Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, March 12, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 9

Mountain View News Saturday, March 12, 2022 


In two months, Red Cross LA helped more than 320 

people affected by home fires 

LOS ANGELES, March 11, 2022 — Daylight saving time begins this Sunday, March 13, and 
the American Red Cross Los Angeles Region reminds everyone to TURN your clocks forward 
one hour and TEST your smoke alarms. 

In 2022, Red Cross LA already has helped more than 320 people following more than 65 
home fires with urgent needs such as emergency lodging, financial assistance and recovery 
planning. Most recently, the Red Cross responded to an apartment complex fire in the Crenshaw 
area helping 24 individuals displaced by the fire, by opening an emergency shelter and 
providing food, water and other services as they began their recovery. 


Did you know working smoke alarms can cut the risk of dying in a home fire by half? That’s 
why it’s critical to “Turn and Test” and take these lifesaving steps to stay safe from home fires 

— the nation’s most frequent disaster:
Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, including inside and outside bedrooms 
and sleeping areas. Test alarms monthly and replace the batteries at least once a year if your 
model requires it.
Replace smoke alarms that are 10 years or older. That’s because the sensor becomes less 
sensitive over time. Check the date of your smoke alarms and follow the manufacturer’s 
Practice your two-minute escape plan. Make sure everyone in your household can get out 
in less than two minutes — the amount of time you may have to get out of a burning home 
before it’s too late. Include at least two ways to get out from every room and select a meeting 
spot at a safe distance away from your home, such as your neighbor’s home or landmark like 
a specific tree in your front yard, where everyone knows where to meet.
Teach children what a smoke alarm sounds like. Talk about fire safety and what to do in an 
“As many as seven people die in this country every day from a home fire, but smoke alarms 
cut your risk in half,” said Guillermo Sanchez, Preparedness and Resiliency Manager for the 
Red Cross in Los Angeles. “Protect your household this weekend. Turn your clocks forward 
and test your smoke alarms.” 
Visit for more information, including an escape plan to practice with your 
family. You can also download our free Emergency app by searching for “American Red 
Cross” in app stores. 

HOME FIRE CAMPAIGN SAVING LIVES The Red Cross responds to more than 60,000 
disasters every year and most of them are home fires. To help prevent fire-related deaths and 
injuries, the Red Cross launched the Home Fire Campaign with community partners in 2014 
to reduce fire-related deaths and injuries. 

So far, the Home Fire Campaign has reached more than 2.5 million people and is credited 
with saving more than 1,200 lives across the country. Visit to 
learn more.

 About the American Red Cross: 

The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides comfort to victims of disasters; supplies 
about 40% of the nation's blood; teaches skills that save lives; distributes international 
humanitarian aid; and supports veterans, military members and their families. The Red Cross 
is a nonprofit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American 
public to deliver its mission. For more information, please visit or CruzRojaAmericana.
org, or follow us on Twitter at @RedCrossLA or @CruzRojaLA. 

The Chef Knows By Peter Dills 

Who was St. Patrick? While images of 
St. Patrick usually depict him driving the 
snakes out of Ireland, the Emerald Isle's patron 
saint is better known as the man who 
converted Ireland to Christianity in the 5th 
century. Born in Britain, St. Patrick was 

smuggled into Ireland by British pirates 
who sold him into slavery. After six years Patrick escaped Ireland and returned to his home 
country, but was then was overcome by a miracle of sorts that had him return to Ireland to 
preach the gospel and build Christ’s church. Though St. Patrick's Day, March 17, marks the 
anniversary of his death, it is a day of celebrating Irish culture and the celebration of “Ireland’s 

I can’t remember the last Irish wine I tasted 
but that is of little concern as the country 
of Ireland is ruled by beer. A good 
Irishman has a personality as large as the 
earth, so it should not astonish anyone of 
visual power that Irish beer is discovered 
most every place known to the sun. Guinness 
has been around for over 300 years, 
but believe it or not, as my honest Irish 
friends say, Budweiser is as popular as 
leprechauns and gold. In terms of preparing 
your Guinness for service, I recommend 
acquiring it at room temperature 
and placing it in the refrigerator before 
you are ready to drink. The instructions 
to preparing your beer are found, in typical 
Irish style, on the side of the can, and 
if you observe this Guinness gospel you’ll 
notice a significant difference in the flavor 
of your brown can of happiness. Two 

hours in the refrigerator is ideal for drinking. For the perfect experience, I prefer to pour 
the beer into a clean un-chilled glass over a spoon. Even 
though Guinness is brunette brown, the calories and the 
alcohol content are relatively low (and even less than 
Coors or Budweiser) - a celebratory beer to drink on St. 
Patrick’s Day, and you won’t be too bloated by the festivities. 
If you have never tasted Guinness before, imagine 
unsweetened chocolate with a hint of roasted flavor at the 

Guinness was founded in Dublin in 1759, and first 
brewed by Arthur Guinness. Mr. Guinness started by 
brewing Dublin ale but soon diversified into 'porter' — 
so-called because of its popularity with market porters. 
Guinness boasts breweries in 51 countries and Guinness 
stout is sold in 150 countries across the globe, with 10 
million glasses of stout being enjoyed each and every day. 
I will bet my pot of gold, St. Patrick’s Day sees Ireland 
taking care of that number all by themselves. 

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day Guinness is on sale at Vons on 
Colorado Pasadena 

Public Health Continues Expanding COVID-19 Therapeutic Awareness and Access Across the 
CountyIncreasing the awareness and access of COVID-19 therapeutics that can prevent severe illness in 
individuals at elevated risk is a priority of the County’s post-surge plan. These free medications can 
help prevent serious illness, hospitalization, or death, and are particularly critical for residents at 
elevated risk of poor outcomes should they become infected with COVID. 
Paxlovid (available for anyone 12 and older weighing more than 88 pounds) and Molnupiravir (available 
for adults 18 and older) are oral therapeutics that must be taken within 5 days of the first COVID-
19 symptoms and require a prescription from a healthcare provider. Evulsheld is administered via 
injection and is available for anyone 12 and older weighing at least 88 pounds who has not been exposed 
to COVID-19 and can’t get a COVID-19 vaccine for medical reasons, or who may not respond 
well to a vaccine because they have a weak immune system due to a medical condition or treatment.
Public Health is working with partners and providers to inform patients about these medications, 
including the Los Angeles County Medical Association (LACMA) and the Community Clinic Association 
of Los Angeles County (CCALAC). Public Health is also expanding current efforts to raise 
awareness about therapeutics and dispatching Community Health Workers in the field, sponsoring 
radio PSA’s, and commissioning print, digital and social media ads. 
To ensure access to COVID therapeutics across the county, Public Health is working to enroll new 
providers in a vast network of sites that can provide information to residents and have sufficient supply 
of these life-saving therapeutics, particularly in those communities with residents at elevated risk 
of poor COVID-19 outcomes. Public Health will also be launching a pilot project aimed at providing 
a telehealth option for patients who are unable to access care or are uninsured. Patients testing positive 
at selected testing sites in under-served communities will be linked to a telehealth option and, if 
eligible, will be shipped medications at no cost. 
The federal government also recently announced the “Test to Treat” program, which is launching 
this week and will allow patients to walk into local pharmacies and clinics with onsite clinics to get 
tested and treated on the same visit at the same location. Eighteen CVS Minute Clinics in LA County 
are participating in the first wave and can be found by visiting: 
Residents who would like to access these medicines or have questions on which treatment is right for 
them should contact their medical provider or call the COVID-19 information line at 833-540-0473, 
8:00 am -8:30 pm daily. The call center is a free resource where residents can get culturally and linguistically 
appropriate information about available therapeutics, and how to access them. Residents 
can also visit the Federal therapeutics locator to find available therapeutics near them. 
“One of the tragic consequences of COVID-19 is that many residents suffer higher COVID-19 case 
rates, serious illness and death related to where they live and work, said Dr. Barbara Ferrer, PhD, 
MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. Given that the new therapeutics can save the lives of residents 
who are at elevated risk, Public Health is working closely with partners across the county to 
make sure they are accessible to those who are most vulnerable to severe illness from a COVID infection. 
Having sites where residents can both get tested and receive appropriate medications if they are 
positive is essential and we look forward to working with federal and pharmacy partners to expand 
availability of “Test to Treat” programs, especially in our under-resourced communities.” 
A wide range of data and dashboards on COVID-19 from the Los Angeles County Department of 
Public Health are available on the Public Health website at 
• COVID-19 Daily Data (cases, deaths, testing, testing positivity rate, mortality rate, and 
• Gender, Age, Race/Ethnicity and City/Community Cases and Deaths 
• Recovery Metrics 
• Contract Tracing Metrics 
• Skilled Nursing Facility Metrics 
• Citations due to Health Officer Order Noncompliance 
• Outbreaks: 
o Residential Congregate Sessions 
o Non-Residential Settings 
o Homeless Service SettingsAlways check with trusted sources for the latest accurate information about novel coronavirus:
• Los Angeles County Department of Public Health: 
• California Department of Public Health: 
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
• Spanish 
• World Health Organization 
• LA County residents can also call 2-1-1 
COVID 19 Cases - It's Not Over Yet! 
WHERE WE ARE W/E 3/12/22 VERSUS LAST WEEK (3/05/22) 
Cases/Deaths are still occuring especially among the unvaccinated. 
Cases This Week ( 03/05/22) Deaths This Week (03/05/22) 
LA County 2,808,409 (2,800,741) 31,178 (30,911) 
Adults 12+ 87.5% Seniors 99.1% 
(Last Week) Cases Deaths Fully Vaccinated 
Arcadia 7,869 (7,839) 163 (162) 90.3% 
Altadena 8208 (8184) 94 (94) 82.5% 
Bradbury 64 ( 64) 0 ( 0) 71.4% 
Duarte 5,106 (5,088) 119 (118) 83.8% 
Monrovia 8,144 (8,120) 100 (99) 80.8% 
Pasadena 27,817 (27,730) 405 (398) 85.2% 
Sierra Madre 1,497 (1489) 20 ( 19) 89.2% 
So.Pasadena 3,920 (3907) 59 ( 58) 94.2% 


Listen in at 3 PM Sunday for My Food Show on AM Radio 830 

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