Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, April 15, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 8


Mountain View News Saturday, April 15, 2023 

Rate set to 

Tournament Announces 
Eight 2023 Rose Scholars

The City of Pasadena 
announced Thursday 
that local employers and 
employees need to know 
that the city’s minimum 
wage is set to increase from 
$16.11 per hour to $16.93 
per hour for all businesses, 
regardless of size, on July 1.

 On March 14, 2016, the 
Pasadena City Council 
adopted its own minimum 
wage ordinance. Pasadena’s 
minimum wage rules were 
approved prior to the 
State of California’s action, 
and the state’s minimum 
wage does not preempt 
Pasadena’s minimum wage 
ordinance. Pasadena’s 
minimum wage is different 
from the state’s and provides 
for a steeper increase in the 
minimum wage. After a 
series of prescribed annual 
increases, Pasadena’s 
minimum wage is now 
adjusted by an amount 
equal to the change in the 
consumer price index. The 
new wage rate will remain 
in effect until June 30, 
2024, when it will again be 

 Recognizing the 
importance of the local 
minimum wage and 
particularly its impact 
on low-wage earners and 
members of the immigrant 
community, Planning & 
Community Development 
Director Jennifer Paige 
noted that workers at all 
levels bring vibrance and 
vitality to the local economy. 
Employees can share in 
Pasadena’s prosperity made 
possible, in large part, by 
the City Council’s vision in 
requiring payment of a fair 
and just minimum wage.

 For more information on 
the Pasadena Minimum 
Wage Ordinance, visit: bit.

 The Pasadena Tournament of 
Roses Association announced 
Thursday that they have selected 
eight high school seniors as 
the 2023 ROSE Scholars. This 
year, the program awarded 
$20,000 in scholarships to 
eight graduating seniors 
from the Pasadena Unified 
School District (PUSD). ROSE 
Scholars, presented by Citizens 
Business Bank, is a program 
designed to help students in our 
community thrive and to foster 
their potential.

2023 ROSE Scholars are:

Arleth Angeles – Marshall 
Fundamental Secondary School

Katelyn Castillo– Marshall 
Fundamental Secondary School

Stephanie Barcenas – Marshall 
Fundamental Secondary School

Valeria Hernandez – Marshall 
Fundamental Secondary School

Naomi Blas – John Muir High 

Amina Malone – Marshall 
Fundamental Secondary School

Giselle Carlos – Marshall 
Fundamental Secondary School

Diana Sanchez – Rose City High 

 For more information 
about the students visit:

 As part of the application 
process, students were invited 
to submit a creative piece that 
reflected their future dreams, 
goals and aspirations. A one-
page reflection describing their 
thoughts and feelings about the 
piece was also required, as well 
as still images of their work and 
a video recording describing 
their inspiration. Instead of a 
minimum GPA requirement, 
applicants were asked to obtain 
a recommendation from a 
teacher, coach, counselor or 
community member.

 David Brager, President 
and Chief Executive Officer 
of Citizens Business Bank, 
expressed his support and 
enthusiasm for the 2023 Rose 
Scholars program. 

 “Here at the Tournament of 
Roses, we celebrate creativity 
and the 2023 Rose Scholars 
are proof of that,” said Alex 
Aghajanian, 2024 Tournament 
of Roses President. “We are 
thrilled to recognize these 
students and provide them with 
scholarships to further their 
passions. Thank you to David 
Brager and Citizens Business 
Bank for your partnership and 
giving the Tournament of Roses 
Association the opportunity 
to uplift these amazing young 

 The Association and 
the Tournament of Roses 
Foundation are focused on 
positively impacting the 
Pasadena community with 
charitable giving, volunteerism 
and community involvement..

City to Look at Naming of Nature Preserve

 The Pasadena city council 
is set Monday to change to 
entire process of naming city 
parks after council members 
expressed concerns about 
the limited amount of public 
input –specifically as it relates 
to a new park located at 1410 
Wierfield Drive to be named 
“Annandale Canyon Nature 

 According to the council’s 
agenda report, the city 
received a letter in October 
from the Linda Vista - 
Annandale Association about 
the public input process and, 
at the same time, offered 
a modified park name 
suggestion: “Annandale 
Canyon Nature Preserve”. The 
Association said by adding 
“Nature” the name might 
not be interpreted as being a 
private area.

 “The current policy [naming 
parks] states that the city will 
notify and accept input from 
all property owners within 
a 1,000-foot radius of the 
subject site. The proposed 
name change, along with any 
input received from property 
owners will be considered 
by the Recreation and Parks 
Commission at a public 

 The proposed, expanded 
changes regarding the policy’s 
public outreach include 
notifying and accepting input 
from the following:

Mayor and Councilmembers

City’s social media platforms

Neighborhood associations 
(within subject matter City 
Council District)

Any relevant stakeholders

 In addition, a 30-day public 
input collection period would 
be added to the policy.

 The intent of these changes 
is to expand public outreach 
beyond the surrounding

property owners and allow 
a larger segment of the 
community to recommend 
names for

parks and recreational 
facilities, city staff said. 

 The council is expected to 
vote on both issues as one 
motion under their Consent 
Calendar, unless removed for 
separate discussion.

 The council meets at 4:30 
p.m. in the Pasadena City 
Council Chamber, Room 
S249 at City Hall. 

 Public comment can be 
made both in-person and 

 For more information visit

PWP Meeting 
to Shape 
Energy Future

 Pasadena Water and Power 
(PWP) is hosting a Power 
Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 
virtual community meeting on 
Thursday, April 27. This is the 
second community meeting 
focused on receiving feedback 
about the Power IRP, a long-
range blueprint for supplying 
reliable and environmentally 
responsible electricity at 
competitive rates over a 25-year 

 The meeting will run from 6 8 p.m.

 PWP has developed IRPs for 
more than 20 years to address 
the fundamental goal of 
maintaining a reliable power 
supply portfolio. This includes 
meeting customer needs while 
minimizing electric rate impacts 
and volatility, and meeting or 
exceeding sustainability goals 
and mandates. PWP produces 
an IRP every five years as 
required by law and issues 
periodic, voluntary updates 
when necessary.

 Both residential and 
commercial customers are 
invited to attend the meeting 
and join in the discussion. To 
view recordings of past Power 
IRP meetings and stay up 
to date on Power IRP news, 
including information on 
future meetings, visit the PWP 

 Virtual Meeting Details

Zoom meeting link: us02web.

Webinar ID: 864 1534 9561

 For accessibility information or 
to request an accommodation, 
contact (626) 744-7311 or 
Providing at least 72 hours 
advance notice will help ensure 

 Pasadena Water and Power 
(PWP) provides electricity to 
more than 65,000 customers 
within Pasadena. PWP 
delivers water to almost 38,000 
households and businesses 
in Pasadena and adjacent 
communities in the San Gabriel 

Masters Series Theme: Art of 
Revolutionary Impressionists 

Sara Milonovich Brings NY 
Alt-Country to Altadena


 The next term of The Masters 
Series, presented by the 
Pasadena Senior Center for 
members and nonmembers 
50 and older, will focus on 
19th century impressionist 
artists Tuesdays, April 18 to 
May 23, from 2 to 4 p.m. via 

 Art historian Katherine E. 
Zoraster, whose specialty is 
art from the Renaissance to 
the 20th century, will lead 
the multimedia sessions with 
a look at how 19th century 
impressionist artists rebelled 
against standards of the day 
to emerge as some of the 
most influential and beloved 
artists of all time. She also 
will explore impressionists’ 
styles and inspirations as 
well as their intertwined 
lives, the world in which they 
lived and painted and their 
lasting impact on the next 
generation of artists. 

 Radicals in their time, 
early impressionists violated 
the rules of traditional 
academic painting. Artists 
who exemplify the iconic 
movement include Edgar 
Degas, Claude Monet, Alfred 
Sisley, Pierre Auguste Renoir, 
Frédéric Bazille, Mary 
Cassatt, Camille Pissarro and 

Each of the six-week 
presentations will have a 
different topic: 

April 18: In Advance of 
Impressionism: Manet, 
Baudelaire and “Modern 

April 25: Formulations of the 
Impressionist Movement 

May 2: Capturing Fleeting 
Moments – Monet and 

May 9: Urban landscapes – 
Degas and Caillebotte 

May 16: Women of 

May 23: Impressionism 

 The cost for the series is 
only $75 for members of the 
Pasadena Senior Center and 
$90 for nonmembers. 

 To register for the 
Zoom series, visit www. 
and click on Lectures & 
Classes, then Masters Series 
Lifelong Learning. Everyone 
who registers will receive 
email instructions for joining 
each week’s Zoom class 

 For more information, call 

 In addition to online 
classes, onsite events and 
other activities, members 
and nonmembers of the 
Pasadena Senior Center 
are encouraged to visit 
the website regularly for a 
quarterly online magazine, 
free food delivery for older 
adults in need, COVID 
updates specifically for older 
adults and more. 

 The center is an independent, 
donor-supported nonprofit 
organization that has served 
older adults for more than 60 
years. Extended spring and 
summer hours are Monday 
through Friday from 8:30 
a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday 
from 8 a.m. to noon. 

New York singer/songwriter/
fiddler Sara Milonovich, along 
with guitarist Greg Anderson, 
are set to make their debut at 
Coffee Gallery Backstage in 
Altadena Thursday, the show 
will start at 8 pm.

 Milonovich’s music delivers a 
heady harvest of original roots, 
folk, and alt-Americana gems.

Her latest album, ‘Northeast’, 
is packed with atmospheric, 
powerful pieces, most written 
by Milonovich, with words 
that paint poignant, personal 
scenes, and melodies that linger 
long after the last listen. As an 
interpreter Sara is a singular 
force as well, weaving her own 
experiences and artistic voice 
through the threads of well-
chosen, lived-in covers of songs 
by the likes of Josh Ritter, Karine 
Polwart, Joe Strummer, and Led 

 Raised on her family’s working 
farm in northeast upstate New 
York, she started on violin at 
age four and rapidly established 
a regional reputation as a 
top-flight fiddler. She will be 
joined by her longtime musical 
partner, guitarist and producer, 
Greg Anderson.

 Coffee Gallery Backstage is 
located at 2029 N. Lake Ave., 
Altadena, CA 91001. For more 
information, call 626.798.6236 
or go to https://coffeegallery.
com. Admission to the show 
is $20 (venue is cash only). 
Reservations are strongly 

Housing Board 
Moved to Wed.

 City officials announced 
that the Pasadena 
Rental Housing Board 
appointments, which were 
anticipated to occur on 
Monday, have been moved 
to a special City Council 
meeting that will be held 
on Wednesday, at 5:30 p.m. 

 Measure H, “The Pasadena 
Charter Amendment 
Initiative Petition Measure 
Imposing Rent Control," 
received 53.8 percent of 
the votes cast and deemed 
approved. City Charter 
Section 1811 requires the 
City Clerk to provide forms 
and to accept applications 
on behalf of the City 
Council for appointment to 
the PRHB.

 Required by Measure 
H, City staff made 
preparations to organize 
and establish the PRHB, as 
that is the body responsible 
for implementation of 
Measure H.

 For more details on the 
PRHB and the meeting 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: