Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, January 2, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page B:2


A Word From The Publisher & Images of 2020 

Mountain View News Saturday, January 2, 2021 




MVNews, February, 2020

The Sierra Madre Community Foundation recently celebrated 20 years of serving the local community 
with a Whiskey & Wine tasting event at the historic Mia Italia residence. The event’s proceeds 
will be reinvested into the community via grants for local activities, events and pro-grams. 
More than 150 
residents and 
supporters attended 
the Feb. 
22 event. Apply 
for a grant at sierramadrefoundation.

board members 
at conclusion of 
Whiskey & Wine 
event: L to R—
Tom Hoffman, 
Ed Garcia, Sue 
Spears, Heather 
Young, Jeff Dapper, 
Sharon Pevsner, 
Frank Moore, 
Laura Palmer, 
Allison Evans, 
Greg Harman, 
Carol Canterbury 
Photo Courtesy 


The theme for the 2020 Sierra Madre Public Library bookmark contest could not have been more appropriately 
selected: Sierra Madre Heroes. What better time than 2020 to highlight the heroes among us. 
Entries were thoughtful, topical, and beautifully drawn… and showed how heroes come in many shapes 
and sizes.

 The winners were selected by age groups by our sponsors: The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library, the 
Mountain Views News, the Sierra Madre Community Foundation, Sierra Madre Firefighters Association, 
and the Sierra Madre Woman’s Club... and here are the winners! 

Grades K-1, Ellen Thomas – 1st place and Zina Chou – 2nd Place; Grade 2, Autumn Noh

–1st Place and Sage Alva – 2nd Place; Grade 3, Anne Garrett – 1st Place and Arcadia Shula – 2nd Place;
Grade 4-5, Emma Noel Abajian – 1st Place and Juliet Kirages – 2nd Place; Grade 6, Kaiya Masuda – 1st
Place and Amy Hu – 2nd Place; Grade 7-8, Chloe Tubbs – 1st Place and Peyton Thomas – 2nd Place.

 In addition to winning in their grade, four of these fabulous winning entries (depicted in the photo) 
have been selected by the Mayor, City Manager, Friends of the Library President and Library Trustee 
Chair to be printed. Those winners are 

Emma Noel Abajian, Ellen Thomas, Anne Garrett, and Chloe Tubbs. Bookmarks will be printed and 
available soon with your checked out materials and don’t forget to stop by the Library this month to view 
the bookmarks outside of the Library. Congratulations to all of the inspiring artists.

Read, Discover, Connect @ Sierra Madre Public Library, 440 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, CA 
91024, (626) 355-7186, Text (626) 662-1254,

In early 2020, I had the good fortune to stop by and have lunch with two of my favorite Sierra 
Madreans, Former Mayor George Maurer who turned 98 in October, and former Citizen of the 
Year Bud Switzer, at the retirement facility they were living in. Between the two of them they were 
a plethora of history, and some downright gossip, about Sierra Madre and talking to them was 
always a wonderful experience. None of us knew that in just a few short months everything we 
knew would change. When I ran across this picture, I thought about what a precious commodity 
we all have in our memories. So, as editor of this publication, I am dedicating this section to the 
Memories of 2020, mostly great, but some difficult, in hopes that we will all look forward to whatever 
the future holds with the wonderful memories of the past.

Speaking of last year, I reviewed my annual New Year Editorial and found this:

"This year [2020] represents an editorial milestone for me, for if I make it to Volume 14 No. 52, I will surpass the 
number of years my good friend Jan Reed published a weekly paper in Sierra Madre. Although Jan is no longer 
with us, before she left, she encouraged me to reach for that milestone and more. I appreciated her encouragement 
then, and it really keeps me going now!"

I am happy to say that I have reached and surpassed that milestone as this edition marks the 15th year of the 
publication of this paper. Thanks to Jan, and all of you for your continued support and encouragement.

And last, but certainly not least, my daughter Patricia Carpenter shared something that I think is 
perfect as we enter 2021:


 The end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 are a most opportune time for this reminder. 
This is the year of Our Lord…Tomorrow is not promised. Every breath, every opening of the 
eyes after closing, every awakening after lying to rest, every challenge and every victory are 
all gifts from above. So, whatever your memory of the two thousandth and twentieth year of 
Our Lord, remember to acknowledge Him and thank Him for the blessing of life enough for 
One More Day!"

Happy New Year!

Susan Henderson, Publisher/Editor


Canceled due to COVID-19

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: