Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, November 27, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page A:6

Mountain View News Saturday, November 27, 2021 
Senator Portantino Makes Curiosity Rover Sends a Chu Announces Tax Cuts for 
Emotional Trip to Artsakh Picture Postcard from Mars 69,000 Low Income Children

 Rep. Judy Chu released new 
The First Elected Official 
information Monday from theJoint Economic Committee

from the United States to 

showing over $25 million in

Visit the Region since the 

advanced Child Tax CreditEnd of the 44-Day War payments went to families inthe 27th Congressional District. 
California State Senator The tax cuts, totaling $25.2Anthony Portantino recently million helped cover 69,000 lowincome children in the district.

returned from an emotional 

Rep. Chu issued the following

trip to Artsakh Armenia, 


during which he toured the 

“Through no fault of their own,

countryside and broke bread 

families are struggling. We have eligible in our district, almost 

with heroes. It is believed that 

seen the way stimulus checks 70,000 children have been this is the first time a state or the Lady Cox Rehabilitation helped save so many families covered by this tax credit, whichfederal elected official has Center, he was able to spend from losing their home or going provides up to $300 each month 
visited the region since the time and share a caring voice without meals, but since the per child! That is an enormous 
end of the 44-day war. pandemic has not ended, neither help for parents worried about

with veterans suffering from

“I was honored to have can our support for families. high gas prices or keeping food

the aftereffects of the tragic

been asked to go to Artsakh This is especially important as on the table this winter. And it


we approach Thanksgiving and is why we must fight to keep this

and deeply affected by my Senator Portantino was also 

the holiday season. That is why I tax credit available to families

time there,” stated Senator 

able to tour a school damaged fought to expand the Child Tax in advance of their annual tax

Portantino. “In particular, by bullets and bombs but 

Credit earlier this year in the returns in the Build Back Better

includes elements from the

in the village of Taghavard, later revitalized by the NASA’s Curiosity rover American Rescue Plan, and why Act.”

morning scene in blue, the

I encountered the most Armenia Fund. At a church, captured a remarkable I am thrilled to see it helping so For more information visit: 
resilient and strong people he was shown remnants image from its most recent afternoon scene in orange, many families! Out of the 99,000 

and a combination of both in

I have ever met. Their of missiles and was sadly perch on the side of Mars’ 
pride and determination taken to a cemetery where Mount Sharp. The mission green. SAN MARINO CRIME BLOTTERto live peacefully on their family members proudly and team was so inspired by the At the center of the image 

lands was both inspiring is the view back down

emotionally mourn the loss beauty of the landscape, they

and emotional. At the Lady Mount Sharp, the 3-mile-For the period of Sunday, 12:25 P.M. / Non-injury

of young men and women combined two versions of 

tall (5-kilometer-tall) November 14 through Traffic Collision

Cox Rehabilitation Center, who bravely fought for their the black-and-white images

I observed a classroom of mountain that Curiosity has Saturday, November 20 1700 Block of Virginia Road

country. from different times of the 

autistic children receiving “This was by far the most day and added colors to been driving up since 2014. the Police Department Two vehicles collided with 
Rounded hills can be seen in responded to 385 calls for each other. No injuries were

loving care and spent time emotional visit I’ve taken to create a rare postcard from 

the distance at center-right; service. Three residential reported at the scene.

with war heroes who are Artsakh. The personal stories the Red Planet.

dealing with the significant Curiosity got a closer view of burglaries, zero commercial 2:41 P.M. / PC 484R – Petty

and first-hand accounts of Curiosity captures a 

personal consequences of the these back in July, when the burglaries, and zero Theft Report

the war were both inspiring 360-degree view of its 

war. Government officials rover started to see intriguing attempt commercial 1800 Block of South El

and sad. Walking through surroundings with its 

and residents made ardent changes in the landscape. A burglaries occurred during Molino Avenue

the rubble of a once thriving black-and-white navigation 

pleas to the international field of sand ripples known the reporting week. The Victim reported that a

home with the grandson cameras each time it 

community to recognize the the was completes a drive. To make as the “Sands of Forvie” following is a summary package was stolen off their

of owner quite 

stretches a quarter- to a half-report of the key incidents porch.

sovereignty of Artsakh and emotional. And seeing the the resulting panorama easier 

mile (400 to 800 meters) handled by the Department 6:57 P.M. / PC 459 –

to advocate for human rights harsh reality of adjacent to send to Earth, the rover 

and dignity,” Portantino Azeri military camps and keeps it in a compressed, away. during this reporting period. Residential Burglary 
added. At the far right of the Sunday, November 14 600 Block of Plymouth Road

infrastructure advances were low-quality format. But when

While in Artsakh, the panorama is the craggy No incidents to report for Victim came home to suspect

imminent and concerning. the rover team saw the view

Senator met with President “Rafael Navarro Mountain,” this date. burglarizing residence.

Standing below the from Curiosity’s most recent

Arayik Harutyunyan, named after a Curiosity team Monday, November 15 Suspect fled in unknown

deserted city of Shushi was stopping point, the scene was

Minister of Foreign scientist who passed away No incidents to report for direction.

particularly disturbing, as I just too pretty not to capture

Affairs David Babayan, earlier this year. Poking up this date. 8:48 P.M. / Adult Protective

have such fond memories it in the highest quality that 

behind it is the upper part of Tuesday, November 16 Services Assist

Minister of Education, of my last visit there. And the navigation cameras are 

Mount Sharp, far above the No incidents to report for 2800 Block of Shakespeare

Science and Culture seeing the proximity to capable of. 

area Curiosity is exploring. this date. Drive

Lusine Gharakhanyan danger school children face Many of the rover’s most 

and leaders of the Artsakh Mount Sharp lies inside Wednesday, November 17 Officers were dispatched to a

every day when they go stunning panoramas are

Parliament. In addition, Gale Crater, a 96-mile-wide 10:29 A.M. / H&S 11364 – call for service in regards to

outside to play was unsettling from the color Mastcam

he visited the frontlines (154-kilometer-wide) basin Possession of Paraphernalia adult protective services.

and all too real,” added instrument, which has far

during a tour of Taghavard formed by an ancient impact; / H&S 11377 – Possession of Friday, November 19

Senator Portantino. “Given higher resolution than the 

village in the Martuni Gale Crater’s distant rim Controlled Substance / H&S 12:31 A.M. / CVC 20002 –

the recent and continued navigation cameras. That’s 

region. In Taghavard, he aggression in Syunik and stands 7,500 feet tall (2.3 11350 Possession of Narcotic Hit and Run

why the team added colors of 

kilometers), and is visible -Controlled Substance / South San Gabriel Boulevard

had the opportunity to the unprovoked actions on their own to this latest image. 

witness the consequences on the horizon about 18 PC 484 – Petty Theft / PC and Shakespeare Drive

the Shushi-Berdzor road, we The blue, orange, and green 

of the unprovoked war. He to 25 miles away (30 to 40 666 – Petty Theft with Prior Officers were dispatched to a

know that the international tints are not what the human 

assessed destroyed homes kilometers). Conviction call regarding a hit and run.

community needs to act with eye would see; instead, they

and a prominent church The Curiosity mission is 2600 Block of Tura Lane 5:48 A.M. / Death Report

humanitarian passion and represent the scene as viewed 

that was leveled by Azeri led by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Officers responded to a call for 1300 Block of Virginia Road

dedicated support for the at different times of day. 

shelling. Additionally, he was Laboratory, which is service in regards to a theft-Officers responded to an

Armenian people who are On Nov. 16, 2021 (the 

privileged to have met with managed by Caltech in in-progress. Officers located emergency call regarding an

facing a well-funded military 3,299th Martian day, or sol,

local village leaders, soldiers destructive ” Pasadena, California. the reported vehicle and individual lying face down in

with intent, of the mission), engineers 

and survivors of the war. At For more information: mars. subject that were seen taking the middle of the street. The

concluded the Senator. commanded Curiosity to and: items from the reported fire department responded

take two sets of mosaics, or location and made contact. to assist and determined the

composite images, capturing

Friends of the Pasadena msl/index.html. Officers made contact with individual to be deceased

the scene at 8:30 a.m. and 

the suspect, Vivian De La at the scene. InvestigationLibrary Book Sale Dec. 4 Torre (DOB 12/28/1993 | is being handled by the LosPasadena Library Author Talk Monterey Park, CA) who was Angeles County Sheriff ’s

make individual purchases at a

 The Friends of the Pasadena table featuring premium books. the enormous challenges found to be in possession of Department. 
Public Library will offer another Among the latter: titles donated Author Dr. Steven W. Indians confronted, weaving various substances and had Saturday, November 20 
segment of its great bookstore to The Friends’ Bookstore by the Hackel: Children of Coyote, together analyses of disease a prior conviction for theft. 12:37 P.M. / Fall on Cityinventory sale on Saturday, Dec. USC Pacific Museum. Missionaries of Saint Francis, and depopulation, marriage De La Torre was arrested and Property4 in the Central Library parking The event runs from 11 a.m. Indian-Spanish Relations in and sexuality, crime and transported to Pasadena City Monterey Road and South 
lot. “The Friends’ sales are more 10 2 p.m. Cash or checks only. Colonial California 1760-1850 punishment, and religious, Jail. Oak Knoll Avenue 
fun—and a better bargain— All proceeds help The Friends Tuesday, Nov. 30 • 5-6 p.m. • economic and political change. 2:08 P.M. / Fall on City Officers spotted an individual 
than shopping online.” finance programs in all of the Zoom As colonization reduced 

Property with visible injuries. Officers

While you browse, you will city’s library branches. Recovering lost voices and their numbers and remade 

2400 Block of Mission Street requested fire department

likely have the post-pandemic The Central Library is located exploring issues intimate and California, Indians congregated 
pleasure of greeting book-285 E. Walnut St. institutional, this sweeping in missions, where they forged Officers responded to a assistance for the injured 
loving acquaintances again. For more information visit: examination of Spanish communities under Franciscan medical assist call for service. individual for medical 
Fill a grocery bag for just $5, or https: California illuminates oversight. Yet missions proved Victim was transported to a treatment. 

disastrously unhealthful and hospital for treatment. 12:50 P.M. / Multiple 
coercive, as Franciscans sought 5:16 P.M. / 901T – Traffic Offenses – See Below 
control over Indians’ beliefs and Collision with Injury 2500 Block of Huntington 

instituted unfamiliar systems Virginia Road Drive 
of labor and punishment. Even 

Officers were dispatched to Officers were dispatched to 

so, remnants of Indian groups 

a call for service regarding a a call for service regarding

still survived when Mexican 

traffic collision with injuries. a female subject attempting

officials ended Franciscan rule 

5:33 P.M. / VC 10851 – to cash a fraudulent check.
in the 1830s. Many regained

land and found strength in Theft of Vehicl1500 Block of The female subject was 
ancestral cultures that predated Virginia Road not at the scene prior to 
the Spaniards’ arrival. At this Unknown suspect(s) took the officers’ arrival to the 
study’s heart are the dynamic victim’s parked vehicle and location. Officers were given 
interactions in and around fled in unknown direction. a description of the suspect’s 
Mission San Carlos Borromeo 9:53 P.M. / PC 484 – Petty vehicle. Officers were able

between Monterey region 

Theft to locate the vehicle, which

Indians (the Children of Coyote) 

1400 Block of Kensington led to the officers’ initiating

and Spanish missionaries, 

Road a traffic stop. Within the

soldiers and settlers, with an 

Victim reported that their suspect’s vehicle, there were

epilogue that carries the story of

their survival to the present day. package was stolen off their two other subjects. Upon 
Born and raised in California, front porch by unknown further investigation of the 
author Dr. Steven W. Hackel suspect(s). officers, all subjects within 
earned his B.A. at Stanford Thursday, November 18 the vehicle were charged with 
University and Ph.D. in 8:30 A.M. / Recovery of numerus crimes. 
American History from Cornell Stolen Vehicle 4:12 P.M. / PC 459 – 

University, with specializations 

Relation to incident on 11/17 Residential Burglary

in early America and the 

– VC 10851 at 5:33 P.M. 900 Block of Roanoke Road
American West. Within the 

1700 Block of Ramiro Road Unknown suspect(s) used

larger field of American history, 

Officers were dispatched to unknown tool(s) to break

his research specializes in the

Spanish Borderlands and the a call for service in regards into victim’s residence. 
California Missions. His other to an unoccupied vehicle. 7:33 P.M. / PC 459 – 
publications include Father The vehicle was located and Residential BurglaryJunípero Serra: California’s matched the description of 1500 Block of Avonrea Road 
Founding Father, numerous the vehicle that was stolen Officers were dispatched 
essays on Native California, an the day prior. The vehicle was to a burglary alarm. No

American history textbook, 

recovered and returned to suspect(s) were located at the 

and two edited volumes on 

the owner. residence. 

early California. Dr. Hackel is aprofessor of history at Universityof California, Riverside. To 
attend, sign up at https://
For more information visit: 

Catch breaking 
news at:
again at 4:10 p.m. local Marstime. The two times of dayprovided contrasting lightingconditions that brought 
out a variety of landscape 
details. The team then 
combined the two scenes in 
an artistic re-creation that 
An artistic interpretationof Curiosity’s view highup on a Martian mountainwas created by missionteam members who were 
stunned by the sweepinglandscape. 

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