Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 30, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 6


Mountain View News Saturday, July 30, 2022 

Minivan Hits 
Three People 
in South Pas

Uniquely Pasadena 
Summer Speaker Series

One person was killed and 
two others injured in South 
Pasadena Wednesday 
night after a white Toyota 
Sienna failed to stop at the 
intersection of Marengo 
Avenue Maple Street. 

 According to South 
Pasadena police shortly 
before 8:25 p.m. the driver 
of the Sienna ran a stop 
sign hitting a man and two 
women while they were 
crossing Marengo Ave. 

 The unidentified man 
was pronounced dead at a 
nearby hospital. The two 
women suffered serious 

 Police said it was unknown 
if alcohol or drugs were a 
factor in the collision.

 Anyone with information 
about this traffic collision 
is asked to call Officer Jeff 
Holland at 626-403-7270. 

City Gives Library Renovations Update

 Pasadena Heritage announced 
Monday that are set to present 
Uniquely Pasadena: Summer 
Speaker Series - Entertainment 
and Food this Sunday with 
guest speakers independent 
publicist, B. Harlan Böll to 
discuss the who’s who of classic 
Hollywood and Patty Civalleri 
to talk about the beginnings 
of Trader Joe’s grocery store 
company. The event will held 
from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the 
Blinn House in Pasadena. 

 Independent publicist, 
B.Harlan Böll (pictured). 
Harlan specializes in literary,
personality, and event PR and
resides in Altadena. A very
small sample list of his clients
includes a who’s who of classic
Hollywood: Tippi Hedren, 
Julie Newmar, Marion Ross,
Carolyn Hennesy, Rich Little,
Anson Williams, and Michael
Learned. He also represented
the late Carol Channing, Esther
Williams, Rose Marie, Rip 
Taylor, Florence Henderson, 
Phyllis Diller, and Dawn Wells
to name a few. He continues to
represent The estate of the late
Mr. Blackwell, Bob Hope/Bob
Hope Enterprises, Inc., and 
The Bob Hope Legacy, and the
world famous Magic Castle. He
serves as special PR advisor to 
The Smithsonian Institution 
(NMAH): Entertainment 
Division, and the National 
Academy of Television Arts 
& Sciences (Daytime Emmy 

 While watching your favorite 
movie you are most likely 
snacking on some uniquely 
Pasadena snacks from Trader 
Joe’s, so you won’t want to miss 
this book discussion of the 
second guest speaker, co-author 
of “Becoming Trader Joe,” Patty 
Civalleri. Joe Coulombe, the 
Founder of Trader Joe’s, created 
the business that surpassed 
all expectations to become 
America’s “Sweetheart” grocer. 
The very first store opened 
here in Pasadena and is still 
open at 610 S Arroyo Parkway. 
Patty will share Joe’s stories 
from the book in her lively 
and entertaining style, and 
will be available to sign books 

 Guests may attend in person 
or watch virtually via Zoom.

 The Blinn House is located 160 
N Oakland Avenue. 

 Save the date: August 28 for 
part three of the speaker series. 
The topic will be Science, 
Technology and People.

 From its founding to the 
present day, the city of 
Pasadena has drawn brilliant, 
talented and innovative 
thinkers and creators to live 
and work. Pasadena is the 
birthplace of remarkable 
achievements and innovative 
ideas, in architecture and 
transportation, entertainment 
and food, and science and 
technology and more.

 For more information visit:

 Interim City Manager Cynthia 
Kurtz gave Pasadena Mayor 
Victor Gordo, along with the 
city council an update Thursday 
on continuing work to move 
the Central Library Seismic 
Renovation Project forward. 
The renovations could cost 
over $100 million according to 

 According to Kurtz, “Public 
Works is undertaking additional 
engineer work and testing to 
make sure all the information 
needed to make an informed 
decision about the level and 
type of seismic work needed is 
available. Once this additional 
engineer work is completed, 
a contract for the final design 
of the project will be brought 
forward for City Council 
consideration in the fall.”

 She said the Community 
Programming Committee 
is made up of members 
with backgrounds in non-
profit organizations, historic 
preservation and presentation, 
library operations, architecture, 
and media. The mission of 
the committee will be to 
recommend how Central 
Library space can be re-
imagined to draw more people 
into the building and serve as a 
primary community gathering 
space for community, artistic 
and theatrical events while 
remaining the central building 
in the city’s library system.

 Cindy Cleary, former Glendale 
Library Director and Pasadena 
resident, will serve as the 
primary contact and consultant 
for the committee Kurtz said. 
The committee is expected 
to hold their first meeting in 

 “A separate Technical 
Advisory Committee will 
be recommended to oversee 
and advise the council on the 
approach for the seismic work 
and the actual construction 
work,” she said. 

 Last year in May, Pasadena 
building officials ordered the 
closure of the Central Library, 
located at 285 E. Walnut St., 
until further notice. At that time 
a structural assessment revealed 
that most of the building is 
comprised of unreinforced 
masonry (URM) bearing walls 
that support concrete floors and 

 Designed by Myron Hunt in 
1924, Central Library was the 
first building completed in 
Pasadena’s historic Civic Center 
Plan. The library is listed on the 
National Register of Historic 

No Mask 
Mandate in 

 Pasadena Public Health 
Department officials 
announced Wednesday 
that with declining Covid 
cases, the City of Pasadena 
health officer will not issue 
a general indoor mask 

 According to officials the 
PPHD has determined that 
jurisdictional COVID-19 
confirmed case rates have 
declined for about 10 days, 
and local hospitalization 
metrics have not continued 
to increase during that 

 With input from healthcare 
provider partners, PPHD 
will continue to assess 
the COVID-19 situation, 
including strain on the 
healthcare system, and 
consider appropriate 
public health actions to 
protect our community 
as the situation changes.
Consistent with the CDC 
and CA Department of 
Public Health, PPHD 
strongly recommends 
that people wear masks 
indoors when the city 
and LA County are in the 
CDC’s high community 
level, as is the case 
currently. In particular, 
people who are not up 
to date on COVID-19 
vaccination, are older, or 
have underlying medical 
conditions that put them 
at greater risk of severe 
outcomes from infection 
should take precautions. 

 Masks are still required in 
certain settings, including 
healthcare, long-term 
care and adult and senior 
care facilities, congregate 
shelters, on transportation, 
and anywhere masks 
are required by an 
organization, employer, 
school or event 
organizer. Organizations, 
employers, schools and 
event organizers are 
strongly encouraged to 
implement an indoor 
mask requirement at 
times of high COVID-19 
transmission, as we are 
currently experiencing, 
to protect employees, 
customers, student and 

Doctor Poets & 
other Healers

Governor Signs Portantino’s 
Gun Reform Measure SB 1327

 Covid-19 in their 
own words with 
poems & personal 

Pasadena Public Library 
wll present a conversation 
with a selection of the poets 
and essayists from “Doctor 
Poets & Other Healers: 
COVID-19 in Their Own 
Words with Poems & 
Personal Essays” today, from 
3 to 5 p.m. at the Lamanda 
Park Branch Library, 140 S 
Altadena Dr., when several 
healthcare workers share 
their journeys through the 
COVID-19 pandemic.

 Healthcare workers faced 
an unimaginable challenge 
head-on when confronted 
with the pandemic. 
Undeniably changed, 
they banned together in 
the field and on the page, 
sharing their journey. In 
this anthology, 26 poets 
and essayists—physicians, 
nurses, psychologists, social 
workers, private caregivers, 
holistic practitioners, 
medical school students and 
a hospital chaplain—share 
their personal experiences 
tending to patients, dealing 
with loss, uncertainty, 
grief and isolation, and 
surviving in a world turned 
topsy-turvy by a once-in-
a-century pandemic. All 
found their way through 
resilience, selflessness and 
the eternal flame of hope.

 The Pasadena Public 
Library is an information 
center for the Pasadena 
community. A variety of 
highly vetted programs are 
presented for children and 
adults, and they represent 
the research and opinions 
of the presenter and do not 
reflect an endorsement by 
the City of Pasadena nor the 
Pasadena Public Library. 

 For more information or 
call (626) 744-7076.

 Governor Gavin Newsom, last 
week, signed SB 1327 a major 
gun reform bill jointly authored 
by Senators Bob Hertzberg and 
Anthony Portantino. SB 1327 
allows private citizens to sue 
a person who manufactures, 
distributes, transports, imports, 
or sells assault weapons, .50 
BMG rifles, ghost guns, or ghost 
gun kits in California. It allows 
citizens to sue for $10,000 on 
each weapon involved, as well as 
attorney fees. Governor Gavin 
Newsom is the official sponsor 
of the legislation, which takes 
its framework from a Texas 
anti-abortion bill declared to 
be constitutional by the U.S. 
Supreme Court.

 “The continued need to 
adopt sensible solutions to our 
nation’s tragic history of gun 
violence is dire and necessary,” 
said Senator Portantino. “That 
includes SB 1327 - which I 
am proud to jointly author 
with Senator Hertzberg. I am 
grateful to Governor Newsom 
for his partnership on this 
important bill that will keep our 
communities safe and improve 
public safety for all Californians. 
If Texas can outrageously use 
this type of law to attack a 
woman’s reproductive freedom, 
we can do the same thing in 
California to hold gun dealers 
accountable for their actions,” 
stated Senator Portantino.

 “Any tool we can use to protect 
the public is the right thing to 
do,” Senator Hertzberg said. “If 
have a situation with ghost guns, 
assault weapons and 50-caliber 
machine guns killing innocent 
men, women and children 
then we have an obligation to 
act. There’s no higher calling 
for state policymakers than to 
protect the public they serve.”

 SB 1327 continues Senator 
Portantino’s record as one of 
California’s most ardent gun 
reform advocates. During 
his time in the Assembly, the 
Senator successfully banned 
the open carry of handguns 
and rifles in California and 
as Senator, he raised the 
general gun purchase age in 
California to twenty-one. In 
2019, Governor Newsom also 
signed Senator Portantino’s 
SB 172. The bill enacted a 
slate of significant provisions 
related to firearms storage by 
broadening criminal storage 
crimes, adding criminal storage 
offenses to those offenses that 
can trigger a 10-year firearm 
ban, and creating an exemption 
to firearm loan requirements 
for the purposes of preventing 
suicide. The same year, SB 376 
was signed into law, which 
reduces the number of firearms 
an unlicensed individual is 
annually able to sell and the 
frequency with which they are 
able to sell. In 2021, Senate Bill 
715 was signed into law, which 
enacts important gun purchase 
safeguards. Senator Portantino 
is working with Governor 
Newsom and Attorney General 
Bonta on SB 918, California’s 
answer to the recent Supreme 
Court decision on Concealed 
Weapons Permits. 

 Bill Modeled on 
Texas Private Right 
of Action Abortion 

House Approves Schiff's 
Homeless Services Projects

 Congressman Adam Schiff 
announced last week that the 
House approved $3.7 million 
in funding for three homeless 
services projects in Hollywood 
and Glendale as part of a 
government funding package 
passed July 21.

 The YWCA of Glendale 
and Pasadena, the Center in 
Hollywood, and the Hollywood 
Food Coalition are three of 
the fifteen critical housing, 
homelessness support, 
employment, public safety, 
public health, and education 
projects Schiff has requested 
nearly $15.4 million in 
funding for in the fiscal year 
2023 federal government 
funding legislation. The 
additional funding requests 
for community projects are 
expected on the House floor in 
the coming weeks.

 Schiff said “These funds will 
help these organizations greatly 
expand their capacity to serve 
those most in need, and I will 
push hard for their passage in 
the Senate.”

 For more information on 
Congressman Schiff’s FY23 
community project funding 
requests visit:

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: