Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 24, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page A:5

Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 24, 2021 

City RequiringMasks at all 
Indoor Public 
Settings andBusinesses

 The City of Pasadena healthofficer issued an updatedhealth order that went into 
effect Thursday, reinstatingthe use of masks for everyonein indoor public settings 
and businesses, regardless 
of vaccination status. The 
mandate comes as both 
Pasadena and Los AngelesCounty have seen an increasein COVID-19 cases and 
According to city staff, since 
June 15, when most restrictionsfrom the state were lifted, theaverage daily incident caserate of COVID-19 in the Cityof Pasadena has increased by586% to reach the “Substantial 
Transmission” level of the 

U.S. Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention’s 
(CDC) Indicators for Level 
of Community Transmission.
The testing positivity rate inPasadena has also risen to the 
“Substantial Transmission” 
level. In Los Angeles Countywhere a large proportion ofthe people who work, visit,
or patronize businesses inPasadena reside, the rate of 
COVID-19 cases has increased 
to the “High Transmission”
level, introducing even 
greater risk of transmissionin Pasadena. Hospitalizationsfrom COVID-19 both locallyand throughout Los AngelesCounty have more than 
In addition, the significantly 
more transmissible Delta 
variant of the SARS-CoV-2 
virus has become the 
predominant strain in the

U.S. and has been detected 
in specimens collected 
from Pasadena residents 
with laboratory-confirmedCOVID-19, from multipleunrelated households. 
All individuals, especiallythose who are unvaccinated 
or at higher risk of severeoutcomes from COVID-19,
should take personal measuresto reduce risk in addition to 
“Everyone who is eligible 
should get vaccinated as 
soon as possible. Currentlyauthorized vaccines have 
proven effective at preventingsevere outcomes from the virus 
causing COVID-19, includingthe Delta variant. Gettingvaccinated is one of the most 
important ways to help stopCOVID-19 spread, especiallyas we prepare to welcome ourschool-aged children back tofull-time, in-person learningin just a few weeks,” said Dr.
Ying-Ying Goh, health officerand director of the Pasadena 
Public Health Department. 
“The vaccines are safe,
effective, and are available at 
no cost to you.”

 Private gatherings are 
not subject to masking 
requirements and at this 
time, no capacity restrictionsor changes to other businessoperations are included in thehealth order. The California 
Department of Public Healthrequires indoor masking forall everyone, regardless ofvaccination status, in K-12school settings.

 The longer you wait to getvaccinated, the greater the riskof contracting COVID-19,
and infecting a friend, lovedone, or coworker.

 COVID-19 vaccines are 
available at no cost. Peopleage 12 and older are eligible toreceive the vaccine. For more 
information and to register foran appointment, visit: MyTurn. or: cityofpasadena.

San Marino Motor Classic Returns 

The Rotary Club of SanMarino announced Mondaythat the upcoming San MarinoMotor Classic event is set to 
be held August 22 at Lacy Park 
in San Marino. In its tenth 
year the prestigious classic carshow will include the Concorso 
Ferrari, Classic Car Club ofAmerica Grand Classic and 
Packards International Grand 
Salon. The San Marino Motor 
Classic supports San MarinoRotary as well as the CancerSupport Center and PasadenaHumane along with other localorganizations.

 The San Marino Motor Classic 
is one of the premier concourslevel 
exhibitions in Southern 
California. Concours d’Elegance(French literal translation, 
“competition of elegance”) 

competitions have existed 
since seventeenth centuryFrance and since the mid-20th 
century in America. Other 
notable American Concours 
d’Elegance shows include PebbleBeach Concours d’Elegance innorthern California, Meadow 
Brook in Michigan, Amelia 
Island in Florida and the Louis 
Vuitton Classic in New York.

 Pasadena Humane’s WiggleWaggle Wagon will also be onsite with adoptable animals 
from the shelter, along with foodtrucks.

 On Saturday afternoon,
August 21 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
12 internationally renowned 
automotive artists will displaytheir most recent works at the 
Automotive Fine Arts Society(AFAS) Pavilion at the San 

Board of Supervisors to look atCommission on Homelessness 

Supervisor Kathryn Barger(pictured) authored a motionThursday to create a Blue-
Ribbon Commission on 
Homelessness that, if approved,
will provide guidance and 
recommendations to the Board 
of Supervisors on reforms tosolve the homelessness crisis 
throughout Los Angeles County.
“The creation of a Blue-Ribbon 
Commission is critical to finallyaddress that homelessness is a 
serious crisis,” said SupervisorKathryn Barger. “I have saidmany times that the status quo isno longer working and it’s timethat we engage and collaboratewith service providers,
government agencies and cityrepresentatives throughoutthe County to come up withnew strategies and solutions tobring individuals off the streetand provide them with the careand services they deserve. We 
cannot wait another day beforeupending our existing systemsand approaches while vulnerableresidents are dying and left tolanguish on our streets.” 
The Blue-Ribbon Commission 
on Homelessness, if approved,
will bring together internal 
and external leaders as thoughtpartners to help solve this issue.
The proposed makeup of theCommission will include nine 
members, five of which will beappointed by each Supervisor,
and one each nominated bythe Mayor of Los Angeles;
the Los Angeles City CouncilPresident; the Contract CitiesAssociation; and the Councils ofGovernment. 
The proposed Commission 
will be directed to research 
homelessness governancereports and best practices fromacross the nation. They will alsobe asked to review, with CountyCounsel and the Chief Executive 
Office, the existing Joint PowersAuthority that governs the 

County’s participation in theLos Angeles Homeless ServicesAuthority, with an assessmentof the articulated powers 
of the organization and its 
limitations; along with the fiscaland operational implicationsif the County renegotiates orwithdraws from the LAHSA Joint 
Powers Authority altogether.
“While the County has triedvaliantly through the years 
to develop programs to 
serve people experiencinghomelessness, we need to hearfrom our partners at the locallevel – those representativesfrom the 88 cities throughoutthe County, along with ourCouncils of Governments and 
our contract cities partners 

– to vastly improve our work 
on homelessness,” continued 
Supervisor Barger. “It is myardent hope that this all-handson-
deck approach will providethe depth of thought and 
critical feedback necessary tofind solutions. In addition, thiseffort is intended to improveaccountability, transparency andinclusivity for all involved.” 
If it is approved by the Board ofSupervisors, the Blue-Ribbon 
Commission on Homelessness 
will present its report to theBoard within six months and 
will then sunset. 
The motion will be heard by theBoard of Supervisors at theirTuesday board meeting. 
Getting a Sneak Peek at2022 Rose Parade Floats 

Marino Motor Classic. Wine 

and light snacks will be served.
Admission is free. Guests are 
encouraged to purchase ticketsfor the Symphony of Cars Galathat immediately commences 
after the AFAS exposition. Tolearn more about the Symphonyof Cars Gala and to order tickets,
visit: sanmarinomotorclassic. 

 Parking is available on theresidential streets surroundingthe park. A trolley will runthroughout the neighborhoodsto bring you to the park entrance.
Look for the “Tram Stop” signs. 

Free E-Waste 
Recycling &

Residents can safely disposeof electronic waste and 
have personal and business 
documents shredded at the 
City’s popular free e-waste 
event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. onSaturday, Aug. 14.
The event will be held in 
Parking Lot I outside the RoseBowl Stadium near Brookside 
Park, 360 N. Arroyo Blvd.
Shredding trucks and e-wastecollection sites will be arrangedat different stations in ParkingLot I. Look for signs directingyou to the event. Motorists andbicyclists are advised to use 
caution while traveling throughthe area. 
E-waste items include 
computers, keyboards, printers,
monitors, laptops, dockingstations, scanners, shredders,
fax machines, computer mice,
telephones, televisions, flat 
screens, VCRs, DVD players,
PDAs, cassette players, tapedrives, stereos and householdbatteries. Many of these 
products have parts that can berecycled.
Public Works is also helpingresidents prevent identitytheft by providing free papershredding during the event. Thepublic can bring a maximumof three (3) legal-size boxes forshredding. Sensitive documentssuch as receipts, checks, preapproved 
credit applications,
credit card statements, outdated 
tax returns, pre-printedenvelopes, return address labelsand business cards are items 
that can be shredded. 
Event participants will be 
required to show proof of 
Pasadena residency and 
the duration of the event is 
subject to truck capacity. The 
event is sponsored by the 
City’s Department of PublicWorks. For more information,
PublicWorks or call (626) 7447311. 

tall float built by PhoenixDecorating Company will 
feature animated butterflies, 
which are symbols of hope 
and transformation.

 The Torrance Rose Float 
Association is proud to 
submit the 66th entry for 
the City of Torrance (top 
right), “The Embodiment 
of Nature.” The conceptualdesign was chosen througha contest open to high schoolstudents within the City ofTorrance. 

The La Cañada FlintridgeTournament of Roses 
Association’s 43rd entry(middle left), “Who Says WeCan’t” will again be one ofonly six self-built floats in 
the entire parade. Designed,
built, decorated and operatedentirely by volunteers, the 
entry answers the age-old 
adage, “You can’t teach an old 
dog new tricks.”

 Now in their 71st year, theLutheran Hour Ministries 
(LHM) float (middle right)
continues to share the Good 
News of Jesus Christ with 
millions of parade viewersaround the world. Themed 
“Jesus Teaches” and built byPhoenix Decorating Co., thefloat features Jesus with 12 
modern day disciples in alush, woodland setting.

 The Burbank Tournament 
of Roses Association’s 89th 
Rose Parade entry (bottomleft) is one of six floats thatare self-built by volunteers.
“An Unlikely Tale” is a storyof friendship between a 
young knight and a dragon.

 The UPS Store float, themed 
“Rise, Shine & Read!” 
(bottom right) celebrates 
the positive impact literacycan have on a child’s abilityto succeed and showcases 
the company’s support ofthe Toys for Tots Literacy 

 For more information visit: 

 As the Pasadena Tournament 
of Roses actively plans forthe 2022 Rose Parade theyrevealed this week a series 
of sneak previews of floralfloat entries points to the 
joy America’s New Year 
Celebration will bring to 
a worldwide audience on 
January 1, 2022.

For more than 130 years, 
colorful florals, thematic 
interpretation and creativedesigns have been hallmarksof Rose Parade floats, and this 
year’s entries will continuethe tradition. The theme of 
the 133rd Rose Parade — 
“Dream. Believe. Achieve.” 

— inspired the official 
renderings for fifth-year floatparticipant The UPS Storeand five longtime mainstays 
– Burbank Tournament of 
Roses Association, City ofHope, La Canada FlintridgeTournament of Roses 
Association, Lutheran HourMinistries and Torrance Rose 
Float Association – with 313 
appearances between them. 
The six float concepts rangefrom whimsical to realistic 
to heartfelt, reflecting 
the range of spectacular, 
supersized stories that 
have been embraced for 
generations. They are amongdozens of commercial, noncommercial 
and self-built 
floats that will make the 
5.5-mile procession alongPasadena’s historic Colorado 
Boulevard on New Year’s Day2022. 

City of Hope’s 48th Rose 
Parade float entry (top 
left), “Garden of Hopesand Dreams,” continues theworld-renowned cancer 
research and treatment 
center’s tradition of 
spotlighting unwavering 
belief, perseverance and 
leadership in health care 
transformation. The 50-foot 
long and nearly 17-foot-

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