Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, December 10, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 6

Mountain View News Saturday, December 10, 2022 
Mountain View News Saturday, December 10, 2022 
San Marino Upcoming Perseverance Rover Adam Schiff on Passage 
Events & Programming Gets the Dirt on Mars of Respect for Marriage Act 

 Congressman Adam Schiff couples and interracial couples 

Council Members and 

made the following statement never again need to worry Light Up San Marino! honor our one re-elected after the U.S. Congress about whether their marriage 
Registration: Ends Sunday and two newly elected Thursday passed the Respect will be recognized by the state 
Voting: December 12 – Council Members. for Marriage Act. they reside in. President Biden 
December 18 Join us at 6 PM online or “The right to marry is should sign this bill into law 
Do you have the most in the Council Chambers for fundamental – yet there are still without delay. And we must 
festive home or business in this celebration and change too many elected officials and continue the fight to restore 
appointed judges who would the right to choose, another 

town? Compete in the Light in leadership. 

do away with this right. I am important freedom stripped 

Up San Marino holiday Recent Happenings 

proud the House was able to away by this reckless Supreme 

decorating contest! Take This past week, Parks and 

put the Respect for Marriage Court. We can’t afford to let up 

a picture of your outdoor Public Works staff completed 

Act over the finish line today, when our most basic human holiday decorations and tasks such as removing which will ensure that LGBTQ+ rights are on the line.” 
register for the contest. fallen tree branches and 
Starting December 12, a map other debris from the public 
of the participating entries right-of-way, replacing Chris Holden Introduces Bill 
will be made available so streetlight bulbs and street 

to Bridge the Digital Divide

you and the family can signs, repairing pavement, 
drive-by and enjoy. Photos performing pruning around 

 Assemblymember Chris 

of each home will be posted Lacy Park, and completing 

Tirona was the activity lead for Holden introduced AB 41 

on Facebook and the top 3 minor repairs at different The mission’s first two operations to collect the recent 

Monday, The Digital Equity 

entries with the most “likes” City facilities. Staff also samples of regolith – broken regolith sample. “The more 

in Video Franchising Act 

will win a gift card to a local hung street pole banners rock and dust – could help data we have, the more realistic 

of 2023. AB 41 builds on 

business. The Mayor of San along Huntington Drive scientists better understand our simulants can be.” 

the progress of AB 2748, 

Marino will award the grand in preparation for the the Red Planet and The Challenge of Dust 

introduced in 2022 to help 

prize for creativity and upcoming Home for the engineers prepare for future Studying regolith up close 

missions there. 
could help engineers design bridge the digital divide and 

holiday spirit. Winners will Holidays event. Residents 

future Mars missions – as well address accessibility, quality, 

be announced December 19. who wish to report non-

as the equipment used by future and affordability. 

Holiday Events at the Old emergency issues in the NASA officials announced 

Martian astronauts. Dust and DIVCA was originally 

Mill public right-of-way or City Wednesday that JPL 

Perseverance rover snagged regolith can damage spacecraft passed in 2006 to encourage 

FlowerTruckLA on streets may do so via the and science instruments alike. 

two new samples from the competition in the cable 

Thursday, December 8 from San Marino Service Request Regolith can jam sensitive 

Martian surface on Dec. 2 market, with its intent 

9 - 11 AM Center: cityofsanmarino. parts and slow down rovers on 

and 6. But unlike the 15 rock 

to benefit consumers 

 FlowerTruckLA is coming org/report. cores collected to date, these the surface. The grains could 

by lowering prices and 

back to the Old Mill with Parks & Public Works newest samples came from a also pose unique challenges to 

promoting expansion 

farm to vase, fresh cut Progress Tour and Update pile of wind-blown sand and astronauts: Lunar regolith was 
flowers for the holidays for the San Marino Center dust similar to but smaller discovered to be sharp enough of service, including oversight for cable internet 

to tear microscopic holes in broadband. service providers to ensure 

including garlands and Earlier this week, Council than a dune. Now contained in 

special metal collection tubes, spacesuits during the Apollo Over 15 years, later it is clear that Californians of any 

wreaths. Come stroll the Member-Elect Calvin Lo 
gardens and enjoy a cup of and members of the San one of these two samples will missions to the Moon. that DIVCA has fallen short income level regardless of 

be considered for deposit on Regolith could be helpful of its promises. For example, zip code have equal access 

coffee while shopping for Marino Center Task Force if packed against a habitat 

the Martian surface sometime thousands of households to service. Even in my own 

your holiday flowers! joined City staff on a tour to shield astronauts from 

this month as part of the Mars across the state lack access district, there are households 

‘Holiday Magic Under the of the under-construction radiation, but it also contains 

Sample Return campaign. to broadband service, even that are prevented from 

Stars’ on Sunday, December San Marino Center site. Scientists want to study risks: The Martian surface 

in urban areas where “donut buying the highest quality 

11 at 5 PM The group was able to Martian samples with powerful contains perchlorate, a toxic of internet 

holes” of service remain in fiber service 

 Come celebrate the tour both the interior and lab equipment on Earth to chemical that could threaten 

because of their address.” 

the health of astronauts if large areas that ought to be served 

holidays at the Old Mill with exterior of the building to search for signs of ancient 

amounts were accidentally by existing companies. This bill would leverage the 

‘Holiday Magic Under the see its progress, and had microbial life and to better 

state’s licensing authority 

Stars’, a concert featuring its questions answered by understand the processes that inhaled or ingested. Further, DIVCA’s outdated 

have shaped the surface of “If we have a more permanent anti-discrimination statutes over cable companies, 

Orchid Quartet on Sunday, the project’s Construction 

Mars. Most of the samples will presence on Mars, we need to and a lack of focus around who are among the largest 

December 11th at 5:00pm Manager. The interior know how the dust and regolith 

be rock; however, researchers digital equity issues generate internet service providers in 

(gates open at 4:30pm). This demolition of the building also want to examine regolith – will interact with our spacecraft the state, by obligating them 

little incentive for providers 

will be a memorable way to is now complete, and the and habitats,” said Perseverance 

broken rock and dust – not only to give equal service to low-to serve the public under 

start off the holiday season. contractor is currently because of what it can teach us team member Erin Gibbons, the highest standards and 

income and unserved areas. 

Orchid Quartet will play working on historical about geological processes and a McGill University doctoral in a manner that ensures 

“At the end of the day, we 

one hour of music with no protection, hazardous the environment on Mars, but candidate who uses Mars 

regolith know that affordable, reliable equal access to service. This 

intermission. Warm drinks material abatement, roof also to mitigate some of the simulants as part 

of her work with the rover’s access to and high-quality legislation builds upon the 

and refreshments will be replacement, and site utility challenges astronauts will face 

rock-vaporizing laser, called broadband is necessity for Federal Digital Equity Act, 

served. work. The City would like to on the Red Planet. Regolith 

SuperCam. living in the 21st century passed as part of President 

Huntington Nurses Health thank members of the Task can affect everything from 

spacesuits to solar panels, so it’s “Some of those dust grains and that the digital divide Biden’s Infrastructure 

Screening Force for all of their hard 

just as interesting to engineers could be as fine as cigarette is not just a rural problem Investment and Jobs Act, as 

Wednesday, December 14 work and dedication related smoke, and could get into 

as it is to scientists. but, an urban problem,” well as previous efforts in the 

from 10:00 – 11:30 AM, to this project. an astronaut’s breathing 

 As with rock cores, these said Assemblymember state legislature to strengthen 

Barth Community Room Holiday House Set Up apparatus,” added Gibbons, 

latest samples were collected Chris Holden. “This bill will the state’s oversight of cable 

The Huntington Nurses On Saturday, December using a drill on the end of the who was previously part of 

help the state strengthen its companies. 

offer free blood pressure and 2nd, Public Works rover’s robotic arm. But for the a NASA program studying 

human-robot exploration of 

glucose screenings. Please maintenance staff worked regolith samples, Perseverance 
plan to fast 2 hours prior with the Community used a drill bit that looks like a Mars. “We want a fuller picture Adam Schiff Calls on Elon

of which materials would 

to having glucose checked. Services Department, spike with small holes on one 

be harmful to our explorers, 

end to gather loose material. 

These blood pressure and Rotary Club, and the whether they’re human or Musk to Tamp Down Hate 

 Engineers designed the 

glucose evaluations can Chamber of Commerce to robotic.” 

special drill bit after extensive 

lead to prevention and assemble the Holiday House testing with simulated regolith Besides answering questions Speech on Twitter App 
early detection of the at the northwest corner about health and safety 

developed by JPL. Called 

“silent killer” diseases such of Huntington Drive and Mojave Mars Simulant, it’s hazards, a tube of Martian Congressman Adam Schiff we are concerned about the 
as hypertension, heart Sierra Madre Boulevard. made of volcanic rock crushed regolith could inspire scientific and Congressman Mark individual and community 

wonder. Looking at it under 

disease, and diabetes. Health Public Works staff re-into a variety of particle sizes, Takano (CA-41) delivered a harm arising from Twitter, 

a microscope would reveal 

screenings will be held every painted the structure, and from fine dust to coarse pebbles, letter to Twitter CEO Elon including how that could 

a kaleidoscope of grains in 

second Wednesday of the with the assistance of other based on images of regolith and Musk urging him to take spill from online into real 

different shapes and colors. 

data collected by previous Mars 

month. Registration is not city staff and community Each one would be like a jigsaw action to combat the rise in life. We are seeking further 


required. groups, helped assemble puzzle piece, all of them joined dangerous hate speech on information about your 

 “Everything we learn about 

City Council Transitions and decorate the structure, together by wind and water Twitter. plans for content moderation 

the size, shape, and chemistry 

and Swearing in of Elected which is a traditional over billions of years. “ and the capability of your 

of regolith grains helps us Although you tweeted 
Council Members centerpiece of San Marino design and test better tools “There are so many different that one of your goals as workforce to implement and 
The City Council Meeting during the holiday season. for future missions,” said materials mixed into Martian Chief Executive Officer of enforce your policies,” the 

on December 14 will begin The Department would Iona Tirona of NASA’s Jet regolith,” said Libby Hausrath Twitter was strong content members write. 
with a ceremony for City like to thank all staff and Propulsion Laboratory in of University of Nevada, Las moderation on the platform, Schiff and Takano also 

Vegas, one of Perseverance’s 

Council transitions. We will community groups who Southern California, which 
sample return scientists. “Each the results of your leadership requested answers to four 

helped during the process. leads the Perseverance mission. questions: 

honor our two outgoing sample represents an integrated have been the opposite,” write 

history of the planet’s surface.” Schiff and Takano. “Multiple What steps is [Elon Musk] 
As an expert on Earth’s soils, reports have shown that taking in response to the 
Hausrath is most interested since you became CEO in recent rise in hate speech on 
in finding signs of interaction late October, hate speech [Twitter] and how [does he] 
between water and rock. On has dramatically increased plan to make these decisions 

Earth, life is found practically 

on Twitter. Under your available to the public? 

everywhere there’s water. The 

leadership, there has been an Additionally, what is [the] 

same could have been true 

extreme spike in the number timeline for rolling out any 

for Mars billions of years ago, 

of tweets that include slurs, of these changes? 

when the planet’s climate was 

much more like Earth’s. the level of engagement What is Twitter’s plan to 
More About the Mission with these tweets, and the increase safety for its users, 

A key objective for popularity of spreading this and more specifically the 
Perseverance’s mission on harmful rhetoric.” LGBTQ+ community and 
Mars is astrobiology, including According to the Center for the Jewish community? 
the search for signs of ancient Countering Digital Hate, the What is the current process 

microbial life. The rover 

number of tweets containing for enforcing content 

will characterize the planet’s 

slurs has grown significantly [Twitter]? 

geology and past climate, pave moderation on 

since Musk become CEO. How [does Musk] plan 

the way for human exploration 

Slurs against Black people to make these processes 

of the Red Planet, and be the 

first mission to collect and have tripled. Slurs against transparent and available to 
cache Martian rock and regolith women have increased by the public and researchers? 
(broken rock and dust). 33 percent. Slurs against What is [Twitter’s] current 
Subsequent NASA missions, gay men have increased capability and capacity to 
in cooperation with ESA by 58 percent. And slurs handle the risks arising 
(European Space Agency), against Jewish people have from the extreme rise in

would send spacecraft to Mars 

increased by 61 percent. hate speech, hate actors 

to collect these sealed samples 

Moreover, engagement with and the growth of hate 

from the surface and return 

tweets containing these communities? What is the 

them to Earth for in-depth 

harmful slurs has increased current risk-assessment 


 The Mars 2020 Perseverance by 273 percent. process and response 
mission is part of NASA’s Moon “With rapidly changing and timeline for viral hate speech 
to Mars exploration approach, unclear policies on content and disinformation? 
which includes Artemis moderation on Twitter, To read the full letter visit: 
missions to the Moon that amid documented negative 

will help prepare for human trends and public evidence, 
exploration of the Red Planet.

 JPL, which is managed for 
NASA by Caltech in Pasadena, 
California, built and manages 
operations of the Perseverance 

 For more about Perseverance: 

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