Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, April 17, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page 5

Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 17, 2021 Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 17, 2021 
City Set toHold Virtual 
2021 and 
Denim Day 

ArcLight in Pasadena will not Reopen 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
Email: Website: 

 The City of Pasadena 
Commission on the Status of 
Women will host “Herstory 
2021: Celebrating and 
Elevating Women to Public 
Office” on Wednesday from 
5:30-7 p.m. This virtual 
event will bring together 
women from throughout 
the community to discuss 
the status of women’s 
representation in civic 
leadership and how to best 
support women in seeking 
and holding all levels of 
public office.

 The program will feature a 
diverse roster of distinguished 
elected and community 
leaders. After special remarks 
from Congresswoman Judy 
Chu and Los Angeles County 
Supervisor Hilda Solis, a panel 
of local leaders will discuss 
their experiences and lessons 
learned as women in public 
office. Panelists include Los 
Angeles County Supervisor 
Kathryn Barger, Pasadena 
Unified School District 
(PUSD) board member Tina 
Wu Fredericks, Rialto Mayor 
Deborah Robertson, and 
community leader Charlotte 
(Char) Bland. The panel will 
be moderated by former 
Pasadena City Council 
member Jacque Robinson-
Baisley, and Commission on 
the Status of Women Chair 
Beverley Morgan-Sandoz will 
serve as the host of the event.

 Register now to attend the 
Herstory 2021 virtual event. 
The program will also be 
streamed live on KPAS at:

 Additionally, City of 
Pasadena employees will 
support Denim Day on 
Wednesday, April 28 by 
wearing jeans. The campaign 
was originally triggered by a 
ruling by the Italian Supreme 
Court where a rape conviction 
was overturned because the 
justices felt that since the 
victim was wearing tight 
jeans she must have helped 
her rapist remove them, 
thereby implying consent. 
The following day, the women 
in the Italian Parliament 
came to work wearing jeans 
in solidarity with the victim. 
In this rape prevention 
education campaign, 
community members, elected 
officials, businesses and 
students are asked to make 
a social statement with their 
fashion by wearing jeans 
on Denim Day as a visible 
means of protest against 
the misconceptions that 
surround sexual assault.

 “Denim Day, like Tarana 
Burke’s #MeToo movement, 
recognizes that awareness 
and understanding of sexual 
assault are key to overcoming 
stereotypes surrounding 
this form of violence against 
women,” said Commission on 
the Status of Women Chair 
Beverley Morgan-Sandoz.

 The City of Pasadena 
recognizes Peace Over 
Violence Executive Director 
Patti Giggans and her 
team for their tireless work 
raising awareness about 
sexual violence, providing 
prevention education, and 
supporting survivors. 

 ArcLight in Pasadena willstay dark, although movietheaters in LA County wereallowed to reopen mid-
March, the owner of Pacific 
Theatres and ArcLight 
Cinemas, Decurion Corp.
announced Monday that itstheaters, including Pasadena,
would not reopen saying thatthe company had “exhaustedall potential options.”

 “After shutting our doorsmore than a year ago, wemust share the difficult and 
sad news that Pacific will not 
be reopening its ArcLightCinemas and Pacific Theatres 
locations,” the company saidin statement to the public. “Toall the Pacific and ArcLightemployees who have devotedtheir professional lives to 
making our theaters the verybest places in the world to 
see movies: we are gratefulfor your service and yourdedication to our customers.” 
On Friday the doors to the 

South Pasadena wants 
input on the City Budget 

Pasadena location in the Paso 
Colorado were padlocked 

A note on the door simplysaid the theater was closed 
due do to Covid-19. 
No other information about 
why the closings or the futureof the company was given.

 The Laemmle playhouse-7theater in Pasadena had 
opened their doors April 9.
The Academy theaters in 
Pasadena, owed by Regency,
have not reopened althougha statement on their website 
said they in the process ofassuring safety protocols 
using CinemaSafe: “a 
program promoting protocolsand guidelines developedand supported by leadingepidemiologists to support asafe return to movie theaters.”

 Pacific Theatres and 
ArcLight Cinemas included 
the historic Cinerama Dome 
in Hollywood as well as thePacific Americana at Brand 

Input received will be 
presented with a draft 
operational budget tothe City Council in May

 The City of South Pasadena 
would like your feedback 
regarding priorities for 
the 2021-2022 fiscal year 
budget. A community 
budget engagement program 
was developed by staff 
to facilitate a dialogue 
between residents and the 
City to better understand 
community priorities for 
future spending.

 Due to the health crisis and 
social distancing guidelines, 
the City has created a fully 
digital community budget 
engagement program. 
-Learn more about the 
City’s Budget The platform 
includes a brief presentation 
on City revenue sources and 
an overview of operating 
-Provide input on prioritiesthrough survey.

 The online survey allows 
residents to provide input 
on specific City services and 


 The City will be collecting 
responses to the survey 
through April 30, 2021. This 
input is requested prior to the 
City preparing the FY 2022 
budget to allow for earlier 
input into the City’s budget 
development. Input received 
will be presented with a draft 
operational budget to the 
Finance Commission and 
the City Council at public 
meetings in May. The City 
Council is slated to adopt a 
final budget by June 30.

The Budget serves as a 
“blueprint” for providing 
City services and as a 
working financial plan for 
the fiscal year. It reflects City 
policies, goals, and priorities 
and provides an overall plan 
for allocating City resources 
to a variety of programs and 

 If you would like to 
participate in the budget 
process, please visit website: or 
submit your comment to: 
gov or via voicemail (626) 

in Glendale among othertheaters across the country. 


Jericho Road Pasadena is set 
to host the Pasadena Mayor’s 
Interfaith Prayer Event. 
Organizers said Thursday that 
this year the event has been 
transformed into a week long 
virtual series. 

 Organizer Jericho Road 
Pasadena will share a short 
daily inspirational community 
message each morning 
beginning on Monday, May 
3 and concluding on Friday, 
May 7. The series will feature 
a variety of prayer messages 
and music from Pasadena 
congregations and nonprofits. 
Anyone who would like to be 
inspired is welcome to receive 
the daily email, whether from 
a faith background or not.

“As an in-person breakfast 
isn’t possible this year, we 
believe the short, daily emails 
will be a great way to uplift 
our community and bring 
us together,” said Melanie 
Goodyear, Executive Director 
of Jericho Road Pasadena. 
“This event highlights the 
importance of building 
bridges in the community, as 
well as the work that Jericho 
Road Pasadena does to match 
community talents with 
community needs.”

 The community can register 
to receive the daily emails at;
videos can also be seen on the 
Pasadena Interfaith Prayer 
Breakfast Facebook page.

 The mission of Jericho 
Road Pasadena is to bridge 
communities by matching 
the professional talents of 
volunteers with the needs of 
community-based nonprofit 
organizations to promote 
community development, 
strengthen social services, and 
enrich the lives of volunteers. 
The Pasadena Mayor’s Prayer 
Breakfast was previously 
hosted by local nonprofit 
Friends in Deed, who has now 
passed the baton to Jericho 
Road Pasadena.

 For more information visit: 

Earth Day South Pasadena 

The South Pasadena Public 
Library announced they willcelebrate Thursday’s Earth Daywith activities and resources that 
spur curiosity and encourageawareness of the natural world,
with a nod to broadcaster,
writer, and naturalist DavidAttenborough who said “Anunderstanding of the naturalworld and what’s in it is a source 
of not only a great curiosity butgreat fulfillment.”

 The library is set to launch itsnew “Trees of Library Park”
Google Map, and invites familiesto feed their inquiring minds byparticipating in a Library ParkTree Scavenger Hunt. Startingon Earth Day, Thursday, nature-
lovers may pick up or download 
a Library Park Tree ScavengerHunt card that includes a link to 
the Trees of Library Park map,
and embark on a discovery ofspecies and their characteristics.
When completed, participantscan return their scavenger huntcard at the Library Takeout door 
to receive an earth-friendlyprize (while supplies last).

The library prides itself oncelebrating Earth Day, everyday, with its large collectionof materials on ecological 
and environmental topics. 
Readers are encouraged to 
browse curated collections of 
eBooks and eAudiobooks for 
kids and adults on the library’sdigital book lending platform,
Overdrive. This Earth Day also 
happens to be a Take and Makecraft kit Thursday. Stop byLibrary Takeout on April 22nd,
between 1:00 and 7:00 p.m., topick up a Flower Garden craft, 

Scan for Details on 
Library Park Trees 

Senior Center Now Open 

 Pasadena Senior Center 
Reopens With Limited ModifiedServices –the center has been 
open only for social services andfor older adults in need. 

The center now is open for 
additional, modified services 
with occupancy limits. Everyperson who enters is subject 
to temperature screening at 
the door, is required to usehand sanitizer made available 
and complete a brief healthquestionnaire.

Three rooms at the center are 
now open again: the Sy Graff 
Fitness Center, the library andthe computer lab.
The fitness center is open byappointment only with a limitof two people per one-hourblock. Appointments may bemade on a first-come, first-
served basis by calling 626795-
4331. Each person will be 
required to complete a brief 

while supplies last.

 With the Library Park TreeScavenger Hunt, the library’sextensive collections, and anEarth Day-themed Take andMake Craft Kit, budding ecoactivists 
can celebrate Earth 
Day, spend time in nature, 
satisfy their curiosity about 
the natural world, and find 
great fulfillment—all thanks 
to the library and the generoussupport of the Friends of theSouth Pasadena Public Library!

 The South Pasadena Public 
Library is located at 1100 OxleyStreet in South Pasadena. 
Although the library buildingis currently closed to the publicfor the health and safety of ourcommunity, we are offeringLibrary Takeout, a no-contactcheck-out and pick-up service.
Takeout hours are Monday-
Thursday, 1:00-7:00 p.m.;
Friday-Saturday, 1:00-5:00 p.m.;
closed Sunday. The library iscurrently working toward beingable to safely offer modified in-
person services. 

health questionnaire before 
appointments are confirmed. 
Fans have been removed to 
prevent the spread of droplets asrecommended by the PasadenaPublic Health Department.
Masks are required at all times.
All equipment and major touchpoints are sanitized after each 
use. The library is open for thepurchase of books and puzzles 
The computer lab is open 
by appointment only for a 
maximum of two hours, twopeople at a time, to allow forsocial distancing, with time 
limits monitored by volunteersat the Welcome Desk at time 
of entry. Computer screens,
keyboards and countertops 
are sanitized after each 
For more information visit: or call(626) 795-4331.