Mountain View News Saturday, July 3, 2021
Dear Savvy Senior:
Can you recommend some good smartphones for older seniors?
I would like to get my 78-year-old mother to upgrade
to a smartphone but want something that’s easy for her to
see and use. Shopping Around
Dear Shopping:
There are actually several smartphones I can recommend
that will provide your mother a simpler, less intimidating
smartphone experience. Here are my top three options.
Apple iPhones: Because of the quality and functionality of Apple products, an iPhone is a great
choice for seniors who are inexperienced with technology. But, to make it easier for you mom to use,
you’ll need to set it up and customize it to meet her needs and preferences.
To set-up your mom’s iPhone and make it senior-friendly, start by cleaning-up/decluttering the
home screen, which you can do by deleting the apps your mom won’t use and hiding the apps she’ll
rarely use in labeled folders or the App Library. The fewer options the better!
You’ll also want to set up a small number of contacts (with photos) to family and friends that your
mom frequently communicates with and install some apps she would enjoy using.
And finally, iPhones have a wide variety of built-in accessibility features you can turn on depending
on your mom’s needs. These features, which you access through the phone’s settings, can help users
that have diminished vision, hearing impairment, hand dexterity problems or cognitive loss.
Some popular accessibility features among older iPhone users include larger text and icon display,
zoom (screen magnification), magnifier (turns iPhone into a magnifying glass), increased volume
and alerts, voice control, find my iPhone, and emergency SOS and medical ID set up. But there are
dozens of other tweaks you can make to enhance your mom’s experience with her iPhone.
For a rundown of the different accessibility features and instructions on how to set them up, see
If you’re interested in this option, the iPhone 12 (5G, 6.1-inch display screen, $800) or iPhone 12
mini (5G, 5.4-inch screen, $700) are excellent choices. Or, for a more budget-friendly phone consider
the iPhone SE (4.7-inch screen, $400) that came out in 2020.
Samsung Galaxy: If you’re an android phone user and would like to get your mom a phone that
you’re familiar with, you should consider a Samsung.
All Samsung phones offer an “Easy Mode” feature in their settings that boosts the text and icon size,
and simplifies the home-screen layout and contacts, which makes these phones a nice option for
seniors or tech-newbies.
These phones also have a variety of accessibility features – see
mobile for instructions – that can accommodate your mom’s needs.
The Samsung Galaxy S21 5G (6.2-inch screen, $800) or more moderately priced Galaxy A71 5G
(6.7-inch screen, $600) are good choices to consider here.
Lively Smart: Another less expensive option to consider is to purchase your mom a smartphone that’s
specifically designed for seniors. The best one available is the new Lively Smart offered by Best Buy.
This phone has a 6.2-inch screen, large text and a simple list-based menu that provides one-touch
access to frequently used features like video chat, camera, email and more. It also offers a nice variety
of optional health and safety features you can add on like:
· Urgent Response, which is a mobile medical alert service that would connect your mom to a
Lively agent in emergency situations, 24/7, who would confirm her location and get her the help she
· Urgent Care, which would let your mom to speak to a registered nurse or board-certified doctor
· Lively Link, which is an app that sends alerts to family and friends if your mom calls urgent
· Personal Operator Service, who can assist your mom with tasks like helping find addresses, setting
up appointments booking Lively Rides through a partnership with Lyft and much more.
The Lively Smart is available online at or at Best Buy stores for $150.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim
Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
As we go into the Independence Day holiday, I’m thinking about legacy in
terms of what I want to ensure my children to know about the country of
their birth. They already know their maternal grandparents, as teenagers,
fled the work camp where they were interned during the horror that was the
Cultural Revolution in China. Together they escaped and made an arduous
weeks long journey, only moving at night, subsisting on just a small amount
of rice each day, becoming separated when their small party was ambushed
by soldiers (and several members of their party were killed or captured),
separately making their way to the coast, slipping into the water under cover
of darkness, and swimming all night until finally making it to Hong Kong – and freedom – where
they were reunited and later married.
These two incredibly brave souls then immigrated to the United States for the opportunities this
nation offered them with nothing more than the clothes on their backs and a couple hundred dollars
in their pockets. They worked hard every day, made something of themselves, gave a better life to their
children (one of whom is my wife!), and became U.S. citizens. They love this country because, despite
being ripped out of school as kids and denied an education, having little money and no connections
when they arrived here, not speaking the language or understanding the culture, they were simply
given opportunity. And that’s all they wanted.
My kids know all of that. They also know American values are currently under attack. They see it on
the news, they hear it at school. And I’m actually okay with that. They should know the truth about
their country. And the truth is, America is far from perfect – after all, we are a nation governed by
the people, for the people, and of the people. Since not a single American is perfect, it makes sense
that neither is our nation. But I also want to make sure my kids never lose sight of that fact that in
the history of the world, the United States was the first ever nation founded on the belief that every
person is created equal and has an immutable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our
founders dreamed it, then said it out loud, then wrote it down, then fought for and won the right to
create it, then dared themselves and those that would come after them to strive to live up to it. How
audacious. How noble.
I want my kids to know hundreds of thousands of Americans – from white to black to every shade
in between – sacrificed their lives to push the ugly scourge of slavery from our land. I want them to
know those same American’s descendants have spilled their blood supporting freedom and standing
up to tyranny and evil around the world since. I want them to know Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. died
with a dream that one day in America, people would not be judged by the pigment in their skin but
by their individual choices, actions, and character. I want them to know that dream did not die with
Dr. King.
Experiments are inherently messy things. Grand experiments are messier yet. The great American
experiment is no exception. But oh, what an experiment! What an aspiration! I want my kids to
know that being an American means being part of something principled and good. Even as we work
toward becoming a “more perfect union” we should not despise the messiness of our experiment.
Messiness is inherent within, and part of the virtue of, a constitutional republic. I hope my kids grow
up in a country where freedom of speech is always valued and no one – no matter their politics –
needs to worry about being cancelled for what they say or believe. Most of all, I want my kids to
know America for what she truly is, a Declaration of values worth aspiring to, a Constitution of laws
worth defending, a unique and exceptional citizenry worth appreciating, and a genuinely great nation
worthy of being proud of.
Happy Independence Day.
Dedicated to empowering your family, building your wealth and defining
your legacy,
A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a mission to help parents
protect what they love most. His office is located at 55 Auburn Avenue,
Sierra Madre, CA 91024.
Schedule an appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love and financial security
for your family by calling 626.355.4000 or visit for more information.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …July Birthdays*
V,Nina Bartolai, Mary Lou Caldwell, Louise Neiby, Betty Hansen, Christine
Durfort, Shahrzad Azrani, Jeanne Borgedahl, Janet Cox, Dorothy Montgomery, Bess
Pancoska, Janet Swanson, Linda Thunes, Barbara Watson, Pat Alcorn, Karma Bell,
Alice Clark, Dorothy Jerneycic, and Betty Dos Remedios
* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737.
YEAR of birth not required
Every Monday and Wednesday, 10-10:45 amChair yoga with Paul is coming back! Class be held in the Covered Pavilion in Memorial
Park in front of the Senior Center. Please join us for some gentle stretching, yoga, balance exercise and overall
relaxation. Classes will maintain a distance of 6 ft between participants. ALL participants must be wearing
masks for the duration of the class. All equipment used will be sanitized after each use before it is stored. Each
participant is responsible for providing their own water, masks and needed equipment or supplies for each class.
Class size is limited so please call 264-8923 to reserve your spot.
If you are in need of assistance with your 2020 taxes please know that help is a phone call away. Don Brunner, Tax
Saver, is not accepting in person consultations at the moment but available for a phone or email consult. Please
call him at 626-447-8829 or email
Have you ever thought about trying your hand at writing? Do you have an idea for a book and no idea how to
begin? This program may be for you! Katy Nishimoto, Senior Editor with Random House, has graciously volunteered
her time to lead this incredible writers workshop for seniors. Program participants will be given a prompt,
a 10 minute writing task and a group reading. Discussions, readings and feedback to help guide your creative
thinking into creative writing. If you have interest in writing nonfiction, a memoir, fiction or poetry then please
call or email today to reserve your spot. Class will be limited to 10 participants. No writing skills or experience is
required. Call Lawren Heinz at 626-355-7394 to reserve your spot and receive class information.
Tuesday, May 18 at 11:00 am Join Lawren in making a delightful, colorful and artistic nail polish marbled mug!
All supplies will be provided for you and we will meet in the Hart Park House patio. Please wear clothes you don’t
mind getting nail polish on. To reserve your spot or ask questions please call Lawren Heinz at (626) 355-7394 or
send an email to
Do you have any ideas for programming? Is there a class or club you would like to see in our Senior Community?
Please call or email Lawren Heinz with ideas or questions. 626-355-5278 x 704 lheinz@cityofsierramadre.
City staff are monitoring email communication daily, and although employees are minimizing direct engagement
and interfacing less with the community, please note that voice messages, emails, and social media responses
are being addressed in the most efficient and timely manner. If at any time additional information
is needed, please contact City Hall Administrative Services at (626) 355-7135, Monday-Thursday from 7:30a
– 5:30p, as they are taking messages and e-mailing the appropriate per-son. For messages that may trickle in
otherwise, please note our team is remotely checking voicemail daily at the Community Services Department,
(626) 355-5278 x702.
The City of Sierra Madre is following these procedures to provide current communication in light of COVID-19
and keep the Senior Community and families informed of essential information and resources. City staff are
monitoring email communication daily, and although employees are minimizing direct engagement and practicing
social distancing in the community, please note that voice messages, emails, and social media responses are
being addressed in the most efficient and timely manner.
If at any moment additional information is needed, please contact City Hall Administrative Services at (626)
355-7135, Monday-Thursday from 7:30a – 5:30p, as they are taking messages and e-mailing the appropriate
For messages that may trickle in otherwise, please note our team is remotely checking voicemail daily at the
Community Services Department, (626) 355-5278 x702.
Community Services Department will continue email communication with Senior residents and aging community
If you know of family members or neighbors who may benefit from accessing information electronically, and
to receive the department’s Seniors Newsletter via email but may not otherwise have been included on an email
group list, please send your request with email address to the following team members: Lawren Heinz Lheinz@ and Clarissa Lowe
City Social Media will continue via Facebook as well as Instagram, and information sharing will include updates
as details becomes available.
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
Choices are a very important part
As much as I can remember, this has been the only
of our everyday life. I am what I am
controversy that we've had.
today because of choices I made
yesterday. I would like to blame
In retrospect, it is a good thing I didn't know about
someone else, but the truth of the matter is, I am what
this, and probably it's good that she didn't know about
I am because of my choices.
me. That controversy could've kept us from getting
married and then look at what we would have missed
I must confess that there are a lot of bad choices I have
in life. She once suggested that we switch, and for one
made throughout my life. I will not name them right
week, I eat broccoli every day, and she will eat an Aphere,
in fact, I'm trying to forget most of them. It’s a
ple fritter every day. I tried to consider that but only
good thing I can’t relive yesterday.
for one half of a second. So if we did that, I would be
the great loser, and she would get to enjoy an Apple
However, I have made a few choices that I have made
Fritter everyday for a week. That didn't sound fair to
in my life that has been very good. I don't focus on my
bad choices because I can get discouraged. But, I do
focus on my good choices because that's a real source
As we celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary, we still
of encouragement.
will hang on to these personal preferences.
I must say that the best choice that I've ever made in
Just because there are some things that we don’t agree
my life was marrying the Gracious Mistress of the
on doesn’t mean there are not some things that we ac-
Parsonage. I'm really not sure it was my choice, but I
tually do agree on.
will take credit for it.
For example, this past week, we decided to go out for
While we were dating, we were once traveling with
supper at a local restaurant. It's been a long week and
a group of people, and as we were sitting together,
many things were happening that you just can't preshe
said something like, "Wouldn't it be nice to get
pare for, so we deserved a little bit of a break.
As we got to the end of our meal, the waitress came
I thought it was a rhetorical question; how was I to
by to see if we wanted dessert, and of course, we did.
know it was an unofficial proposal. In my naivety, I
said, "It sure would be nice." Well, in that regard, that
Almost simultaneously, we said, "I'll have an apple
was a choice I made.
pie à la mode," which was the featured dessert on the
It also was a prophecy. I did not know I was a prophet.
But when I said it would be "nice," I was precisely on
We looked at each other and broke out laughing. The
target. It has been nice.
waitress laughed with us, and then she went to get the
In August of this year, the Gracious Mistress of the
Parsonage and her husband will celebrate 50 years of
marital bliss. I can't believe it's that long; I must've
It was then I realized there are things that do bring us
been very young when it took place.
together. I never thought of it before, but apple pie à la
mode was the one thing that brought us together and
But 50 years can go by very fast. So after celebrating
the one thing that we could agree on.
your wedding for 49 years, what can you do that's different
for the 50th anniversary?
We've known each other for about 50 years, and I just
realized the one thing that we do have in common. So
I hear a lot about couples having difficulties and prob-
we talked about it for a few moments, and the topic
lems and arguments in their marriage. Even some of
was, "What was your favorite pie à la mode?"
my friends have got to the place where they just divorce
as if that solves problems. I must say that during
For me, it's tough to pick out my favorite pie. But, if
these 50 years of marital bliss, we have had very few
there's a bad pie, I've never encountered it.
arguments. That is except for one major conflict.
Finally, I brought it all together by saying, "Any pie à
Our one argument is the Broccoli/Apple Fritter con-
la mode is my kind of pie."
troversy. Up to this point, neither of us has budged
either way.
Later on, I was reminded of one of my favorite verses
in the Bible. “Can two walk together, except they be
It is a good thing I didn't know she was a broccoli-
agreed?” (Amos 3:3).
holic, or I might have had second thoughts. How anybody
can like broccoli is beyond my comprehension.
Walking together for 50 years has been a great blessing.
We don’t focus on our disagreements but rather on
On her side, if she knew I was an Apple Fritter-holic,
those things that we agree on. As the years have gone
she might have had second thoughts as well.
by, what we agree on has become more important.