Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, March 21, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 3

EMERGENCY (continued)

Violation of or failure to 
comply with this Order is 
a crime punishable by fine, 
imprisonment, or both. 
(California Health and Safety 
Code §120295; Los Angeles 
County Code§ 11.02.080.)

In response to the orders issued 
by State and County agencies, 
the City activated its Emergency 
Operating Center (EOC) on 
Friday, March 13, 2020. The 
EOC continues to remain active 
and there is no immediate plan 
to close the EOC.



WHEREAS, in December 
2019, a novel coronavirus 
known as SARS-CoV-2 was 
first detected in Wuhan, Hubei 
Province, People’s Republic of 
China, causing outbreaks of the 
coronavirus disease COVID-19 
that has now spread globally; 

WHEREAS, on January 
31, 2020, the United States 
Secretary of Health and Human 
Services declared a public 
health emergency in response 
to COVID-19; 

WHEREAS, on March 4, 2020, 
Governor Gavin Newsom 
declared a state of emergency to 
exist in California as a result of 

WHEREAS, on March 4, 2020, 
the Chair of the Los Angeles 
County Board of Supervisors 
and the Los Angeles County 
Health Officer declared a local 
emergency and a local health 
emergency, respectively, as a 
result of COVID-19; 

WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, 
Governor Gavin Newsom’s 
signed Executive Order N- 25-
20 giving state and local public 
health officials the authority 
to issue guidance limiting or 
recommending limitations 
upon attendance at public 
assemblies, conferences or other 
mass events;

WHEREAS, on March 13, 
2020, President Donald Trump 
declared a national emergency 
as a result of COVID-19; 

WHEREAS, on March 15, 2020, 
Governor Gavin Newsom called 
for the closure of all bars, pubs, 
and wineries in the State and 
restrictions on restaurants; 

WHEREAS, on March 16, 
2020, the Los Angeles County 
Health Officer issued Health 
Officer Order for the Control of 
COVID-19, which seeks to limit 
residents’ exposure by ordering 
the closure of certain private 

WHEREAS, despite sustained 
efforts, COVID-19 remains a 
threat, and further efforts to 
control the spread of the virus 
to reduce and minimize the risk 
of infection are needed; and 

WHEREAS, the spread 
of COVID-19 and its 
consequences are or are likely 
to be beyond the control of the 
services, personnel, equipment, 
and facilities of the City of 
Sierra Madre; 

WHEREAS, the mobilization 
of local resources, the ability 
to coordinate interagency 
response, accelerate 
procurement of vital supplies, 
use mutual aid, and allow for 
future reimbursement by the 
state and federal governments 
will be critical to successfully 
respond to COVID-19;

WHEREAS, these conditions 
warrant and necessitate that the 
City proclaim the existence of a 
local emergency. 


SECTION 1. Recitals. The 
City Council finds that all of 
the preceding recitals are true 
and correct and are hereby 
incorporated and adopted as 
findings and determinations by 
the City Council as if fully set 
forth herein. 

SECTION 2. Proclamation. 
Pursuant to Government Code 
section 8630, 

subdivision (a), the City Council 
proclaims a local emergency due 
to the outbreak of COVID-19. 

SECTION 3. Regulation 
of Public Gatherings. 
Commencing immediately, all 
City departments are directed 
to postpone or cancel all non-
essential public community 
events or group activities in 
City-owned properties that 
require close contact and involve 
ten or more participants. 

SECTION 4. Regulation of 
Public Facilities. Commencing 
immediately, all City 
departments are directed to 
close all non-essential City-
owned facilitates that require 
close contact of vulnerable 
individuals, including those 
over 60 years old or with 
compromised immune systems. 

SECTION 5. Emergency 
Authority. Pursuant to 
Government Code section 8634, 
the City Council authorizes 
the City Manager to take any 
measures necessary to protect 
and preserve public health and 
safety, including activation of 
the Emergency Operations 

SECTION 6. Public Health 
Officials. The City Council 
authorizes the City Manager 
to implement any guidance, 
recommendations, or 
requirements imposed by state 
and local public health officials. 

SECTION 7. Termination. 
Pursuant to Government Code 
section 8630, 

subdivision ( d), the City 
Council will proclaim the 
termination of the emergency 
at the earliest possible date that 
conditions warrant. 

SECTION 8. Review. Pursuant 
to Government Code section 
8630, subdivision (c), the City 
Council will review the need for 
continuing the local emergency 
at each City Council meeting 
following this Resolution, but 
in no event later than 60 days 
from the previous declaration 
or review, until the City Council 
terminates the local emergency. 

SECTION 9. Cost Accounting. 
City staff will begin accounting 
for their time and expenses 
related to addressing the 
local emergency caused by 

SECTION 10. Cost Recovery. 
The City will seek recovery 
for the cost of responding 
to COVID-19, as this 
proclamation is made within 
10 days of the Governor’s 
Executive Order N- 25-20 and 
the President’s declaration of a 
national emergency, qualifying 
the City for assistance under the 
California Disaster Assistance 
Act and for reimbursement 
from the Federal Emergency 
Management Agency.

SECTION 11. Submissions. The 
City Clerk will transmit a copy 
of this Resolution at the earliest 
opportunity to the Los Angeles 
County Operational Area and 
the California Governor’s Office 
of Emergency Services. 

SECTION 12. Certification. The 
City Clerk will certify to the 
passage and adoption of this 
Resolution and its approval by 
the City Council and shall cause 
the same to be listed in the 
records of the City.

ADOPTED ON this 17th day of 
March, 2020.

John Capoccia, Mayor

TERMINATION (cont. from page 1)

attempted to address some of the concerns expressed 
by parents and staff on March 17th. However 
his attempts to explain his actions appeared 
to have inspired even more anger (www.keepmrsh.
com). Attempts to reach Father Baker for an interview 
were unsuccessful. 

 Without a doubt, Joanne Harabedian is a well 
respected and much admired Principal and 
Sierra Madre community member. She began 
her relationship with St Rita School in 1981. She 
has been described as an ‘innovative teacher and 
administrator’ and became Principal in 2007. She 
has been credited with establishing “a respectful, 
collaborative culture of growth to ensure the 
existence of a vibrant Catholic school for present 
and future generations”, says one website of 
supporters. It is a fact that her accomplishments 
during her tenure with the school have been 
many. St Rita School was named to the top 10% 
of Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Los 
Angeles on the last published report on school 
rankings. Since she became principal enrollment 
has climbed steadily, increasing 6% from 2006-
2020 while other private school enrollment in Los 
Angeles County is down 33.3% per the Sacramento 
Bee in 2018.

 Under Mrs. Harabedian, educational achievement 
has also improved. According to the Archdiocese 
of Los Angeles Department of Catholic School 
Standards, St Rita students exceed the overall 
benchmark for students (currently 50% statewide) 
achieving well above the ADLA standard: 
62% of St Rita students are above the 
standard in Reading

 87% of our students are above the standard 
in Math

 Supporters say she is reminds parents and staff 
“every day that we are here for the kids.” So their 
question is, “why the termination and why did you 
handle it in such a humiliating manner at such a 
stressful time for all?” 

Coincidentally perhaps, the termination was 
made on the same day that Archbiship Gomez 
announced the Suspension of Masses for the 
Church amid the COVID-19 Pandemic and after 
Mrs. Harabedian informed parents of the schools 
closure on the 16th and that the newly developed 
plan for Home Study would begin on March 
17th. Supporters as well as those who don’t have 
a particular interest at all are asking, ‘Why now?’

Joanne Harabedian was honored as the San Gabriel 
Valley Woman of Distinction in 2018 among many 
other honors over the years. She is an alumni of 
Alverno Heights Academy and also mother of 
former Sierra Madre Mayor John Harabedian, a St 
Rita School alumni.

 S. Henderson/MVNews


Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 21, 2020 


 by Deanne Davis

As the Wistaria Festival has been 
postponed, much to everyone’s 
dismay, I thought I would show you 
the beautiful picture of wistaria I took 
up on Grandview, just a block or two 
from Santa Anita last week. The day 
was exquisite, warm, sunny and it was 
such a joy to see this lovely rich purple 
flower in bloom again.

We’ve all seen the empty shelves in the 
markets and every sort of big box store 
and, for some reason, toilet paper is 
the most sought-after commodity in 
the universe at this moment. Water 
is up there, sort of a distant third, 
but toilet paper is worth its weight 
in gold at the moment. Visiting our 
local Target yesterday, we found a line 
of people with their carts winding 
through several aisles to receive a 
four pack of whatever brand was 
available. We’ve all seen the pictures 
on Facebook of grocery carts piled to 
the sky with TP and paper towels…
followed by another cart piled high 
with cases of beer. Priorities! Those 
of us whose children are suddenly 
and unexpectedly home with us for 
a couple of weeks as the schools are 
closed are stocking up on wine and 
chocolate. Again, priorities!

Wondering how many pandemics the world 
has survived, I visited Wikipedia, just for fun, 
and discovered that there have been a bunch of 
them, featuring typhus, influenza (a number of 
times) cholera and, of course, that ever-popular 
favorite: Bubonic Plague. However, between 
1918-1920 the Spanish flu caused a whole lot of 
damage. Did you know that more people were 
hospitalized in World War I from the Spanish 
flu epidemic than from war wounds? Estimates 
of the fatalities range from 20 to 40 million 

And now, COVID-19 stalks among us creating 
havoc and mayhem. So far, the worst thing 
among those I know, is boredom as one can’t 
go anywhere. Sports have been cancelled and 
I’m grateful for Netflix, Amazon Prime and all 
the series shows I’ve taped and not watched. Of 
course, the Food Network is always there with 
“Beat Bobby Flay” and “Restaurant Impossible.”

Thinking about our current situation where the 
panic may possibly be worse than the problem, 
the following scenario occurred to me so I 
thought I’d share it with you, dear friends and 
neighbors…it could happen and maybe it already 
has! All characters are purely fictionalized.

The Black Market

Debbie Lynn Cooper, mother of three fairly 
well-behaved children: Gini, Tom and Violet, 
looked obsessively at the rearview mirror of her 
SUV, hoping no one was following her. What 
has happened to me? I should be at Bible Study. 
I’m always at Bible Study on Tuesday morning. 
Everyone is going to be talking about me. A voice 
from the back of the car, shrill and penetrating, 
asked, “Mommy! Where are we going?” Debbie 
Lynn, checking the mirror again said, “Don’t 
worry, sweetheart, we’re just going to meet some 
people.” The same shrill voice, now adding just a 
small note of whine, demanded, “What people? 
Why?” Another penetrating little voice chimed 
in, “I want to go home.” And then just a little 
louder, “I want to go home NOW!” Debbie 
Lynn’s head, already throbbing, throbbed harder 
as the last little voice began to sob and shriek, 
“Mommy! I have to go potty!” Of course you do, 
Gini, and that’s what got us here in the first place.

Debbie Lynn was in the alley behind the old 
Dollar Store, now closed for over a year, boarded 
up, padlocked and most probably rat-infested, 
but Debbie Lynn had heard that there were 
people behind there who had exactly what 
she needed. Yes, Debbie Lynn was an addict, 
desperately hunting down a new supplier, a 
new source, a new dealer. All three of the shrill 
little voices in the back of the car were raised in 
complaint and nearing tantrum volume. Debbie 
Lynn resisted the urge to yell, “Shut Up!” at them 
and simply said, “We’re almost there, we’ll only 
be a few minutes then we can go get a donut. 
Wouldn’t you like that? A nice jelly donut?” 
What’s happened to me, she agonized, we don’t 
eat donuts! 

Just ahead of Debbie Lynn’s SUV was a U-Haul 
truck with a guy standing outside the driver’s 
door, looking like he was ready to bolt. Debbie 
Lynn slammed on her brakes and, grabbing her 
wallet, leaped out of her car. Just as he jumped 
in the truck, she raced up to the door crying, 
“Wait! Wait!” The U-Haul was already starting 
to roll but Debbie Lynn, with the strength of the 
frantic, desperate addict that she was, held on to 
the door handle and was prepared to be dragged 
along with the truck.

“Lady!” the driver said. “All right! I’m stopping!” 
Weeping tears of gratitude, Debbie Lynn let go 
of the door handle and, grabbing the driver’s 
arm, sobbed out, “You’ve got to help me! You’re 
my last hope! Please! Please, sell me some toilet 
paper! We can’t go any longer without it. I don’t 
care what it costs, you’ve got to help me!”

Money changed hands, as did a case of off-
brand TP. Debbie Lynn took the children to 
Dunkin’ Donuts where they all used the potty 
and everyone did, indeed, get a donut and some 
chocolate milk. Shaken to the core, Debbie Lynn 
drove straight home, turned on Spongebob 
Square Pants for the children and poured some 
Chardonnay into a coffee cup for herself. After 
all, it’s not every day that a nice housewife tackles 
the Black Market and lives to tell about it.

Wash your hands, dear friends, drink lots of 
water, stay home and, hopefully, the world will 
return to normal and we’ll find potatoes, bread, 
milk and TP on the shelves at our markets again.

A particular Bible verse has come to my mind 
over and over again: 2 Chronicles 7:13-15: “If I 
close the sky so there is no rain, or if I command 
the locust to devour the land, or if I send a plague 
among My people, and My people who are called 
by My name humble themselves and pray and 
seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, 
then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, 
and heal their land.”

My book page: Deanne Davis – 
check out

“The Crown” -a great Easter story.

“Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope” 

Is available on as are all the

Emma Gainsworth adventures, including:

“Emma’s Etouffee Café” a new Kindle story by 

Here’s the link so you can take a look:


A premier garden tour featuring five unique 
landscape designs in the foothill communitiesSunday | April 19 | 10:30-4:30Self-Guided TourTickets: $30 presale|$35 day of tourTickets can be purchased online, in person or over the phone 
(626) 355-8350
ART OF THE GARDENCreative Arts Group108 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre(626) 355-8350 |
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: