Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, September 25, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page 7

ARCADIA, MONROVIA & DUARTEARCADIA, MONROVIA & DUARTE 7 Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 25, 2021 ARCADIA, MONROVIA & DUARTEARCADIA, MONROVIA & DUARTE 7 Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 25, 2021 

News & Notices 

For the period of Sunday, September 12th through Saturday,
September 18th, the Police Department responded to 1,306 calls 
for service, of which 102 required formal investigations. The 
following is a summary report of some of the major incidents 
handled by the Department during this period. 

Sunday, September 12:

1. At 12:00 a.m., an officer responded to In and Out, located 
at 420 North Santa Anita Avenue, regarding a trespassing 
report. The officer discovered the suspect had been asked to 
leave the location, but the 31-year-old local male transient 
refused to leave. The suspect was arrested and transported to 
the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
2. At 2:49 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in 
the 4900 block of Loma Avenue in Temple City regarding a 
sexual battery incident that occurred at Westfield Santa Anita 
Mall, located at 400 South Baldwin Avenue. The victim stated 
a fellow mall employee touched her inappropriately on the 
chest. The suspect has been identified as a 39-year-old male. 
The investigation is ongoing. 
Monday, September 13:

3. At 3:38 a.m., an officer responded to Santa Anita 
Wine & Spirits, located at 1002 North Santa Anita Avenue, 
regarding an audible alarm activation. Surveillance footage 
revealed two suspects entered by forcefully damaging the 
door lock and both fled with a box of liquor, cigarettes, and 
rolls of coins. They fled on foot and were wearing dark grayhooded sweatshirts, black pants, and face masks. 
4. At 5:54 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in 
the 1200 block of Rodeo Road regarding an audible alarm 
activation. An investigation revealed the suspect(s) smashed 
a rear window, ransacked the home, and may have fled with 
stolen property. The investigation is pending a review of the 
surveillance footage. 
Tuesday, September 14:

5. At 12:43 a.m., an officer responded to Arcadia Methodist 
Hospital, located at 300 West Huntington Drive, regarding 
a parked vehicle that had recently been involved in 
a traffic collision and the driver appeared to be disoriented. 
Upon contacting the driver, the officer detected the odor of 
alcohol emitting from his body. Due to the driver’s injuries,
he was unable to participate in the field sobriety tests. He was 
transported to Arcadia Methodist Hospital for treatment of 
his injuries and was issued a citation for driving under the 
influence of an alcoholic beverage.
6. At 3:46 p.m., an officer responded to Westfield Santa 
Anita Mall, located at 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding 
a theft report. Sometime between 12:56 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., 
someone stole the victim’s rear driver’s side tire and rim from 
her vehicle. Surveillance footage captured a dark colored 
pick-up truck parked next to the victim’s vehicle. 
Wednesday, September 15:

7. At 9:37 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 
00 block of West Las Flores Avenue regarding a vandalism 
report. The victim reported spray-painted graffiti written in 
Chinese writing on her driveway. The crime occurred during 
the evening of September 14th into the morning hours of 
September 15th. 
8. At 3:55 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 
200 block of Renoak Way regarding a package theft report. 
Surveillance footage captured the suspect exit a silver four-
door sedan and steal a package from her porch. The suspect 
is described as a Hispanic female, approximately 19 to 25-years-
old, 5’5” to 5’7” tall, 125 to 150 pounds, with dark hair 
and seen wearing a multi-colored t-shirt and overall denim 
Thursday, September 16:

9. At 10:33 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in 
the 700 block of Carriage House Drive regarding a burglary 
report. Sometime between Wednesday, September 15th at 
3:00 p.m. and Thursday, September 16th at 10:30 a.m., someone 
forced open the rear window and ransacked the home. 
The loss is unknown at the time of this report. 
10. At 6:19 p.m., officers responded to Santa Anita Race 
Track, located at 285 West Huntington Drive, regarding an 
assault report. An investigation revealed the suspect recklessly 
drove his vehicle through the horse stables at the Santa 
Anita Race Track and attempted to strike a race track security 
officer with his vehicle. The suspect was ultimately detained 
by the race track security staff and was arrested by Arcadia 
Police Department. The 28-year-old male from Stockton was 
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Friday, September 17:

11. At 8:31 a.m., an officer responded to the 500 block of 
Fairview Avenue regarding a vehicle burglary report. Sometime 
during the previous evening, the unknown suspect smashed 
the victim’s window and fled with a designer jacket.
12. At 5:02 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in 
the 1200 block of South Ninth Avenue regarding a residential 
burglary. The victims stated the suspect opened the victim’s 
rear door and fled once he saw the victim inside. The suspect 
is described as a 25-year-old male white, approximately 5’10 
tall. The suspect fled empty-handed. 
Saturday, September 18:

13. At 6:23 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 
200 block of Hacienda Drive regarding a suspicious vehicle 
parked on the wrong side of the road. A records check of the 
occupants revealed the driver and one of the two passengers 
were on probation. A search of the vehicle revealed stolen 
mail from Arcadia addresses, bolt cutters, and drug paraphernalia. 
The officers arrested the 30-year-old male from 
Hacienda Heights, a 41-year-old male from La Puente, and a 
32-year-old female from Los Angeles and transported them 
to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
14. At 7:59 a.m., an officer responded to Starbucks, located 
at 300 East Huntington Drive, regarding a theft report. 
The reporting party said the suspect stole a platter of food 
and bottles of water and fled westbound. The officer located 
the suspect nearby. The 40-year-old male transient from Santa 
Monica was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking. 


West Nile virus is endemic to Los Angeles County. This means it is found naturally in our city envi-ronments. During 
warmer weather, the virus activity increases, which increases the chance for our traps to catch mosquitoes carrying West 
Nile virus and any other viruses that can be a public health threat. 
Through a random collection of 10-50 mosquitoes from a trap, the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District 
detected one new case of West Nile virus in Monrovia. 

Tip 'n Toss, Show them who's boss! 

-Mosquitoes can complete their life cycle from egg to adult in a week, so eliminate stagnant water weekly in and around 
the home. Don't forget to keep your pool clean and maintained! 
Repel, Don't Swell - Apply repellent to exposed skin to stop mosquito bites. Use Oil of Lemon Eu-calyptus (or PMD), 
which is EPA-registered and CDC-recommended. Other effective repellents are Picaridin, DEET and IR3535. 

Highlighted Activity for September 16-22, 2021During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 
404 service events,resulting in 54 investigations. To see a complete 
listing of crimes reported, go to
map/ca/monrovia for crime mapping. For Police Department news 
and information, visit our website and follow us on Twitter, Face-
book,Instagram or Nextdoor. 

Grand Theft Auto 
September 16 at 8:58 a.m., a resident in the 400 block of 

S. Sunset called to report his Ford truck was stolen sometime 
during the night. Officers responded and conducted 
an investigation. The vehicle was entered into the law 
enforcement stolen vehicle system. This investigation is 
Warrant / Identity Theft – Suspect ArrestedSeptember 16 at 1:05 p.m., a caller in the 100 block of W. 
Foothill reported a subject causing a disturbance in the 
area. Officers arrived and contacted the subject, who they 
recognized from previous encounters. An investigation revealed 
he had two outstanding warrants for his arrest. He 
was arrested for the warrants and found to be in possession 
of an ID card, credit card, and checks belonging to other 

Fraud – Suspect ArrestedSeptember 16 at 6:10 p.m., officers were dispatched to a business 
in the 1400 block of S. Mountain regarding a male 
subject attempting to purchase a new vehicle using false 
identification. The officers detained the suspect, and the investigation 
revealed he was already on probation for fraud 
charges. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody. 

Traffic Collision / Driving Under the Influence – Suspect 
September 17 at 12:21 a.m., an officer on patrol near the intersection 
of Myrtle and Huntington saw a traffic collision 
in the area that just occurred. An investigation revealed 
that one of the drivers was under the influence of alcohol. 
He was arrested for DUI and held for a sobering period. 

Attempt Residential BurglarySeptember 17 at 12:52 a.m., officers were dispatched to the 
200 block of S. Heliotrope regarding a male suspect attempting 
to enter a residence through a window. The suspectremoved a widow screen and started to pry the window 
open, before fleeing the area.
The suspect was described as a male subject wearing a hooded 
sweatshirt. This investigation is continuing. 

Attempt Grand Theft AutoSeptember 17 at 1:05 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of S. 
Sunset called police to report that someone tried to steal his 
vehicle. Upon entering his vehicle, he discovered that someone 
had tampered with the ignition. This investigation 
is continuing. 

Commercial BurglarySeptember 17 at 2:12 p.m., the owner of a business in the 
1900 block of S. Myrtle reported that his business had been 
burglarized. The front glass door had been smashed and car 
arts, wheels, and other items had been stolen. The owner 
was last at his business a 
week ago. This investigation is continuing. 

Trespassing / Missing Person Located / Mental EvaluationSeptember 17 at 2:54 p.m., employees at a business in the 
100 block of W. Foothill reported that a female subject was 
trespassing and causing a disturbance. Officers arrived and 
contacted the female, who was found to be a missing person 
out of San Bernardino County. While speaking with 
the female, it was determined she was a danger to herself 
and in need of an evaluation by a mental health professional. 
She was transported to a facility for treatment. 

