Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, January 9, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 9, 2021 


by Deanne Davis


 On Wednesday, beloved Sierra Madrean 
Frank Hall, 84 who passed away 
after a long illness was interred at Pioneer 
Cemetery in a graveside ceremony. 
The Officicant was Fr. Michael Higgins, 
C.P. of Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat 
Center where Frank had served on
the Board. Close friends and family attended 
the ceremony.

 In addition to his many corporate and 
non-profit fundraising endeavors, he was 
also a founder of the Sierra Madre Community 
Foundation, a founding member 
of the Foothill Creative Arts Group Governing 
Board and at one time a member 
of the St. Rita Pastoral Council. 

 In a previous article an error stated that 
he once ran a large insurance firm and 
was a member of the Sierra Madre Library 
Trustees. Both items were printed 
in error.

 A formal Memorial Service will be 
scheduled in the futher due to 

COVID-19 restrictions. 

“Hope is the thing with feathers,

That perches in the soul,

And sings the tune without the words,

And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard,

And sore must be the storm,

That could abash the little bird,

That kept so many warm.”

Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886

This is the time of year when we are usually 
making resolutions. In years past we decided on 
things like losing ten pounds, getting more exercise, 
watching less TV, reading more, cleaning 
out various places in our home that are stuffed 
with stuff we don’t want, doesn’t fit, is broken, or 
is totally useless.

This year, instead of “resolutions,” we’re calling 
them “intentions” or “suggestions.” Resolutions 
seems to be way too difficult for where we 
are currently, in the midst of a pandemic. I didn’t write the following thoughts, they are 
anonymous, but I thought they were very helpful and I’d share them with you:

1. I am not Atlas. The world does not rest on my shoulders.

2. It doesn’t hurt me to give compliments freely and generously. Compliments are a
mood enhancer, not only for the recipient, but for me, too. And if someone gives me a
compliment, I have quit protesting that I didn’t deserve it, I just say “thank you!”

3. I don’t spend time with people who don’t value me. We don’t need people around
us who don’t see us for the splendid people we are. That person who says something mean
and then covers it up with a hearty laugh and a “I was just kidding!” isn’t someone we
need to be with.

4. I’m learning not to be embarrassed by emotions. I cry in most movies, lots of TV
shows, and Kodak commercials are guaranteed to make me tear up. It’s OK!

5. I am learning to live each day as though it were the last. It might be the last!

6. I am doing what makes me happy. I am the only one responsible for my happiness
and I owe it to myself to do my best. In our family, we have always said that we bring our
good time with us in our pocket and it’s not somebody else’s job to be sure we’re happy. In
short, this means if we want to put our pajamas on at 4:00, have a glass of wine and watch
an old movie on Turner Classic Movies instead of the news, that’s OK. Or if we want to
keep them on all day, that’s OK, too. Brushing teeth and flossing is a necessity, however,
no matter how relaxed we plan to be.

7. Going the extra mile to be as nice as possible to all people who are out there working, 
store clerks, Post Office people, waitpersons in restaurants, is a good idea. They are
just as worried about themselves as we are but doing the job anyway.

8. Just be kind. That’s pretty much it.

You’ve all heard the idea of picking one word to be your New Year’s intention or mission 
statement for the year. I’ve already been seeing so many people picking JOY! 

The word I picked last year was: HOPE!

And I’m going to pick it again this year. I’m going to lean heavily on HOPE to help me 
keep going in these difficult times. Hope helps me believe beyond a shadow of a doubt 
that Jeremiah 29:11 is for all of us: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the 
LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

I’m HOPING for all the children I know who are suffering with the school situation. 
Some of them just aren’t flourishing with distance learning and are falling so far behind. 
And for their parents who are worried sick about what’s going to happen and what to do.

So much has been written about HOPE:

“HOPE is the little voice you hear whisper “maybe” when it seems the entire world is 
shouting “no!” 

“H.O.P.E. – Hold On, Pain Ends”

“The only difference between those who threw in the towel and quit and those who used 
their energy to rebuild and kept it going is found in the word...HOPE.”

“Once you choose HOPE, anything is possible.” Christopher Reeves

“Where there is HOPE, there is faith. Where there is faith, miracles happen.”

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without HOPE 
and confidence.” Helen Keller

The picture is a pencil drawing by my Dad. It shows an old rusty shovel with a wooden 
handle, thrust into the ground. Amazingly, the wooden handle has come to life and 
sprouted leaves and branches and a bird is perched on one of them, singing a hopeful 
song. This shouts HOPE to me. 

So that’s my word again for the year, HOPE. I’m hoping you’ll pick one that will work for 

“At the end of the day, all you need is hope and strength. 

Hope that it will get better, and strength to hold on until it does.”

“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.”

 My book page: Deanne Davis

I know Christmas is over, but just in case you forgot someone, my book:

“Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope” 

Would be a really nice gift. 

You can find it on and they’ll even send it for you!

“Star of Wonder” an inspirational Christmas Kindle story is there, too.

If you’d like a little preview, take a look at:

Frank Hall pictured above with his wife, Patricia.


Athens Services will collect Christmas trees at the curb from 12/26/2020 to 1/8/2021 this on 
your normal pickup day. Trees are delivered to various land-fills to be used as mulch or cover 
material, or to Athens’ American Organics compost facility in Victorville. 

Tips to ensure your tree is properly collected:

Remove stands, ornaments, lights and tinsel. 

Place holiday trees next to your regular trash containers. 

Trees over 6 feet in length must be cut in half. 

Trees with flocking or fire retardants ARE acceptable.

If you miss the date for recycling, please cut up your tree and place it in your yard waste 

Please help keep our parks clean and safe during the holidays. If you see anyone illegally 
dump-ing holiday trees, please call your city’s Police Department.


Attempted Burglary 

Officers responded to a call of a male subject causing a disturbance running through 
an apartment complex in the 100 block of N. Lima Street at 7:11AM on 12-28-20. Officers 
observed the subject attempting to enter an apartment when he was detained 
and interviewed. The male was arrested for attempted residential burglary and for giving 
false information to a police officer, then taken to the Pasadena Police jail for booking. 
Case to DA’s office 


Sometime between 12-24-20 at 6:30PM and 12-28-20 at 8:00AM, unknown person(s) vandalized 
a parking sign and a portion of a wall of a business in the 00 block of E. Sierra Madre Blvd. 

Attempted Burglary

 On 01-02-2021 at 9:38AM, officers responded to the 400 block of N. Baldwin Ave. for a possible 
burglary in progress. Upon arrival the suspect had already left the location. Information 
gathered by officers indicated the person may be involved in a previous incident on the same day. 
Officers searched the area and located the suspect in the area of E. Orange Grove Ave and Hyland 
in the city of Arcadia. Suspect was detained and placed under arrest for attempted burglary and 
taken to the Pasadena Jail. 


Officers dispatched at 7:32PM, on 1-2-21 to the 200 block of E. Orange Grove Ave. for a call 
of a suspicious person in the area. This is the same subject that was arrested earlier in the 
day for an attempted burglary was arrested for prowling and taken to the Pasadena Jail. 
Case to the DA’s office

December 27, 2020 to January 2, 2021 
During this period the Sierra Madre Police Department 

responded to 274 calls for service. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: