Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, October 29, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 6


Mountain View News Saturday, October 29, 2022 



 by Deanne Davis



(September 22, 1953 – October 24, 2022)

 Known affectionately throughout her life as Theresa, Theresa-
Ann, T, Sweet-T, Tessa, Tress, TC, her favorite title was the work 
of her passion: that of “Wife/Honey” to Dave, “Mommy” to Frances, 
and “Granny” to her grandchildren.

 She is preceded in death by her “first hero”, her dad, Alex 
Cholewiak, and survived by her great loves: her husband Dave 
McCloskey, daughter Frances, son-in-law Dan Klimas, and her 
six grandchildren: Wally, Franky, Teddy, Lottie Theresa, Arthur, 
and George. She is also survived by her brothers Chris and Mike. 

 Theresa moved to her other love, Sierra Madre, in the late 
1950’s with her family. Though there would be many houses in 
many places she would come to know, there was only one place 
where the wistaria meets the mountains that felt like home.

In lieu of flowers, please support a local Sierra Madre business, 
coffee shop, or restaurant, or consider a donation in her honor 
to the Sierra Madre Volunteer Search and Rescue Team https:// 

 An open house wake will be held on Saturday, November 12th 
at the Klimas Family home and internment plans are being made at Pioneer Cemetery in Sierra Madre, CA. 
Please contact Frances at for more information.

“Shadows of a thousand years rise again 
unseen, voices whisper in the trees. 

“Tonight is Halloween!”

“When witches go riding and black cats 
are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, 

‘tis near Halloween.”

“Silent phantoms of the night in their 
robes of ghostly white, they are always to 
be seen on the night of Halloween.”

All Hallows Eve...Be Afraid...Be Very 


All Hallows Eve.... is coming,

A deadly.... dreadly night...

When ghouls and ghosts and creepies,

And other awful blights,

Are free to roam and wander,

Anywhere they might.

Creating scary terror everywhere 

they can,

And scream inducing, faint-producing, 

hair-raising, bone-melting, 

What's that right there behind me...

Quivery, shivery...Fright!!


They creep out of their crypts and graves,

These creatures of the night.

They haunt the roads and byways,

Run rampant through the park.

They hide between the bushes,

And everywhere it's dark.


All Hallows Eve.... is coming,

A deadly.... dreadly night.....

When ghouls and ghosts and creepies,

And other awful blights,

Are free to roam and wander,

Anywhere they might.


Up and down the streets of town,

They race in search of plunder,

These ghouls and ghosts and monsters,

About three feet tall or under! 

They shriek for treats and threaten tricks,

But are satisfied with candy.

These creatures rule the darkness,

As long as Mom and Dad are handy.


All Hallows Eve.... is coming,

A deadly...dreadly night....

With ghouls and ghosts and monsters,

And other awful sights,

Dancing through the shadows,

Into circles of street lights. 

Beware...take care,

Who knows what’s waiting,

Just around the bend.

Could be Jack the Ripper, come to call again,

Or Dracula or Frankenstein, the undead walk tonight.

Maybe just stay safe inside...and turn off that porch light.

A fun Halloween fact for you as you’re stocking up on candy: Costco says Americans 
spend approximately $6 billion annually on Halloween, making it the second largest 
commercial holiday in the U.S., after Christmas, of course. Go ahead, buy the good stuff. 
You know you want a few of those little Milky Ways and Snickers for yourself!

I really want a piece of pumpkin cheesecake and I’ve only had one pumpkin spice latte 
so far this season. My sister is watching all the black and white horror films from the 70s 
and 80s and gorging on candy corn. Crissy and I went to see the new George Clooney-
Julia Roberts movie, “Ticket to Paradise” and enjoyed it thoroughly. It’s a fun movie 
and there were no language issues. Just everyone having a great time in Bali. Incredible 

Have a great week and if you haven’t bought your little ghoul a costume, don’t wait too 

This witch flying through Sierra Madre consented to a photo op with Leah Davis. Happy 
Halloween my friends. Tootsie Rolls go great with Chardonnay, in case you didn’t know.

“Sunrises & Sunflowers Speak Hope” 

is a great gift for yourself or someone you love! 

Look for it on my book page: Deanne Davis 

Star of Wonder the CD is now on TuneCore! Take a look!

"A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter"

is also available on my Amazon book page.

Save the Dates! 
The Sierra Madre Post Office Demonstration and 
Volunteer Opportunities 
Everyone is welcome 
Sat November 5 at 10am 
“How to Install the Rainbird sub-surface low volume root 
zone irrigation system” 
It is 98% efficient and saves water. Come to learn and 
Sat December 3 at 10am 
“Planting drought tolerant native plants” 
On December 3 we will be planting the plants chosen by 
FormLA for their landscape design for the Post Office. 
Everyone is invited to come and help put plants in the 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: