Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, December 21, 2019

MVNews this week:  Page 5


Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 21, 2019 

Keith Jackson 
Unveiled at 
the Rose Bowl

Portantino’s Holds 25th 
Senate District Women 
in Business Luncheon

One of the most iconic 
broadcasters in sports history, 
Keith Jackson, was celebrated 
last Saturday with a statue 
in front of the Rose Bowl 
Stadium just weeks before 
the 106th annual Rose Bowl 

 As a beloved American 
sports commentator, 
author, journalist and radio 
personality with hall of fame 
credentials, the late Jackson 
had his statue revealed amidst 
family, friends and fans. 

 In Pasadena, Jackson 
notably called the most Rose 
Bowl Games in history (15) 
and nicknamed the famed-
annual bowl game as the 
‘Granddaddy of Them All’ as 
the first postseason college 
football bowl game in the 
sport’s history. His booming 
voice, which is forever etched 
in the minds of college 
football fans and sports fans 
everywhere is one of the most 
iconic to ever hit the airwaves. 

 “Anyone who had the 
privilege of chatting with 
Keith for a while knew that 
the Rose Bowl was one of 
his favorite places on this 
planet,” said Keith’s wife, Turi 
Ann Jackson. “I can’t think 
of a better figure to welcome 
guests to all the pageantry 
and tradition that is the Rose 
Bowl. May you always enter its 
gate with the same excitement 
that he had on game day.” 

 The commemorative statue 
depicts Jackson, one of 
America’s greatest sports 
broadcasters and a Rose Bowl 
Stadium treasure, standing in 
his iconic game day pose in a 
suit jacket with microphone 
in hand. The microphone 
bears the Rose Bowl Game 
logo to appropriately 
represent his key history with 
calling one of the most iconic 
football games each season, 
on New Year’s Day. The statue 
is located outside of the main 
gate to America’s Stadium on 
the eastern side of the Rose 

 This is the third 
commemorative statue on 
the Rose Bowl Stadium’s 
site, to date. The first 
commemorative statue on 
the campus was the football 
statue of Jackie Robinson 
(dedicated in November 
2017) followed by the second 
honoring Brandi Chastain 
and the 1999 Women’s World 
Cup Champions, dedicated 
on the 20th anniversary of 
the historic match on July 10, 


 Earlier this month State 
Senator Anthony J. Portantino 
(La Cañada Flintridge) hosted 
the annual 25th State Senate 
District Women in Business 
Legislative Update & Awards 
Luncheon at The Castaway 
in Burbank, California. The 
Women in Business Awards 
honor local women who have 
contributed to the economic 
vitality and diversity of the 
25th Senate District. Women 
in Business additionally 
celebrates women who have 
contributed to the greater 
good of our community. 
Honorees celebrated inspire 
others, stimulate our workforce 
and run some of the most 
impressive non-profits, 
healthcare organizations and 
businesses in the 25th State 
Senate District.

 This year’s luncheon, 
December 4, proudly featured 
Keynote Speaker Dr. Lucy 
Jones, founder of the Dr. 
Lucy Jones Center for Science 
and Society and Research 
Associate at the Seismological 
Laboratory of Caltech. She 
has been at the forefront of all 
seismic movement experienced 
in California and nationwide. 
Additionally, the event 
included music performed by 
the Pasadena Conservatory 
of Music and Cantor Ruth 
Berman Harris.

-Trailblazer ~ Ellen Ligons 
(Pasadena) & Sally De Witt 
(San Marino)

-Volunteer ~ Talin Yacoubian 
(Los Angeles), Nancy E. 
Guillen (Burbank), Margie 
Green (San Dimas), Sonja 
Stump (Claremont), Veronica 
Chavoor (Burbank), Christina 
Ellixson (Burbank) & Jennifer 
Choi (La Cañada Flintridge)

-Young Entrepreneur ~ 
Monique Vobecky (Glendora), 
Delilah Curry (South 
Pasadena) & Rhiannon Gillis 
(Atwater Village)

-Empowerment ~ Armenian 
Relief Society of Western USA, 
Filipino American Business 
Association of Glendale & 
Glendale Council PTA

-Small Business ~ Keshia 
Bowen (Monrovia), Linda Sells 
(Monrovia) & Meredith Miller 

-Law ~ Judge Armenui 
A. Ashvanian (Glendale), 
Genoveva Talbott (Claremont), 
Diane Lambillotte (Glendale) 
& Lucy Varpetian (Glendale)

-Corporate ~ Bianca Vobecky 
(Glendora), D’Aquino Imports 
(Duarte) & Patricia D’Aquino 

-Medicine ~ Dr. Srpouhi 
Gasparyan (Pasadena), Dr. 
Wendy Shem Yeh (Pasadema), 
Dr. Andrea Brault (San Dimas) 
& Dr. Alexandra Levine 

-Education ~ Ani Keshishian 
(Montrose), Rebeca Andrada 
(La Crescenta), Sharon Cuseo 
(Burbank) & Taline Krikorian 
Arsenian (Glendale)

-Non-Profit ~ Tara Peterson 
(Glendale), Judith Arandes 
(Burbank), Marianna Gatto 
(Los Angeles), Debra Manners 
(Pasadena), Tina Hughes 
(Upland), Michelle Kim 
(Pasadena), Barbara Miller 
(Burbank) & Vickie Reinhardt 

-Inspirational ~ Reverend 
Cassie McCarty (Glendale) & 
Cantor Ruth Berman Harris 

-Arts ~ Nina Crowe (Glendale), 
Marlene Hitt (Sunland 
Tujunga) & Anna Sheklow (La 

-Environment and 
Sustainability ~ Dominique 
Hargreaves (Pasadena) & 
Susana Reyes (Glendale)

 “It is a pleasure to honor 
successful women in the 
25th State Senate District. 
Having a wonderful spouse 
who is a thriving business 
executive gives me a unique 
window into the challenges, 
opportunities, and successes 
of women business leaders 
throughout my district. The 
women we honored this year 
are impressive and humble 
servants for their non-profits, 
businesses, and professions. It 
is important to pause and to 
thank our deserving honorees 
for their successful service 
that touches all of us in such 
a positive way,” commented 
Senator Anthony J. Portantino.

 The main objective of the event 
was to celebrate exceptional 
women whose professional 
skills and commitment to 
their community have made 
them leaders and trailblazers 
in the 25th Senate District. 
The careers of the honorees 
varied across the spectrum of 
professions, including science 
and technology, corporate and 
small business, environmental 
protection, as well as non-
profit organizations. The 
Women in Business Award 
Luncheon was initiated by then 
Assemblymember Jack Scott 
over two decades ago. 

 Senator Portantino is the Chair 
of the California State Senate 
Select Committee on California 
Armenia, Artsakh Trade Art 
and Cultural Exchange. He 
recently returned from his third 
trip to Armenia and New York 
City where he helped launch 
the historic trade MOU signed 
by Governor Newsom and the 
Government of Armenian.

Officials Gearing Up for Holiday Safety 

By Dean Lee 

 Although Pasadena Police 
Chief John Perez said there has 
been no credible threats related 
to New Year’s day events and 
Fire Chief Bertral Washington 
said there has not been a 
single fire this year related to 
Christmas trees, that did not 
stop the two Thursday morning 
from discussing holiday safety.

 In keeping safe, Perez simply 
said “Do your research, visit our 
website ‘’ and 
understand the ‘do’s and don’t’s’ 
of what is allowed and what is 
not. Be aware. No tents, fires 
and leave your couches at home. 
Leave you drones at home as 
well, we have a local ordinance 
that restricts the use of drones 
and there are also federal laws.” 

 Bertral said “We will be 
looking for hazards such as 
bonfires, which can easily 
spread and cause injuries. Will 
allow professional BBQs while 
camping overnight.

 He said a BBQ must be elevated 
a foot off the ground and 25 feet 
away from structure and have a 
fire extinguisher. 

 Bertral also said do not bring 
pets to the parade. 

 Pasadena Public Information 
Officer Lisa Derderian said not 
to forget other departments that 
play a vital roll in safety.

 “Our heath department... 
monitor heath risks during the 
events,” she said. “They also 
inspect and permit about 120 
food venders that are there 
for the parade, football game 
and pre and post parade. Our 
crews from public works assist 
law enforcement with physical 
barriers. They also install 
thousands of ‘no parking’ 
signs, prevent storm drain 
contamination and paint 10 
miles of the blue ‘honor line’ 
and six miles of the pink float 
drivers line.”

 Derderain also said the city 
collects about 94 tons of trash 
form the parade, post parade 
and the outside of the Rose Bowl 
Stadium. She added that 20 tons 
of it is cardboard and about 
8,500 cans are all recycled. 

 Perez said they will close 
Colorado Blvd to traffic at 10 
p.m. Dec 31. 

 He also reminded parade goers, 
“If You See Something, Say 
Something.” Report suspicious 
activities and packages to 
emergency authorities along 
the parade route. In case of 
emergency, call 9-1-1 and 
know the cross streets from 
where you are calling. For non-
emergencies, call (626) 744-


and Greet

 Celebrate the 400th 
anniversary of the voyage 
of the Mayflower at the 
Pasadena library. Descendants 
of Mayflower passengers, 
dressed in historical costume, 
will share stories about what 
the Pilgrims wore, what they 
ate and how they survived the 
long trip across the Atlantic to 
America in 1620. There will be 
stories, crafts, refreshments, 
photo ops and more. Join in 
the celebration by donning 
a Mayflower-era costume. 
Thursday, Jan. 9 from 4 p.m. to 
6 p.m. Hastings Branch 3325 E 
Orange Grove Blvd. For more 
information call 626-744-7262.

Congresswoman Judy Chu 

Votes to Impeach President


 The House of Representatives 
voted Wednesday on two 
articles of impeachment 
against President Donald 
Trump. This marks only the 
third time in American history 
that a U.S. President has been 
impeached. Rep Judy Chu, 
issued the following statement 
announcing her vote for the 
articles of impeachment: 

 “We know that President 
Trump withheld desperately 
needed military aid to Ukraine. 
We know he used it to demand 
Ukraine interfere in our 
upcoming election for his own 
political benefit. And we know 
Ukraine knew. All of this was 
revealed in the call summary 
released by the White House, 
and in the over one hundred 
hours of testimony before the 
House Intelligence, Oversight, 
and Judiciary committees. And 
these facts are undisputed. It 
is clear that Donald Trump 
had corrupt intentions. And 
it is clear that at every step, 
he acted to hide his crimes 
and obstruct Congress’s legal 
investigation. This corruption 
and obstruction are betrayals 
of the oath of office and the 
Constitution, and they pose a 
clear threat to our elections and 
the future of our democracy. 
Therefore, in fulfilment of my 
oath of office to uphold the 
Constitution, it is with solemn 
purpose today that I vote to 
impeach President Donald 

 “The two articles we vote for 
today stem from a call with the 
President of Ukraine in which 
President Trump made clear 
that before the Congressionally 
approved military aid to 
Ukraine would be released, the 
President of Ukraine had to 
perform a ‘favor’ for Trump and 
make a public announcement 
of an investigation into 
former Vice President Joe 
Biden, a leading candidate 
for the 2020 Democratic 
nomination. That the demand 
was for an announcement, 
and not any substantial report, 
demonstrates that the goal 
was simply to use Ukraine to 
smear the President’s political 
opponent. Through interviews 
with current and former 
administration officials, it 
was revealed that the push 
for a public investigation into 
Joe Biden was a priority of 
the Trump administration, 
led by his personal attorney 
Rudy Giuliani, and over the 
objections of ambassadors and 
career foreign service officials. 
Rudy Giuliani himself has 
stated that it was his intention 
to find dirt on Joe Biden, and 
that he recommended those in 
his way, like Ambassador Marie 
Yovanovitch, be fired. And 
despite Administration officials 
trying to distance themselves 
from Giuliani by claiming 
he was simply the President’s 
personal attorney, the White 
House’s call transcript in which 
the President repeatedly urges 
Ukraine’s government to work 
directly with Giuliani reveals 
the truth that Ukrainian policy 
was being dictated not by 
national interest by personal 

 “To turn a blind eye to the 
President openly courting 
foreign interference in our 
elections would set a dangerous 
precedent that any President 
can use the power of the office 
for personal gain. This was what 
the Founders feared, which is 
why Congress was established 
as a check and overseer, and why 
impeachment was included 
as a measure of recourse for 
a President who flaunts our 
laws and the Constitution. 
And unfortunately, due to the 
President’s flagrant behavior 
and concerted effort to obstruct 
any and all legal investigations, 
impeachment was the only 
option left to us. My vote today 
for impeachment is a vote to 
defend our democracy and our 
elections from any interference, 
foreign or domestic.”

Rose Bowl 
Public Tours

 Rose Bowl officials are 
getting ready to hold behind-
the-scenes tours of America’s 

 Touring with a large group 
of football fans? Part of a 
club that enjoys history and 
architecture? Just in town for 
the holidays? 

 Each group will delight in 
learning about the multiple 
Super Bowls, MLS Soccer 
Matches, Olympic Games and 
record breaking concerts that 
have taken place at the stadium 
throughout the years. You will 
visit the Original 1922 Locker 
Room, UCLA and Visitor 
Locker Rooms, Field Level, 
Working Press Box, Luxury 
Suites and more.

Tour Times

December 26 - 10:30 a.m.

December 26 - 12:30 p.m.

 Whether you are in town 
for the Rose Bowl Game, are 
here for the Rose Parade, or 
just visiting for the holidays, 
touring the stadium is the 
perfect way to spend an 
afternoon learning about one 
of the greatest venues in Los 

 Opened in October 1922, 
the stadium is recognized as 
a National Historic Landmark 
and a California Historic Civil 
Engineering landmark.


Kwanzaa: A Celebration 
of Family, Community & 

 Enjoy music, stories and 
tasty dishes prepared by 
members of the Pasadena 
Alumnae Chapter of Delta 
Sigma Theta Sorority.

Friday, Dec. 27 • 11 a.m.-1 
p.m. • La Pintoresca Branch 
1355 N Raymond Ave.

For more information call 
(626) 744-7268 or visit: 

@lapintorescabranch on 

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