Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, January 29, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 12

Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 29, 2022 


Dear Savvy Senior:
My wife and I would like to make some affordable changes to our home so we can remain living there 
for as long as possible. Can you recommend some good re-sources that can help us determine what all 
we need to consider? Getting Old 

Dear Getting:
Many older adults, like you and your wife, want to 
stay living in their own home for as long as possible. 
But being able to do so will depend on how 
easy it is to maneuver your living space as you get 
older. Here are some helpful resources you can turn 
to, to get an idea of the different types of features 
and improvements that will make your house safer 
and more convenient as you grow older. 

Home Evaluation 
A good first step in making your home more age-friendly is to do an assessment. Go through your 
house, room-by-room, looking for problem areas like potential tripping or slipping hazards, as 
well as areas that are hard to access and difficult to maintain. To help with this, there are several 
organizations that have aging-in-place checklists that point out potential problems in each area of 
the home, along with modification and solutions. 

For example, Rebuild Together has a two-page “Safe at Home Checklist” that’s created in partnership 
with the Administration on Aging and the American Occu-pational Therapy Association. Go 
to and search for “Rebuilding Togeth-er Safe at Home Checklist.” 

You also need to get a copy of AARP’s “HomeFit Guide.” This excellent 36-page guide has more 
than 100 aging-in-place tips and suggestions that can be made to an existing house or apartment 
or incorporated into designs for a new residence. 

It explains how a smartly designed or modified home can meet the varied and changing needs of 
its older residents. It also features easy-to-do, low-cost and no-cost fixes that lessen the risk of trip 
hazards and increase the safety of high-use ar-eas like the bathroom, kitchen and stairway. 

In addition, they also offer videos and a HomeFit AR app (available for iPhone and iPad) that can 
scan a room and suggest improvements to help turn your house into a “lifelong home,” free from 
safety and mobility risks. 

Visit to order or download a free copy of this guide, or to watch their videos. 

In-Home Assessments 
If you want some personalized help, you can get a professional in-home assess-ment with an occupational 

An occupational therapist, or OT, can evaluate the challenges and shortcomings of your home for 
aging in place, recommend design and modification solutions, and introduce you to products and 
services to help you make improvements. 

To find an OT in your area, check with your physician, health insurance provider or local hospital, 
or seek recommendations from family and friends. Many health insurance providers, including 
Medicare, will pay for a home assessment by an OT if prescribed by your doctor. However, they 
will not cover the physical upgrades to the home. 

Another option is to contact a builder who’s a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS). CAPS 
are home remodelers and design-build professionals that are knowl-edgeable about aging in place 
home modifications and can suggest ways to modify or remodel your home that will fit your needs 
and budget. CAPS are generally paid by the hour or receive a flat fee per visit or project. 

To find a CAPS in your area visit the National Association of Home Builders web-site at NAHB.
org/capsdirectory where you can search by state and city. 

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.
org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” 


 By Marc Garlett 


Whether you realize it or not, your estate plan may not be worth the paper 
it’s printed on. That’s because the documents themselves are only one part 
of the planning process. Without completing the process, your documents 

- and in particular, your living trust - are doomed to fail and leave your family with a mess to clean 
up and a long purgatory in probate court. 
Funding Your Plan is an Absolute MustThat’s right. Even if you have a well-written trust which has been properly executed, duly signed, and 
legally notarized, it may not protect your family. Your assets must be retitled in a specific manner, or 
they will not gain the benefits your trust offers. This part of the process is called “funding” and it is 
the critical next step after finalizing your estate planning documents. 

Unfortunately, online DIY plans give little to no guidance on this essential aspect of estate planning, 
often only selling a set of documents without providing funding guidance or support. Even many 
lawyers sell the documents but leave clients to figure out the funding for themselves. Quite frankly, 
that’s just lazy lawyering and it leaves their clients with a false sense of security. Shame on them. 

Protect Against Lost and Unclaimed AssetsEven if everything is correctly funded to your trust, unless your family knows exactly what assets 
there are and how to locate and access those assets, that property is as good as gone when you die. 
In fact, there’s currently more than $8 billion worth of unclaimed property sitting in the State Controller's 
Office right now. And that number grows by millions each year, much of it because a family 
member died and their loved ones lost track of their assets. 

To ensure none of your assets end up in the possession of the California Controller’s Office, and your 
family will know exactly what you have and how to find everything if something happens to you, it's 
important to keep an up to date inventory of all your assets. A comprehensive asset inventory should 
be prepared as part of your initial estate planning and regularly updated throughout your lifetime as 
your assets change. 

Don’t Forget About Your Most Important AssetsFinancial and property assets are only one part of your wealth – and not even the most important 
part. As part of your overall, comprehensive estate planning, I encourage you to take stock of your 
non-material assets, too. These include your life experiences, stories, relationships, and values. Most 
of that part of your wealth will be lost forever when you die if you don’t take steps to preserve it now. 
The estate planning process is the perfect opportunity to focus on preserving and passing your whole 
wealth. Your true wealth. By looking beyond just the material wealth you have, you can plan for so 
much more than just your estate. You can plan for your legacy. And that’s powerful. Because as much 
as your loved ones will appreciate any financial assets you leave them, what they’ll cherish most and 
keep closest to their hearts, goes well beyond money. 

Turn Your Estate Plan into a Legacy PlanUltimately, estate planning can be – and I believe should be – about far more than legal documents—
it can be a springboard which empowers you to create a life you love while building a meaningful 
legacy for those you love. Doing it this way takes a little extra effort, but I promise you it is well worth 
it. You’ll be glad you went beyond plain old estate planning and crafted your legacy plan instead. And 
you’ll leave your loved ones so much wealthier as a result. 





HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …January Birthdays* 

Gerald Day, Mary Tassop, Judy Webb-Martin, John Johnson, Mary 
Bickel, Marlene Enmark, Shirley Wolf, Ross Kellock, Ruth Wolter, Sandy 
Thistlewaite, Bobbi Rahmanian, Fran Syverson, Judy Zaretzka and Becky 

* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 
626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not required 


 In house lunch dining service will not resume at this time. Access to the computer/
classroom is temporarily unavailable. All Classes and programs will maintain a distance 
of 6 ft between participants. All equipment used will be sanitized after each 
use before it is stored. Each participant is responsible for providing their own water, 
masks and additionally needed supplies for each class. Please call the Community 
Services Department at 355-7394 with any questions or concerns. 

DOMINOES TRAIN GAME- Wed. 1/5 & 1/19, 11:00 am— 12:30 pm, Hart Park HouseThe object of the game is for a player to play all the tiles from their hand onto one or more 
trains, emanating from a central hub or “station”. Call Lawren with questions that you may 
have. Led by volunteer Loni. 

PAINT PALS - Tuesday, 1/11 & 1/25, 10:00 am, Hart Park HouseIf you enjoy painting, sketching, water color, or making some other form of artistic creation 
please join our new program, PAINT PALS!!! Bring a project that you are working on to the 
HPH and enjoy some quality art time with other artists looking to paint with a new pal. 

BOOK CLUB - Wednesday, 1/11 & 1/18, 9:00 am, Hart Park HouseStaff has launched a new book club series, Tea and Talk, which meets twice a month to discuss 
the fun, suspense, intrigue, love and so much more that each selection will have in store! 

FIBER FRIENDS - Tuesday, 1/4 & 1/18, 10:00 am, Hart Park House 
If you enjoy knitting, crocheting, embroidery, needlepoint, bunka, huck, tatting or cross stitch 
then we have a group for you! Bring your current project, a nonalcoholic beverage, then sit 
and chat with like-minded fiber friends. 

BLOOD PRESSURE - 2nd Tuesdays Monthly, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 
No appointment is necessary. Held in the Hart Park House Senior Center. 

TAX ASSISTANCE – Wednesday, 1:00 pm-2:00 pm, Hart Park HouseBeginning February 2nd – April 6th, Don Brunner is available for income tax consultation. 
Appointments are required: Please call 626-355-5278 x704. 

CHAIR YOGA - Every Monday and Wednesday, 10-10:45 am, Hart Park HousePlease join us for some gentle stretching, yoga, balance exercise and overall relaxation with 
Paul. Classes are ongoing. 

HULA AND POLYNESIAN DANCING – every Friday, 10-10:45 am, Hart Park HouseBring a lei, your flower skirt or just your desire to dance! Hula in the park is back and waiting 
for you to join the fun. 

SENIOR CINEMA – Wednesday 1/12 and 1/26 beginning at 1:00 pm, Hart Park House 

CRUELLA, PG-13 2h14m 


For more information please call 
Lawren Heinz at 626-355-5278 or email 


A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder 


The older I get, the more 

look like angels.” I can’t argue against that be-
allergic I am to cold. So 

cause I don’t know what angels look like. 
whenever the temperature 
dips below my age number, 

Then she will tell me about those “snow an-
that is too cold for me. I know some people 

gels” that she and her siblings used to do 
relish the cold; that person is not me.. 

when it snowed. So I can’t argue against that. 

There are some things that I enjoy being cold. 

I hate to admit it again, but she won that 
I like my iced tea to be very cold, making it 

rather delicious. So whenever I drink any 
soda (please don’t let the Gracious Mistress 

Then she threw a curveball at me and said, 
of the Parsonage know), I like it very cold. 

“Don’t you know that the other place than 
The colder, the better as far as I’m concerned. 

heaven is hot?” 

I will not mention any names that I like to 

Okay. She got me; what else can I do or say? 
give the cold shoulder to. And, from the other 
side of the situation, some people give me a 

I still am not too friendly with cold, and I 
very cold shoulder. 

want to do everything I can to invite Mr. Cold 

to go back to his home, wherever that might 
Lately, it’s been rather cold in our neighbor-

hood. I live in Florida, and the expectation 

I know there is nothing I can do about the 
is that it will never get cold. So I’m thinking 

cold weather. But that does not mean I don’t 
of suing the governor of Florida because the 

government says that Florida is the sunshine 

 Every morning, during this cold season, I 

get up, go outside, shake my fist in the air and 

say as hot as I can, “Mr. Cold, go home and 
To walk out of my front door in the morn

don’t come back.” Then I give him my infaing 
and start shivering is not my idea of the 

mous grimace and stick out my tongue. 
sunshine state. I want to bask in the heavenly 
delight of the sun shining on me. I’m getting 

So far, it hasn’t worked, but it does give me 
too old to shiver very long. 

the satisfaction that at least I’m trying to do 

something to get rid of all of this cold. 
Being cold is not something I enjoy. The older 
I get, the less I can tolerate cold weather. I be-

One morning when I came back into the 
lieve it should be ille-gal for any cold weather 

house after growling at Mr. Cold, I came 
to penetrate the sunshine state of Florida. 

face-to-face with the Gracious Mistress of the 
Where are those politicians when we need 


“What,” she said with both hands on her hip, 
I know that cold weather does have its pur

“do you think you are doing?” 
pose, but I haven’t found that purpose in my 

 “I’m getting rid of Mr. Cold,” I said. 
life yet. When I was younger, it wasn’t so bad. 
I lived up north, where it snowed a lot, and as 

“Have you lost all your marbles, or are you 
a young person, I loved playing in the snow. 

hiding one?” 
We did what was called snow angels, and I 
enjoyed that. 

I did not know how to answer that question 

because I couldn’t think of any marble I had 
Today, however, there is nothing angelic to 

me about snow. I love snow cones, but that’s 
an entirely different sit-uation. I also love ice 

“Don’t you know that there is nothing you 
cold ice cream on my Apple pie. 

can do about the cold?” She said, looking at 

me with one of those sar-castic stares that 
Even here in Florida, the temperature some

she’s famous for. 
times dips below my comfort zone. But, as 
I said, shivering is not my favorite exercise. 

“Yes,” I said with a dreary look on my face. 
When the temperature goes down, I don’t go 

“But I gotta do something even if it’s not the 

right thing to do to get rid of this, Mr. Cold.” 

With the Gracious Mistress of the Parson-

There are many things in life that I try to con-
age it is a different story. She is from the state 

trol that I don’t like, but I have no success in 
of New York, where they invented freezing 

doing it. For some rea-son, there is a feeling 

of satisfaction in knowing that at least you’re 

doing something even if it doesn’t work. 
When the temperature goes up in our home, 
she is not happy. When the temperature goes 

There is a better plan. “Trust in the Lord with 
down, I’m not hap-py. Fortunately, we can 

all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own 
meet in the middle and be happy. One of the 

understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge 
friendly little arguments that we have in the 

him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 
parsonage is, “Will there be snow in heaven?” 


She has this long argument proving that there 

Who knows, maybe someday somebody will 
will be snow in heaven because God created 

figure out how to send Mr. Cold back to his 
snow. “To me,” she will argue, “snowflakes 


Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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