Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, December 24, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 6

Mountain View News Saturday, December 24, 2022 
Mountain View News Saturday, December 24, 2022 
San Marino UpcomingEvents & Programming 

Holiday Parking Information

 Overnight parking passes will not be required for vehicles now 
through the morning of January 4. For more information onovernight parking, please call the Police Department at (626)
Facility Closures

 City Hall is closed December 23-26 and the Crowell PublicLibrary is closed December 24-25.
Stay Alert & Vigilant

 The San Marino Police Department is urging you to stay vigilantand protect yourselves from criminal activity. Two individualshave been arrested for burglary in the past month due to unlockedfront doors. Lock the doors to your homes and vehicles, hidevaluables, and if you see suspicious activity, report it to the PoliceDepartment immediately by calling (626) 300-0720.
Holiday Tree Curbside Collection

 Athens Services will be providing their annual Holiday treecurbside collection, beginning on Monday, December 26th, 2022through Friday, January 6th, 2023. During this time period,
residents may set out their Holiday trees on the curb for collectionon their regularly scheduled trash collection day, at no additionalcost. Residents are reminded to remove all ornaments and 
decorations from the tree, and to cut any trees over 6 feet tall intosegments to assist Athens with collecting. Residents can report anyissues to Athens by visiting their website or calling (888) 336-6100. 

Pasadena Senior Center 
Winter Courses for Free

 Nobody is too old to learn something new. Enjoyment andfulfillment should extend throughout every person’s life to ensurehealthy aging. In fact, having new experiences and learning new 
things can reduce stress, improve brain function and create newopportunities for social interaction.

 The Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. Holly St., offers dozens of 
winter classes for members ranging from dance, exercise/fitness,
hobbies/special interests and technology.

Known as Class Tasting, samplings of 13 of the 32 courseswill take place Tuesday, Jan. 3, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. andWednesday, Jan. 4, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Some samplings willbe onsite at the Pasadena Senior Center and others will be online 
via Zoom. Everyone who registers for sample classes via Zoom 
will receive an email link to the Class Tasting.

As the Jan. 6 registration deadline approaches for the full courses,
members and nonmembers of the Pasadena Senior Center can 
sample the most popular offerings for free by attending 30-minute 
mini-class sessions, meeting the instructors and learning moreabout the courses. 
Tuesday, Jan. 310 a.m. – Strength Training via Zoom10 a.m. – Beginner/Intermediate Tap Dancing in the DanceStudio 

10:30 a.m. – Intermedia/Advanced French in the CommunityRoom 
12 p.m. – The Art and Joy of Sewing in the Cliff Benedict Room
12:30 p.m. – Zumba Gold in the East PavilionWednesday, Jan. 49 a.m. – Yoga in the East Pavilion
9:30 a.m. – Beginner French in the Community Room
10:30 a.m. – Intermediate/Advanced French in the CommunityRoom 
11 a.m. – Qigong and Tai Chi in the East Pavilion12 p.m. – BollyX in the East Pavilion1 p.m. – Ballroom Dancing in the Dance Studio
1:30 p.m. – Ballroom Line Dancing in the Dance Studio
1:30 p.m. – “Let Us Play” Improv in the Cliff Benedict RoomHow to Register
To register for Class Tastings, visit: pasadenaseniorcenter.organd click on Lectures & Classes, then Class Tasting, then RegisterOnline or call 626-795-4331. 

The regular winter course schedule will be offered beginning 
Jan. 9 and will continue through mid-March. Most classes are 
once a week and some are twice a week. After sampling classesfor free Jan. 3 and 4, register for courses at: pasadenaseniorcenter.
org (click on Classes and Lectures, then Classes) or pick up aregistration form at the center’s Welcome Desk. The registrationdeadline is Jan. 6. 

 While Class Tastings/Sample Classes are available to members 
and nonmembers of the Pasadena Senior Center, Jan. 9 to mid-
March courses are available to members only.

Most courses range from $45 to $65. Scholarships for low-incomemembers are available on a limited basis. Ask for scholarshipinformation and applications at the Welcome Desk.

For more information, visit the website or call (626) 795-4331. 

Tanya Tucker To CloseOut Rose Parade as a 
Part Of The Grand Finale 

The Pasadena Tournament album with all-new music co-
of Roses joins The Mansion produced by Brandi Carlile andEntertainment Group in Shooter Jennings.
announcing Wednesday the The Grand Finale is 
highly anticipated Grand presented by The Mansion 
Finale of the 134th Rose Entertainment Group, whichParade presented by Honda on encompasses a well-defined 
Monday, January 2, 2023. As brand of global entertainmentthe two-hour mark approaches production entities includingand the final float begins its the internationally award-
trip down Colorado Blvd., two-winning Mansion Animation, 
time GRAMMY winner Tanya Mansion Sound, Mansion 
Tucker will delight audiences Film & Television and 
with a performance of her Mansion Studios. As the 
current single, “Ready as I’ll presenting sponsor of the 
Never Be.” Grand Finale, their historic

In true Tanya style, she’ll family entertainment venue,
be arriving at The Mansion The Mansion Theatre For The 
Entertainment Group float on Performing Arts in Branson,
a Black Friesian horse! She will Missouri, will be showcasedthen be joined by Pasadena’s on an unforgettable floral 
First AME Praise Team choir float. From the soaring circularfor the performance of the ceiling and magnificent regal 
song, which was produced by staircase in the grand lobbyShooter Jennings. Featured on to the three iconic horses 
her forthcoming album and welcoming you to the venue.
in her new documentary film The theatre is celebrating its“The Return of Tanya Tucker 30th iconic anniversary in 

– Featuring Brandi Carlile,” the 2023. 
song has garnered Oscar buzz With its theme, “Turning thefor the 2023 Academy Awards®. Corner,” the 2023 Rose Parade 
Following this unforgettable celebrates turning a corner.
performance, Tucker will ride Whether that corner is actual— 
down the 5.5-mile parade like the one at the famous turn, 
route. signaling the parade’s start, or
A defining voice of music figurative like the unlimitedfor more than 50 years and a potential that each new yearmodern-day legend, Tanya brings—we all enjoy the 
continues to inspire artists opportunity of a fresh start.
today. Tanya had her first Turning a corner means risingcountry hit, the classic “Delta above – alone, or with family,
Dawn,” at the age of 13 in friends and community, – it 
1972. Since that auspicious means realizing dreams andbeginning, she has become pursuing possibility. This year,
one of the most admired and as we turn the corner together,
influential artists in music we share in the hope, beautyhistory, amassing 23 Top 40 and joy of what 2023 willalbums and a stellar string of bring.
56 Top 40 singles, 10 of which For millions of viewers around 
reached the No. 1 spot on the the world, the Rose ParadeBillboard country charts. In is an iconic tradition at the 
December 2022, Tanya made beginning of the new year. Joinher acting debut in a lead role us on Monday, January 2, 2023,
in Paramount’s “A Nashville to experience the floats, bandsCountry Christmas,” starring and equestrians as they paradealongside Academy Award® down Colorado Blvd. 
winner Keith Carradine. In For more information, visit:
2023, Tanya will release a new 

Library Recruits Volunteersfor Teen Advisory Board

 The South Pasadena 2023 Teen Advisory BoardPublic Library is currently (TAB). TAB is a small 
recruiting for the Spring group of teens, grades 8-12,

dedicated to helping and 

improving the Library. TABmembers will be required 
to attend our three regularmeetings throughout the 
semester as well as volunteer 
at least one afternoon 
a month at the Library.
The ways TAB members 
contribute include assistingwith projects such as craftactivity preparation at the 
library, helping staff at 
Library events, re-stockingthe Little Free Library, andwriting book reviews. The 
Spring 2023 TAB will havetheir first in-person meetingat the Library on January 18at 4:30 p.m. and then meetagain as a board on March 1 
and April 19. TAB memberswill earn community servicehours for each meeting theyattend and for time spentassisting with programs orhelping out the Library.

Teens must complete a 
Library Teen Volunteer 
web form to apply. Newvolunteers to the librarymust also complete a CityVolunteer Application,
which must be signed by aparent or guardian. The CityVolunteer Application maybe dropped off or emailed 
to TAB Librarian Anne 
Armacost at aarmacost@ For 
more information visit:
The Spring Teen AdvisoryBoard will consist of 20 
members and positions arefilled on a first come basis. 
Questions? Contact Anne 
Armacost at aarmacost@ or call(626) 403-7358. 

Holiday 'Shop With A Cop' 

personal stories about some

The Police Department’s of the children’s backgrounds,
Community Relations Section family and life circumstances.
held a Holiday “Shop With Special thanks to all who tookA Cop” event, in partnership part: Deputy Chief Art Chute,
with Target and the Boys and Commander Bill Grisafe,
Girls Club of Pasadena, on Lieutenants Sean Dawkins,
Thursday, December 15 in Monica Cuellar, Rudy Lemos,
which 19 children were joined and Tim Bundy, Sergeantby volunteers from the Police Rich Padilla, Corporals DavidDepartment who took them Llanes and Cristian Allen,
shopping for holiday gifts Officers Brian Petrella, Jarvisand toys. It was a fun, worthy Shelby, Erick Urquieta, Charlesevent. They got to bond with Tucker, Jared Bledsoe, Taisynthe officers they were with Crutchfield, Kyle Hazen,
and experience a positive Michael Patarino, and Haileyinteraction with the police that Saurenman, and Pasadena 
they can take back and relate to Police Department Volunteer 
their friends and families. Jason Helscher, for bringing

The Officers who participated out the Mobile Command 
were regaled with poignant Post. 

NASA Retires InSight LanderMission after Years of Science 

The mission has 
concluded that the solar-
powered lander has runout of energy after morethan four years on theRed Planet.

 NASA’s InSight mission hasended after more than four 
years of collecting uniquescience on Mars.

 Mission controllers at the 
agency’s Jet PropulsionLaboratory in Southern 
California were unable to 
contact the lander after 
two consecutive attempts,
leading them to conclude thespacecraft’s solar-poweredbatteries have run out of energy 

– a state engineers refer to as 
“dead bus.” 
NASA had previously decidedto declare the mission over 
if the lander missed two 
communication attempts. The 
agency will continue to listenfor a signal from the lander,
just in case, but hearing fromit at this point is consideredunlikely. The last time InSightcommunicated with Earth was 
Dec. 15.

 “I watched the launch and 
landing of this mission, andwhile saying goodbye to aspacecraft is always sad, thefascinating science InSightconducted is cause for 
celebration,” said Thomas 
Zurbuchen, associate 
administrator of NASA’s 
Science Mission Directorate 
in Washington. “The seismicdata alone from this DiscoveryProgram mission offers 
tremendous insights not justinto Mars but other rockybodies, including Earth.”

Short for Interior Explorationusing Seismic Investigations,
Geodesy and Heat Transport,
InSight set out to studythe deep interior of Mars. 
The lander data has yieldeddetails about Mars’ interior 
layers, the surprisingly strongremnants beneath the surface 
of its extinct magnetic dynamo,
weather on this part of Mars,
and lots of quake activity.

Its highly sensitive 
seismometer, along with 
daily monitoring performedby the French space agencyCentre National d’Études 
Spatiales (CNES) and the 
Marsquake Service managedby ETH Zurich, detected 1,319marsquakes, including quakescaused by meteoroid impacts,
the largest of which unearthedboulder-size chunks of ice late 
last year.

Such impacts help scientistsdetermine the age of the 
planet’s surface, and data fromthe seismometer providesscientists a way to study theplanet’s crust, mantle, and 

 “With InSight, seismologywas the focus of a mission 
beyond Earth for the first timesince the Apollo missions,
when astronauts broughtseismometers to the Moon,”
said Philippe Lognonné of 

Institut de Physique du Globede Paris, principal investigatorof InSight’s seismometer. “Webroke new ground, and ourscience team can be proud of 
all that we’ve learned along theway.”

The seismometer was the 
last science instrument that 
remained powered on as dustaccumulating on the lander’ssolar panels gradually reducedits energy, a process that beganbefore NASA extended the 
mission earlier this year.

“InSight has more than livedup to its name. As a scientistwho’s spent a career studyingMars, it’s been a thrill to seewhat the lander has achieved,
thanks to an entire team of 
people across the globe whohelped make this mission asuccess,” said Laurie Leshin,
director of JPL, which manages 
the mission. “Yes, it’s sad to saygoodbye, but InSight’s legacywill live on, informing and 

All Mars missions face 
challenges, and InSight was no 
different. The lander featured 
a self-hammering spike – 
nicknamed “the mole” – that 
was intended to dig 16 feet(5 meters) down, trailing asensor-laden tether that would 
measure heat within the planet,
enabling scientists to calculatehow much energy was left overfrom Mars’ formation.

 Designed for the loose, sandysoil seen on other missions,
the mole could not gaintraction in the unexpectedlyclumpy soil around InSight.
The instrument, which wasprovided by the German 
Aerospace Center (DLR),
eventually buried its 16-inch(40-centimeter) probe justslightly below the surface,
collecting valuable data on 
the physical and thermal 
properties of the Martian soilalong the way. This is useful forany future human or roboticmissions that attempt to digunderground.

The mission buried the mole 
to the extent possible thanksto engineers at JPL and DLRusing the lander’s robotic armin inventive ways. Primarilyintended to set science 
instruments on the Martian 
surface, the arm and its small 
scoop also helped remove dustfrom InSight’s solar panelsas power began to diminish.
Counterintuitively, the mission 
determined they could sprinkledirt from the scoop onto thepanels during windy days,
allowing the falling granulesto gently sweep dust off thepanels.

“We’ve thought of InSightas our friend and colleagueon Mars for the past four 
years, so it’s hard to saygoodbye,” said Bruce Banerdtof JPL, the mission’s principal 
investigator. “But it has 
earned its richly deserved 

 For more information about 
the mission, please go to: nasa.

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