Assault / Mental Evaluation – Suspect ArrestedSeptember 17 at 11:42 p.m., officers responded to the 800 
block of W. Duarte regarding a family disturbance. A son 
was upset with his mother for requesting a welfare check on 
him. An investigation revealed he had broken his mother’s 
door and battered her and his 
sisters. The mother suffered minor injuries as a result of the 
attack. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody. It 
was determined he was a danger to others and needed to be 
evaluated by a mental health professional. After being released 
from custody, he was transported to a mental health 
facility for treatment. 

Court Order Violation – Suspect ArrestedSeptember 18 at 6:48 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of E. 
Lime reported her adult son was at her home in violation of 
her restraining order. Officers were familiar with the subject 
due to prior violations. They arrived and contacted him 
on the front porch. The subject didnot care about the order and stated he would come back after 
he was released from custody. He was arrested and taken 
into custody. Based on his history of past violations, he was 
held in custody for a likelihood of reoccurrence. 

Making a False Police ReportSeptember 18 at 7:21 a.m., police dispatch received a call 
from someone claiming they were 8 years old, bleeding, 
and were in the 400 block of W. Palm. They also claimed to 
be the victim of sexual abuse. The dispatcher asked multiple 
questions and the callergave very vague details. Officers checked the location and 
found no one living there had made the call. The call was 
determined to have originated from a Portland Oregon 
area code number associated with a texting application. 
Dispatch contacted Portland PoliceDepartment, who had received a similar call from the same 
number six hours prior. It was determined that this was a 
false report of an incident. Neighboring agencies were notified 
of the circumstances. The investigation is continuing 


The following is a synopsis of crimes reported for the week 
of September 12, 2021– September 18, 2021. 

September 14, 2021

• Petty Theft:
1857 Business Center Drive (Element). Victim reported 
suspect(s) unknown stole two of his rims/tires to his 2016 
Chevy Cruze. Loss was approximately $400. No video 
September 15, 2021

• Spousal rape:
1400 Block of Three Ranch Road. The victim who was 
being booked for domestic violence charges, stated her live 
in boyfriend of two years sexually assaulted her the day 
September 16, 2021. 

• Grand Theft Auto: 
1200 Block of Amberwood Drive. The victim’s 2015 Subaru 
Outback was stolen from the location. Vehicle outstanding, 
no video surveillance. 
September 18, 2021

• Petty Theft:
1450 Mountain Avenue (Harbor Freight). A male Hispanic 
adult wearing a white/blue striped shirt, brown pants 
and a black hat entered the location and stole a “Titanium” 
welder. A witness observed the suspect enter the store 
walk directly to the welder and walk out without attempting 
to pay for the item. The witness observed the suspect 
enter a dark colored Nissan Altima LIC 5VVD834. The 
witness statements were corroborated with store surveillance. 
Loss was approximately $900. 

Vehicle SecurityYou can prevent vehicle theft! 
Most cars are taken by amateurs who can be stopped fairly 
easily. You can increase your protection against this type of 
crime by taking the following sen-sible precautions: 

Lock up

• An unlocked car is an open invitation to a car thief. Lock 
up when you leave your car, and take the keys with you. 
• Lock the trunk or tailgate. 
• Close all windows — professional thieves have tools that 
unlock cars through the smallest openings.
• Be sure vent or wind-wing windows are shut tight. 
• When you park the car, remove cellular phones, and 
other valuable posses-sions. Do not leave backpacks/gym 
bags or packages lying on the seat or in plain view. Lock all 
valuables in your trunk or take them with you. 
• Lock your car even if you are making a quick stop at the 
gas station, conven-ience store or mini-mall. 
Park carefully

• Don’t leave your vehicle unattended in parking lots for an 
extended period. A car is five times more likely to be stolen 
or broken into from an unattended lot than from a busy 
street or attended lot. 
• Never attach a tag with your name and address to your 
key ring. If the keys are lost or stolen, the tag will lead the 
thief directly to your car and your home. 
• At night, park in well-lit areas. 
• Turn wheels sharply toward the curb when parking, this 
makes it extra diffi-cult for thieves to tow your car. 
Operation I.D. 

• With an electric engraver, etch your driver’s license number 
(preceded by the letters “CA”) on catalytic converters, 
tailgates and other valuable items. 
• Record your vehicle identification number and store it in 
a safe place. 
Keep the vehicle registration in your wallet or purse, not 
in your car. 
Use anti-theft devices 

• Consider the purchase and installation of security devices, 
such as: 
• Ignition switch or “kill switch” 
• Fuel switch 
• Alarm device to activate a siren, horn or lights – or 
all three – to frighten the thief away. 
• Locking Device that attaches to the steering wheel 
or brake pedal. 
Catch breaking news 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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