Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 9, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 11

11 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 9, 2022 11 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 9, 2022 

Dear Savvy Senior:

A while back I read an article about some online 

tools that can help people search for lost or 

forgotten money left behind by their deceased 

relatives, but I’ve misplaced it. Can you help me 

with this? My mom, who passed away in January, 

was always bad about keeping up with her money, 

so I’m wondering if there was anything she left 

behind. Searching Son 

Dear Searching:
Forgotten or lost money is actually very 
common in the United States. According to the 
National Association of Unclaimed Property 
Administrators, there are literally billions of 
dollars in unclaimed funds sitting in state 
treasuries and other agencies just waiting to be 

These unclaimed funds are from accounts that 
are inactive or whose owners, or their heirs, 
cannot be located. Unclaimed funds can include 
things like lost or forgotten saving or checking 
accounts, stocks, utility security deposits, tax 
refunds, life insurance policy proceeds, uncashed 
dividend checks, matured savings bonds 
and much more. 

This typically happens because of a change of 
address (the owner moved), a name change 
(the owner got married or divorced), or the 
owner dies, and the estate was unaware of the 
money or the heirs could not be located. By law, 
companies and financial institutions that can’t 
find the owner or their next of kin within two 
to five years must turn the property over to the 
state where it’s held indefinitely. 

Where to Search 
About 10 percent of all Americans have some 
unclaimed money out there waiting to be found, 
so it’s very possible your mother had some 
too. To start your search, go to, 
which has links to all state programs that will let 
you do a state benefits search online for free. Or 
you can do a multi-state search in 39 states at 

Be sure to check every state in which your 
mother lived, worked or did business. Also, 
make sure to check under your mom’s maiden 
name, and if she had a frequently misspelled 
name, search those misspellings too. Using her 
first initial and her last name is also encouraged 


 By Marc Garlett 


Even if you put a to

tally solid estate plan 

in place, it can turn out 

to be worthless for the 
people you love if it’s not regularly updated. 

Estate planning is not a one-and-done type of deal—
your plan should continuously evolve along with your 
life circumstances and other changing conditions, 
such as your assets and the law. 

No matter who you are, your life will inevitably evolve: 
families change, laws change, assets change – and 
hopefully grow, and goals change over time. In the absence 
of any major life events, we recommend reviewing 
your estate plan at least every three years to make 
sure its terms are up to date. 

Additionally, there are several common life events that 
require an immediate review of your plan—that is, if 
you want to ensure it works as intended and keeps 
your loved ones out of court and out of conflict. If any 
of the following events occur, contact your personal 
family lawyer right away to review your plan. 

Marriage not only changes your relationship status; 
it changes your legal status. Regardless of whether it’s 
your first marriage or fourth, you must take the proper 
steps to ensure your estate plan properly reflects 
your current wishes and needs.
After tying the knot, some of your most pressing 
concerns include naming your new spouse as a beneficiary 
on your insurance policies and retirement 
accounts, granting him or her medical power of attorney 
and/or durable financial power of attorney (if 
that’s your wish), and adding him or her to your will 
and/or trust.
Since divorce can be one of the most stressful life 
events, estate planning often gets overshadowed 
by the other dramatic changes happening. But failing 
to update your plan for divorce can have terrible 
Once divorce proceedings start, you’ll need to ensure 
your future ex is no longer eligible to receive any of 
your assets or make financial and medical decisions 
on your behalf—unless that’s your wish. Once the divorce 
is finalized and your property is divided, you’ll 
need to adjust your planning to match your new asset 
profile and living situation.
Welcoming a new addition to your family can be a joyous 
occasion, but it also demands entirely new levels 
of planning and responsibility. At the top of your to-
do list should be legally naming both long and short-
term guardians for your child. 
Once you’ve named guardians, consider putting estate 
planning vehicles, such as Lifetime Asset Protection 
Trusts, in place for your kids. These planning tools 
can make certain the assets you want your child to inherit 
will be passed on in the most effective and beneficial 
way possible for everyone involved. 
The death of a family member, partner, or close friend 
can have serious consequences for both your life and 
estate plan. If the person was included in your plan, 
you need to update it accordingly to fill any gaps his or 
her absence creates. From naming new beneficiaries, 
executors, and guardians to identifying new heirs to 
receive assets allocated to the deceased, make sure you 
address all voids the death creates as soon as possible.
As with death, illness and injury are an unavoidable 
part of life. If you’ve been diagnosed with a serious 
illness or are involved in a life-changing accident, you 
may want to review the people you’ve chosen to handle 
your healthcare decisions as well as how those deto 
make sure everything comes up. 

Every state can tell you immediately if your 
mom has some unclaimed money, as well as how 
to go about collecting it. 

Look Here Too 
In addition to state treasuries, here are some other 
resources that can help you look for unclaimed 
money that may have been overlooked. 

Forgotten retirement benefits: To search for lost 
or forgotten 401(k) funds your mom may have 
left behind with an old employer, use the National 
Registry of Unclaimed Retirement Benefits 
at Or to 
search for lost pension benefits, use the Pension 
Benefit Guaranty Corporation trusteed plan 
search tool at 

Lost life insurance: To track down a lost or 
forgotten life insurance policy, the National 
Association of Insurance Commissioners, an 
insurance regulatory support organization, 
offers a free policy locator service at https:// 

Unredeemed savings bonds: It’s very common 
for people to lose track of U.S. saving bonds 
because they are often given to children as gifts, 
then forgotten before the bonds reach maturity. 
To find out if your mom had any, the U.S. 
Department of the Treasury provides an online 
search tool at for finding 
matured, uncashed savings bonds over 30 years 
old and no longer earning interest. 

Federal tax refunds: Each year thousands of 
refund checks totaling millions of dollars are 
returned to the IRS by the post office. To look 
for lost Federal tax refund checks go to
refunds or call 800-829-1954. 

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, 

P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to 
the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy 
Senior” book. 
cisions should be made. The person you want to serve 
as your healthcare proxy can change with time, so be 
sure your plan reflects your current wishes. 

Since estate planning laws can vary widely from state 
to state, if you move to a different state, you’ll want to 
review and possibly even revise your plan in light of 
your new home’s legal requirements. Some documents 
may not need to be updated. Other documents may 
need to be revised to make certain your plan will still 
work exactly as you desire in your new location. 
Whenever your estate’s value dramatically increases or 
decreases, you should revisit your estate plan to ensure 
it still offers the maximum protection and benefits 
for yourself and your loved ones. Whether you 
inherit a fortune, take out a new loan, close your business, 
or change your investment portfolio, your estate 
plan should be adjusted accordingly. 
If you plan to sell a business, you can engage in estate 
planning strategies to avoid almost all your capital 
gains taxes, if you revisit your estate plan ahead 
of time. And, of course, if you are buying a business, 
you’ll want to ensure your plan is updated to consider 
your succession plans for the new business. 
For every business you own, you should consider 
creating a buy-sell agreement and/or a business succession 
plan to protect both your business and your 
family in case something happens to you. In your estate 
plan, you can not only decide who will take over 
your role as the company’s owner should something 
happen to you, but you can also provide him or her 
with a road map for how the business should be run 
in your absence by creating a comprehensive business 
succession plan.

At the same time, you should consult with your 
accountant to take advantage of the numerous tax-
savings opportunities that may be available when you 
buy or sell your business. 

Outside of not creating any estate plan at all, one of 
the most common planning mistakes we encounter is 
when we get called by the loved ones of someone who 
has become incapacitated or died with a plan that no 
longer works because it has not been properly updated. 
Unfortunately, once something happens to you, it’s 
too late to adjust your plan, and your loved ones are 
forced to deal with the aftermath.

 Keeping your estate plan updated is so important in 
fact, we offer complimentary lifetime plan reviews for 
all our clients, so they don’t need to worry about overlooking 
family, legal, and assets changes over time. 

Estate planning should go far beyond simply creating 
documents and then never seeing your attorney again. 
The law firm you work with should develop a relationship 
with you and your family that lasts not only for 
your lifetime but for the lifetime of your children and 
their children if that’s your wish.
Plus, they should support you in not only creating a 
plan that keeps your family out of court and out of 
conflict in the event of your death or incapacity but 
will also ensure that your plan is regularly reviewed 
to make certain that it works as is intended for your 
family when you cannot be there for them yourself. 

Marc Garlett, Esq.
Cali Law Family Legacy 


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …July Birthdays* 

Nina Bartolai, Mary Lou Caldwell, Louise Neiby, Betty Hansen, Melinda 
Rogers , Christine Durfort, Shahrzad Azrani, Jeanne Borgedahl, Janet Cox, 
Dorothy Montgomery, Bess Pancoska, Janet Swanson, Barbara Watson, Pat 
Alcorn, Karma Bell, Alice Clark, Dorothy Jerneycic, and Betty Dos Remedios 

* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR 
of birth not required 
SIERRA MADRE SENIOR CLUB Every Saturday from 11:30am-3:30 pm in the Hart 
Park House Senior Center. Join us as we celebrate birthdays, holidays and pay BINGO. 
Must be 50+ to join. For more information call Mark at 626-355-3951. 

DOMINOES TRAIN GAME 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 11:00 am— 12:30 pm Hart Park 
House The object of the game is for a player to play all the tiles from their hand onto one or 
more trains, emanating from a central hub or “station”. Call Lawren with questions that you 
may have. 


Tuesday, 7/21 , 10:30 am—Hart Park House If you enjoy painting, sketching, water color, or 
making some other form of artistic creation please join our new program, PAINT PALS!!! 
Bring a project that you are working on to the HPH and enjoy some quality art time with other 
artists looking to paint with a new pal. 

TEA AND TALK SENIOR BOOK CLUB Tuesday July 20 — 9:00 am Staff has launched a 
new book club series, Tea and Talk, which meets twice a month to discuss the fun, suspense, 
intrigue, love and so much more that each selection will have in store! 

FIBER FRIENDS Tuesday, 7/19 —10:00 am If you enjoy knitting, crocheting, embroidery, 
needlepoint, bunka, huck, tatting or cross stitch then we have a group for you! Bring your 
current project, a nonalcoholic beverage, then sit and chat with likeminded fiber friends. We 
meet in the Hart Park House 

CHAIR YOGA Every Monday and Wednesday, 10-10:45 am Please join us for some gentle 
stretching, yoga, balance exercise and overall relaxation with Paul. Classes are ongoing and 
held in the Memorial Park Covered Pavilion or the Hart Park House.. 

HULA AND POLYNESIAN DANCE Every Friday, 10-10:45 am Bring a lei, your flower 
skirt or just your desire to dance! Hula in the Park is back and waiting for you to join in on all 
the fun! Memorial Park Pavilion. 

BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC - Tuesday, July 12 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Methodist Hospital will be holding a free to seniors clinic once a month in the Hart Park 
House. Walk in are welcome - no pre-registration required. 

BINGO: July 14 1:00 pm - 2:00 pmCome down to the HPH (Hart Park House) for a lively round of BINGO. Prizes await! 


A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder 

Busy weeks seem quite the norm for me. When I think things have 
slowed down, I turn a corner and things speed up again. So it seems 
like I never really get a break. 

This past week, for instance, was quite busy, and it was even busier 
because The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage was sick and could not go anywhere. 
Not even shopping! That was no problem. I just stepped up and took the week as it 

It was Thursday when things began to catch up with me. By afternoon, I thought I 
had finished all my tasks and was on my way home. Then, I passed Publix and remembered 
I was to pick up something for the wife. 

I turned around and went back, parked and went into the store. I was dragging my 
feet a little and thought it would be nice to sit down and relax with a cup of coffee. 

Then I remembered this store had free coffee, so I went and got a nice cup of hot coffee. 
I headed to the pharmaceutical area, where they had a couple of chairs snuggled 
back in the corner so nobody could see me. I thought it would be a great place to go, 
take a breath and drink some nice hot coffee. 

On my way, I passed the bakery, and lo and behold; there were some fresh Apple Fritters. 
I have never seen Apple Fritters look so delicious in all my life. But, because of 
my strict diet, someone in our house has restricted this in my diet. 

I looked at them, and I just felt them looking back. I could feel them smiling at me, 
and I must say, I tried to walk away. I really did try to walk away, but I could not. 

Finally, out of desperation, I purchased two Apple Fritters. After all, nobody would 
know, and I could sit back in the corner and enjoy coffee and Apple Fritters. Who 
would ever know about this naughty fling of mine? 

Then, out of the clear, I heard somebody say, "Hello, Pastor Snyder. I haven't seen you 
in a while. How are you doing?" 

Oh boy, my fling has been unflinged. This woman was one of my wife's friends. "I 
hope you’re enjoying your Apple Fritters. Tell your wife I said hello." 

At the time, I did not know how much trouble I was in. I just may forget she ever told 
me to say anything to my wife. 

"Is that you?" I heard someone else say. "Is that you, Pastor Snyder?" Once again, 
someone saw me. "Haven't seen you for a long time. I hope you're doing well." I 
smiled back and said everything was going okay. 

She smiled and said, "Enjoy your Apple Fritter; it looks very delicious. By the way, tell 
your wife I said hello." 

Two in a row has to be the limit. So, I sat back in the corner, sipped my coffee and 
took another bite of that delicious Apple Fritter. I was convinced that my incognito 
was well guarded at this time. 

For my wife's friends to catch me eating an Apple Fritter is quite dangerous. 

I finished my Apple Fritters, got up, went out to my vehicle and started on my way 
home. What a day it turned out to be. 

I went into the house, put the groceries on the table and headed for my easy chair. As 
I got to my chair, The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage stepped in, greeted me and 
said, "Did you have a good day?" 

One thing I know about my life is that she always asks "loaded questions." I never 
know exactly what is behind any of these questions, so I need to tread very softly. 

"Yes, my dear," I said as cheerfully as I could muster at the time. "I think I had a good 
day even though it was rather busy." So I flashed a smile back at her and thought it 
was over. 

I got situated in my chair, and she came back into my room in a few moments and 
said, "Did you see any of my friends at Publix today?" Now I was on edge. No matter 
what I say at this point, I will be in trouble. 

"Yes," I said. Then I mentioned the two women I met at Publix. "They all asked me to 
tell you they were thinking about you." "Is that all they asked?" 

Being a little nervous, I did not quite understand what was behind that question. 

"We just greeted each other, and that was about it." 

She then left the room and went back to the kitchen, and I sighed a profound sigh of 
relief. I honestly believed that I had got away with it. 

Then I heard her say, "Both ladies texted me and told me they saw you at Publix." 

The way my wife looked at me, I just knew she knew my secret. My problem was, 
how would she use this secret against me and when? 

As I was pondering my current dilemma, I thought of one of my favorite scripture. 
Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own 
understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” 

I have faced many situations where I certainly needed God to direct me out of a 

Dr. James L. Snyder lives in Ocala, FL with the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage. 
Telephone 1-352-216-3025, e-mail, website www.jamessnyderministries.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: