogue. I quoted
Mastroianni’s line in my portrait,
“I have nothing to say, but I want to
say it anyway.” Who knows if that
translation’s even true to the original
Italian. But it speaks to me today just
as strongly as it did when I was 18.
Such a universal longing. The
understanding that your experience
and insight probably isn’t new,
exciting, or unique, but the desire to
express it anyway. Maybe that’s part
of what makes us human. Maybe
that’s why I write for the paper. Till
the next fizzle...
Athens Services provides bulky waste collection for Sierra Madre
residents with barrel service up to 4 times per year free of charge.
Bulky waste includes large items that do not fit into barrels or bins
such as:
• Water heaters
• Furnaces
• Bed springs
• Mattresses
• Dressers
• Couches
• Washers
• Dryers
• Stoves
• Tables
• Chairs
• Refrigerators
• Freezers
• Air conditioners
• Patio furniture
Items should be placed curbside (not in the street).
To schedule a pick-up, please call Athens Services at (855) 557-
1007, or complete a Request Services form ONLINE and select
“Bulky Item Pick-Up.” Click Here to Schedule pickup.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com