Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, August 14, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page 12

Mountain View News Saturday, August 14, 2021 12 Mountain View News Saturday, August 14, 2021 

A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder 


Without any hesitation, I 

With a few more little squeegees, I put it back 

will gladly admit that I am 

into drive and went forward. It was at this 

on the short side when it 

time I noticed the mirrors were all out of fo

comes to gadgets. For me, 

cus. How can my wife drive this van when the 
most of them do not make any sense at all. 

mirrors are so mixed up? 
Instead, I like things simple and easy. 

So, while driving along, I began to fiddle with 
As for the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage, 

the mirrors, trying to adjust them to where I 
she is obsessed with gadgets. She loves them 

could see out of them. There is a gadget for 
almost as much as I love Apple Fritters. I've 

each mirror, and I got the gadgets mixed up. 
gone into her "Craft Room" and noticed all 

Finally, I got it to where it was at least usable 
the gadgets neatly placed where they belong. 

for my driving. 
Unfortunately, I could not tell you the identification 
of any of them. 

I sighed a very deep sigh, which usually means 

I'm in trouble, while driving down the high-
I am gadgets-illiterate while she is gadget-ob

way. I decided I wanted to turn the radio on 
sessed. I did not know how obsessed she was 

and listen to music while driving. You might 
with gadgets until recently. 

as well have fun while you're driving in such a 

gadget-contaminated vehicle. 
My truck was giving me some trouble, so I 
took it to my mechanic to look it over. Much 

Pressing several buttons, I finally was able to 
to my distress, he said the engine was just 

find the button for the radio. Unfortunately, 
about shot, and it would have to be replaced. 

the sound was very low. Now, I had to find a 

gadget to turn the sound up so I could hear it. 
My choices were to replace the engine for 
around $5,500 or buy another truck for about 

I'm unsure which gadget I pressed, but the 
$30,000. I may not be handy with gadgets, but 

sound went through the roof, scaring me so 
when it comes to money, that is my specialty. 

much that I almost jumped out of the vehicle. 

Fiddling around, I finally lowered the sound. 
I reluctantly chose to have the engine replaced, 
but the bad news was, it would take 

I did not notice before, but the steering wheel 
about a month to do it. First, he had to find an 

had gadgets all around it. I had no idea what 
engine and have it shipped to his garage. 

any of those gadgets were for and was trying 

desperately not to touch one. 
I didn't know how long that month was until 

I had to make a right turn, and so I turned on 

the turn signal the way I usually do it in my 
Because I did not have my truck, I had to bor

truck, and it wasn't heaven that came through 
row the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage's 

that van. 
van. She bought that van a little over two years 
ago. It took her a whole year to find the kind 

The windshield wipers began, the windows 
of van she wanted. She did all her research 

went up and down several times, the horn 
and finally found the van of her liking. 

sounded three or four times, and I was a mess. 

For myself, being over 6 feet tall, it was all I 

Very carefully, I managed to pull to the side 
could do to squeeze into her van as a passen

and stop the vehicle. I sat there trying to figger. 
I found out squeezing in as a driver was 

ure out where do I start turning off all of these 
even more difficult. 


She said I could drive it, and then instructed 

I could call my wife, but then I would hear it 
me on how to drive and all the gadgets associ

for the rest of my life. 
ated with driving her van. 

An idea floated in my mind amid all this con-
Unfortunately, my habit is not to pay attention 

fusion. Why not turn the vehicle off, and may-
when people are talking about gadget things. 

be all the gadgets would close down. 

I've had my driver's license for over 50 years, 

I turned it on with my fingers crossed, and to 
and I have driven many cars during that time. 

my delight, all of the gadgets were not on. I'm 

not sure what I did; I hope I don't have to do 
I thanked her, got into her van, and it took 

it again. 
quite a few minutes to get the seat settled 
where I can operate it. 

A verse of Scripture came to my mind as I was 

driving home. "The fear of the Lord is the be-
Sitting in the driver's seat, I felt like I was be

ginning of knowledge: but fools despise wising 
squished on all sides. 

dom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7). 

After a few minutes, I was able to start it on 

Instruction seems to be the gateway to wisand 
then try to figure out how to put it in re

dom. I have a hard time with following inverse. 
I found it finally and backed out of our 

structions, which is why I have trouble and 

not just with gadgets. 


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …August Birthdays*

Nancy Beckham, Karlene Englert, Juanita Fernandez, Jeanette Francis, Joseph Kiss, 
Jacquie Pergola, Pat Miranda, Jerry Burnett, Margaret Aroyan, Phyllis Burg, Beverly 
Clifton, Rosemary Morabito, Susan Poulsen, Joy Barry, Marcia Bent, Joan Spears, 
Ruth Torres, Jane Zamanzadeh. Helen Stapenhorst, Chandy Shair, Heidi Hartman, 
Erma Gutierrez, Margaret Switzer

* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. 
YEAR of birth not required 


Every Monday and Wednesday, 10-10:45 amChair yoga with Paul is coming back! Class be held in the Covered Pavilion in Memorial 
Park in front of the Senior Center. Please join us for some gentle stretching, yoga, balance exercise and overall 
relaxation. Classes will maintain a distance of 6 ft between participants. ALL participants must be wearing 
masks for the duration of the class. All equipment used will be sanitized after each use before it is stored. Each 
participant is responsible for providing their own water, masks and needed equipment or supplies for each class. 
Class size is limited so please call 264-8923 to reserve your spot. 

TEA AND TALK, SENIOR BOOK CLUB—2nd and 4th Wednesday at 9:00 am Staff has launched 
a new book club series, Tea and Talk, that will meet twice a month to discuss the fun, suspense, intrigue, 
love and so much more that each selection will have in store! This month we will be reading I 
Was Anastasia, Ariel Lawhon’s historical novel, Anna Anderson defends her attempt to prove herself 
to be Anastasia Romanov, a member of the last imperial family to rule in Russia. If you are interested 
in participating please call Lawren Heinz at 626-355-7394 or send an email to lheinz@cityofsierramadre.

TISSUE PAPER HANGING ART— Tuesday 8/17 at 10:00 am 

Fiber Friends— Tuesday 8/ 24 at 10:00 amIf you enjoy knitting, crocheting, embroidery, needlepoint, bunka, huck, tatting or cross stitch then 
we have a group for you! Bring your current project, a nonalcoholic beverage, then sit and chat with 
like-minded fiber friends. We will meet in the Hart Park House patio and chairs will be provided. 
Please call Lawren with any questions at 626-355-5278. 


 Do you have any ideas for programming? Is there a class or club you would like to see in our Senior Community? 
Please call or email Lawren Heinz with ideas or questions. 626-355-5278 x 704 lheinz@cityofsierramadre. 

 City staff are monitoring email communication daily, and although employees are minimizing direct engagement 
and interfacing less with the community, please note that voice messages, emails, and social media responses 
are being addressed in the most efficient and timely manner. If at any time additional information 
is needed, please contact City Hall Administrative Services at (626) 355-7135, Monday-Thursday from 7:30a 

– 5:30p, as they are taking messages and e-mailing the appropriate per-son. For messages that may trickle in 
otherwise, please note our team is remotely checking voicemail daily at the Community Services Department, 
(626) 355-5278 x702. 

Dear Savvy Senior:
Can you offer any tips on choosing a good adult day 
care provider for an elderly parent? My 81-year-old 
father, who just moved in with me, has dementia and 
needs attention during the day while I’m at work. Need 

Dear Need: 

for more information. The VA even provides adult 

Adult day care services can be a great option for care-

day care to eligible veterans enrolled in their Medical 

givers who work, or for those who just need a break 

Benefits Package. See to learn more. 

during the day. Here’s what you should know, along 
with some tips to help you find and choose one. 

How to Choose 
Your first step in shopping for an adult day center 

Adult Day Care 

is to determine the kinds of services your dad needs, 

 The business of adult day care services has grown 

and you need as a caregiver. After you do that, here 

rapidly in recent years. According to the National 

are some tips to help you locate and choose a good 

Adult Day Services Association, there are upwards of 


4,600 adult day centers across the U.S., the result of a 

 Start by contacting your Area Agency on Aging (call 

35 percent increase since 2002. Those centers provide 

800-677-1116 to get your local number) to get refer-

services to more than 260,000 participants and family 

rals to adult day service programs in your area. You 

caregivers, which is a whopping 63 percent increase 

can also search the National Adult Day Services As-

over the last two decades. 

sociation (NADSA) database at

 As the name implies, adult day care provides care 

 Once you have a list of a few centers, call them to find 

for elderly seniors who cannot care for themselves at 

out their eligibility criteria, if they offer the types of 

home. While services will vary from center to cen

services your dad needs, if they are accepting new cli

ter, they typically provide personal care, meals and 

ents, their hours of operation, if they’re licensed and/ 

snacks, various activities and social interaction in a 

or registered with a state agency (this is not required 

safe supportive environment. Additionally, many cen

in all states) and what they charge. 

ters also provide health services such as medication 

 After you identify a few good centers, go in for a 

management, various therapies, exercise and trans-

visit. Find out about the staffing ratio (at least one staff 

portation to and from the facility. 

