Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 2, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page A:13

13 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 2, 2022 

Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 2, 2022 


I love my job. It’s such a pleasure to be able 
to say that and mean it. I’m like a lot of 
other people who were born and raised in 
the USA around the time I was. I dipped my 
toe into a few potential occupational pools 
before I finally found the one I wanted to 
swim in. I absolutely adore animals, and 
hanging out with the furry, the fishy, the 

Here are the things you 
should consider: 

[Nyerges is an ethnobotanist, 
teacher, and author. He’s written 
many books, which can be viewed 
at www.SchoolofSelf-Reliance. 

It is widely believed that throughout history, 
no societies were strictly vegetarian because 
all food had to be obtained very locally, and 
it was not possible to get “complete protein” 
from the local plants alone. Though historically 
correct, that premise is not entirely accurate. 
And in today’s world, we can obtain 
foods from all over the world at any supermarket 
in any town. It is relatively easy today 
to be a vegetarian – even a vegan – and stay 

Let’s start from the beginning. What is a 
complete protein? Is it essential for the health 
of our bodies that we eat meat? If we eliminate 
meat from our diet, what foods should 
we eat for optimum health? Are there pitfalls 
to avoid if we choose a vegetarian diet? 

There are 20 amino acids. Eleven of those our 
bodies make on their own, but the other 9 we 
have to get from daily food. These are called 
essential amino acids. Foods that contain all 
9 essential amino acids are called complete 


According to author and macrobiotic authority 
Michelle Williams, “Yes, you can get complete 
protein from plants alone. There’s debate 
on whether some plant foods have enough 
of all essential amino acids to be considered 
‘complete’, but all foods have some protein, 
including plants. You don’t need to eat complete 
proteins in every bite at every meal. If 
you eat enough variety of whole plant foods 
throughout the day, vegetarians can definitely 
eat enough essential amino ac-ids for vibrant 
health. Keep in mind that everyone‘s protein 
requirements are different depend-ing on 
many different factors.” 


According to Michelle Williams, “Here are a 
few plant sources of complete proteins: spirulina, 
chia seeds, hemp seeds, seitan, amaranth, 
quinoa, buckwheat, barley and soy 
foods including soybeans, natto, tofu, tempeh 
and edamame.” 

Author Dr. James Adams points out that quinoa, 
buckwheat, hempseed, blue green algae 

Happy Tails 

by Chris Leclerc 

feathered, and the shelled is apparently what I was born to do. 

For a few years I worked in medical office administration and I enjoyed helping patients and getting 
to know their stories. After that, I took a job in the motion picture catering business. It was fun to rub 
elbows with interesting, creative, and - yes - famous folks who were thriving while doing what they do 
best to make a living. I remember thinking, “I’d love to be that satisfied with my occupation“. Not so 
much that I wanted to be part of the film industry. I just wanted to LOVE what I do to sustain myself, 
the way they did - or appeared to do. 

Fast forward to 1998. Home On The Range, the catering company I’d worked for, ended up filing 
Chapter 11 at which time I was laid off. It was a fork-in-the-road moment for me and I’m forever 
grateful to the great State of California’s well-put-together Employment Development Department, as 
I was able to benefit from their program for laid-off employees at that time. 

I attended all the mandatory EDD meetings, filled out the necessary forms, kept in touch with the 
EDD staffers, and eventually chose a career that I thought would suit me best; Construction Project 
Management. I still think I made the right decision, given my options at the time, and I felt as though 
I was fulfilling my personal obligation to help support my home and family. 

I worked in the construction field until the day I decided I could no longer endure LA freeway traffic, 
the stresses of over-the-top expectations and near impossible deadlines. Then there was the fact 
that I knew I was not truly doing what I was meant to do. I learned so much during those years in 
construction and property management, and I am thankful to the top notch bosses who affording me 
the opportunity. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. And in some strange way it prepared me for the next 
chapter of my life. 

In 2008 I quit my last corporate job, and was keeping myself busy making a few bucks with vintage 
collectible sales on eBay. I’m so glad I spent that time at home with my beloved bloodhound, Tater. It 
wasn’t until later that circumstances would change, and as a result I would have less of that one-on-one 
time with her. It was during that time, home with Tater, selling stuff on eBay that I discovered what I 
was supposed to do. 

I’ve always been somewhat of a late bloomer, so no big shock that it took me so long to understand 
myself enough to take the plunge. I had been floundering, wondering if I wanted to just keep it simple 
with a part timer close to home. Maybe work for a local food market, or be a desk clerk in an office. I 
submitted applications, offers were made, but ultimately I knew that wasn’t for me. 

In the spring of 2009, I was in touch with a childhood friend, Atha Gail Ballard-Williams. We had 
been pals in high school, and later when she became active with the class reunion committee, we reconnected 
and have remained in touch ever since. It was she who nudged me into discovering what I 
was truly meant to do. During one of our many phone calls, Atha said, “Girl, you are so good with the 
animals…you should start a pet sitting business.” That was that. Within a few weeks I was on the quest 
to be the best dog walker and pet sitter I could possibly be! 

And so it is that I finally discovered my true destiny; to be a mindful caretaker of animals. I’ve always 
felt a connection with creatures, both domestic pets and those wild ones outdoors. But until that day, 
on the phone with a friend, I hadn’t considered my love for animals as a potential means to help sustain 
myself. I thought it was too dear, too close to home to make it my occupation. But as it turns out, 
it was exactly what I was supposed to do. 

As an employee in the corporate world, I was thankful to have a job. And I suppose I gained a sense of 
satisfaction from fulfilling my personal work ethic. After all, a hard day’s work can give one a healthy 
helping of happiness. I thought that was as good as it gets. Now I know that I was cut out for a much 
more rewarding mission - to care for the animals. I know this because I am so very happy when I am 
taking care of the precious pets in my community. I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

It’s been 13+ years since I started Canyon Canine here in Sierra Madre and I’m still loving it. Thanks to 
all of the darling dogs, kind kitties, funny fishes, winged wonders, tantalizing torts & turtles…thanks 
to all the animals and their two-leggers who call on me to take care of them. You’ve made me the happiest, 
luckiest pet sitter/dog walker in the world! 



and soybeans all contain all 9 essential amino 
Enrique Villasenor has long pointed out in 
his lectures that acorn, widely used in Native 
Ameri-can traditional diet, contains all 9 
amino acids, though in low volumes. 

Another favorite food that Villasenor promotes 
as beneficial to the immune system is 
the prickly pear cactus, which contains 8 of 
the essential amino acids. He refers to both 
of these as “super-foods.” He adds, “While 
some Opuntia species do not contain tryptophan, 
most contain phenylalanine. Phenylalanine 
and tryptophan are both "aromatic 
amino acids." They are similar in chem-ical 
composition. Aromatic amino acids are precursors 
for serotonin.” 

Author/ teacher Prudence Boczarski-Daniel 
suggests that everyone reads “Diet for A 
Small Planet,” by Lappe. This popular primer 
on how to be a vegetarian was first published 
in 1971. Lappe promotes “complementary” 
foods because some foods that are low in 
certain essential amino acids can be combined 
with others that happen to be high in 
the essential amino acid that the other food 
is missing. 


“Diet for a Small Planet” explains that all 
grass grains (wheat, rice, corn, etc.) complement 
all legumes (peas, beans, garbanzo, soy, 
etc.). That is a very simplified version of getting 
a complete plant protein by combining 
(or complementing) grasses and legumes. 

Some of the traditional food combinations 
that give you a complete protein are corn tortillas 
and beans from Mexico, bulgar wheat 
with garbanzos from the Middle East, and soy 
products with rice from Asian countries. 


One of the top references that is consistently 
mentioned is “Diet for a Small Planet” by 
Lappe. This book, in print since 1971 and 
sold over 3 million copies, and now revised, 
gives you the basic science of plant food combinations 
which make complete proteins. 

Another good reference is “The Balanced 
Diet for You and the Planet” by Dr. James Adams, 
available from Amazon. 

This is a very simplified explanation, and 
someone going from a carnivorous diet to 
wholly vege-tarian can also expect some 
bodily changes. 

Super Fun Brothers! BANNER & THOR 

These two adorable cuties are described 
by their foster mom as just 
"the sweetest kittens!" They are 
playful and loving boys, age about 
10 mos. Thor has amazing dark 
stripes, and Banner has the white 
nose. They are so bonded, almost 
like identical twins.They are best 
buddies, and like to groom each 
other, cuddle up, wrestle together 
and watch the birds at the windows. 
They both love toys on a string, and the laser light. Thor 
likes soft balls and plays soccer through the house, while Banner 
carries his favorite stuffed toy around all day and then presents it 
to his foster mom when she's in bed--LOL! Banner is more vocal 
and is usually the leader, except when unknown visitors come. 

That's when Thor, who's more quiet and confident, takes over to charm the visitors. Both boys get 

the "zoomies" and run at top speed through the house, which is hilarious! Adopt these boys and 

put the fun back into your life! Find the adoption application on our website where you'll also find 

more adorable pix of Banner & Thor on our Teen Cats page. 

Pet of the Week

 Three-year-old Yoda loves being the center of attention

– and especially loves getting his neck scratched. Yoda isvery friendly and affectionate, greeting new people at thefront of his kennel and asking for affection with a gentlemeow. This sweet boy also has an active side and enjoyshaving lots of toys to play with. 
The adoption fee for cats is $100. All cat adoptions include

spay or neuter, microchip, and age-appropriate vaccines.

 New adopters will receive a complimentary health-andwellness 
exam from VCA Animal Hospitals, as well as agoody bag filled with information about how to care for 
your pet.

 View photos of adoptable pets and schedule an adoptionappointment at Adoptions are byappointment only, and new adoption appointments are 
available every Sunday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.

 Pets may not be available for adoption and cannot beheld for potential adopters by phone calls or email. 

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