Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, March 13, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page 3

3Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 13, 2021 3Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 13, 2021 
City of Sierra Madre 


To: Property Owners within a 300-foot radiusFrom: The City of Sierra MadreSubject: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 20-01 
Applicant: JMT Peninsula, LLC 

Project Location: 91 East Orange Grove Avenue, in the City of Sierra Madre, County of Los Angeles, State of California 

The City of Sierra Madre gives notice, pursuant to State of California law, that the City Council will conduct a public hearingto consider a request for a lot split for the property at 91 East Orange Grove Avenue. The applicant is proposing to split theexisting 41,608-square-foot parcel into two (2) equal size parcels measuring 20,804 square feet each. 


City of Sierra Madre City of Sierra MadreCity Council meeting Memorial Park Bandshell 
(Hearing begins at 4:00 p.m.) Tuesday, March 23, 2021

232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 
Sierra Madre, CA 91024 

In the event of rain or other inclement weather, the meeting may be moved to Zoom.
All interested persons may attend this meeting and the City Council will hear them with respect thereto. 

ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The project qualifies for Class 15 Categorical Exemption (Minor Land Division),
pursuant to Section 15315 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 

APPEAL: If in the future anyone wishes to challenge the decision of the City Council in court, one may be limited to raisingthe issues that were raised or presented in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or before, the scheduledpublic hearing. For further information on this subject, please contact the Planning and Community Preservation Department

at 626-355-7138. 


February 28 to March 6, 2021 
During this period the Sierra Madre Police Department 
responded to 215 calls for service. 

Possession of Drugs and Paraphernalia 
A driver and one passenger of a vehicle stopped for a vehicle violation at Baldwin 
Ave. and Orange Grove Ave. at 8:34PM on 2-28-21, were cited for being inpossession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia. The vehicle was 
impounded. Case to DA’s office for filing 

Mail Thefts 
From 3-1-21 to 3-3-21, On-line reports were filed regarding thefts of mail by unknown person(s) from 
mail boxes in the 600 and 700 blocks of Skyland Drive and the 300 block of Camillo Rd.
NOTE: If possible, lock your mailboxes and clear your mailboxes on a daily basis. 


by Deanne Davis 

It’s Spring break time and thanks to 
Disney+, we’ve all enjoyed a really charming 
movie, Flora and Ulysses, about a superhero 
squirrel. A little popcorn, a delightful film 
with a happy ending and we can call it a good 
Spring break day. Movie theaters are slowly 
opening, but we’re still being cautious. You 
probably are, too. Spring break, Spring 
flowers, daffodils! Get yourself a bunch of 
them and put them on your kitchen counter. 
You’ll be happy for days to come. 

“St. Patrick’s Day is an enchanted time – a 
day to begin transforming winter’s dreams 
into summer’s magic.” Adrienne Cook 

“A good friend is like a four-leaf clover – 
hard to find and lucky to have.” 

“May your troubles be less, and your blessing 
be more. And nothing but happiness, come 
through your door.” An Irish Blessing 

St. Patrick’s Day is next Wednesday and,
speaking of Patrick, he had a pretty toughtime! Captured by Irish pirates at age 16, brought to Ireland, enslaved for six years 
working as a shepherd in County Antrim, he heard a voice at age 22 telling him to go 
home so he ran away to port, set sail for Britain and shared his new faith with fellow 
shipmates. Sometime later, he had a vision to go back to the place where he had beenheld captive and minister to the people. After various adventures he returned to hisfamily in Britain where he continued to study Christianity. He shared his vision a fewyears after returning home: 

“I saw a man coming, as it were from Ireland. His name was Victoricus, and he carriedmany letters, and he gave me one of them. I read the heading: “The Voice of the Irish”.
As I began the letter, I imagined in that moment that I heard the voice of those verypeople who were near the wood of Foclut, which is beside the western sea—and they 
cried out, as with one voice: “We appeal to you, holy servant boy, to come and walkamong us.” 

Needless to say, he felt a definite call to return to Ireland where his impact was vast:
100,000 baptisms, 300 new churches, countless priests and nuns. But he was alsobeaten repeatedly, chained, faced execution. It all sounds a little like the Apostle Paul’stestimony in the book of Acts where he recounts how many times he was beaten, stoned,
shipwrecked and left for dead. 

“And he watched over me before I knew Him and before I learned sense 
or even distinguished between good and evil.” 

There will be parades all over the world, everyone you see will be decked out in green. 
Green beer will be readily available and more arrests than any other day of the year for...
shall we call it…impaired driving? Well, in years gone by that was pretty much the case. 
We probably won’t miss that part too much. 

St. Patrick’s Day brings to mind some lovely people John and I knew back in the days 
when he was hosting a radio program each Saturday morning from 8 a.m. to noon on 
KCBH-FM, which has been a number of other stations since then, currently KYSRFM. 
They were the Galligan Family, who traveled the world singing Gaelic folk music. 
Jim Galligan, who was very tall and cadaverously thin, was married to a lovely petite 
lady, Paulina. Jim sent us a loaf of Irish soda bread which he said “Was made this way 
in County Armagh by Grandma Galligan many years ago.” This bread was delicious 
and I’m going to make some as soon as I finish writing this edition of Walking Sierra 
Madre…The Social Side. 

1. Put 3 cups of flour in a bowl with 1 TB of baking powder, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. salt.
2. Rub in 4 TB. soft butter, 1 TB of caraway seeds, 1 cup of currants, 1 cup of dark raisins, 
1 cup of golden raisins.
3. Mix! 
4. Add ¾ cup of sugar, 1 beaten egg and 2 cups of buttermilk 
(Now, very few of us have buttermilk lounging around in our fridge so to continue 
with your Irish soda bread, pour 2 TB of white vinegar in your measuring cup and add 
enough milk to make 2 cups. Pour yourself a cup of coffee and read the Calendar section 
of the paper or go make your bed and by the time you finish, you’ll have buttermilk. 
Cool, huh!)
5. Pour in greased iron skillet or loaf pan. 
6. Bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees and then 45 minutes at 350 degrees.
7. Test center with a toothpick to see if it’s done, let it rest for 10 minutes, cut yourself a 
slice, butter it, and enjoy. Irish Soda Bread also makes delicious French toast. 
Corned beef and cabbage is another huge favorite on St. Patrick’s Day and I expect if 
you look around a little, you’ll encounter someplace that will serve you a dish of same. I, 
personally, will not be searching hard for it. 

My advice is to avoid green beer and make yourself some authentic Irish soda bread. 
And, just in case somebody wants to play a little Irish Trivia with you here are a few 
tidbits they might not know: C. S. Lewis was from Ireland, as were James Joyce, George 
Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift and Bram Stoker. Now there’s a mixed bag 
if I ever saw one! 

“May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow,
and may trouble avoid you wherever you go.” 

My book page: Deanne Davis 
Easter is on the way and “The Crown”
My story about what happened to that crown of thornsIs now a real book in addition to a Kindle! Also available on 
If you want to check it out, here’s the link where you can see a short video: 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
Email: Website: