Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, September 10, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 2

Mountain View News Saturday, September 10, 2022 2 SIERRA MADRE NOTICES & MORE Mountain View News Saturday, September 10, 2022 2 SIERRA MADRE NOTICES & MORE 
“WIN” continued from page 1

 “as many as 68 units with limited design approval by the City,” and changes the character of residential 
development in Sierra Madre. 

In the proponent’s rebuttal to the City Council’s argument against Measure HR, they insisted, “No 
[single] developer can build 68 units with limited review.” That is both true and misses the point. 
The City Council’s argument was never about the number of developers but about the character 
of the development. 68 units are the legally permitted maximum development potential of the site 
under Measure HR. Residents don’t care who develops, but rather what and/or how many units 
can be developed. 

Dissatisfied with limiting their arguments to the ballot, the proponents of Measure HR decided 
to sue the City Council. On August 26th, the attorney for Protect Sierra Madre filed a complaint 
against the Sierra Madre City Clerk and all five members of the City Council. (See Susan Neuhausen 
v. Laura Aguilar et al. (Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 22STCP03172). The complaint 
alleged that the development of 68 units is unlikely and that the City Council’s argument should 
be rewritten to state, “A developer could build as many as 34 units on 17 2-acre lots if the entire 
parcel were developed, with limited design review.” 

The court disagreed with the proponents and affirmed the validity of the 68-unit figure. On 
September 8th, the court evaluated the following statement: “With the recent change in state law, 
SB 9, a developer could build as many as 68 units with limited design approval by the City,” and 
clarified it to read with the new language: 

“With the recent change in state law, SB 9, as many as 68 units ultimately could be built with limited 
design approval by the City.” 

The City Council is pleased with the outcome of the litigation. The edit underscores the City 
Council’s intended: 68 units may be potentially built IF Measure HR passes. All five members 
of the City Council reaffirm their opposition to Measure HR and hope residents vote down this 
misguided and foolishly drafted initiative in November. 

Our “Village of the Foothills” is the jewel of the San Gabriel Valley, a town in which its citizens 
take tremendous pride. We don’t want the passage of this Measure to take that away from us. 


 On November 8, 2022 the Sierra Madre 
Municipal Election and the Statewide General 
Election will be held. 

For the Municipal election, voters in Sierra Madre 

will go to the polls and 

select three people from a field of five to sit on the 
City Council. Local voters will also vote on the citizens initiative, Measure HR the citizens 
initiative that seeks to rezone the property where the Meadows at Bailey Canyon is to be 
built and as a result of such a change restrict the projects size and scope. 

The General Election ballot will include nominees for U.S. Senate , House of Representatives, 
State Assembly and State Senate as well as statewide ballot measures and initiatives. 

In an effort to keep the residents of Sierra Madre informed regarding the Municipal 
Election, The Mountain Views News will provide our readers with weekly coverage. Each 
week, as we have done in the past, we will profile the city council candidates and give each the 
opportunity to introduce themselves to our readers by answering the following questions: 

1. Why are you running for City Council? 
2. What are you going to do for Sierra Madre? 
3. How do you plan on accomplishing your goals?
(All candidates are being asked to answer the same questions and their answers will be 
published unedited.) 

The candidates running for Sierra Madre City Council are (in alphabetical order) :


EDWARD GARCIA (incumbent) 

GENE GOSS (Incumbent)



This paper will also review the pros and cons of Measure HR and other election related 

 Coverage will begin in the September 17th , 2022 edition and run through November 5th, 

 It is our sincere hope that each candidate will submit their answers so that we can share 
them with you. A separate letter has been sent to each, asking them to participate.

 Our reporting on this election will be as fair and objective as possible. However, please 
keep in mind that our columnists are always free to share their opinions. Their opinions 
are their opinions and may or may not reflect the position of the paper. This is true in all 
things, not just this election.

 We will also provide for you the calendar of important dates regarding the election. It 
is our goal to do whatever we can to help you make an informed decision on November 8, 

Susan Henderson, Publisher/Editor 


Sierra Madre Playhouse’s Fall mainstage production is 
Silent Sky. The play by Lauren Gunderson celebrates 
the life and career of pioneering female astronomer 
Henrietta Leavitt (1868-1921). In conjunction with this 
production, the Playhouse is presenting The Silent Sky 
Lecture Series, in which distinguished speakers from the 
worlds of science and academia will provide fascinating 
historical and scientific insights into Leavitt’s work and 
profoundly impactful discoveries. 

Here is the roster of speakers and topics: 

Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 5 p.m.
John Mulchaey, director, Carnegie ObservatoriesThe Game-Changer: How Henrietta Leavitt Made Modern 
Astronomy Possible 

Saturday, September 24 at 5 p.m.
Dr. Eun-Joo Ahn, historian, UC Santa Barbara 
Women Astronomers at Mount Wilson: the early years 

Sunday, October 2 at 5 p.m.
Kit Whitten, archivist and librarian, Carnegie ObservatoriesWomen in the Background: Astronomy History’s Deep Field 

Saturday, October 8 at 5 p.m.

S. George Djorgovski, Professor of Astronomy and Data Science, and Director of 
Data Driven Discovery, CaltechExploring Space in Cyberspace 

The Silent Sky Lecture Series. At Sierra Madre Playhouse, 87 W. Sierra Madre 
Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Admission is free, but voluntary donations will be gratefully 
accepted. Reservations (strongly suggested) can be made at https://sierramadreplayhouse.
org or by calling (626) 355-4318., where you can also find more information 
about the play Silent Sky. 

Playwrite Lauren Gunderson 




Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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