Mountain View News Saturday, November 9, 2019
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Dr. Tina Paul
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
see them
around on
TV every
day. Seventy
and eighty
year olds
like Bernie
Joe Biden,
even the unmentionable one with
the long red tie and the orange face;
notwithstanding cancer or heart attacks
they’re in there giving their all for some
goal. I’m the same age—so how come
I’m having trouble walking down the
It’s not only the politicians.
Think of the recently deceased but
very, very old sportscasters like Vin
Scully, Chick Hearn, or Harry Caray.
I cannot even watch a Dodger game,
or a Laker game, or even a Cub game
without unfavorably comparing the
present broadcasters to the wonderful
broadcasters who recently left us. I
know it’s not really these young guys
fault that they generally completely fail
to describe what’s going on. They were
not trained as radio broadcasters who
sat with their great mentors like Red
Barber and learned to make the games
visible to listeners and then to viewers
who trusted their impressions and their
honesty, and their integrity. Now the
flow of all these sports have been ruined
by instant replays which are often eternal
delays when nothing is happening and
the announcers are as befuddled as we
are. Have you heard; there is talk of
prohibiting the home plate umpires from
calling balls and strikes and replacing
them with robots! I’m not kidding.
Pretty soon probably the players will
be eliminated and replaced by avatars.
Now won’t that be thrilling?
It’s the same in the news
business. In my youth the newscasters
were war-time correspondents like
Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite
who had been through it all and were
seemingly incorruptible. Walter
Cronkite was called the most trusted
man in America and when he teared up
announcing JFK’s death or rejoicing over
the moon landing we felt the experience
with him. Did you happen to go to
the simulation of the Apollo Landing
expensively presented at the Rose Bowl?
It was very much like an amateurish
high school play with special effects. I
found it kind of blasphemous.
Speaking of newsmen my
favorite was Charlie Rose. He was,
and probably still is, extremely
knowledgeable, had interviewed
everybody, and gave his guests time to
talk. Compare him to Chris Mathews or
Bill Maher, who despite their experience,
talk over their guests responses and
tolerate nothing but agreement. I believe
they and all the other news readers
are more like entertainers seeking
ratings rather than responsible people
presenting their mannered views to the
public. By the way, of course I know
that Charlie Rose had other problems
but, nevertheless, I wish he was still on
the air even if he had to broadcast in his
bathrobe. (HUMOR)
I don’t think the difference in
quality can be explained just by reliance
on technology or even by the idea that
newscasts are presented not to educate
but instead to obtain high ratings and
make money. I suggest that the difference
in quality stems from the different
kinds of lives lived today as opposed to
previous generations. The young lawyers
today that I hear talking are substantially
different than the lawyers who were
around fifty some years ago when I
started in the Law (not the business).
It’s funny but right on Colorado there’s
giant picture of this guy who was in my
Law School Class who really didn’t seem
any smarter than anyone else. His fame
and fortune come from the fact that he
and another classmate got the idea that
Lawyers should be able to “advertise”.
Lawyering should be a “business” and
not a “profession” and should be made
more available to everyone, not just the
It sounded good and I was all
for it and some of my Legal Aid Buddies
started working with them and I think
made big bucks which lead to expensive
vacations and different kinds of lifestyles.
This happened not to a few lawyers but
to a whole profession which no longer
focused on Civil Rights and overall
fairness but instead became interested in
mergers and acquisitions and lucrative
personal injury practices. Maybe those
kinds of changes are inevitable and
maybe I’ve just been left behind but my
life has been fine just doing the same
stuff I have always done. When I read
about the lives of politicians and their
boats and affairs and lies I wonder if
things would have been different if my
Law School Mates had never gotten the
idea to make the Law and lawyers into
businessmen rather than professionals.
Certainly what I am talking about is
reflected in the present Presidential
Administration. Did these lawyers
ever care about anything more than
making money and staying acceptable
to prestigious firms by closing their eyes
to indisputably despicable behavior?
If Walter Cronkite and Edward R.
Murrow were still around would these
accomplished men have been at parties
on Jeffrey Epstein’s yacht while ignoring
the likely destruction of the entire
Maybe none of these conditions
are connected but I like to think things
could have been different if wealth and
amusement and permanent adolescence
had not become the goal of most
Americans who are manipulated so that
the rich folk can become even richer. I
wonder if Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth
Warren go to parties.
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If you’re a young child trapped in our infamous foster care system,
your future is bleak.
It’s likely that you’ll bounce around to more than a dozen foster
homes until you “age out” at 18 and are allowed to live on your
Then, within two years, there’s a six in 10 chance you’ll be living
on the street, in jail or involved in sex trafficking.
Being adopted by a loving family is the miracle any foster child
hopes and prays for.
But chances of that happening are tragically low.
Only about 110,000 of the 400,000 children in government foster care are even eligible
to be adopted.
And now, thanks to a federal rule change proposed last week by the Trump administration,
even fewer kids are likely to get the chance to escape from the cruel prison of
foster care.
The rule change would remove language in funding grants from the Department of
Health and Human Services that protect LGBTQ and other prospective parents from
discrimination when they seek to adopt or foster children.
The rule is being pushed by evangelical Christians, who in their exalted opinion don’t
think gay or lesbian couples should be allowed to foster or adopt children.
It’s very sad. It used to be that Christian churches were in the forefront on adoption.
According to the research, compared to the general population practicing Christians
are more than twice as likely to adopt. Catholics are three times as likely and evangelicals
five times as likely.
Maybe that eagerness to open their hearts and homes to unloved children has something
to do with James 1:27 – “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the
Father, is this: take care of orphans and widows in their affliction, and keep oneself
unstained from the world.”
If evangelical Christian churches are so gung ho about wanting their political hero
President Trump to write laws making it impossible or more difficult for LGBTQ families
to adopt children from our foster care system, I have some advice for their pastors.
It’s incumbent on you and your congregations to pick up the slack and start adopting as
many of those 110,000 foster children as fast as you can.
If you’re not willing to put your professed love for the children of God into practice in
the real world, then don’t prevent others from doing a good thing.
Any foster child is much better off being adopted by Rosie O’Donnell and her partner,
or any other loving gay or lesbian couple, than remaining in a system infamous for fostering
the physical and mental abuse of children.
The churches like to say they really care about the children and that Jesus really cares
about the children. Well, if they really believed that, they wouldn’t let 110,000 children
languish in foster care.
If they really cared about Jesus’ children, they’d push for laws to make sure as many
people as possible can adopt them.
This issue is particularly sad for me. I never had to experience the abuses of the foster
care system because I was adopted by a loving couple from Hollywood.
But as I say in my book “Twice Adopted,” until you stop looking at abuse through the
eyes of an adult and start looking at it through the eyes of a child you can never understand
Which of us adult Christians would go up to a foster child of 8 and say, “There’s a nice
couple who would like to adopt you and take you home, love you, raise you well, see
that you are well educated and prepare you for a successful life.
“But the problem is, they are gay, so we’re going to keep you here.”
What would that child choose if it were up to him – ten more years of cold foster
care or being adopted by a loving gay couple?
I know what the kid would say. And all good Christians should agree with him.
The lesson of the
2019 state elections
the lesson of the
2018 congressional
Donald Trump
can stage all the
demagogic rallies
he wants,
but he’s powerless
to reverse the
GOP’s hemorrhaging in the populous
Let’s borrow one of his favorite metaphors.
On Tuesday night, his captive
Republicans died like dogs. Or, as
party strategist Alex Conant told the
Associated Press, “Republican support
in the suburbs has basically collapsed
under Trump.”
Today’s suburbs, once typically lily
white, are racially and ethnically diverse,
and bursting with people (especially
women) who have college
educations. This means they’re bright
enough to read the news, see Trump
for what he is, and be rightly repulsed
by a craven Republican party that
abets and excuses his serial abuses of
And now we’re seeing the payoff.
One year ago, Democrats recaptured
the House in an historic blue wave
that subsumed Republican suburban
seats even in red redoubts like South
Carolina, Kansas, Iowa, Oklahoma,
Georgia, and Utah. And in this week’s
2019 elections, Virginia Democrats
snatched both legislative chambers
for the first time in a generation, wiping
out every last Republican (including
a state House GOP leader) in the
Washington D.C. suburbs. A Muslim
woman even won in the Richmond
suburbs, ousting a Republican state
senator who’d long sought to weaken
Most of Virginia’s Republican candidates
tried to distance themselves
from Trump, but the voters punished
them anyway. Down in ruby-red Kentucky,
incumbent Republican Gov.
Matt Bevins tried the opposite tack,
embracing Trump and stumping with
an anti-impeachment banner, but
voters in the Louisville and Lexington
suburbs punished him anyway. Most
notably, in the vote-rich suburbs
across the river from Cincinnati – the
same suburbs he’d won easily back in
2015 – he was wiped out.
Kentucky will surely vote for Trump
in 2020, but it’s far less certain that
pivotal Pennsylvania will do so for
the second time. Republicans have
long been losing clout in the Philadelphia
suburbs, but Trump’s toxicity
has greatly accelerated that trend,
especially at the grassroots level. In
the 2019 elections, Democrats took
control of suburban Delaware County
for the first time since the Civil War,
captured a governing majority in suburban
Chester County, and did the
same in suburban Bucks County for
the first time in 36 years. Those results
may well foreshadow a titanic blue
turnout when Trump is (presumably)
back on the ballot, where his rural and
small-town fans may not be numerous
enough to hold back the wave.
And that’s the Trump team’s core
quandary. It aims to maximize rural
and small-town turnout (especially
among non-college white men) in
the handful of states that will sway
the Electoral College, in order to offset
massive losses in suburbia and, of
course, in the cities. But that math
may not work, because suburbia is
where the most votes are. Tom Davis,
a former national Republican leader,
warns: “What’s happening is that the
fast-growing areas (are) where the
Democrats are doing better. There
aren’t enough white rural voters to
make up the difference.”
Dennis Bonnen, the speaker of the
Texas House of Representatives, recently
put it more bluntly. In an audio
recording obtained by The Washington
Post, Bonnen was heard whining
to an ally: “I just think we’ve got to
get through 2020… With all due respect
to Trump, who I love by the way,
he’s killing us in the urban-suburban
True that. Spiking Democratic turnout
in the Texas suburbs – and the defeat
of two GOP House incumbents in
the 2018 midterms – have prompted
at least five House Republicans to announce
their “retirements.”
Reality-based Republicans are well
aware that they need to reconnect
with educated white-collar suburban
voters, especially women. But, alas,
they’re tethered to a font of intolerance
who becomes more toxic with
each Orwellian lie. And they’re tragically
too timid to revolt.
Twice now, in successive years, the
suburbs have sent Trump a message,
but he’s too pig-headed to hear it.
And I’m reminded of a scene in Citizen
Kane, when a political boss warns
the megalomaniacal mogul: “If it was
anybody else, I’d say what’s going to
happen to you would be a lesson to
you. Only you’re going to need more
than one lesson. And you’re going to
get more than one lesson.”
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com