Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, June 26, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page 7

Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 26, 2021 

Recently I picked up some cherries at Vons, and, boy, were they 
ready to eat! You see, I have a secret love affair with the cherry 
--it is my all time favorite fruit. When they are good they are 
oh soooo good; when they aren’t they just well… aren’t worth it. 
I got to thinking there must be a food day for most every day, 
and... I was right. 
June is National Fruit and Vegetable Month. Yes, I know, there 
are a million of these designated titles for the month of June 
(and every other month, too!) Half of them hold about as much 
weight as your doctor telling you that you should go to bed at the 
same time every night (like that’s possible…). There’s “National 
Rocky Road Day”, “I drink too much day” and of course “I’ll have 
another day”. 
Instead of letting the label slip your mind like all those other 
futile holiday labels, use this one as an excuse to mindfully 
“healthify” your diet. The upcoming months are filled with 
fresh, seasonal produce, which makes the process of eating your 
fruits and veggies a whole lot cheaper, easier, and tastier. 
Fruits and Veggies in June• 
Arugula * Broccoli * Blueberries *Cabbage *Cauliflower * 
Cherries * Dandelion Greens *Kale *Leaf Lettuce * Okra * Peas * Rhubarb * Raspberries * Spinach * 
Spring Onions * Strawberries * Swiss Chard.
What does July hold for us? Listen to my show on Sunday afternoon at 5PM on AM 830 AKA 
Angels Baseball Station• 
Fun cherry facts: Its name comes originally from the Greek, and in Latin means of or for the birds, due 
to the birds’ obvious love of the fruit. The English word cherry originates from the Assyrian karsu and 
Greek kerasos. The tree was beloved by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans both for its beautiful flowers 
and its versatile fruit. 
Although a different species of cherry was already strongly established in America by the time 
the first colonists arrived, the new settlers brought along their favorite European variety and eventually 
cross-bred the two. Today, 90 percent of the commercial cherry crop is grown in the U.S., mostly in 
Michigan, California, Oregon and Washington.
Senate Bill 562, authored by Senator Anthony with ASD without diminishing consumer 
J. Portantino (D – La Canada Flintridge), passed protections. The measure expands the numberthe Assembly Health Committee this week. of qualified professionals by authorizing alreadyThe measure seeks to eliminate barriers to help State certified professionals to administer BHTpatients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) within their professional competence, therebyaccess Behavior Health Treatment (BHT) in reducing or eliminating the waiting list 
“Children need treatment tailored to their SB 562 also details the requirements for a Qualifiedindividual needs, prescribed by their physician Autism Service Paraprofessional to insure health 
or psychologist who knows them best,” stated insurance coverage, including background checksSenator Portantino. “SB 562 will allow families to protect California children. The measure willto have a choice of intervention approaches in a protect the interests of California consumers andtimely manner. Early intervention is the key to the state by closing the loopholes in the law andhelping children live up to their potential and ensuring that every Californian is covered.
health insurance coverage for behavioral health “It is great to see that SB 562 is successfullytreatment is critical.”moving toward adoption,” stated Dr. DianeCurrent law requires that health insurance Cullinane, Co-Founder and Executive Director 
companies cover all physician or psychologist Emerita of Professional Child Developmentprescribed medically necessary, evidence-based Associates, a non-profit organization located in 
BHT for ASD. Due to a loophole in the law, Pasadena. “This legislation will be a tremendouspatients with ASD are being denied coverage for benefit for children with autism and their 
physician and psychologist prescribed evidence-families. By ensuring that insurance will coverbased BHT. In some cases, coverage is only all effective treatments, families will finally havebeing offered for one form of BHT. A shortage of a choice of types of intervention, and broadernetwork providers has also created a six to twelve access to service providers. We appreciate Senatormonth wait list for BHT services.Anthony Portantino for his tireless advocacy forAdditionally, all BHT providers are constrained people with disabilities.”
by other statutory provisions that serve to allow SB 562 is sponsored by the DIR/Floortime 
insurance denials. These include the requirement Coalition of California, Professional Child 
for parental participation and restraints on the Development Associates, and Cherry Crisplocation. Children of working parents can be Entertainment and Productions. Supporters ofdenied coverage for medically necessary treatment the bill include: Center for Developmental Playsimply because the parent has to work and cannot and Learning, Child Development Institute, Dr.
attend every treatment session. Similarly, if a child Barbara Stroud, Clinical Psychologist, Fresno City 
must receive treatment at an after-school daycare College, Greenhouse Therapy Center, Holdinglocation, they can be denied coverage simply Hands Pediatric Therapy and Adult Services,
because the setting is at a school.NeuroRelational Framework Institute, Positive 
If signed into law, SB 562 will eliminate the Development, the Washington Elks Therapyexisting statutory obstacles and require health Programs for Children, INC., and Touchstoneinsurance coverage for all forms of medically Family Development Center.
necessary, evidence-based BHT for Californians 
From December 7, 2020, when vaccinations first became available, to June 7, 
2021, 99.6% of the County’s nearly 437,000 COVID-19 cases were individuals 
who were unvaccinated. There were nearly 12,900 COVID-19 hospitalizations 
over this time period, 98.7% occurred among people who were unvaccinated. 
Among the 12,234 COVID-19 deaths across L.A. County during this period, 
99.8% were among unvaccinated people. 
After a period of persistent declines in many metrics, L.A. County is starting to 
see small increases in cases, hospitalizations, and daily test positivity. This is a 
signal that the virus is still here and that even now everyone needs to be careful 
to mask and maintain a distance from people outside your house-holds, if not 
yet vaccinated. The County’s recovery is best supported by continuing to take 
sensible safety precautions that prevent increases in community transmission. 
Although transmission rates remain relatively low, Public Health continues to 
track the proliferation of variants of concern, because where there are pockets of 
unvaccinated individuals, these variants can proliferate. In the United States, the 
Delta variants have become increasingly prevalent among the strains sequenced: 
the CDC notes that Delta variants account for almost 21% of cases across the 
country. Public Health is especially concerned about this variant because it appears 
to be highly transmissible – that is, it is more contagious even than other 
highly contagious COVID-19 variants. 
In the week ending June 12, Delta variants comprised of nearly 48% of all variants 
sequenced in Los Angeles County. The 123 Delta variants collected between 
April 21 and June 12 are geographically clustered. Forty-nine of these cases were 
isolated from residents of Palmdale and Lancaster, and 14 of these cases are associated 
with one household. About half of the people with a Delta variant lived 
in a household with at least one other Delta variant case. While fully vaccinated 
people appear to be well protected from infections with Delta variants, people 
with only one vaccine are not as well-protected. 
As of June 20, more than 10,222,171 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered 
to people across Los Angeles County. Of these, 5,734,611 were first 
doses and 4,487,560 were second doses. Among L.A. County residents 16 and 
over, 67% have received one dose of vaccine and 58% have been fully vaccinated. 
Among L.A. County seniors 65 and over, 87% have received one dose of vac-cine 
and 75% have been fully vaccinated. 
"To those of you who have lost friends, family, neighbors, or coworkers to this 
virus, please know that our thoughts and hearts are with you during this difficult 
time,” said Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. “We are 
so glad to be able to gather for food and fun again. Although many safety measures 
have been lifted, we remain responsible collectively for keeping each other 
safe. The best way to prepare for the Fourth of July holiday is to be vaccinated. 
That way, keeping cook-outs safe is much simpler: When everyone at a gathering 
is vaccinated, you can gather outdoors or inside without wondering who would 
be safer wearing a mask or keeping a distance. However, if any of the guests 
at your gathering are unvaccinated or immunocompromised, they should wear 
masks except when eating and drinking and keep a distance from people in other 
households when indoors. Outdoors, unvaccinated guests don’t need to mask 
unless the gathering is crowded with other unvac-cinated guests.” 
Beginning Friday, June 25 through next Thursday, July 1 at County-run vaccination 
sites, LA City sites, and St. John’s Well Child and Family Center sites, 
everyone 18 and older coming to get a vac-cine will have an opportunity to win 
one of two packages, each containing season passes to Six Flags, the LA Zoo, 
the Natural History Museum and the La Brea Tar Pits, and ticket packs to the 
California Science Center. Official rules and participating site locations will be 
posted on the Los Angeles County Vaccination Sweepstakes page online tomorrow. 
The Pepe Aguilar at the Staples Center and Universal Studios Hollywood 
VIP Experience vaccination sweepstakes is currently in effect through the end 
of the day today. 
Anyone 12 and older living or working in L.A. County can get vaccinated. To 
find a vaccination site near you, to make an appointment at vaccination sites, 
and much more, vis-it: (English) and www.VacunateLosAngeles.
com (Spanish). If you don’t have internet access, can’t use a 
computer, or you’re over 65, you can call 1-833-540-0473 for help finding an 
appointment, connecting to free transportation to and from a vaccination site, 
or schedul-ing a home-visit if you are homebound. Vaccinations are always free 
and open to eligible residents and workers regardless of immigration status. 
COVID-19 Sector Protocols, Best Practices, COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard, 
COVID-19 Surveillance In-teractive Dashboard, Recovery Dashboard, and additional 
actions you can take to protect yourself, your family and your community 
are on the Public Health website, 
Cases: 1,248,415 
Deaths: 24,465 
Altadena 43,260 3,356 76 
Arcadia 57,754 2,747 137 
Bradbury 1,069 39 0 
Duarte 22,016 2,322 97 
Monrovia 38,800 3,202 78 
Pasadena 141,371 11,324 349 
Sierra Madre 10,989 473 13 
Last week marked the ninth anniversary of the these Dreamers are valedictorians, Veterans, and 
creation of the Deferred Action for Childhood people serving their communities. In fact, during 
Arrivals (DACA) program by then-President the pandemic, an estimated 200,000 Dreamers 
Barack Obama on June 15, 2012. Since its inception, worked on the front lines to protect and serve 
DACA has helped over 800,000 undocumented our nation as health care professionals, educators, 
youth who were brought to this country as restaurant workers, and more.
children, many of whom have been serving on the “Nonetheless, nine years after the establishment 
front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic as essential of the DACA program, Dreamers still face an 
workers. By making clear that these immigrants uncertain future, despite their deep roots here and 
are not a deportation priority, DACA has allowed all they have done to give back to our communities. 
them to stay and work in the United States without Tearing apart families and communities simply 
fear of being deported.because someone was born in a different country is 
On his first day in office, President Biden signed cruel and fails to reflect our values as a nation, but 
an executive order to reinstate DACA after the that is exactly what the previous administration 
Trump administration’s attempts to undermine attempted to do. That is why, I believe we need a 
and repeal it.permanent fix to ensure that Dreamers who are 
Rep. Judy Chu released the following statement:American in every way but on paper can stay in 
“I will never forget nine years ago today when the only country they have ever called home. But 
President Barack Obama announced his intent to we cannot stop there. We know there are many 
provide deportation relief and work permits to our immigrant essential workers who have risked their 
undocumented youth and how much I knew that lives throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to care 
meant to so many in my district and throughout for others, including TPS holders like Rukmani 
the country who had been living in the shadows. Bhattari Adhikari, a care professional who 
This includes over 120,000 Asian Dreamers like participated in a roundtable with Vice President 
Jirayut “New” Latthivongskorn who met with Harris earlier today. DACA and TPS recipients 
President Biden last month to discuss the urgent deserve permanent protections like those provided 
need to enact legislation to protect Dreamers who through the House-passed American Dream and 
have been living in limbo for too long.Promise Act. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to 
“Over the years, I have gotten to know many pass this bill. And I also ask my colleagues in both 
Dreamers like Jirayut, and they have spoken about chambers to join me in calling for the passage of 
All Things By Jeff Brown 
The discovery that peace, happiness and love are ever-present within our own Being,
and completely available at every moment of experience, under all conditions, is themost important discovery that anyone can make.” 
— Rupert Spira 
ONLINE AT: their fear of coming home one day to find their the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, a comprehensive 
parents deported, or that they themselves might be immigration reform bill which would also provide 
forced back to a country they have never known, a much needed pathway to citizenship for millions 
away from the friends, family, and lives they have who are still living in the shadows.” 
established here in the United States. Many of 

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