member for every six participants is recommended) 

 Adult day care centers generally operate programs 

and what kind of training they have. While you’re 

during normal business hours five days a week. How-

there, notice the cleanness and smell of the facility. 

ever, some centers may offer services in the evenings 

Is it homey and inviting? Does the staff seem friendly 

and on weekends, too. 

and knowledgeable? Also be sure to taste the food and 

Costs for care will vary as well, usually between $25 

consider making an unannounced visit. 

to more than $100 per day (the national average is 

 To help you rate your visit, the NADSA offers a help

$75/day), depending on where you live. 

ful checklist of questions to ask at – click 

Unfortunately, in most cases original Medicare does 

on “Site Visit Checklist” under the “For Caregivers” 

not pay for adult day care, but some Medicare Advan


tage plans, and many long-term care insurance poli

Then, after your visit, be sure to check their refer

cies do. But most seniors or their families pay for care 

ences. Get names and phone numbers of at least two 


or three families who have used the center you are 

 If your dad is lower income and can’t afford this, 

considering and call them. 

state Medicaid programs provide financial assistance 

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 

if he meets eligibility requirements, and some states 

5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim 

have PACE programs that provide financial aid. Con-

Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and au

tact your state Medicaid office (see 

thor of “The Savvy Senior” book. 



Fund Your Pet’s Continued Care 


 When determining how much money to put 
aside for your pet’s care, you should carefully 


consider the pet’s age, health, and special care 


needs. Remember, you’re covering the cost of 


caring for the animal for the rest of its life, and 
even basic expenses can add up over time. In 
It’s sad but true that many 

addition to the bare necessities like food and vet 
pets end up in shelters 

visits, make sure you also calculate the costs for 
after their owner dies or becomes incapacitated. 

any special treatments or services you include in 
In fact, the Humane Society estimates that 

the care plan and leave enough money to pay for 
between 100,00 to 500,000 pets are placed in 

them. And if you end up leaving more money 
shelters each year for exactly this reason, and 

behind than needed, you can always name a 
many these animals are ultimately euthanized. 

remainder beneficiary, such as a family member 
The law considers pets to be personal property 

or charity, to inherit any funds not spent on the 
just like cars, furniture, and electronic devices. So, 

unless you take the proper steps to include your 

Create a Pet Trust 

pet in your estate plan, your beloved companion 
could end up in a shelter or worse following your 

 Since pet care can be quite complicated and 
death or incapacity. Considering this reality, 

costly, the best way to ensure your wishes are 
here’s how you can use estate planning to ensure 

properly carried out is to set up a pet trust. While 
your pets receive the best possible care when 

it’s possible to leave care instructions and funding 
you’re no longer able to care for them yourself. 

for your pet in a will, a will cannot guarantee the 
new caregiver will use the funds properly—or 

Select a Caregiver for Your Pet 

even that they will care for your pet at all. In fact, 
Selecting a trustworthy caregiver is the first— 

a person who’s left their pet in a will can simply 
and most important—step in protecting your 

drop the animal off at a local shelter and keep 
pet via your estate plan. You might assume that 

the money for themselves. A pet trust, on the 
your kids, relatives, or friends will step in and 

other hand, allows you to layout legally binding 
care for your pet should something happen to 

rules for how the funds in the trust can be used. 
you, and these folks may even tell you as much 

Additionally, pet trusts can cover multiple pets, 
in conversation. But properly caring for most 

work in cases of incapacity as well as death, and 
pets is a major commitment of time, energy, 

they remain in effect until the last surviving 
and finances, so you shouldn’t rely on simple 

animal dies. 
promises to ensure your pet’s future is secure. 

Do Right by Your Furry Family 
Create a Detailed Care Plan 

Although leaving assets in a pet trust is fairly 
Once you’ve chosen your pet’s caregiver—along 

simple, creating a properly drafted trust that 
with one or two alternates in case something 

includes all of the necessary terms can be 
happens to your top choice(s)— you’ll need 

quite complex. You’ll want to ensure your pet 
to outline all of your pet’s care requirements. 

trust contains all of the necessary elements 
At the very least, your caretaking instructions 

to guarantee that your beloved companions 
should include your pet’s basic requirements: 

will continue to receive the love and care they 
dietary needs, exercise regimen, medications, 

deserve, no matter what happens to you. 

A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a mission 

and veterinary care. But if you are like most pet 

to help parents protect what they love most. Schedule 

owners, you probably want your pet to receive 

an appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring a 

more than just the bare necessities, so consider 

legacy of love and financial security for your family by 

calling 626.355.4000 or visit for more 

leaving instructions for any other special 

treatment you want your furry friend to receive. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: